[quote name='Haggar']But you can't say it was an ill-informed purchase when it was advertised as "4 additional Mortal Kombat dlc kharacters over the course of the summer."
I don't consider the new, worse Freddy a "Mortal Kombat Kharacter". Nor is Donald Rumsfield or Yogi Bear. It should have been a character that fit into the MK canon, and not this shitty crossover shit like DC vs MK that almost killed MK for good.
I will get Freddy because I already own him via buying the season pass. I will use him because I own him.
But he was a stupid

ing idea for the game and what I consider to make a joke of what the first decent and well reviewed MK title. Ever.
PS, Freddy is now the gayest thing in MK now, having replaced a purple ninja named "Rain" because Boon is a huge Prince fan.[/QUOTE]
...but you still paid the same price as you would have if you paid for the 3 MK characters individually. I don't see what the tragedy is here.
I'm pretty sure Warner Bros had some sort of pull over the inclusion of Freddy in MK. I'm not saying Boon and NRS were opposed to the idea, but with WB being the parent company of NRS, I'm sure they needed to support it regardless.
Anyways, I can't see how anyone can say the game was not a solid game for the $60 they paid. It's one of my favorite games in the last few years and even if there was not any DLC, I'd still be happy with it. The DLC was released to give the game more longevity, and it did not jeopardize or ruin the core game because of their release.