SOCOM 4 from ZIPPER -Out now! Now with 100% more PSN!

Sorry you feel that way, but Socom deserves attention from someone who plays the game. Feel free to make endless threads for Final Fantasy or whatever games you enjoy
[quote name='smiggity']Sorry you feel that way, but Socom deserves attention from someone who plays the game. Feel free to make endless threads for Final Fantasy or whatever games you enjoy[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry you feel that way, but you do not have "rights" to exclusively make Socom threads. I'm not the one who merge the threads, but it was completely justified as this thread already existed. There's always the CAG user groups option.
[quote name='Trakan']I'm sorry you feel that way, but you do not have "rights" to exclusively make Socom threads. I'm not the one who merge the threads, but it was completely justified as this thread already existed. There's always the CAG user groups option.[/QUOTE]

Could you delete the off-topic posts (mainly mine with the links)? Just to clean the thread up a bit...
I'm willing to give Socom another chance. Confrontation was my first Socom game and I didn't like it at all. Since I didn't really get started with PS2 games until late in the lifespan, I missed out on the Socom games. I loved what Zipper did with Mag so I'm willing to give 4 a fair shot, because I'll be damned if I ever give Activision Call of Duty money again.

As far as the motion controls are concerned, I'm happy that Socom 4 isn't motion control only. I'm probably not going to be picking up a set of those any time soon but if it is bundled with Socom 4 or something else at a resonable price then I might buy it.
[quote name='SynGamer']Could you delete the off-topic posts (mainly mine with the links)? Just to clean the thread up a bit...[/QUOTE]Done.
Lol, Army of Two/Bad Company poser game now eh? I like the wii mote... er motion controller too. wow...

Shit just realized I guess since those games are from the same place this would be an EA poser.
This game looks pretty great so far considering it's at the pre-alpha stage. Anyone else think it looks like a grittier military version of Uncharted?

One thing I don't like about this game and I guess MAG and other SOCOm games too? is the big direction markers you see. At least I think that's what they are. Unusually you only see something like that for when you're getting shot to let you know where it's coming from. I wish they just had a smaller arrow like say in Killzone 2 that you could bring up to tell you where to go. Maybe it could be turned off.
[quote name='Trakan']I'm sorry you feel that way, but you do not have "rights" to exclusively make Socom threads. I'm not the one who merge the threads, but it was completely justified as this thread already existed. There's always the CAG user groups option.[/QUOTE]

Well then let me get the rights. Its only logical for the biggest fan and supporter of Socom on CAG to keep things moving. Who cares who made it first? Its obvious the OP doesn't play Socom and what he does know was likely gathered off Wikipedia.

I don't see why it is such a big deal. Do people just make threads so they can be the OP and feel cool? I made the Socom thread to expand & grow CAG Socom, and b/c this is the only game I play. I may try other games, hell I might even like them, but nothing at all like Socom.

Honestly I just do not understand why it is such a big deal.

[quote name='metaly']I refuse to acknowledge any SOCOM threads without Smog as the OP.[/QUOTE]

At least Metaly knows whats up
[quote name='smiggity']Well then let me get the rights. Its only logical for the biggest fan and supporter of Socom on CAG to keep things moving. Who cares who made it first? Its obvious the OP doesn't play Socom and what he does know was likely gathered off Wikipedia.

I don't see why it is such a big deal. Do people just make threads so they can be the OP and feel cool? I made the Socom thread to expand & grow CAG Socom, and b/c this is the only game I play. I may try other games, hell I might even like them, but nothing at all like Socom.

Honestly I just do not understand why it is such a big deal.

At least Metaly knows whats up[/QUOTE]

Quit fucking bitching. You're worse than my 10 year sister. You failed, now move on. You could try contributing to the thread instead of whining.
[quote name='smiggity']Well then let me get the rights. Its only logical for the biggest fan and supporter of Socom on CAG to keep things moving. Who cares who made it first? Its obvious the OP doesn't play Socom and what he does know was likely gathered off Wikipedia.

I don't see why it is such a big deal. Do people just make threads so they can be the OP and feel cool? I made the Socom thread to expand & grow CAG Socom, and b/c this is the only game I play. I may try other games, hell I might even like them, but nothing at all like Socom.

Honestly I just do not understand why it is such a big deal.

At least Metaly knows whats up[/QUOTE]

Apparently the biggest fan of SOCOM here didn't feel it was necessary to make a thread in a timely manner either. I've never seen someone bitch at something so insignificant.

