So...whatcha'll look like? (WARNING: DLF's MAN-BOOBS INSIDE)

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wow, your really pretty deadzone (pfft) :D too bad i have a gf. :(

[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']I see a resemblance, both are ugly.[/quote]

:D pfft, thats what i meant to, but i was kidding, thats harsh if you really mean that man
[quote name='mousin'][quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']I see a resemblance, both are ugly.[/quote]

:D pfft, thats what i meant to, but i was kidding, thats harsh if you really mean that man[/quote]

You should have seen what it was saying about me.
[quote name='mousin']wow, your really pretty deadzone (pfft) :D too bad i have a gf. :(


You know, they make creams for that sort of thing. Clears it right up.
rofl how can anyone that ugly call someone pretty ugly. Dude its like telling a dude he shouldn't have tits! Oh wait ......sorry.....
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x'][quote name='Maynard']I agree with the girl from Resident Evil who just posted, You brought this upon yourself DLF. Think before you type


Haha. So now I'm known as the "girl from resident evil?" which RE is this btw, I'm actually curious cuz RE is a good game. Oh and by the way I have a name, besides my screenname. It's Sarah. 8)[/quote]

Resident Evil the movie. She was the very aggressive commando woman. She also got attention for a toughgirl role in 'GirlFight.' For a more glamorous view 'Blue Crush' is the choice.

She also has two video game voiceover jobs in her resume.

As for any actual resemblance, it's really hard to say on the basis of a tiny little avatar pic. Perhaps something with a better resolution...
[quote name='Maynard']rofl how can anyone that ugly call someone pretty ugly. Dude its like telling a dude he shouldn't have tits! Oh wait ......sorry.....[/quote]

That's it!

Maynard, you are living proof that reincarnation really exsist, because no one could be that stupid in one lifetime.

CaseyRyback, you're the kind of guy that I would like to run into sometime...that is while you are walking and I'm driving.

x0thedeadzone0x, when you die I hope they bury you face down so you can see where you are going.

Ledhed, people like you don't just grow on trees, they swing from them.

Tyecko, what's that strange growth on your neck? Oh, it's you head.

Punqsux, if only you had a mustache...that is the only thing that's keeping you from being like hitler

You are all now officially pwn3d! Now leave me alone!
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo'][quote name='mousin'][quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']I see a resemblance, both are ugly.[/quote]

:D pfft, thats what i meant to, but i was kidding, thats harsh if you really mean that man[/quote]

You should have seen what it was saying about me.[/quote]

Yeah, cuz your shirtless pic was totally nasty and repulsive and nobody wanted to see that here.

BTW I have no idea what you meant mousin but congrats.
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']Ledhed, people like you don't just grow on trees, they swing from them.[/quote]


So, I'm the monkey?

BTW, I'd like to personally thank Daphatty for the oppurtunity for this awesome comeback. If only we could get Triple T to straighten DLF out...
PWN3D dude you couldn't pawn me if you had directions on how to. WTF are you talking about i'm the dumbest person? Is it because i attend college and i'm going to have a degree before you??? Maybe because i have a career lined up so my life isn't a fucking desolent hole of suck, while posting on my blog about how linux sucks, and how i cant afford breast reductions? Screw you dude, you should really read what you write on the CAGs. Never have i seen anyone who posts some of the dumb things that you do, if you click on your profile and find all posts by yourself it's pathetic how bad your replies are. So go get educated lose some of your weight its unhealthy, then you can comeback and try to flame me. Good luck
Oh god Dragonlord, you are just digging yourself into a hole that is deeper and deeper. First of all I don't believe in "HELL" unlike you, because I don't worship satan regularly. I don't give a flying fuck what you think about my looks buddy, and I really don't care. Look at your shirtless pic. LOOK AT IT. That is the most disgusting and putrid thing I have ever seen. You should be disgraced to be a human, and have probably disgraced all the CAGers in NY just by living there. You're caved up in your house being mentally retarded and picking on your mom who does nothing for you but feed you and baby your retarded, drooling ass. So if you want to try to "PWN!!11" everyone else on this board you better make sure they don't have damn good material on yourself or else you just end up looking like a complete douchebag, which is what you are. Now beat off to your shirtless picture with your 2 incher, if that's even how big it is, LOL OMG WTF we were all PWNd? You're a pathetic piece of miserable shit.
[quote name='Ledhed']It was all about Antichrist when I was into him. I tried to get interested in the rest, but just couldn't do it. But I must've spun ACSS hundreds of times when I was 14-15.[/quote]

I guess you had to be a teenager at the time to get into him. I found lil' Brian Warner to be a pretty tedious one-trick pony without a sliver of the imagination and talent Alice Cooper had going when the future Marilyn Manson was in diapers. Almost 30 years later 'billion Dollar Babies' blows away any of his croaking.

