So Anyone Liking Topher Grace Playing Venom in Spider-Man 3?


48 (100%)

I've been hyped since childhood (well, since probably 7 years old ever since Marvel announced a Venom movie was in production before it got canned) about Venom being in a movie since he's the only real character from Comic Books that I grew up liking (still don't like too many others aside from The Goon, The Punisher, and Deadpool)... it's like an old love I guess you could say.

Now when I heard of the possability of Venom/Eddie Brock in Spider-man 3, I was happy (even though I thought Spider-man 2 was a so-so movie...). I had been hoping since Spider Man 1's release that he would be in it, but oh well...

Then they say Topher Grace (That 70's Show) was playing him... It was awkward to me, but I've finally come to consideration that it's a perfect role (plus, I like topher in that hetero sexual way).

So I was just wondering what everyone else really thinks about this. I'm sure it'll all be fine and done when it's out, but I like to hear banter.


Side note: I actually don't watch or care about movies much (I litterally watch 25 movies max each year) but since I'm a diehard venom freak, I had to jump in.
I don't really mind him as Eddie Brock/Venom, although I was a bit taken back when I first heard about it. I just hope they don't make Venom a little bitch...
Has Venom even been confirmed yet? Brock might be there to set up events for a fourth film. I'm hoping this will be the case, since the film seems bloated with plot elements already.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Has Venom even been confirmed yet? Brock might be there to set up events for a fourth film. I'm hoping this will be the case, since the film seems bloated with plot elements already.[/quote]

No, he hasn't been confirmed. I agree that this is all probably setting up a fourth film, although I've heard a few times that Raimi only wants to do three (but he also said he would never touch Venom in a movie) and I believe all the cast is only signed for three movies. However, I really expect that Venom will just be at the very end in order to set-up a fourth movie like you said.
[quote name='ValkyrieVF-1S']Then they bring in Ratner for the fourth![/quote]

Here's my favorite scenario:

Spider-man 4
Director: Joel Schumacher
Spider-man: George Clooney
The Vulture: Arnold Schwarzenegger
[quote name='2Fast']Here's my favorite scenario:

Spider-man 4
Director: Joel Schumacher
Spider-man: George Clooney
The Vulture: Arnold Schwarzenegger[/quote]

Thank god I know you're joking. lol

If not, then know there is a special place in hell just for you lol
I'm optimistic. I think that he can pull it off and do it well. However if he fails, he will fail hard. I just hope whenever they do get Venom really going they make it great, he's always been Spiderman's greatest adversary and he deserves to look good in the movie.
I dont want him playing the rule but then again I hate who plays spiderman as well.

Theres lots of guys in hollywood that could filled those roles that guy from brokeback mountain jake jellinhall or whatever his name is was rumored to replace toby mguire when toby hurt his back making sea biscuit.

I wouldve liked for that to go down but it didnt.

Just because peter parker has to be weak doesnt mean he has to be clark kent and urkels lovechild filled with goofyness.

Back to venom tho I think that the charactor should be played by someone bigger than parker acting is great to concider but lets not forget the movie is suposed to be based around action dont hire guys that get hurt if they have to do a simple stunt then you have to push the movie back a couple of months.

HOPE that they do a venom movie but its just unlikely at this point.
I think it'd be great if they cap the Spiderman films as a trilogy and just do a solo VENOM movie next!

Honestly I've been fairly underwhelmed with the Spidey films so far (I just can't stand the casting choices...), so it'd be great if they just went out with a bang in this one and gave Venom the spotlight next.
[quote name='Gameboy415']I think it'd be great if they cap the Spiderman films as a trilogy and just do a solo VENOM movie next!

