Someone Jacked My DS Lite.

Update us with what happens.

Oh, and don't worry about having illegal stuff on your whatever it was, I really doubt the cops will even know what it is let alone it having illegal.
Actually, Grand Theft has different values depending on your jurisdiction -- certain states and cities can set it higher if they like. So it might not be a felony.

But yeah, what you need to is start a bunch of gossip and make a big deal of it until the culprit reveals himself. As part of a high school band, you have a relatively small pool of people that are likely involved. Also, call the police for good measure.

Anyone telling you that you need to KEEP THINGS IN POCKETS LOL doesn't really realize what's going on, so ignore them. You can't be expected to be live your life in paranoia and keep all of your valuables on your person at all times. You just got hit by a run of bad luck, and it sucks. My condolences.

I know how you feel, though -- I've had my car windows smashed in about 9 times (I lived in the ghettoes of the Twin Cities during my first few years of college), and have lost countless CD players and other electronics -- I now have an iPod and do not allow it to leave my sight. Sometimes, rotten bastards do bad things to other people.

My thing is this: if I stole a DS from someone, I wouldn't be able to play it at all. Every time I played a fucking game, I'd just be overrun with guilt, staring at this thing that I stole from somebody else, its digital looping music constantly reminding me that I'm a crook. The worst would be firing up a game, and seeing someone else' save there, and thinking, like . . . he was in the middle of this game, and l fucking STOLE IT FROM HIM. It slays me that there are actually people in the world who can steal something and continue to use it regularly without feeling horrible.
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']Update us with what happens.

Oh, and don't worry about having illegal stuff on your whatever it was, I really doubt the cops will even know what it is let alone it having illegal.[/quote]

Yes, alright.

Yesterday afterschool I sent in a report sheet to the school security.

Today, I told even more people about what happened. I also made an appointment with my counselor yesterday for this morning about my classes & my DS, and she said she would talk up with my band teacher about it. Walking my way out, I met the school resource officer. He said to write down it on a report sheet and hand it back in to him. He said something about suspects and the class and stuff, but I wasn't clear about it. After school today a security took the sheet from me and turned it in, but I still wasn't clear about the suspects and stuff like that.

Also, today, same period, someone stole $15 from my friend's purse. She couldn't get home, I would have spared her the money but I didn't have any money

My 6th period (Band) teacher doesn't seem to give a shit at all, I told him Tuesday (When it got stolen) and he didn't reply with anything. Yesterday, I told him, he didn't reply either. I told him today, and all he said is "You weren't supposed to bring it to school anyways" No shit, I was going to bring it to a friend's house right after school.

Seriously now though, from my current standpoint, I don't know what to do from now. Should I just wait or make a bigger deal about it? I haven't called the cops but I submitted a sheet to the resource officer.

I seriously want to get one back now, seeming my parents are wondering now where it is because they haven't seen me playing it in a while. Yes, my parents do NOT know, but if they find out, I'm screwed.

If I do call the cops, what would I say or ask?

Also, I live in California. Milpitas to be exact. Anyone know the grand theft amount here?

Oh, and one more thing. Are the "GET A FREE DS" sites legit? Anyone know of legitamite websites?
Hmm.. I would say something like, I don't care what the item was, the point is that something was taken from me, and I feel violated, plus I do not want it to happen to anyone else (getting something stolen) so its important to find out who did it because repeat occurances are likely. Which is true, if one person took your DS whats to stop that person from moving onto stealing bigger and better things?? Try to make it sound like there is a bigger issue here than just a couple items, because if you make it sound like you just want your items back, then they will just consider you another student with a complaint and not try to help you as much. We all know you want your DS back, but try to handle this in a respectable manner.

If I took something from someone else I wouldn't be able to do anything with it either, and I would just be overrun by guilt, but every time I have found an item on the street I have always made an attempt to return it to its rightful owner (the wallets that I found had identification in them so that was easy), sometimes you even get rewarded by the person who lost the item (the last time I returned a wallet I got 20$ without even asking for it!), plus you get the feeling that you have done a good deed.

Now if I found a DS lying on the street with no identification I don't think I would have trouble picking it up and taking it home, then using it, unless I could identify the person whom it belonged to somehow. I have morals but I am not stupid, if you find something without identification its finders keepers, and if you turn it in to somewhere the person that you turned it in to will just keep it for themselves.