It's also hilarious and a bit sad that you label someone as trying to be cool for making the topic when you want the rights because you're the game's biggest fan. What do you honestly feel you can contribute that we won't find out from a post nested in the thread itself? Does your post have to be the first one? Why is that? Most people reading this thread are more likely to follow the last page of the thread than the first, so maybe you're doing it to be recognized too.

If you honestly feel like you not being OP will make the SOCOM community worse off then you honestly have issues that need to be dealt with.

bottom line: get the f over it and grow up
[quote name='smiggity']Well then let me get the rights. Its only logical for the biggest fan and supporter of Socom on CAG to keep things moving. Who cares who made it first? Its obvious the OP doesn't play Socom and what he does know was likely gathered off Wikipedia.

I don't see why it is such a big deal. Do people just make threads so they can be the OP and feel cool? I made the Socom thread to expand & grow CAG Socom, and b/c this is the only game I play. I may try other games, hell I might even like them, but nothing at all like Socom. [/QUOTE]

Wow, dude. I make threads about games I am excited for and games I think other CAGs are excited for... there are tons of games not out that have no threads... and I don't care to make them. I made the SOCOM 4 thread as I was truly excited for the game now that Zipper is back on the case.

You don't try to grow and expand the game community in anyway. It is quite the opposite, as your feelings of (false) entitlement surely leaves people (who aren't on their knees for you) wanting to NOT play. I almost wrote off SOCOM 4 completely after you acted like such a jerk (and continue to do so). CAG is my only gaming community and if the CAG SOCOM group is like you, I am better off sitting it out. Luckily, I am sure many people are put off by you and will still be willing to get down on SOCOM without you.

Obviously you lack basic reading comprehension skills, as I clearly have stated I have played SOCOM 1, 2, and Confrontation. I make no pretense about being some SOCOM expert or messiah like you. I think it was a great series that has seriously lost its way. I am truly hopeful that Zipper can turn it back around and make it into the great franchise and positive talking point it once was.

This thread will be BETTER without you as the OP. Why? Because It will be updated fairly and every post won't be... ZOMG DEWDZ, THIS IS THE BEST GAME EVER.
[quote name='smiggity']Well then let me get the rights. Its only logical for the biggest fan and supporter of Socom on CAG to keep things moving. Who cares who made it first? Its obvious the OP doesn't play Socom and what he does know was likely gathered off Wikipedia.

I don't see why it is such a big deal. Do people just make threads so they can be the OP and feel cool? I made the Socom thread to expand & grow CAG Socom, and b/c this is the only game I play. I may try other games, hell I might even like them, but nothing at all like Socom.

Honestly I just do not understand why it is such a big deal.

At least Metaly knows whats up[/QUOTE]
You are insane.
I come into this thread looking for more information on SOCOM 4, instead I find a little kid crying about not being the OP of a thread. We have ourselves a winnar!
[quote name='smiggity']Well then let me get the rights. Its only logical for the biggest fan and supporter of Socom on CAG to keep things moving. Who cares who made it first? Its obvious the OP doesn't play Socom and what he does know was likely gathered off Wikipedia.

I don't see why it is such a big deal. Do people just make threads so they can be the OP and feel cool? I made the Socom thread to expand & grow CAG Socom, and b/c this is the only game I play. I may try other games, hell I might even like them, but nothing at all like Socom.

Honestly I just do not understand why it is such a big deal.[/QUOTE]
You might also want to starting hitting every single thread Google brings up on the search of "SOCOM 4" so you can start the next stages of your Napoleonic SOCOM 4 world takeover campaign:

First CAG, now the rest of the world? :whistle2:s

It's a thread on CAG. If that's the level you need to stomp your feet, pout, hold your breath until you turn blue and get what you want, then you need some introspection of what's important in your life.

It's a thread on CAG. Nothing more. Though if you think it's truly the end of the world that you're not running this thread you may want to get checked out by a medical professional for the beginnings of a Napoleon complex. Apparently, the leadership thread on here is the be-all, end-all of your existence, and that's something rather disturbing.

Since you mentioned Wikipedia, you might want to check this one over:

Get a grip and let it go. Plenty of other threads on plenty of places to plant your SOCOM 4 flag as the leader of the SOCOM 4 free world.

