Soft PS3 sales spell trouble for EA, others

[quote name='The Mana Knight']I don't care about HD-DVD because blu-ray is the superior format in every way.[/quote]

I swear I've heard this same comment about some other formats, such as Betamax and Minidisc and before you jump up and try to flame me, realize that they may have been a superior format, but when shoved down the throats of anyone, they tend to disagree with it.
[quote name='MSI Magus']1. Id have no problem switching disks. I did it on half the RPGs I played on the PSX.
2. Developers have stated that they feel certain companies are just sloppy at compressing data, it means that people are probally just slopping data on right now because of the amssive size of these disks and because they are new tech versus properly compressing.
3. Again you ignore the argument that this is only an issue for companies pushing huge blockbuster epics which push tech to its max. This isnt a problem for the 100s of other smart developers.
4. Blue Ray isnt superior in every way. Its price is a HUGE downside, one that only PS3 and tech fanboys are ignoring.[/QUOTE]I can tell you know nothing about blu-ray because you can't even spell it right.

It's not just that, PS3 IS the true next generation console. It has heat sensitive buttons, no motorized disc tray, no more standard DVD cases, brand new format (not sticking to last gen using DVDs), advanced cooling system you cannot hear (unlike the 360 that sounds like a jet taking off), and so on.

Only people who own a PS3 would know how great it is. Just like how PSP is way better than DS.
[quote name='MSI Magus']1. Id have no problem switching disks. I did it on half the RPGs I played on the PSX.
2. Developers have stated that they feel certain companies are just sloppy at compressing data, it means that people are probally just slopping data on right now because of the amssive size of these disks and because they are new tech versus properly compressing.
3. Again you ignore the argument that this is only an issue for companies pushing huge blockbuster epics which push tech to its max. This isnt a problem for the 100s of other smart developers.
4. Blue Ray isnt superior in every way. Its price is a HUGE downside, one that only PS3 and tech fanboys are ignoring.[/QUOTE]

How is the price a downside? Blu ray movies and games cost the same as 360 games and HD-DVDs. A PS3 is the same price as a stand alone HD-DVD player/360 + add on drive.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I can tell you know nothing about blu-ray because you can't even spell it right.

It's not just that, PS3 IS the true next generation console. It has heat sensitive buttons, no motorized disc tray, no more standard DVD cases, brand new format (not sticking to last gen using DVDs), advanced cooling system you cannot hear (unlike the 360 that sounds like a jet taking off), and so on.

Only people who own a PS3 would know how great it is. Just like how PSP is way better than DS.[/quote]

1. The buttons are not heat sensitive Here
2. Instead standardized Blu-Ray cases
3. Forced Format

As for your psp/ds comparison, I've heard many more comments of folks' psp collecting dust than their DS, and when the psp is played it is usually for roms or ports.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I can tell you know nothing about blu-ray because you can't even spell it right.

It's not just that, PS3 IS the true next generation console. It has heat sensitive buttons, no motorized disc tray, no more standard DVD cases, brand new format (not sticking to last gen using DVDs), advanced cooling system you cannot hear (unlike the 360 that sounds like a jet taking off), and so on.

Only people who own a PS3 would know how great it is. Just like how PSP is way better than DS.[/QUOTE]

Oh you're just too cute for words.
[quote name='Rozz']Resistance: Fall of Man is a high quality, exclusive title yet it ain't exactly selling systems (or copies, for that matter - last time I heard it only sold a little above 60,000 or so).[/quote]

True. But how different is it from Gears of War? I meant, but didn't state, an established franchise like Metal Gear Solid of GTA. No one has a history with Resistance so few are willing to spend the $600 to take a chance on a new franchise.

I want all three systems to do well, the more competition the better. But I won't be getting a PS3 until there is something I have to play. And from the looks of it, it is going to be a while...
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I don't care about HD-DVD because blu-ray is the superior format in every way.[/QUOTE]

Need me to bring up the article about how Bethesda had to duplicate information in the PS3 port of Oblivion in order to make up for the slower disk read speed, thereby killing much of that highly tauted extra storage space?

I don't give two shits about the HD format war, but the last thing I need is another Sony cheerleader pissing on my head and telling me it's raining. I get enough of that from Sony themselves, thanks.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I can tell you know nothing about blu-ray because you can't even spell it right.