I think most people that steal things take them for the purposes of selling them on ebay, craigslist, or hocking them for drugs or other items, and not for actually using the item.

It sucks to have things stolen, we have a lot of car vandalism and theft here, and I cannot count the number of times someone comes by with a knife and just vandalizes a random vehicle where I live or sideswipes a car and just drives right on by, or breaks into a garage to take items to resell for drugs.
Stop giving him crap for having an r4, this is, not
[quote name='tekkenlaw']Stop giving him crap for having an r4, this is, not[/quote]
Theres a difference between using ads to price match, add in a coupon and then using your gamercard to get a game for 1/4 price vs copyright infringement.

This is cheap ass gamer, not free ass gamer.

Either way it sucks your DS got swiped. The teacher should realize that if he isn't willing to guarentee the safety of your belongings (no matter what they are) he shouldn't be too concerned with keeping his job.
Stop being a bitch and tell your parents. Then call the cops and get this shit sorted out with. Otherwise you deserve to lose your stuff. Either show your courage and fess up that shit happened or bow down and let it go. We're not going to pat you on the back and say, 'Poor baby.' We're telling you what you need to do to get your shit back. If you're don't listen, that's on you.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']Stop being a bitch and tell your parents. Then call the cops and get this shit sorted out with. Otherwise you deserve to lose your stuff. Either show your courage and fess up that shit happened or bow down and let it go. We're not going to pat you on the back and say, 'Poor baby.' We're telling you what you need to do to get your shit back. If you're don't listen, that's on you.[/quote]

Where have I asked not for help, and just for sympathy? This topic was made for the sole purpose of getting help, not being a "whiny crack-ass bitch" as you're describing. As of now telling my parents is the last thing I want to be doing.
Why? Unless your parents told you not to take it to school or something (probably for fear of it getting stolen.. what irony that would be)- I don't see why you shouldn't tell them.

Without your parents and the cops, you're not getting it back. Period. Man up.
[quote name='Ruahrc']Why? Unless your parents told you not to take it to school or something [/quote

Pretty much that's what's up - but the only reason why I brought it with me was to bring it to my friend's house.
You're probably not going to get it back. Learn a lesson from this; pay attention to your valuables. It sucks, but unless the guy is stupid and brings it back, there isn't a good chance of getting it back.

But here's an idea. Ask to go to the bathroom, daily. When you're there, search the bags of those you suspect. If you find the DS take it back.
[quote name='APE992']Theres a difference between using ads to price match, add in a coupon and then using your gamercard to get a game for 1/4 price vs copyright infringement.

This is cheap ass gamer, not free ass gamer.

Either way it sucks your DS got swiped. The teacher should realize that if he isn't willing to guarentee the safety of your belongings (no matter what they are) he shouldn't be too concerned with keeping his job.[/quote]

You can use a R4 for homebrew and music, too. Just because he has one doesn't mean he's doing anything illegal.

And just so you know, many "coupons" that are used here are in pretty grey territoy; the whole "no-copies" on all of them...
throughout my high school career, i've had stolen:

wallet with $80
DS Case /w Mario Kart, Tetris, NSMB, Polarium, Mario & Luigi GBA, and screen wiper

this shit happens, never found out my perps either, sucks
[quote name='RaPtOrsIII']throughout my high school career, i've had stolen:

wallet with $80
DS Case /w Mario Kart, Tetris, NSMB, Polarium, Mario & Luigi GBA, and screen wiper

this shit happens, never found out my perps either, sucks[/quote]

I was thinking of just taking this route too - retaliation...
I had my Ipod stolen once out of my gym locker last year. I reported it that day to the officer on campus and he filed a formal report. I got lucky the next day, as I saw a kid who's locker was next to mine using it, I recognized the headphones being messed up with tape, plus it was the U2 Ipod. I went in, told them, and they called him in and I got my Ipod back.

So just keep an eye out for it.

When you report it also make sure you give them the serial number, so they can match it to the DS if you do indeed find out who took it. Make sure you don't approach him, and first report it to the office. If you go up to him about it, unless you're a big guy, he could just give it to a buddy to hold or something, but if you go to the office or whatever they'll call him in with his stuff and he won't have a chance to stash it anywhere.