Honestly I've been fairly underwhelmed with the Spidey films so far (I just can't stand the casting choices...), so it'd be great if they just went out with a bang in this one and gave Venom the spotlight next.[/QUOTE]

150% with you on that one. Plus, I'd enjoy seeing Topher Grace playing a Hero/Villian.
I don't necessarily like it. Venom should be a roided-out, unstoppable nightmare version of Spider-Man. Half his appeal in the comics was his appearance. Unless the suit makes him huge when he puts it on (which would seem kind of dumb), he doesn't fit the part. Now CARNAGE? THAT would be a good part for That 70's Guy. Skinny little weasel psychopath.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I don't necessarily like it. Venom should be a roided-out, unstoppable nightmare version of Spider-Man. Half his appeal in the comics was his appearance. Unless the suit makes him huge when he puts it on (which would seem kind of dumb), he doesn't fit the part. Now CARNAGE? THAT would be a good part for That 70's Guy. Skinny little weasel psychopath.[/QUOTE]
Venom doesn't look like Eddie Brock, though. The symbiotic suit isn't form-fitting spandex, by any means...

If anything, Venom will be entirely CGed, as that would be the only way to properly duplicate the character on the big screen.

Hopefully, in the film, they don't make Venom a "bad-ass", as he abso-fucking-lutely wasn't, in the comics. He's one of the quirkiest characters in the Marvel library, lurking in alleyways, asking alley cats if they "NEED ANY SAVING!!!?", and threatening to eat peoples' brains to - quote - "look scary", and never going through with it.
Rumor is
that Topher only becomes Venom at the end for one fight, and dies at the end. Parker will have the suit for most of the movie.
I don't get why all of these gripes are solely hung up on appearance.

Brock represents an envious rival... That's a character, not an appearance. If he nails that role, he nails the role.
[quote name='Brak']I don't get why all of these gripes are solely hung up on appearance.

Brock represents an envious rival... That's a character, not an appearance. If he nails that role, he nails the role.[/QUOTE]

I'd actually say that his appearance is a PLUS, considering Venom looked so much like Spider-Man initially that people blamed the crimes of one on the other. And I'm sorry, but if you have Arnold Schwatzenegger standing next to Tobey Maguire, I don't care if they're wearing the same thing: you can tell tme apart. Topher Grace is the perfect choice to make Venom the Anti-Spidey that he never was in the comics.
[quote name='trq']I'd actually say that his appearance is a PLUS, considering Venom looked so much like Spider-Man initially that people blamed the crimes of one on the other. And I'm sorry, but if you have Arnold Schwatzenegger standing next to Tobey Maguire, I don't care if they're wearing the same thing: you can tell tme apart. Topher Grace is the perfect choice to make Venom the Anti-Spidey that he never was in the comics.[/QUOTE]
I was talking about Eddie Brock's appearance; not Venom's.
One of the guys who lives down the street from me, was some football star at one time. When I met him for the first time, when he and I were at the same party. (Some swanky get together, for some musician)

I thought he would be a perfect Eddie Brock. Oh, and the guy is Howie Long.




Never saw this one before, him checking out B. Spears - I'll have to give him shit about it.

So, Eddie Brock... am I right? He's been in some minor movies too... 5000 days to graceland and something else.
[quote name='Brak']I was talking about Eddie Brock's appearance; not Venom's.[/QUOTE]

I know; in a round about way, I was agreeing with you, I think.
I have no problem with Topher Grace as Brock and I think he'll do fine, especially with Raimi's directing. I also think Venom will end up being CG especially with what they are now capable of doing.
I have concerns about the 2 villian thing. I didn't like the fact that 2 villians were sharing screentime in the 80's-90's Batman films. Those movies were poorly scripted because they were juggling too many characters at the same time.

Why not keep it simple - Spiderman vs. the Sandman in one movie and Spiderman vs. Venom in another movie. Whats the point of putting them together? Does anyone agree with me?

EDIT: I have nothing against Grace doing the role. He has played a villian before (in a convincing small part). It was that drug movie 'Traffic'.
[quote name='the3rdkey']Five
Alex Trebec plays J.J.'s wife.[/quote]


That may actually be an improvement. :lol:
[quote name='KaneRobot']I don't necessarily like it. Venom should be a roided-out, unstoppable nightmare version of Spider-Man. Half his appeal in the comics was his appearance. Unless the suit makes him huge when he puts it on (which would seem kind of dumb), he doesn't fit the part. Now CARNAGE? THAT would be a good part for That 70's Guy. Skinny little weasel psychopath.[/QUOTE]

yehhh u def rite...i thot tha exact same thing

he would fit carnage perfectly seein as hes all small and crazy
[quote name='Brak']Venom doesn't look like Eddie Brock, though. The symbiotic suit isn't form-fitting spandex, by any means...

