

Well my high school got a snowday fort the first time in 5 years, anyone else get a snowday recently?
Most local schools were closed today because of the cold. Because of the cold.

In my day (yeah, I said it) I recall walking to school when the wind chill was approaching -30F.
[quote name='Allnatural']Most local schools were closed today because of the cold. Because of the cold.

In my day (yeah, I said it) I recall walking to school when the wind chill was approaching -30F.[/quote]Yeah, all Cleveland schools are closed today, and probably tomorrow, due to wind chill. But I'm not in school.

And if you walked to school in -30 wind chill, you probably have some frostbite.
[quote name='Allnatural']Most local schools were closed today because of the cold. Because of the cold.

In my day (yeah, I said it) I recall walking to school when the wind chill was approaching -30F.[/QUOTE]

Want to hear something sick?

When my wife and I went to Kazahkstan (in Siberia) they closed down the whole country for like 2 months because it got too cold -40. The big joke they had when it was that cold the only way to get around was run, cause the cars wouldnt work and if you walked your freeze........
that is fucking cold
[quote name='chimpian']Want to hear something sick?

When my wife and I went to Kazahkstan (in Siberia) they closed down the whole country for like 2 months because it got too cold -40. The big joke they had when it was that cold the only way to get around was run, cause the cars wouldnt work and if you walked your freeze........
that is fucking cold[/QUOTE]
That is pretty amazing. I would love to go to Siberia. I'd be all survivor man up in that bitch.
I don't remember the last time it snowed here.. and I really doubt it ever will again.

Snow is terrified of this part of the state.
We got two last week. We spent our first snow day trying to sabotage the plowman so we could get an extra day off, instead of just enjoying our first day. :D
[quote name='cyrix`']Well my high school got a snowday fort the first time in 5 years, anyone else get a snowday recently?[/QUOTE]

Damn, you live in the town over from me. You had snow? Cause we sure didn't here in Columbus. Or was it just canceled due to the crazy ass wind chill?
omg all of us are from ohio and yah I was talking about our "cold" day its just I said snowday. Best part is it ain't even that cold out.
Pfft, wait until you go to college. They don't cancel classes for shit. Nothing better than walking into a -7 windchill to take a lameass calculus exam.
I had a cold day today. They could not get the busses started.

We had a snow day in November this year already. I was lucky to be in Florida at the time.

My last year of college, I had a snow day during Finals. They were rescheduled on Saturday, so that sucked.
We got some ice days a couple weeks ago, since no one here can drive in the ice (seriously, they practically shut the city down).
Most of the schools out where I used to live closed today (Utica, NY). My friend was sent home from work early due to the lake effect snow.
It hard for a large city like nyc to have no school or close business down.It hurt ecconimic community too much since it affects over 8 million people and we are the finicial center of usa.Schools can't afford students falling behind in class.

The most of saw was 1 or 2 days of closed business after 20+ foot of snowfall.Anything less then that is business as usual,just trucks constantly plowing or salting roads 24/7
My school has had 3 days off because of snow and we would've had at least 5 days off because of power outages, but that happend as soon as Christmas break started.
[quote name='cyrix`']omg all of us are from ohio and yah I was talking about our "cold" day its just I said snowday. Best part is it ain't even that cold out.[/QUOTE]

Dude, try walking in -16F windchill 15 minutes to class once you get to college and then tell me "it's not that cold out."
Reality's Fringe;2639501]Pfft said:
What a coincidence...I to had to go take a calculus exam today, except it was like -19 windchill.

[quote name='Mattte']Thats what I thought, until I woke up this morning and found out classes were canceled all day and most likely tommorrow.

Lucky you....:bomb:
I remember we had a snowday my first year of college. God damn the dorms were CRAZY, it was like a giant party the entire day.
Back home in DC it had to damn near be a blizzard before they even considered shutting school down, while in MD and northern VA, schools got out if so much as a single snow flurry touched the ground. :bomb:
Reality's Fringe;2639501]Pfft said:
We had a ridonkulous snow storm at my school back in December and that was the first time in my school's 157 year history that they've cancelled classes. It was kinda cool.
It felt like summer today in Central Florida. A bunch of pitiful rain showers and the sun was bright as fuck. I'd love just a little snow.
All I know is that I'm trudging to teach my 9 AM class tomorrow and I'm about 90% sure that I'm going to have only half of my students there, at best.

The worst part? The ones that don't show are all going to get severely docked for not showing up, especially since a few of them thought it would be a good idea to rack up plenty of absences already. I would ordinarily feel somewhat bad about docking someone by half a letter grade from their final grade but they were warned two, three times about not wasting their absences early on because they don't like the Monday after Super Bowl, or the second week of class is too rough, or that 9 AM is just a silly time to wake up.