It's not just that, PS3 IS the true next generation console. It has heat sensitive buttons, no motorized disc tray, no more standard DVD cases, brand new format (not sticking to last gen using DVDs), advanced cooling system you cannot hear (unlike the 360 that sounds like a jet taking off), and so on.

Only people who own a PS3 would know how great it is. Just like how PSP is way better than DS.[/QUOTE]

OOOO ya now i remember you. Your the guy that was defending Sony on the PS3 and saying it would do well before it even came out. You got all pissy because I accidently said Blue instead of Blu just like now. Hehe silly fanboys.


Guess what. Unlike you. IM a TRUE gamer. See that means I dont care about DVD cases, brand formats, colling systems or how much I can hear them or how sensitive my buttons are. All I care about is getting my hands on lots and lots of fun games. None of the things you mentioned are so superior on PS3 that the experience is ruined on the other systems. In fact to anyone not looking for it the features your bragging about are either not going to be noticable, or just like swapping disks are going to be a minor annoyance.

So you enjoy your $600 system with its quite cooling system. Ill enjoy the dozens of games im buying with the money its costing you to buy that PS3 and a few medicore games as of right now. And when you have spent well over a grand for just a few games(most of which are on the 360)ill be enjoying at this point the fifty or so other games iv managed to buy.

Ill get a PS3, ill enjoy it, ill love it. I just wont do it because it isnt as loud as the 360 or because I dont have to swap disks. Ill do it when Sony gets some games.
[quote name='kell']True. But how different is it from Gears of War? [/QUOTE]

Well for starters Gears has sold 3 million copies...
The problem with Resistance is that it's not going to lure people to the system. With the small amount of time I played it on my PS3, I really don't think it stands out much from all the good, but not great first-person shooters that are on the 360 already. If Resistance were on the 360 it would not be a big deal. It's in the same league as the Prey's and F.E.A.R.'s of the world.
[quote name='rodeojones903']How is the price a downside? Blu ray movies and games cost the same as 360 games and HD-DVDs. A PS3 is the same price as a stand alone HD-DVD player/360 + add on drive.[/QUOTE]

True. But Blu Ray takes $100s more to actually play. *sigh* really though none of this matters. Im getting tired as a gamer of arguing about stupid tech crap that SHOULDNT even matter.

And Mana KNight with your PSP DS comment you again are showing what a fanboy you are. Millions and millions of people preffer the DS despite owning a PSP. The DS again is the gamer system. Im sorry but move your tech enduced hard on out of your face and try the actual games on these systems, maybe you will change your mind.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Well for starters Gears has sold 3 million copies...[/quote]

Right. So which system would you buy if you wanted to play either: $400 X360 or $600 PS3?

My point is that Resistance is not unique enough or established enough to warrant a $600 additional purchase. It will take Final Fantasy or MGS 4 to sell systems.
[quote name='MSI Magus']True. But Blu Ray takes $100s more to actually play. *sigh* really though none of this matters. Im getting tired as a gamer of arguing about stupid tech crap that SHOULDNT even matter.

And Mana KNight with your PSP DS comment you again are showing what a fanboy you are. Millions and millions of people preffer the DS despite owning a PSP. The DS again is the gamer system. Im sorry but move your tech enduced hard on out of your face and try the actual games on these systems, maybe you will change your mind.[/QUOTE]

Don't get me wrong I agree with almost everything you are saying. I haven't played a game on my PS3 (besides FFXII now that BC is fixed) for a while. If I had bought it just for PS3 games I would be very dissapointed at the moment. I use it as my primary media device as well for DVDs/Blu ray movies, and for that it is awesome. I know that the games will come so its worth it to me at $600 (or $500), but I understand how its not for alot of people.
[quote name='rodeojones903']Don't get me wrong I agree with almost everything you are saying. I haven't played a game on my PS3 (besides FFXII now that BC is fixed) for a while. If I had bought it just for PS3 games I would be very dissapointed at the moment. I use it as my primary media device as well for DVDs/Blu ray movies, and for that it is awesome. I know that the games will come so its worth it to me at $600 (or $500), but I understand how its not for alot of people.[/QUOTE]

Im not really arguing it from a movie stand point, im talking from a gaming one. Only time iv touched movies was when I mentioned the player coming out that plays both formats and how it seems alot of movie houses are backing HD-DVD. Really when it comes to this I dont care. Games and my fiancee are my life, everything else is just something I do occasionaly. Movies mean nothing to me, I rent em from netflix and only watch em when my fiancee wants cuddle time or if im grinding in an RPG.