If anything, Venom will be entirely CGed, as that would be the only way to properly duplicate the character on the big screen.

Hopefully, in the film, they don't make Venom a "bad-ass", as he abso-fucking-lutely wasn't, in the comics. He's one of the quirkiest characters in the Marvel library, lurking in alleyways, asking alley cats if they "NEED ANY SAVING!!!?", and threatening to eat peoples' brains to - quote - "look scary", and never going through with it.[/QUOTE]

:lol: yes, sadly reading through my Venom comics from the 90's venom had some weird ass adventures. Heck the guy considered him self the protector of an underground city of hobos... sad life, not to mention a mullet... he slowly came into being a more interesting character probably starting with Venom: The Hunger, and then pretty well in Venom: Shiver stuff..., Not to mention that venom's apearance in ultimate spidey (I really can't stand Ultimate Eddy Brock, but love the alien story) gave him a huge boost.

From my guess, the movie will handle the Venom suit like the Ultimate story line where it's tied into parkers family, and the eddie brcok character will be more along the lines of the regular comic (though, last I read, Eddie supposedly already committed suicide).
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']:lol: yes, sadly reading through my Venom comics from the 90's venom had some weird ass adventures. Heck the guy considered him self the protector of an underground city of hobos... sad life, not to mention a mullet... he slowly came into being a more interesting character probably starting with Venom: The Hunger, and then pretty well in Venom: Shiver stuff..., Not to mention that venom's apearance in ultimate spidey (I really can't stand Ultimate Eddy Brock, but love the alien story) gave him a huge boost.

From my guess, the movie will handle the Venom suit like the Ultimate story line where it's tied into parkers family, and the eddie brcok character will be more along the lines of the regular comic (though, last I read, Eddie supposedly already committed suicide).[/QUOTE]

Eddie's still alive in the comics. He has terminal cancer though. Apparently he always had it but the alien symbiote suit was keeping it in check and keeping him alive. They just showed him this week in the hospital.

By the way, in the ultimate spider-man comics, the suit isn't an alien suit. I'm not sure if that's what you were getting at there with your line but the suit is actually something Eddie and Peter's dads created together as scientists.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Eddie's still alive in the comics. He has terminal cancer though. Apparently he always had it but the alien symbiote suit was keeping it in check and keeping him alive. They just showed him this week in the hospital.

By the way, in the ultimate spider-man comics, the suit isn't an alien suit. I'm not sure if that's what you were getting at there with your line but the suit is actually something Eddie and Peter's dads created together as scientists.[/QUOTE]

shows that I need to get back into reading comics... I'm a bit out of the loop, but the problem is that I only like to read up comics showing minor characters... thus I have a harder time reading marvel's big name titles.
well I guess I will share this rumor, not sure if its true, but seems legit, and spells out most of the movie, including the 4th villian
Only read on if you want to be spoiled. Seriously do not read on if you don’t want to be spoiled with plot points and who the baddie is.

Via: film ick


Personally, I have little doubt that Spider-Man 3 is going to use me as an emotional ashtray - and I can’t wait.

Want to know how many of these shots actually figure into the film overall? This is all real, genuine, big spoiler stuff.

“Read on if you dare…”

Where does Venom come from? Well, the symbiote clings to Peter after a date with MJ - like gum on his shoe to begin with, almost. As he sleeps, covers him - we see this in the trailer. When he wakes up, he’s hanging upside down on the side of a building - much like the final shot in the teaser. It’s the old werewolf thing - but used to dramatise Peter’s internal conflict. Venom adopts an appearance like the red/blue Spidey suit because Peter is wearing it when it covers him - though he’s not wearing the mask, so there’s a little dramatic license at play. Tut tut - can do better, Mr. Raimi. See me after class.

