So sum it up, was there ANYTHING of interest at the press conferences?


I'm not going to watch these stupid things or read a transcript, and I can't find a quick rundown anywhere of what was actually said. From what I know:

Wii: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. A microphone. Wow. That's so exciting. What happened to the GAME games they were supposedly going to announce. I love Galaxy, but why do I own this thing again?

360: mostly stuff we knew (though it's a lot of great games) + the price drop we knew about + a new system menu + the ability to copy games to the hard drive to hopefully make them MUCH quieter. That last part is 3 years overdue, but should help me enjoy the system a LOT more.

Playstation 3: I have no idea, heard nothing.
There was plenty of stuff of interest. But nothing worth watching the broadcast for if you've already read it.

You've heard nothing about Sony since it is just starting.
360: Fallout 3 being played, GoW2 being played, RE5 w/co-op, Banjo trailer, Banjo on XBLA, Primetime game show thing, new dash/avatars

Wii: Nothing.
Oh, the ORIGINAL Banjo on Live Arcade? I missed that. Now that they've at least made their DRM a BIT better I might actually buy that.
360 looks great for the next yeat, Fallout 3 and Gears of War 2 especially. The new Live and primtime channels have tons of promise, Fable 3, Portal for XBLA, Final Fantasy XIII, Banjo, and RE5 were the standouts.

EA has rage from Id, and the DNA feature in NBA live looks like the first big upgrade in sports gaming in a while.

Nintendos press conference was a giant circle jerk of Nintendo execs

Sony just started and Resistence looks great
Wii Conference Summary:

  • Shawn White Snowboarding (using WiiFit board)
  • Animal Crossing: City Folk, includes WiiSpeak (room mic)
  • Wii Third Party: Call of Duty Wii, New Raving Rabids, Star Wars: Clone Wars
  • DS: Guitar Hero: On Tour Decades, GTA: China Town Wars, Cooking Navi coming to America
  • WiiSports: Resort (showing off WiiMotion+ capabilities)
  • WiiMusic (FAILURE)
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I'm totally confused by how Nintendo continues to be so successful. The Gamecube DESERVED it, but the Wii?

"Nintendos press conference was a giant circle jerk of Nintendo execs"

I love this comment :D

I just don't get it.
Excited for Animal Crossing Wii but since I've never played an AC, I have no idea what to expect.

Was expecting Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles 2. What happened to that game?
Lots of interesting 360 news. I will probably pick one up in the second half of this year.

I had much higher hopes for the Wii but the lack of an Animal Crossing release date irks me to no end. If no release date is announced within 30 days I'm just going to trade my Wii in for a 360 as Animal Crossing is the only major game that's got me sticking to the Wii.
[quote name='wwfward']Excited for Animal Crossing Wii but since I've never played an AC, I have no idea what to expect.

Was expecting Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles 2. What happened to that game?[/QUOTE]

The second game came out earlier this year on the DS, or was there a Wii game?

Regarding Animal Crossing, I'm NOT interested precisely because I already played it on the 'Cube for months. It was unique and fun at the time, but I'm TOTALLY burnt out on it now. I bought the DS version, and just couldn't take any more of it.

So was THAT supposedly the game they were going to announce for people who play games? That's really really weak :cry: I kind of thought we'd get SOMETHING. Kid Icarus? A new IP? Heck, more about that Project Hammer?
This is all you need to know:

Hmm... well I'm glad Last Remnant is coming to PC, since I don't have to worry about having the definitive version of the game now.

That's... about it, though.

Where the fuck was White Knight Story? It looked way more interesting than anything Sony showcased today.
Honestly, for me, this years E3 is ALL about FF13 on the 360. Beyond that, i'm interested in the new 360 dashboard.

But, Nintendo's press conf?? Big fat nothing! I guess i'm mildly interested in resort, but that would be the first game I've bought for the system since Zelda Twilight Princess. So, yay Nintendo?

PS3? I guess God of War 3 is exciting, oh and so is the $400 sku. Other than that...blah.

AT the end of the day, the Xbox 360 owns this years E3.
[quote name='Chacrana']Hmm... well I'm glad Last Remnant is coming to PC, since I don't have to worry about having the definitive version of the game now.


what what what! good shit!

otherwise, disc installs is tight.
[quote name='ninja dog']what what what! good shit!

otherwise, disc installs is tight.[/QUOTE]

When the fuck did we get to the point where minor system features were the highlight of E3? It's sad :(
MS movie making game looks like a fun time after a few drinks around the holidays. It looks like the best nongame this year.
[quote name='mang9432']netflix for 360 is good times[/quote]
+1 i will probably get a sub to netflix for this. That will be totally tits
So Sony had nothing basically?