The Onion once had a great piece about Marilyn Manson going door to door desparately trying to shock people and failing. Unfortunately The Onion charges a fee for stuff more than a few weeks old.
[quote name='epobirs']I guess you had to be a teenager at the time to get into him. I found lil' Brian Warner to be a pretty tedious one-trick pony without a sliver of the imagination and talent Alice Cooper had going when the future Marilyn Manson was in diapers. Almost 30 years later 'billion Dollar Babies' blows away any of his croaking.[/quote]

Yeah, it was great for those angsty-teen years. I grew out if it pretty fast though. My dad always said the same thing about Alice Cooper as well. He would see something in the news about Manson causing a ruckus, and he would say to himself, 'Why are people freaking out? Alice has been doing this stuff for years!'

My dad gave me all of his old records, including Billion Dollar Babies. I always make sure to give that one a spin every once in a while. :wink:
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']I find it pathetic deadzone that you have to talk trash over the internet. Wow you are so brave[/quote]


Oh, the irony...
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']I find it pathetic deadzone that you have to talk trash over the internet. Wow you are so brave[/quote]

Wholy shit wow, look who the hell is talking. Well if you'd like, I can just come down to your house and say the exact same shit.

EDIT: HAHAHA wow you are great. Every single topic that you come in and infect your presence in eventually escalades to the point where you're being PWNd so bad that you declare you want it locked, whether it's your topic or not. Well guess what buddy the real world doesn't work that way, we don't all run around for your monkey swinging green lipstick ass and close topics whenever you want them to be closed. So if you want to flame other CAGers and they flame you back, tough shit, crybaby. Deal with it.
dude you make EVER topic you post in DLF that's what i'm saying, everytime you post something unbelievably DUMB comes out or FAT! You make every post yours by your ignorance, but thats ok as long as you don't mind being remembered as an ass


[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']Now I am tired of this topic I want it closed because I practically made it.[/quote]

Sorry, only OP's may request a close. You're in this one for the long haul buddy.

Do you want the whole internet to hate you or something?
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']I find it pathetic deadzone that you have to talk trash over the internet. Wow you are so brave[/quote]You're right , douche. She's so pathetic. Why must she post over the internet, instead of ACTUALLY fighting a 500 pound pussy in person. I'm pretty sure that you are the one with no life and no brain so he has to scar everyone with your disgusting image of yourself. :-({|=

You're 20 years old and have little to show for your life.

We all now see that you are a big man that is much braver than a 14 year old girl. :applause:
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']Now I am tired of this topic I want it closed because I practically made it.[/quote]Several mods have posted here so I don't see any reason why they don't want you to be flamed anymore. Cheapy should have banned you long ago. I'm sure you will get enough complaints ( one of them will be from me) that Cheapy will have to ban you. I hope this is your last day as a CAG. :wave: Bye and may you stay in hell.

Ultra Mega BURN.
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']Now I am tired of this topic I want it closed because I practically made it.[/quote]

Sorry, only OP's may request a close. You're in this one for the long haul buddy.

Do you want the whole internet to hate you or something?[/quote]From what I've seen, the OP is loving ths. :p
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x'][quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']I find it pathetic deadzone that you have to talk trash over the internet. Wow you are so brave[/quote]

Wholy shit wow, look who the hell is talking. Well if you'd like, I can just come down to your house and say the exact same shit.

EDIT: HAHAHA wow you are great. Every single topic that you come in and infect your presence in eventually escalades to the point where you're being PWNd so bad that you declare you want it locked, whether it's your topic or not. Well guess what buddy the real world doesn't work that way, we don't all run around for your monkey swinging green lipstick ass and close topics whenever you want them to be closed. So if you want to flame other CAGers and they flame you back, tough shit, crybaby. Deal with it.[/quote]

Careful there, he might glue on his deadly Tasseled Pasties of Doom and come looking for you.
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']I find it pathetic deadzone that you have to talk trash over the internet. Wow you are so brave[/quote]

I find it pathetic that you are a 20 year old ADULT in a war of words with a 14 year old (no offense) and are losing. Deadzone, in her 14 years, shows more maturity, class and intelligence than you will ever attain in your whole life. That's what's pathetic. You are an adult behaving more immature and juvenile than anybody else on here. Congratulations on your achievement.
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']I'm a fucking lardo with huge massive man titties. I also like to say whatever stupid shit comes to mind just to get the attention of others on the internet (because real people wont even glance my way) to satisfy my feelings of worthlessness to this planet. If i ever reproduce (and god help us if i do) i think i might destroy the child and the person stupid enough to help me conceive it for the sake of humanity. please kill me because ever since i lost sight of my own dick i have been miserable. Oh, and you will have to give each of my tits their own grave.[/quote]

well said.
my little brother is 14 years old and he couldn't do what you do deadzone. Which is stand talking to this guy for more than 6 seconds

But seriously, I agree with scsg75, you seem very mature for your age, and throughout your time on these boards always have.