Before getting on Peter, the symbiote has a rather 50’s sci-fi origin, not unlike that of The Blob. It looks like Raimi has had a lot of fun with this element of the story.
Okay - back to the plot. How does Eddie Brock become Venom? Well, when Spidey is “caught” by the symbiote, Brock follows this Venom character to a church bell tower. He’s both trying to upstage Peter’s coverage in the Bugle, and also twist the knife into Spidey. Here, Peter manages to overcome the symbiote and rip himself free of the suit, but some of it falls onto Brock. That is, of course, all he needs to soon “become” Venom. We see plenty of shots from this sequence in the teaser, including Brock’s discovery of who is inside the suit just before the symbiote gets onto him.

The Venom-Brock does not look exactly like the Venom-Spidey, but more organic, more like the comic book Venom. This is, apparently, due to the fact that Spidey had the red/blue suit on, Brock does not. Peter’s split into two-halves in so many ways (Peter/Spidey, Spidey/Venom-Spidey, Peter/Dark Peter) that it would get confusing if the metaphorical values of each wasn’t so clear.
For most of the film, Spider-Man is in pursuit of Flint Marko, The Sandman, but we begin with an early Green Goblin/Spider-Man show-down - some of which is seen in the trailer - shot at night-time, Harry’s face is exposed clearly in most shots, you see him fly into the wall fist first. It is only at the end of the film that Spidey faces off against Venom. Thankfully, Harry herein comes to his aid in Green Goblin guise, showing that he too has won his own internal conflict much like Peter has. Hurrah for Harry.

Sadly, though, Harry is killed. Tears for Harry.

Aunt May also dies within he film’s running time. Trust me, you don’t want to know when and where.

Apparently, MJ does NOT die. I know I was expecting her to go, but if she does, it is somehow being kept an even bigger secret than the rest of these details.

All the business in the trailer with the ring? Well, apparently, there’s much ado about that piece of jewellery - and at one point, it even ends up in a pawn shop. The romance storylines from 1 and 2 are every bit as much of 3 - maybe more so.
The Venom-Brock villain is conclusively dispatched, though the symbiote itself survives - so whatever hack is handed the series after Raimi leaves (taking Maguire and Dunst with him, no doubt) will be able to resurrect some kind of Venom villain.

Dark Spidey, as it were - Peter before he has overcome Venom - is the one who courts Gwen Stacey. Problems in the relationship with MJ, as well as professional issues - both as a photographer and crime-fighting webslinger, as it were - compound to bring him down. Real down. Even downer than last time. That’s how Raimi, Sargent and co are using Venom - as a dramatic device to show Peter not just giving up on his great responsibility, but getting drunk on his great power.

Venom-Spidey fights some robbers, The Sandman and the Green Goblin before Peter dispels it in the bell-tower.

There are scenes inside Curt Connor’s lab, where he studies the symbiote, and these scenes are also used to set up the research that will, in the character’s story - though not in this movie - turn him into The Lizard. Take these teasing references more as tantalising morsels for the fanboy piranhas than concrete set-up for any subsequent film, however.

Spidey’s fights with the Sandman not only take place in the Armoured Car chase so well covered on this blog (I was on set for much of the shooting) but also, I am told, in the subway. The final fight, the four-way rumble with Spidey, The Sandman, Venom and Harry as the Green Goblin, takes place in a construction site.

The extra villain that everybody has been speculating about makes only a fleeting appearance, and then only in a very off-hand but amusing way. Bruce Campbell’s character this time around is Quentin Beck - known to fans of the comic as Mysterio. Again, don’t take this as set-up for a subsequent film, but if anybody ever does put Mysterio in a film and NOT cast Bruce Campbell, they’ll have hell to pay.

And of course, this also cleverly shines a new light on Campbell’s two previous cameo appearances. Hilarious.

I can now confirm that the Black Cat does not make any significant appearance in the film, despite existing, on paper, in various earlier conceptions. She appears to have been removed for and replaced with Gwen Stacey. She was there for “Dark Peter” to romance, but Stacey was possibly considered a better choice as the franchise will need a new sweetheart now Dunst has made her intentions to depart clear.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']well I guess I will share this rumor, not sure if its true, but seems legit, and spells out most of the movie, including the 4th villian
Only read on if you want to be spoiled. Seriously do not read on if you don’t want to be spoiled with plot points and who the baddie is.