[quote name='KaneRobot']This is all you need to know:


Well, to be fair, that image *IS* entertaining :lol:

[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Honestly, for me, this years E3 is ALL about FF13 on the 360. Beyond that, i'm interested in the new 360 dashboard.

But, Nintendo's press conf?? Big fat nothing! I guess i'm mildly interested in resort, but that would be the first game I've bought for the system since Zelda Twilight Princess. So, yay Nintendo?

PS3? I guess God of War 3 is exciting, oh and so is the $400 sku. Other than that...blah.

AT the end of the day, the Xbox 360 owns this years E3.[/QUOTE]

Sure sounds like it. For me the install thing *IS* a fairly big deal because I seriously have trouble enjoying that system sometimes it's so loud.

My first thought when I originally saw the Wii pad was that they'd lost their minds...and I'm starting to think that again. I wonder what the fanbois are doing with THAT? :lol: I've heard these insane things like "that press conference was for casual gamers!" Yeah, because casual gamers watch E3 press conferences :D Seriously, Galaxy rocks so much I'm contemplating keeping my Wii for ONE GAME, but geez.
Oh, and yeah, the Netflix this is pretty awesome. I mean Netflix is awesome by itself, and the streaming thing is nifty, but I don't use it much because I'd rather watch on my this is cool.

[quote name='anomynous']we found out that Nintendo doesn't care about gamers........[/QUOTE]

Guess it's official. What on EARTH were they talking about when they claimed they were going to show off stuff for gamers?
You'll be disappointed with the selection of the free Netflix streams.

Only interesting things were

1. FFXIII multi
2. 360 FW update is hot
3. Sony Video service starts tonight.
[quote name='dallow']You'll be disappointed with the selection of the free Netflix streams.

i'm not.

it's certainly not perfect, but theres a lot of good stuff to watch on there imo.
Sony summary:

Resistance 2 (some new footage)
Lots of new PSP games (Valkyrie Profile 2, Resistance game (third person shooter), LocoRoco 2 and others)
New video service for PS3 and PSP starts tonight
Sony is still supporting the PS2 (new Buzz and Singstar games)
God of War 3 teaser trailer
DC Online Universe Trailer was shown (MMORPG)
New PS3 256 player shooting game MAG was shown
New PS3 and PSP bundles
New Ratchet and Clank game for PS3 will be out in the summer

Animal Crossing which looks like it is going to be sweet. And....




Boned people who bought Themes
Bunch of sweet GAMES.


Jack Trenton sucks a big D
Fluffing the sales
Some sweet GAMES

That was how I view the Big 3 E3 Press Conf.
[quote name='KaneRobot']This is all you need to know:


Lol, at least playing Rock Band with friends you don't look like loony bin escapees. Nintendo fucking sucks now and only the hardcore zealots are blind to it. The top three franchises are the only thing they've got left and Mario is getting to be worse than Crash Bandicoot, losing relevance bit by bit and only worth picking up the true traditional release they put out every half-decade or so.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Honestly, for me, this years E3 is ALL about FF13 on the 360. Beyond that, i'm interested in the new 360 dashboard.

But, Nintendo's press conf?? Big fat nothing! I guess i'm mildly interested in resort, but that would be the first game I've bought for the system since Zelda Twilight Princess. So, yay Nintendo?

PS3? I guess God of War 3 is exciting, oh and so is the $400 sku. Other than that...blah.

AT the end of the day, the Xbox 360 owns this years E3.[/quote]

couldn't of said it better myself
MAG for the PS3 looks pretty interesting. E3 was highlighted by FFXIII coming to the 360, though. The crowd went crazy.

As for Nintendo...

Nintendo was too busy swimming in their stacks of cash to care about us gamers. Nintendo basically told us to go fuck ourselves.

Also, how is WiiMusic different from using a paper towel roll and a bit of imagination? How is it a game?

"A competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators."

It seems more like a toy than a game. Some people are going to be left out with games. It's has been that way since board games. Heck, it's been that way since cavemen used sticks and rocks. Attempting to appeal to every-single-person results in an accessible game that is heavily-simplified. It results in WiiMusic.
MS had absolutely nothing of interest that we didn't already know about. The new dashboard = FAIL.

