Some jackass stole my fuse...


4 (100%)
So I've been up all night playing Trauma Center on the Wii and I get to the mission where you need to defuse a bomb, so I get two out of the four screws on the case unscrewed and when I go for the third....poof, my power goes out. Now I live in a very old building with very old wiring, so instead of circuit breakers we have fuses. So with this in mind I figure I just blew a fuse.

It's about 5:45am, I go into my office, which strangely has power, and grab a flashlight and proceed to go out into the hallway of my apartment building where my fusebox is. I've looked at my fusebox before and I know there are supposed to be two fuses in there. When I go to look I only see one. Then I hear something, I look up the stairs and I see someone there, unfortunately the stairway is very dark so I couldn't see them very well at all. I say to this person, "Did you steal my fuse?" the person just stands there, so I say louder "You steal my fuse!?" then the person runs up the stairs and goes into the third floor. I didn't immediately follow the person, but after a couple seconds I did follow him. I realize now that this was a big mistake, but I didn't want to immediately follow this person in case they meant to do harm to me.

Anyway, when I get to the third floor I hear a door close, I looked around to see if anybody was around, but I didn't see anyone. So I double back to the second floor and I see a guy going into his apartment so I say, "did you steal my fuse?" He's just dumbfounded and says "Huh? I just got home from barhopping." At first I wasn't sure if I should beleive him, but even though I didn't get a great look at the guy who did steal my fuse he doesn't look like him. The person who stole my fuse was a little on the heavy side, this guy was very skinny.

After I start talking to this guy it becomes more clear to me that he did not steal my fuse. He was more than willing to help me get a new fuse and he even offered to let me hang out with him in his apartment. So we go back to the fuse box for my apartment. Since it's an apartment building all the fuse boxes are in the same area and it's also littered with fuses, most of them burnt out ones. Me and my nrew friend, Matthew, start trying a bunch of fuses and none of them work at all. Lucky for me Matthew says that a couple weeks ago he had to replace one of his fuses and took an extra good one, he went back to his apartment and grabbed it and it worked great, I finally got my fucking power back.

So in the process of all this I told Matthew that I was playing Trauma Center on the Wii, and amazingly he hadn't even heard of a Wii. So to thank him for his help I invited him over to my apartment to check out Trauma Center. It was pretty hilarious watching him try to figure out how to do everything, he said the only other game he played was Final Fantasy. While he was playing I managed to get a hold of the building manager and tell him what happened. Unfortunately since I didn't get a good look at who stole my fuse he's pretty much going to get away with it without any fines or eviction. Even worse I can't even get any kind of credit on my rent for this bullshit that happened.

Well at least I made a new friend out of this, and I won't have to put up with this much longer, I'll be moving out of this shit hole in April. I just can't believe some dickless piece of shit would steal my fucking fuse.
What is the world coming to when people start to steal fuses....

What is the world coming to when people start accussing others of stealing fuses..... :)

You probably have a new nickname is your apt building. Crazy Ass Fuse Guy :)
"I got yo fuse bitch! What ya gonna do?!"

seriously though when i started reading about how you had to defuse a bomb in trauma center i thought they were tied

I was stuck on that mission for a while on DS, mostly because i didnt understand how to defuse the bomb right >.
I once had a guy steal one of my windshield wipers while my car was in the shop for repairs.

I wasn't so much pissed as was I confused.
lol that happened when i use to live in Miami. I really don't get why people are so damn cheap as fuses are cheap to buy.
[quote name='terribledeli']I once had a guy steal one of my windshield wipers while my car was in the shop for repairs.

I wasn't so much pissed as was I confused.[/QUOTE]

that same shit happened to me, I wasn't mad, just kind of like 'WTF, those wipers were real shitty anyways' :/
Something similiar happened to me this week. I bought my house last April, and have never run the sprinkler system since I moved in. It has a big digital control box on the side of the house next to the main electrical breakers/meters. Last Sunday, I went to try it out and was finally able to program the thing. After a couple of days of the sprinklers working on auto several times a day, I notice on Wednesday that they werent working. I check on the box that evening and its GONE. Wires cut right to where the gland would have been. I mean, a friggin sprinkler box? Come on. At first, I thought it was some kids being funny, but it was so cleanly removed that its obvious now its a straight theft. Pathetic man. I'm no sprinkler expert, but that box has to be on the expensive side. Come to find out that the price of that box is like 300 bucks. Sucks.
what a weird way to meet someone, at least you have some cool people in your building. or maybe it's an elaborate plan by your new friend to gain your trust so he can eventually steal your wii.
I could cite many examples at my job where petty shit like this happens, but I don't want to raise my blood pressure thinking about it. Suffice it to say that some people believe in lawfulness and the sanctity of private property, and some people are filthy scumbags who will never learn why they should care.

More simply: Some people good, some people bad.
[quote name='AGuth']Something similiar happened to me this week. I bought my house last April, and have never run the sprinkler system since I moved in. It has a big digital control box on the side of the house next to the main electrical breakers/meters. Last Sunday, I went to try it out and was finally able to program the thing. After a couple of days of the sprinklers working on auto several times a day, I notice on Wednesday that they werent working. I check on the box that evening and its GONE. Wires cut right to where the gland would have been. I mean, a friggin sprinkler box? Come on. At first, I thought it was some kids being funny, but it was so cleanly removed that its obvious now its a straight theft. Pathetic man. I'm no sprinkler expert, but that box has to be on the expensive side. Come to find out that the price of that box is like 300 bucks. Sucks.[/quote]

Holy lord .. who's the girl in your avatar?!
bread's done