I can understand buying the PS3 as a Blu Ray player since if wathing movies is your thing and you want em high quality its a good buy. But again as a gamer I have no intreast. I wont touch blu ray movies till I can burn them like DVDs or the cost comes way down.
[quote name='The Crotch']My futon is four fucking* feet from my PlayStation. Switching between Disk 2 and Disk 3 of FFVII isn't really that big of a challenge.

You know, I'm familiar with Poe's law and everything, but I'm pretty sure TMK is little more than a troll. I've seen lots of stupid things on the internet, but this guy's posts are just too inane to be real.

*The Shaq-Fu totally killed my alliteration.[/QUOTE]

But you don't understand, you should be able to play a video game from beginning to end without getting up from where you're sitting.
[quote name='kell']Right. So which system would you buy if you wanted to play either: $400 X360 or $600 PS3?

My point is that Resistance is not unique enough or established enough to warrant a $600 additional purchase. It will take Final Fantasy or MGS 4 to sell systems.[/QUOTE]

Even then it's not guaranteed to sell systems. It'll take more than one (great)game to sell a system, especially at $600.

If the install base of the PS3 is still low, I doubt any publisher would want to risk putting a top franchise on a console with a low userbase. If they did, one month later it'll appear on other system.

I wish third party game companies would release their games for all system like back in the days. Isn't it all about making money? So why limit to one console?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']But you don't understand, you should be able to play a video game from beginning to end without getting up from where you're sitting.[/quote]
In that case, they should also be sufficiently short to avoid bathroom breaks ;)
Hehe its kind of sad that we have become so lazy as a society that swapping the disk on our video games are now a hassle to some people. I mean come on, maybe Mcdonalds should stop serving their food in wrapping paper is awfull hard and time consuming to unwrap your double cheeseburger.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']In that case, they should also be sufficiently short to avoid bathroom breaks ;)[/QUOTE]

No, a console isn't next gen unless it includes a bed pan as well.
There is a circular situation that we've seen before:

Developer: We wont make games until people buy systems
Consumer: We wont buy systems until devs make games.

Someone has to take a risk and be first. Having a strong 1st/2nd party helps in this regard.

Among the 3rd parties that ARE first....sometimes you just bet on the wrong horse.

Momentum seems to be a very strong force in this industry.
If someone wants a PS3 they're going to buy one. However no one is buying one because the PS3 is pulling a PSP right now.

Meaning no software support. Only a couple of original titles. Most games are ports or rehashes.
[quote name='original article']But according to Bank of America, soft PS3 sales not only spell trouble for Sony but for the many third-party publishers supporting the platform, namely EA.[/quote]Anyone care to explain to me how they dragged BofA in there?

[quote name='The Mana Knight']It's not just that, PS3 IS the true next generation console. It has heat sensitive buttons, no motorized disc tray, no more standard DVD cases, brand new format (not sticking to last gen using DVDs), advanced cooling system you cannot hear (unlike the 360 that sounds like a jet taking off), and so on.[/quote]I don't even know where to start. How the disc tray and non-standard game cases have anything to do with making a console a TRUE next gen system is simply absurd. As to the cooling system, Sugar I've tested my 360 next to the PS3 and the PS3 is far and away the louder system.

I'm glad to read that you're on sonys fan bandwagon in a big way, if that makes you happy go with it. But your blind support of X over Y & Z is gonna keep you from enjoying other products out there.

Only people who own a PS3 would know how great it is. Just like how PSP is way better than DS.
For someone who owns every system, I can honestly tell you I liked the PSX. PS2 was far and away the weakest of the current gen. The PSP is nice, but the hours I've logged on that are about zilch compared to other handhelds. There will be some good games in about eight months when programmers utilize the processing abilities of the PS3, but at the moment I've been uninpressed with the PS3. ...aside from it heating my entertainment room rather nicely.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']There is a circular situation that we've seen before:

Developer: We wont make games until people buy systems
Consumer: We wont buy systems until devs make games.

