So I am thinking of buying a bike


18 (100%)
I am kicking around the idea of purchasing a bicycle. I figure it would be pretty decent exercise, and a nice way to conserve fuel when I just want to make a quick run to the bank, grocery store, etc. I am leaning more on the BMX side, just something I can ride around town, maybe "take it off some sweet jumps", things like that. I figure if I can stash away $200, I could get a decent one. Any bike enthusiasts have some opinions on what I should get?

Keep in mind, I am 6'5, so the bike would have to be able to support my Kratos-like physique.
have you ridden a bike lately?
I broke my out about a month ago, and let me say that I forgot how much it kills the muscles in your upper legs.

Walmart has some bikes in that range...I saw them there the other day but as far as quality I have no idea.
Oh same here!..well, except that I'm only 5'6 :(

But yeah, Wal-Mart is pretty decent for bikes. That or Target. I haven't begun shopping yet, but I probably will after my vacation.
[quote name='specialk']have you ridden a bike lately?
I broke my out about a month ago, and let me say that I forgot how much it kills the muscles in your upper legs.

Walmart has some bikes in that range...I saw them there the other day but as far as quality I have no idea.[/quote]Although this might go against my "rep" here on CAG, I have always been a big fan of physical activity, so the leg muscle thing wouldn't be a problem after a couple weeks of regular riding.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Although this might go against my "rep" here on CAG, I have always been a big fan of physical activity, so the leg muscle thing wouldn't be a problem after a couple weeks of regular riding.[/QUOTE]

Oh I'm down with physical activity too...I was just saying that I thought it was pretty funny the first time I hopped back on one I was surprised it wasn't as easy as I remember (and I only did a mile) and I'm in decent shape. Guess as a kid we don't notice those things.
i bought mine at dick's with some crazy coupons that they have out there. after a gift certificate, i got the whole thing for like 70 bucks.
[quote name='lilboo']Oh same here!..well, except that I'm only 5'6 :(

But yeah, Wal-Mart is pretty decent for bikes. That or Target. I haven't begun shopping yet, but I probably will after my vacation.[/quote]

I wouldn't recommend Wal-Mart for big guys. I'm bigger than Vanilla and the Wal-Mart bike I got wasn't that good. The gears were just terrible. I think he'd be better off going to an actual bike shop so everything can be adjusted properly.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I wouldn't recommend Wal-Mart for big guys. I'm bigger than Vanilla and the Wal-Mart bike I got wasn't that good. The gears were just terrible. I think he'd be better off going to an actual bike shop so everything can be adjusted properly.[/quote]I'll probably end up going to a local place in MN called Erik's, and ask for their opinion on what I should get. I'm sure they will LOVE a mark like me. "I don't know anything, and have teh moniez!"
Make sure the bike can support you. If not then all sorts of things will go wrong, such as the tires constantly popping.
I live in a bike friendly area and I ride my bike everywhere. It helps that there are bike lanes everywhere too.

I have a Trek mountain bike; It cost $600 when I bought it about 8 years ago and it's still good. I bought a mountain bike because it can handle holding groceries on the rack and because there are so many potholes in Oakland.
Head out to a proper bicycle shop and try out their bikes. If you are just going to be in the city, look into cross/hybrid bikes or comfort bikes. I would not recommend going to Wal-Mart to get a bike - they're usually of low quality, and do you really trust Wal-Mart employees to put a bike together? Especially since you are tall, you're going to want a bike that is sized for you.

Yeah, you'll pay a few hundred dollars more for a bike from a shop than you will in a big box store, but it's worth it: knowledgeable staff, quality bikes that are sized and adjusted to fit you, and you should get free tune-ups for as long as you have the bike. Don't underestimate that last one, tune-ups are as important for a bicycle as they are for your car.

And don't forget to get a helmet. And for God's sake, don't use headphones while riding!
Avoid Wal-Mart and Target. Also at your height and age I would avoid a BMX as well and look into a mountain bike with front shocks. Unless you're truly serious about jumping your bike. At the $200 price range, man I don't know what to suggest, I would go with Diamondback or Mongoose.

A base model Trek be found around $350-400 but that seems steep for your price range.
IMO the biggest mistake noncyclists make when buying a bike is getting a BMX or mountain bike for road cycling. Mountain bikes especially are exhausting, BMX aren't too much better. You want something that has little contact with the road, and preferably pretty light. BMX and mountain bikes are both pretty heavy, with a lot of contact with the road. They're just much less energy efficient for traveling on paved surfaced. I'd suggest checking Craigslist for a decent used road bike.

You can't take it off any sweet jumps (especially not someone your size) but you'll be able to commute much further, and get there much faster.
My bike is too expensive and I go too far too bike anywhere. I'd love to do it though... I'd also recommend a road bike and if you can't handle the seat like most non riders then get a more cushy one.

I've also been thinking about a motorcycle or scooter and so has my friend been pushing me to get a motorcycle. My only hang up is I don't want to die.
[quote name='specialk']have you ridden a bike lately?
I broke my out about a month ago, and let me say that I forgot how much it kills the muscles in your upper legs. [/quote]

I thought you were going to say you forgot how to ride a bike :shock:
Me and my fiance bought mountain bikes for christmas, and try to go on a 5-10 mile ride at least once a week, and man i dont know how i used to do it, we used to ride bikes everywhere growing up like 10-20 miles a day like nothing, and the sad thing is it was only like 10 years ago lol. i do enjoy riding though, its great for cardio and i have a bike path right across the street that goes for miles.
I've always wanted a Schwinn mountain bike. Does anyone here have one? And if so, do you like it?

I'm not really sure what brands are good and which aren't. My wife and I have been wanting to get some bikes, but don't know where to begin looking.

(I'm not trying to hijack your thread, just thought I'd ask here, instead of making a whole new thread about bikes.)
This would be my ultimate choice if I had the money. I love that color.

But I don't and will not. I do like these also. The price isn't too bad on these.


I think I'm gonna go by the bike store after I get off of work today to look around.
I'm planning on getting a bike too. Mainly for going to and from work. Do any of you bikers have suggestions for a good bag or backpack? I need to carry a 15" laptop safely, along with some other work stuff.

[quote name='emdub']I'm planning on getting a bike too. Mainly for going to and from work. Do any of you bikers have suggestions for a good bag or backpack? I need to carry a 15" laptop safely, along with some other work stuff.


Go to and look up laptop backpack. Thats where I got mine.
bread's done