Via: film ick


Personally, I have little doubt that Spider-Man 3 is going to use me as an emotional ashtray - and I can’t wait.

Want to know how many of these shots actually figure into the film overall? This is all real, genuine, big spoiler stuff.

“Read on if you dare…”

Where does Venom come from? Well, the symbiote clings to Peter after a date with MJ - like gum on his shoe to begin with, almost. As he sleeps, covers him - we see this in the trailer. When he wakes up, he’s hanging upside down on the side of a building - much like the final shot in the teaser. It’s the old werewolf thing - but used to dramatise Peter’s internal conflict. Venom adopts an appearance like the red/blue Spidey suit because Peter is wearing it when it covers him - though he’s not wearing the mask, so there’s a little dramatic license at play. Tut tut - can do better, Mr. Raimi. See me after class.

Before getting on Peter, the symbiote has a rather 50’s sci-fi origin, not unlike that of The Blob. It looks like Raimi has had a lot of fun with this element of the story.
Okay - back to the plot. How does Eddie Brock become Venom? Well, when Spidey is “caught” by the symbiote, Brock follows this Venom character to a church bell tower. He’s both trying to upstage Peter’s coverage in the Bugle, and also twist the knife into Spidey. Here, Peter manages to overcome the symbiote and rip himself free of the suit, but some of it falls onto Brock. That is, of course, all he needs to soon “become” Venom. We see plenty of shots from this sequence in the teaser, including Brock’s discovery of who is inside the suit just before the symbiote gets onto him.

The Venom-Brock does not look exactly like the Venom-Spidey, but more organic, more like the comic book Venom. This is, apparently, due to the fact that Spidey had the red/blue suit on, Brock does not. Peter’s split into two-halves in so many ways (Peter/Spidey, Spidey/Venom-Spidey, Peter/Dark Peter) that it would get confusing if the metaphorical values of each wasn’t so clear.
For most of the film, Spider-Man is in pursuit of Flint Marko, The Sandman, but we begin with an early Green Goblin/Spider-Man show-down - some of which is seen in the trailer - shot at night-time, Harry’s face is exposed clearly in most shots, you see him fly into the wall fist first. It is only at the end of the film that Spidey faces off against Venom. Thankfully, Harry herein comes to his aid in Green Goblin guise, showing that he too has won his own internal conflict much like Peter has. Hurrah for Harry.

Sadly, though, Harry is killed. Tears for Harry.

Aunt May also dies within he film’s running time. Trust me, you don’t want to know when and where.

Apparently, MJ does NOT die. I know I was expecting her to go, but if she does, it is somehow being kept an even bigger secret than the rest of these details.

All the business in the trailer with the ring? Well, apparently, there’s much ado about that piece of jewellery - and at one point, it even ends up in a pawn shop. The romance storylines from 1 and 2 are every bit as much of 3 - maybe more so.
The Venom-Brock villain is conclusively dispatched, though the symbiote itself survives - so whatever hack is handed the series after Raimi leaves (taking Maguire and Dunst with him, no doubt) will be able to resurrect some kind of Venom villain.

Dark Spidey, as it were - Peter before he has overcome Venom - is the one who courts Gwen Stacey. Problems in the relationship with MJ, as well as professional issues - both as a photographer and crime-fighting webslinger, as it were - compound to bring him down. Real down. Even downer than last time. That’s how Raimi, Sargent and co are using Venom - as a dramatic device to show Peter not just giving up on his great responsibility, but getting drunk on his great power.

Venom-Spidey fights some robbers, The Sandman and the Green Goblin before Peter dispels it in the bell-tower.

There are scenes inside Curt Connor’s lab, where he studies the symbiote, and these scenes are also used to set up the research that will, in the character’s story - though not in this movie - turn him into The Lizard. Take these teasing references more as tantalising morsels for the fanboy piranhas than concrete set-up for any subsequent film, however.

Spidey’s fights with the Sandman not only take place in the Armoured Car chase so well covered on this blog (I was on set for much of the shooting) but also, I am told, in the subway. The final fight, the four-way rumble with Spidey, The Sandman, Venom and Harry as the Green Goblin, takes place in a construction site.