You're done bitching about it in here, which also includes your little childish tagging of the thread. No more little stomping of your feet and acting like a spoiled brat with petty little thread tags. You're done complaining.
[quote name='shrike4242']You might also want to starting hitting every single thread Google brings up on the search of "SOCOM 4" so you can start the next stages of your Napoleonic SOCOM 4 world takeover campaign:

First CAG, now the rest of the world? :whistle2:s

It's a thread on CAG. If that's the level you need to stomp your feet, pout, hold your breath until you turn blue and get what you want, then you need some introspection of what's important in your life.

It's a thread on CAG. Nothing more. Though if you think it's truly the end of the world that you're not running this thread you may want to get checked out by a medical professional for the beginnings of a Napoleon complex. Apparently, the leadership thread on here is the be-all, end-all of your existence, and that's something rather disturbing.

Since you mentioned Wikipedia, you might want to check this one over:

Get a grip and let it go. Plenty of other threads on plenty of places to plant your SOCOM 4 flag as the leader of the SOCOM 4 free world.

You're done bitching about it in here, which also includes your little childish tagging of the thread. No more little stomping of your feet and acting like a spoiled brat with petty little thread tags. You're done complaining.[/QUOTE]

if they make socom motion controls optional I think they'll be smart, do you actually see someone gaming for a couple hours failing around with a couple of 'American Idol mic's with glowing balls ontop" ??

It looks like a gimmicky "wii-like" draw, the six-axis controller is a piece of artwork on how it works, a few minor tweaks could make it "the ultimate controller" in the palm of your hands
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Beta's out now. Tried to start it up, but it's using the same style of download that MAG did with a small client size and a lengthy in-game download get the whole beta to be able to play it.
Is there gonna be an open beta for everyone else that isn't in the cool kids club? I really want to give this thing a go. Been watching some people play it live on, but I want something more....

I can smell and extra beta code in here somewhere..... :joystick:
I fucking hate Sony and their piece of shit Patching/Updating system. I dl the SOCOM 4 beta which is 437mb. I'm happy to see it's small. I then install it, then I get a patch that's 37mb, that's fine too. Then once in the game, I have to download a fucking 1GB+ update. Motherfucking piece of shit updates. That's probably the #1 thing I hate about Sony's setup. There should not be constant patches/updates, there shouldn't be any Install bullshit.

This is already turning me off of the game itself. Same thing happened with DC Universe online, and as Frisky mentioned, MAG too. Zipper seriously needs to get up to date with how games work this generation. None of this in-game server updating bullshit.

edit: Forgive my venting, I just was excited to play after dling the original file, only to have a ton more to DL. Really pissed me off
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It's pretty much just Zipper's games that do it. Killzone 2/3, LBP 1/2, Uncharted 2, and other Sony betas have given you everything up front like you'd expect.

DCUO's beta is just how MMOs typically handle downloads with a small client that lets you download the entire game from there.
I was also venting about Sony's setup in general with the constant patches, and having to install games after downloading them. It's not like that on the 360.

That's actually one of the main complaints I hear from people going from a 360 to a PS3. Just being bombarded with constant, and often huge updates/patches for games.
Anybody here want a SOCOM 4 beta code? It's one of the Killzone 3 codes, so you won't be able to use it until Tuesday when those people are allowed in. No newbies need apply.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Anybody here want a SOCOM 4 beta code? It's one of the Killzone 3 codes, so you won't be able to use it until Tuesday when those people are allowed in. No newbies need apply.[/QUOTE]

Anymore codes man? I'd be interested if you still have some :)
I am not trying to be an asshole but after playing the beta I have no further need for the game because it was awful. I just ended up deleting it off my hard drive haha.

Graphics are decent though
[quote name='PR0BLEMZ']Anymore codes man? I'd be interested if you still have some :)[/QUOTE]

just wait another and its open beta to all
[quote name='basilofbkrst']I played some today. I think I was killed more by team mates than enemies.[/QUOTE]

I did that once and have died from that experience a number of times. There seems to still be a glitch were either it does not show a friendly as friends, which is how I killed a team member, or the mini-map shows friendly and then up-close it is no. I am not necessarily defending the person because I don't know the circumstances, but it doesn't surprise me either.
Having fun with the beta, I like the weapon unlocks a lot. One thing I can't stand, those damn dirty snipers.
The only times I've team killed were due to their name not showing up as quickly as it should. The only other frustration I've had was in one game where the other team managed to do well at spawn camping, so it was tough just to get that far out of the spawn area without heavy fire. Other than that, it's been a lot of fun as I've been able to do decently in terms of KDR, though I've mostly stuck to Bomb Squad since that's my favorite mode in the beta.
bread's done