Oh well. I'm getting a good laugh out of the undergrads around here who are hoping for a snow day tomorrow. There's only around four or five inches of snow on the ground, a bit of ice, and the plows and sanders are out. They don't have a chance in hell, but it's nice to see these hopefuls boozing it up as if a miracle is going to happen.
damn, while every other county made a desision at 10pm to CLOSE for Wednesday , FAIRFAX COUNTY decided to wait on there asses UNTIL 4:30AM to close the county. Good, now I can do other pre V-day night stuff :)
Too bad they don't cancel work. Aparrently it's too dangerous for kids to be traveling to school but it's safe enough for all of us working slaves to go earn money for our bosses.
[quote name='botticus']Yeah, all Cleveland schools are closed today, and probably tomorrow, due to wind chill. But I'm not in school.

And if you walked to school in -30 wind chill, you probably have some frostbite.[/quote]

The Shaker Heights superintendent was getting more than an ear full from a lot of people. I heard him on the news apologizing for waiting until about 7:15 this morning to close schools. By then, a lot of staff, parents, and kids were probably trying to make it in.
[quote name='javeryh']Too bad they don't cancel work. Aparrently it's too dangerous for kids to be traveling to school but it's safe enough for all of us working slaves to go earn money for our bosses.[/quote]Actually, my fiancee's work was closed, due to all the schools being closed and almost everyone there being mothers having to attend to their children.

I got out of going to work simply because my car is buried in 8 inches of snow. Working from home would be okay, but my internet has decided to be worthless (illustrated by CAG timing out as I tried to submit this) so the remote connection ain't doin much for me. Ah well.
We decided to not have work today due to the weather since it would have been difficult for the employees to get there with ice everywhere, but just because I was curious I checked Temple's website to see if they closed and of course they are open (I never had a snow day at Temple and heard they never close for snow)
shit my road isn't plowed yet :whistle2:O

If they don't plow in the next few hours, my v-day trip might be a dangerous one :whistle2:(
Eh, I wish my work was canceled. I hit a patch of ice going 20 down a main road here in the Detroit area (normal speed limit 45), and hit a patch of ice. I spun around half ways and dinked a road side. Had a small part of my bumper crack, but otherwise no damage. Luckily, I wasn't stuck in a ditch either, so I could continue on to work).

Have to pick up some touchup paint over the weekend.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']We decided to not have work today due to the weather since it would have been difficult for the employees to get there with ice everywhere, but just because I was curious I checked Temple's website to see if they closed and of course they are open (I never had a snow day at Temple and heard they never close for snow)[/QUOTE]

WTF? You go to Temple?
its not so cold out here, but its hailing..and those things sting..yea i know bla bla bla, but really its ilke 3-4 inches, and no school is open..well maybe a few, but woo :)
No work for me today (Pizza Hut). My boss was forced to open the store despite the level 3 emergency (roads closed to non-emergency vehicles). He said he'd keep it open for the fools that wanted to come in and pick up a pizza, but he wasn't running delivery...unless I wanted to come in. I said, "see you tomorrow." :D
[quote name='Allnatural']No work for me today (Pizza Hut). My boss was forced to open the store despite the level 3 emergency (roads closed to non-emergency vehicles). He said he'd keep it open for the fools that wanted to come in and pick up a pizza, but he wasn't running delivery...unless I wanted to come in. I said, "see you tomorrow." :D[/QUOTE]
Can't you get arrested if you're caught driving in a level 3 emergency? Is your boss retarded?
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Can't you get arrested if you're caught driving in a level 3 emergency? Is your boss retarded?[/quote]
Wasn't his choice. His boss said, "open your store or lose your job."

They did reduce it to a level 2 at 2:00, but he was in at 1:20 when I called. My brother was in even earlier (he manages another location).
Class was cancelled at UIUC (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) today and yesterday, yesterday being the first time they cancelled class since 1979. Hot Damn!
[quote name='Allnatural']Wasn't his choice. His boss said, "open your store or lose your job."

They did reduce it to a level 2 at 2:00, but he was in at 1:20 when I called. My brother was in even earlier (he manages another location).[/QUOTE]

Then, is your boss's boss retarded?
As I sit here in California with 70 degree temperatures, this is what I am missing out on back home in Springfield, Illinois. My cousin Amber took the picture:

We are open here in Boston. It is a shitshow out there. It's been sleeting all day. It was actually painful to walk around outside during my lunch break.
bread's done