Hope it all works out in the end and you get your DS back.
[quote name='Darkyoshi1']I was thinking of just taking this route too - retaliation...[/QUOTE]

I hope you're joking about this. Not only is it illegal (making you no better, and IMO even worse than the guy who snatched YOUR DS) but it is immature and not the way to handle things. It shows to me that you have as little respect for the belongings of others as the person who stole your DS- and that maybe this was a good thing to happen to you so that you may learn and grow from it.

Try not to get too worked up over material things, it will all work out in the end. Just be glad that you just lost your DS and that some kid didn't come into your classroom with guns ablaze like what happened at UVirginia recently...

The saving grace about your situation is that since it was stolen by a schoolkid it is likely he/she wanted it to use and not to sell. Obviously some time has passed since the theft took place and if they wanted it for the money it is long gone.

[quote name='Ruahrc']Just be glad that you just lost your DS and that some kid didn't come into your classroom with guns ablaze like what happened at UVirginia recently...[/quote]

I've never actually said "what the fuck!?" in disbelief out loud over the stupidity of a statement that i've read on the internet until now. I don't know how you compare petty thief to a massacre. Let's leave Virginia Tech (you couldn't even get the name of the school right!) out of this, I've got friends that go there. Thanks.
[quote name='Scorch']I've never actually said "what the fuck!?" in disbelief out loud over the stupidity of a statement that i've read on the internet until now. I don't know how you compare petty thief to a massacre. Let's leave Virginia Tech (you couldn't even get the name of the school right!) out of this, I've got friends that go there. Thanks.[/quote]i don't think it was his intention to trivialize what happened at vtech. he was trying to say it's just a stolen DS--compared to serious problems in real life, it's really nothing.
[quote name='banpeikun']i don't think it was his intention to trivialize what happened at vtech. he was trying to say it's just a stolen DS--compared to serious problems in real life, it's really nothing.[/QUOTE]


Scorch, try and re-read my post a little more carefully and see that I was trying to highlight that there are far worse things than getting your DS stolen. I apologize if I offended you but I think you merely misread or misunderstood my statement.

[quote name='Ruahrc']Thanks.

Scorch, try and re-read my post a little more carefully and see that I was trying to highlight that there are far worse things than getting your DS stolen. I apologize if I offended you but I think you merely misread or misunderstood my statement.


By your logic, if you're skateboarding and fall off on your ass, you should immediately rationalize, "At least I wasn't anally raped." I think that was the point he might have been making. I may of course be wrong.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']By your logic, if you're skateboarding and fall off on your ass, you should immediately rationalize, "At least I wasn't anally raped." I think that was the point he might have been making. I may of course be wrong.[/quote]

More or less. It was just an extreme comparison and shouldn't have been brought in to the conversation. Good analogy to prove my point.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']By your logic, if you're skateboarding and fall off on your ass, you should immediately rationalize, "At least I wasn't anally raped." I think that was the point he might have been making. I may of course be wrong.[/quote]

At least you were only anally raped. Someone COULD have flown a 747 into your house.
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']At least you were only anally raped. Someone COULD have flown a 747 into your house.[/QUOTE]
I apologize if I offended you but I think you merely misread or misunderstood my statement.

No. Wrong. You shouldn't be the one apologizing. The myopian known as Scorch should be. Do not empower those who don't think things through.
You didn't happen to be, oh, I don't know, playing pirated games, were you?

Don't take your valuables with you to HS, and if you absolutely need to, then keep it in your pocket.
Alright, my birthday just passed a few weeks ago, my parents bought everything and the DS for me, in exchange for having NO birthday party. That's about $250.

My parents are old. I mean old as in my dad is 64, and my mom is 61. My dad broke his back a few years back, and my mom was diagnosed with diabetes and has some heart problems. They would of been retired by now but they are still working their butt off because they care about me and my future - I don't want to get money thrown away from it because they're squeezing a much money as they can into my future.

That's pretty much why I want it back. Honestly, I can't really just drop and get a new one, we aren't no rich people living on the hills or anything. My parents are in debt as well, because they're putting a lot of money in my account as well as paying for the house, vehicles, etc..