Someone has to take a risk and be first. Having a strong 1st/2nd party helps in this regard.

Among the 3rd parties that ARE first....sometimes you just bet on the wrong horse.

Momentum seems to be a very strong force in this industry.[/QUOTE]

I agree. Companies have to take a risk sometimes. The PS3 is a good system, it just need more games to attract more people.

Dropping blu-ray isn't going to help the problem. Not when they had spend so much money and efforts on it. Lowering the price on the system could help sell more units though. Once more game comes out, units will be flying off the shelves.
the PS3 is competing with the PS2. Potential 360 owners are not looking at the old xbox and developers are not announcing many new titles. Potential Wii owners are not looking at the Gamecube (did they ever?) and developers are not making many new titles. The PS3 however is going up against its own goliath the PS2. It is still very heavily supported (and developers can make more money off the PS2). Sony needs to move quickly to shut down support to the PS2 to encourage the movement to the PS3. If there is another year of games coming for the PS2 like God of War 2 there is no incentive for the established base of PS2 users to move to the PS3 or any next gen. system.
[quote name='richbastard']the PS3 is competing with the PS2. Potential 360 owners are not looking at the old xbox and developers are not announcing many new titles. Potential Wii owners are not looking at the Gamecube (did they ever?) and developers are not making many new titles. The PS3 however is going up against its own goliath the PS2. It is still very heavily supported (and developers can make more money off the PS2). Sony needs to move quickly to shut down support to the PS2 to encourage the movement to the PS3. If there is another year of games coming for the PS2 like God of War 2 there is no incentive for the established base of PS2 users to move to the PS3 or any next gen. system.[/QUOTE]

The PS2 isnt just taking up market share from the PS3. I dont think your under the dillusion that if the PS2 dissapears that the PS3 will get all its market share, but it sounds like you think that most of the PS2 market share will transfer. I dont think that is the case. The people buying PS2s at this point are either people replacing old dead PS2s, or parents who always buy tech thats a gen behind because they cant justify a pricy purchase for their kid. The second being the larger group probally. Alot of people buy older systems for their kids or even themselves. Iv seen plenty of people including a few classmates, a few family members and even a teacher buy PS2s(hell even PSXs)for this very reason.

I think if the PS2 dissapeared it would just cost Sony alot of money since the sales would probally transfer not to the expensive $600 system but either to Nintendos GC or the Wii.
Everybody who bought a PS2 will eventually buy a PS3,the price is what stops most people from buying it, as of right now the reason why the PS2 is selling so good is beacuase its cheap and it has counlest oh hot games on the way out,so people who have a PS2 now theres isnt much of a reason to buy a PS3 just yet. the same cant be said about game cube (which has been dead for reays now) or the xbox. its important to keep the system alive it guarantes future sales for ur next gen. system , it happend with the PSX and PS2 (hell FF9 for PS1 was realesed the same year as the PS2).
[quote name='richbastard']Everybody who bought a PS2 will eventually buy a PS3,the price is what stops most people from buying it, as of right now the reason why the PS2 is selling so good is beacuase its cheap and it has counlest oh hot games on the way out,so people who have a PS2 now theres isnt much of a reason to buy a PS3 just yet. the same cant be said about game cube (which has been dead for reays now) or the xbox. its important to keep the system alive it guarantes future sales for ur next gen. system , it happend with the PSX and PS2 (hell FF9 for PS1 was realesed the same year as the PS2).[/quote]So the extended life of the PS2 is good for the PS3's future sales, but Sony needs to kill off the PS2 quickly so people buy the PS3 instead?