[quote name='Mustang O-Line 75']my little brother is 14 years old and he couldn't do what you do deadzone. Which is stand talking to this guy for more than 6 seconds

But seriously, I agree with scsg75, you seem very mature for your age, and throughout your rime on these boards always have.


Heh, thanks. I've been told so times before so I appreciate that. And if I sound a little harsh in what I say to DLF, forgive me ( :cry: boohoo hoo) Because everything is true. And greatwhitedope, nicely put. :lol:
"Sarah" has always been very mature for her age on these boards.

You guys talk like she doesn't even have a name. Sheesh.
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x'][quote name='Mustang O-Line 75']my little brother is 14 years old and he couldn't do what you do deadzone. Which is stand talking to this guy for more than 6 seconds

But seriously, I agree with scsg75, you seem very mature for your age, and throughout your rime on these boards always have.

And greatwhitedope, nicely put. :lol:[/quote]He didn't say anything bad about DLF. DLF obviously said that himself. :wink: Well, maybe not but it would be funny if he did type that.
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']I didn't start this whole mess. YOU were the one who couldn't tolerate my views on the iraq war, because they were too moderate for you[/quote]

And you know what ass clown, a couple daya ago when you posted that you were sorry for being an ass on here lately and "didn't want to get banned" from here and you would stop trolling, a lot of posts after that said they would be cool to you if you stopped all this immature shit and just behaved like a human. Now, not even 2 days later, you're back to your old shit, acting like an ass. So I see your word means jack shit. Nice.
[quote name='skittlez jr.']It's funny that in almost 20 pages, less than 15 pictures have neen posted.[/quote]

Despite all assertions by family and friends that I have nothing to hide, I find I have a pathological dislike for pictures of myself. I would never have entered this thread if not for the DLF warning.
[quote name='Fatesealer']The Masked Magician reveals himself for the world!

Ladies and gentleman:

Let the mask come off:


Aww screw it... here I am:
[/quote]This was really funny so it needs to be seen again. :lol:
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']You know what? I am never posting on these forums again. You can find me in the trading forums. Try and flame me there... if you dare[/quote]

Oh, we dare...

Do you really think anyone is gonna take your trade offers seriously after your diatribe?
[quote name='scsg75'][quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']I find it pathetic deadzone that you have to talk trash over the internet. Wow you are so brave[/quote]

I find it pathetic that you are a 20 year old ADULT in a war of words with a 14 year old (no offense) and are losing. Deadzone, in her 14 years, shows more maturity, class and intelligence than you will ever attain in your whole life. That's what's pathetic. You are an adult behaving more immature and juvenile than anybody else on here. Congratulations on your achievement.[/quote]

Just as importantly, thedeadzone is fun to have around while DLF is merely amusing in the Special Olympics guilty pleasure manner. I'm reminded of the line, by Peter Cook IIRC, "I look upon this man and think that somewhere there is a village that terribly misses its idiot."
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']You know what? I am never posting on these forums again. You can find me in the trading forums. Try and flame me there... if you dare[/quote]

pfft. That's like being in school and saying "I'm turning my desk away from you now." You don't have to look at the person, but you're still within arms reach to be smacked by them.
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']You know what? I am never posting on these forums again. You can find me in the trading forums. Try and flame me there... if you dare[/quote]

Yes! Yes!

Justice is done.
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']You know what? I am never posting on these forums again. You can find me in the trading forums. Try and flame me there... if you dare[/quote]He's gone 18 minutes without a post. The jackass might be telling the truth.
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']You know what? I am never posting on these forums again. You can find me in the trading forums. Try and flame me there... if you dare[/quote]

:applause: \:D/ Woohoo! Now he can never shame the soon calm and peaceful off-topic boards.

I'm pretty sure nobody is going to trade with him, especially after the image he's given himself.

He is a pretty big baby though to just leave because so many people are flaming and PWNing the shit out of him and he can't handle it. Ah well, what did I expect? Shit, honestly. :baby:
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x'][quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']You know what? I am never posting on these forums again. You can find me in the trading forums. Try and flame me there... if you dare[/quote]

:applause: \:D/ Woohoo! Now he can never shame the soon calm and peaceful off-topic boards.

I'm pretty sure nobody is going to trade with him, especially after the image he's given himself.

He is a pretty big baby though to just leave because so many people are flaming and PWNing the shit out of him and he can't handle it. Ah well, what did I expect? Shit, honestly. :baby:[/quote]

Now there's a horrifying image: a big baby that can nurse a baby.

Now I have to drive a needle into my brain to eliminate the neurons containing that memory.
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