Sony dropped the ball when they attempted to mask the death of Backwards Compatibility by tossing a larger HD at us. Their only redeeming announcement was the availability of HD and SD movies and TV shows.

Nintendo casually bored us to tears with their new family games. The new Animal Crossing proves what we already knew, that Nintendo doesn't care about gamers.
Yay 360 wins cause it has a game... PS3 already has... yay... Huh?

You guys really like Lips that much eh?

[quote name='chasemurata']MAG for the PS3 looks pretty interesting. E3 was highlighted by FFXIII coming to the 360, though. The crowd went crazy.

As for Nintendo...

Nintendo was too busy swimming in their stacks of cash to care about us gamers. Nintendo basically told us to go fuck ourselves.

Also, how is WiiMusic different from using a paper towel roll and a bit of imagination? How is it a game?

"A competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators."

It seems more like a toy than a game. Some people are going to be left out with games. It's has been that way since board games. Heck, it's been that way since cavemen used sticks and rocks. Attempting to appeal to every-single-person results in an accessible game that is heavily-simplified. It results in WiiMusic.[/quote]

Yah... what happened to Reggie saying they will bring the heat for Hardcore gamers at E3. Nothing. All we got was some lady talking to us like we are 8 years old, "Do you guys want Pokemon? Hehe! Great!" That music game looks idiotic.

And that "professional" drummer looked like MNShamalyan on E.
I agree. Watching Sony's and Microsoft's press conferences was tedious. I didn't bother watching Nintendo's. Nintendo seems hell bent on releasing more white plastic and patting themselves on the back afterwards. I don't envy games journalists in the slightest.
[quote name='DQT']I agree. Watching Sony's and Microsoft's press conferences was tedious. I didn't bother watching Nintendo's. Nintendo seems hell bent on releasing more white plastic and patting themselves on the back afterwards. I don't envy games journalists in the slightest.[/quote]

Yea, the whole Sony conference I was almost in sweats because I was nervous they wouldn't announce anything big. And they really didn't. Ergh, I'm glad about God of War and Infamous looked AMAZING and Resistance 2 looked really good.

And I'm sorry the part were the Little Big Planet revealed the stats was truly awesome/epic. Best part of all the conferences to me. So, I would say the best conference would have to be Microsoft... not because of OMG 360 is the best! But because they demoed the most games (most of which are on the PS3) and the dashboard redesign truly blowed me a way (not entirely in a good way).
MS: New dash, release dates, XBL announcements and Final Fantasy XIII.
Nintendo: Animal Crossing.
Sony: LittleBigPlanet date.
[quote name='anomynous']we found out that Nintendo doesn't care about gamers........[/QUOTE]

Truer words have never been spoken on the internets, my friend.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Truer words have never been spoken on the internets, my friend.[/QUOTE]

/agree and sigged!
So much for my prediction of Starfox Wii. :(

I think this will be the E3 that is remembered as having barely any games.

Disappointing all around. I hope there's better information from Leipzig or, likely, Tokyo Game Show.
[quote name='daphatty']MS had absolutely nothing of interest that we didn't already know about. The new dashboard = FAIL.

Sony dropped the ball when they attempted to mask the death of Backwards Compatibility by tossing a larger HD at us. Their only redeeming announcement was the availability of HD and SD movies and TV shows.

Nintendo casually bored us to tears with their new family games. The new Animal Crossing proves what we already knew, that Nintendo doesn't care about gamers.[/QUOTE]

I think that Sony's first party lineup of (Killzone 2, Resistance 2, LBP, MAG) impressed.

I think that MS' first party lineup of GoW2 and their announcement of acquiring FFXIII showed that they're deadly serious - and finally being recognized as such by others.

I think Nintendo showed that you have to put together a presentation and THEN go out drinking all night. Not the other way around. Their big announcement coalesced in what amounts to a penis extension for the Wiimote.
MS owns E3? Is that the terminology we use now for the company that had their tail tucked between their legs the least?

It was a horrendously pathetic showing from all three.
[quote name='mykevermin']
I think Nintendo showed that you have to put together a presentation and THEN go out drinking all night. Not the other way around. Their big announcement coalesced in what amounts to a penis extension for the Wiimote.[/QUOTE]

Rofl! (Seriously. I'm not being a smartass. Not right this second, anyway.)

I need to collect disparaging quotes for all three sides and make some sort of collage with 'em. I think the cross section would prove highly amusing.
You've all forgotten the most essential part of Nintendo's presentation, which it promised from the get-go and didn't fail to deliver time and time again.

bread's done