The people who buy a PS2 because it's cheap will not automatically buy a PS3. If they were that hooked on the Playstation brand, they would have bought it a while ago. It will have to be cheap enough and have as strong a library, which will not be for many years - and that doesn't help Sony too much this generation, much like people buying the PS2 now has no bearing on their standing in the previous generation.
[quote name='richbastard']Everybody who bought a PS2 will eventually buy a PS3,the price is what stops most people from buying it, as of right now the reason why the PS2 is selling so good is beacuase its cheap and it has counlest oh hot games on the way out,so people who have a PS2 now theres isnt much of a reason to buy a PS3 just yet. the same cant be said about game cube (which has been dead for reays now) or the xbox. its important to keep the system alive it guarantes future sales for ur next gen. system , it happend with the PSX and PS2 (hell FF9 for PS1 was realesed the same year as the PS2).[/QUOTE]

Alot of people probally thought the same of the NES to SNES.....yet alot of people like my fiancee got a genesis and never looked back. See while we gamers will buy every system, and while casual gamers will buy the brand they know and trust, or where they are hearing the hype, parents will buy whats cheap or catches their eye. Its that simple.
[quote name='botticus']So the extended life of the PS2 is good for the PS3's future sales, but Sony needs to kill off the PS2 quickly so people buy the PS3 instead?

The people who buy a PS2 because it's cheap will not automatically buy a PS3. If they were that hooked on the Playstation brand, they would have bought it a while ago. It will have to be cheap enough and have as strong a library, which will not be for many years - and that doesn't help Sony too much this generation, much like people buying the PS2 now has no bearing on their standing in the previous generation.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Brand loyal people will either have already gotten a PS3 or at the least not be buying a PS2 because they already own one. The people buying PS2s right now are the people who buy systems a gen behind for pricing.
[quote name='guinaevere']. As to the cooling system, Sugar I've tested my 360 next to the PS3 and the PS3 is far and away the louder system.


If that is true you need to exchange your system out because something is wrong with it. The PS3 is whisper quiet even while the disc is spinning.
[quote name='kell']Right. So which system would you buy if you wanted to play either: $400 X360 or $600 PS3?

My point is that Resistance is not unique enough or established enough to warrant a $600 additional purchase. It will take Final Fantasy or MGS 4 to sell systems.[/quote]

I already said that!
[quote name='Rozz']GTA3 was not a big series and it helped sell PS2s and Halo 1 was not part of any type of series.[/quote]

The point is, when those games came out, they wee revolutionary. Resistance is the tekken tag of this gen, you say ooooh and ahh now, but later you'll say its crap.
After reading this thread, I really have to wonder if some CAG accounts are controlled by people on Sony's payroll. Some statements made are just beyond forum troll and to that special "All I want for Xmas is a PSP!!!1" level.

Right now the PS3 is in deep trouble. Right now it could be trouble for 3rd party publishers. That says nothing about the future, and what could happen. But, as was said earlier, momentum means a lot in this industry. It's playing in Microsoft's and Nintendo's camps for now. Will it switch sides? That's anyone's guess. But I can tell you this, the PS3 will not go "mainstream" until it sees a price drop, which only means more trouble for Sony as they'd hemorrhage more money than they already are.
PS3 does need some killer games. Maybe this has been explained but why is GoW 2 on PS2? If it was on PS3 I think it would be a big system seller. I've talked to a couple people who would go out and buy the system just for that game if it was on PS3. Not saying everyone would but it would be a huge title for the PS3.

As for the PSP, it's good. The no game argument is crap. There are a lot of good games. I really like the PSP. DS Lite is good too but the PSP is far from crap.

Why anyone would want Sony to fail this gen? I really could care less what some Sony guy says. If if offends you that much that you won't buy the system your a moron. Don't support the system for what it does, not what someone at Sony says. The PS3 might not be worth buying when it came out, but neither was the 360 and the Wii does not look all that hot to me either (I am not a fan of Zelda or any of that so I know I'm in the minority). I can't imagine just having Microsoft and Nintendo. I also don't get how everyone is in love with Nintendo. Gamecube anyone? Did anything worthwhile come out for that system in 2006 before the Wii came? I can't think of any. Maybe Geist...I can't remember if that came out in 06 or 05. And even that was only average. That is a very long time to leave gamers in the dust. Everyone quickly forgets that and jumps on the Wii but Sony gets all the negative press. Yeah PS3 has had some problems but they are being fixed.
Personally, what I want to see is how much the sales of the PS3 console increases as more high profile games (i.e. Metal Gear, Final Fantasy) are released, assuming the console price stays the same.

If the numbers don't jump dramatically then it will likely be safe to say that the pricing is Sony's true problem and not the lack of good/great games.