The extra villain that everybody has been speculating about makes only a fleeting appearance, and then only in a very off-hand but amusing way. Bruce Campbell’s character this time around is Quentin Beck - known to fans of the comic as Mysterio. Again, don’t take this as set-up for a subsequent film, but if anybody ever does put Mysterio in a film and NOT cast Bruce Campbell, they’ll have hell to pay.

And of course, this also cleverly shines a new light on Campbell’s two previous cameo appearances. Hilarious.

I can now confirm that the Black Cat does not make any significant appearance in the film, despite existing, on paper, in various earlier conceptions. She appears to have been removed for and replaced with Gwen Stacey. She was there for “Dark Peter” to romance, but Stacey was possibly considered a better choice as the franchise will need a new sweetheart now Dunst has made her intentions to depart clear.

Wow, Bruce went from my favorite character/actor in the Spider-man movies to the all time best after reading that... badass...
Personally as much as I like Venom I also agree about the idea of Grace being Carnage as well as seeing Carnage just for the badass CGI. I mean Carnage IS basically a human blade for crying out loud.
[quote name='Brak']Venom doesn't look like Eddie Brock, though. The symbiotic suit isn't form-fitting spandex, by any means...

If anything, Venom will be entirely CGed, as that would be the only way to properly duplicate the character on the big screen.

Hopefully, in the film, they don't make Venom a "bad-ass", as he abso-fucking-lutely wasn't, in the comics. He's one of the quirkiest characters in the Marvel library, lurking in alleyways, asking alley cats if they "NEED ANY SAVING!!!?", and threatening to eat peoples' brains to - quote - "look scary", and never going through with it.[/QUOTE]

Yes, but Brock's size is a big part of the original origin story. He wasn't a giant thug in his first appearances before the symbiote came intot he picture. The symbiote can only work with the innate strength of the host. When Parker wore it he didn't notice any enhancement but didn't really need it. Brock was always bigger than Parker but engaged in a bodybuilding regimen to provide the base strength that combined with the symbiote would let him go up against Spider-man. In the earliest appearances it was clear than Spidey had the advantage in strength but Venom made up for it in lunacy and ruthlessness. It was a further plot twist that Venom couldn't really manage the level of menace he claimed because apart from hating Parker/Spider-man, he wasn't that kind of person. Carnage served as a counterpoint for what craziness really meant.

That was why Brock was not just big but really BIG, and the appearance of Venom reflected his hardwon muscular development.

That many people mistook Venom for Spider-man is not a big deal. Few saw either person at close enough range to really say what their dimensions were. Eyewitness reports are notoriously inaccurate. It was once a staple of Spidey comics that people would be surprised how small he was. Despite his great strength Peter Parker remained on the short side for his age. (It was perhaps a lazy mistake by later writers and artists that he grew to average height instead of being slightly below average.) Seeing Venom pretending to be Spider-man only feeds into the public perception of what Spider-man should actually be physically.
I saw that on TeamXbox over the weekend.

It's looking pretty cool. Can't wait to see what Parker looks like when he's totally consumed by the symbiotic suit.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I'm happy with their decision so far. I think he's a realy good actor IMO.

Has anyone seen this yet:


:lol: that's the pic I posted in resurrecting this thread... I didn't want to post it as an image since I was worried some peopel may take it as a spoiler... personally, I think tpher grace will end up being a great eddie brock.
The one thing that disapppointed me seeing the Spidey 3 footage was the costume was black et al but no B&W contrast, it's just black over the webbing. Sorry but I have to say I think the B&W symbiote costume looked the fucking fliest while Spidey's regular costume looks average and I'd rank the 20whatever costume above that.
[quote name='Sarang01']The one thing that disapppointed me seeing the Spidey 3 footage was the costume was black et al but no B&W contrast, it's just black over the webbing. Sorry but I have to say I think the B&W symbiote costume looked the fucking fliest while Spidey's regular costume looks average and I'd rank the 20whatever costume above that.[/QUOTE]

they probably did this to distinctly make a difference between spidey and venom.
bread's done