If the console starts flying off the shelves then it was more of a software issue than the price.

Personally, I think Sony will be forced to drop the price at some point simply because it has to (re)claim some market share somehow, so we may not see the true answer to the "games vs. price" debate as to why the demand for the PS3 seems to be much lower than anticipated.
Bank of America sucks noodles anyways, they have already had trouble on couple occasion just getting my credit card bill right.

Personally I wish all the doom and gloom predictions would stop. All these analysts have tried on several occasion to predict the trends in gaming and very little of what they predict turns out exactly as they say.
[quote name='rodeojones903']The PS3 is whisper quiet even while the disc is spinning.[/quote]Seriously? Along with the one I play, every PS3 interactive I've seen in person is audibly very noisy. Even through the display cases.

Perhaps atlanta keeps getting the loud ones.

Anyway, I'm still waiting to hear how BofA was dragged into this. If EA or SCEA is a client they have NOOOO right to be talking trade on their behalf. If they're a parent company of EA, they still wouldn't be talking for them, EA would. Anyone?
[quote name='guinaevere']Seriously? Along with the one I play, every PS3 interactive I've seen in person is audibly very noisy. Even through the display cases.

The displays are misleading, ours has the world's loudest ventilation fan running inside, but if you run it without that fan it's about 10 times quieter (though you could roast a turkey in there eventually if it stayed off for too long).
[quote name='richbastard']the PS3 is competing with the PS2. Potential 360 owners are not looking at the old xbox and developers are not announcing many new titles. Potential Wii owners are not looking at the Gamecube (did they ever?) and developers are not making many new titles. The PS3 however is going up against its own goliath the PS2. It is still very heavily supported (and developers can make more money off the PS2). Sony needs to move quickly to shut down support to the PS2 to encourage the movement to the PS3. If there is another year of games coming for the PS2 like God of War 2 there is no incentive for the established base of PS2 users to move to the PS3 or any next gen. system.[/QUOTE]I think there is a lot of truth to this. Last year I was honestly shocked when I found out how close Guitar Hero II was being released to the PS3 launch date. I figured that a lot of people would just say fuck the PS3 since GHII was about to come out for the current gen. Not to mention Final Fantasy XII which would be eaten up by the slightly less mainstream (but huge nonetheless) crowd.

Seriously, I think frikkin Guitar Hero II is one of the worst things that could have happened to the PS3. I have a non-gamer friend who bought a PS2 just for GH, and I honestly don't think she's even touched her dual shock controller because GH is all she has interest in playing. And I'm sure she's not the only one. Wii and PS2, now THAT's a war... PS3 isn't even a factor yet!
I'll say this much is true, if I'm a publisher looking at next gen console development, the PS3 isn't looking too attractive. Nintendo's just released numbers claiming 3.2 million sold, 4 million shipped, Sony's struggling to say that they have 1 million units sold. (Not shipped) Triple the market with (likely) half the development time/cost HAS to be absolutely attractive to any publisher. Red Steel and Rayman's success on Wii have to be encouraging as well.

That's not even mentioning the 360 factor, whose install base will likely be the highest this generation. Logically, PS3 should have the least console exclusives this generation. If that holds true is yet to be seen. Developers have had a way of supporting Sony regardless of the logical financial conclusions in the past. Exclusive Soul Calibur 3 despite SC2 selling highest on GameCube sound familiar to anyone?
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Need me to bring up the article about Kojima wanting a dual-layered blu-ray disc to be ready for MGS4?

Also, look at Blue Dragon on 360, taking up three DVD9s. Enchanted Arms was suppose to have some high quality, HD CG cutscenes, but they had to be removed due to the limitations of the DVD9. Even Team Ninja wanted to include a HD intro for DoA4, but could not due to DVD9 not having enough space. The only reason MS made HD-DVD an add-on was because it wasn't out when Xbox 360 was out. If HD-DVD could have come out a year earlier, I guarantee the 360 would have been using it as a disc format.

I don't care about HD-DVD because blu-ray is the superior format in every way.[/QUOTE]

I agree Blu-ray is a superior format for data - but for video, it's a toss-up.

Xbox would have used the HD-DVD format out of the box had it been a single standard. But since Sony walked away from the DVD Forum and decided to compete, it was guaranteed the two formats would coexist for a period of time. Thus, Microsoft didn't want the X360 tied to a format that may be made obsolete before the end of the system's life cycle (divx, anyone?), or have to incur the cost of manufacturing these discs to keep the format afloat (Dreamcast, GD-ROM).

Sony, on the otherhand, has everything to lose by packaging Blu-ray with the PS3, but smart in that the PS3's internals can be upgraded. I will guarantee during the PS3's lifetime, since they are talking about a ten year span, you will see Blu-ray go the way of the UMD. Either next gen optical format doesn't have any legs for consumers, as things are already moving toward digital distribution.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I can tell you know nothing about blu-ray because you can't even spell it right.[/QUOTE]

Here Mana, let me correct you - Blu-ray.

I guess you know nothing about it either.
[quote name='jer7583']Developers have had a way of supporting Sony regardless of the logical financial conclusions in the past. Exclusive Soul Calibur 3 despite SC2 selling highest on GameCube sound familiar to anyone?[/quote]
I'm not going to say for sure that money hats were or werent exchanged to keep SC3 exclusivity, because there are other reasons for it than that.

For whatever reason, they had decided no bonus characters such as Link or Spawn. With that as a precondition, there are no GC sales without Link. It was never played competitively on the Gamecube, though thats not a point to argue here.

The Namco 256 Arcade board, in the case of Tekken, has PS1/2 slots on thing. Its practically a Playstation based platform in there. I believe SC3 uses the same board.

Someone made the call that it would better to specialize it on what is essentially its native platform, rather than port it out.

I hope B:L forgives me if I've made a mistake with that account
[quote name='Blitz']Exactly. They should have made it an add on just like M$ did. But they built it to live or die by blu-ray. Right now, it's dying.[/quote]

That's so true, at least MS made the HD-DVD an add on and left it up to the consumer as to whether they wanted to purchase it or not. Sony had to realize that the majority of gamers don't have HDTV's and also don't have 35 bucks to plunk down to watch a Blu-Ray movie when you can get the same movie on release day for $15.

I wouldn't buy the PS3 even if there was a price drop. There are currently no games that I want for the system and also they have that scaling issue where if you don't have a 720p tv then instead of getting upscaled to 1080i, you get downscaled to 480p, that's just nuts if you ask me!

Sony was egotistical and figured that people would be dumb enough to run out and buy a PS3 just because they made it. Honestly, not being a fanboy here cause I have a PS2, the 360 beats the PS3 in every way!
[quote name='guinaevere']Anyone care to explain to me how they dragged BofA in there?[/QUOTE]

Bank of America isn't just checking and savings. They manage billions of dollars in investments (both retail and institutional), and track the gaming industry just as any other industry worth investing in. I'd trust their report more than something from Michael Pachter.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Bank of America sucks noodles anyways, they have already had trouble on couple occasion just getting my credit card bill right.

Personally I wish all the doom and gloom predictions would stop. All these analysts have tried on several occasion to predict the trends in gaming and very little of what they predict turns out exactly as they say.[/quote]

I have to say that it's refreshing for a change not to hear all the doom and gloom about Microsoft and the Xbox and 360!
[quote name='RedvsBlue']But you don't understand, you should be able to play a video game from beginning to end without getting up from where you're sitting.[/quote]

How lazy can you possibly be???
[quote name='scorpers']How lazy can you possibly be???[/quote]

[quote name='botticus']So the extended life of the PS2 is good for the PS3's future sales, but Sony needs to kill off the PS2 quickly so people buy the PS3 instead?

The people who buy a PS2 because it's cheap will not automatically buy a PS3. If they were that hooked on the Playstation brand, they would have bought it a while ago. It will have to be cheap enough and have as strong a library, which will not be for many years - and that doesn't help Sony too much this generation, much like people buying the PS2 now has no bearing on their standing in the previous generation.[/quote]

I couldn't have said that^^ better myself. If people really wanted a PS3 they would run out and buy it. You are misleading yourself if you think that everyone who owns a PS2 is going to buy a PS3, if that were the case, Sony would not be in the predicament they are currently in with the PS3.
bread's done