Look - I'm not looking for symphathy. I just really want to get it back, as of now I can't just be throwing money in the trash and "accepting the fact that it has been stolen." I know many of you have been in this position before, but my position is quite different. That's why I was thinking about retailiation. I honestly, don't know.
the thing is you dont even know who took it. Who are you going to retaliate? It could be someone in your same situation. Don't do anything that will get you in more trouble. I am sure the last thing your parents want to hear is you getting caught. A close friend of mine lost $100 back in high school from his locker and there was nothing he could do. Try to forget about it and move on is all I can say.
He wanted help, not stuff to make him feel bad. Besides, telling him all the stuff about what he should have done doesn't help now.

It'd be a good idea to tell the police/whoever else you told about your suspects. Getting your stuff stolen sucks.
[quote name='brandonabley']
But yeah, what you need to is start a bunch of gossip and make a big deal of it until the culprit reveals himself. As part of a high school band, you have a relatively small pool of people that are likely involved. Also, call the police for good measure.
See that wouldn't have worked at my high school with the band of 450+ students. Anyways, best of luck to you OP, hope you get it back. My friend got his sp and cd player stolen from him in P.E. in freshman year and he never got it back.
yeah.,.. writing about it here ain't gonna help yor situation, im poor too, im 18 and have not even had ONE job. together my parents make 50k a year

and im not still pissed off about my stolen ds games (worth 130) and wallet (80)
Oh man, this brings up memories of 7th grade and some idiot who stole my Pokemon Red, out of my freaking Gameboy pocket (why they would take the game, but leave the system is beyond me). Anywho, I ended up learing who took it from a couple of girls who saw the kid take it.

Now here's where the story gets real good. I end up confronting the kid face to face, and the jerk-off admits it to my face, much to his glee. Why he would want to provoke a 6'1, 240lb eleven-year-old is beyond me, but needless to say, I started laying waste to face. I don't remember the "fight" all that well, other than he did get in two or three good shots before I nearly caved his face in, and people just being scared of being around me after that (including teachers, depsite the fact that I was normally a quite, nerdy, easy-going kid). In the end, kid gave me back my Pokemon, we both got suspended, and better yet, no pressed charges, happy ending for everyone (except the kid and his face, but I'm sure that healed up eventually).

Moral of the story? Violence solves everything.

As for your predicament, call the cops, get them involved. If that fails, attempt to contact the parents of the kids who might have taken it. Who knows, you might get a concerned mom who searches their room / interrogates them until it turns up.
[quote name='spoo']Could it be karma from stealing games?[/quote]
Congratulations! :applause:

You won today's "Forum post that accomplishes nothing besides making a jackass of yourself" award.

Your award is a cookie:

[quote name='yukine']Congratulations! :applause:

You won today's "Forum post that accomplishes nothing besides making a jackass of yourself" award.

Your award is a cookie:

I'm a jackass because I have strong spiritual believes in karma? Or is it that I'm a jackass because you don't believe in karma?

It sucks that this kid got his DS swiped but what can a CAG do about it? Maybe little Joey might see the OP post on and decide to give it back, or someone might see his post and feel sorry for him and buy him a DS?

Instead I'm giving some advice on how to avoid things like this from happening to this kid in the future.

I have a hypothetical question for you. Who is a bigger jackass; Someone that post a "Forum post that accomplishes nothing besides making a jackass of yourself," or Someone that posts a forum post that accomplishes nothing besides quoting a person to call them a jackass?

Hmmm :whistle2:k
[quote name='yukine']Congratulations! :applause:

You won today's "Forum post that accomplishes nothing besides making a jackass of yourself" award.

Your award is a cookie:

Oh man, *I* was going for that award!!!

[quote name='spoo']... Instead I'm giving some advice on how to avoid things like this from happening to this kid in the future. [/QUOTE]

Dude, you might have made a case had you actually provided that and not just the nugget of unfounded/unproven speculation wrapped in an accusatory rhetorical question.
[quote name='spoo']I'm a jackass because I have strong spiritual believes in karma? Or is it that I'm a jackass because you don't believe in karma?

It sucks that this kid got his DS swiped but what can a CAG do about it? Maybe little Joey might see the OP post on and decide to give it back, or someone might see his post and feel sorry for him and buy him a DS?

Instead I'm giving some advice on how to avoid things like this from happening to this kid in the future.

I have a hypothetical question for you. Who is a bigger jackass; Someone that post a "Forum post that accomplishes nothing besides making a jackass of yourself," or Someone that posts a forum post that accomplishes nothing besides quoting a person to call them a jackass?

Hmmm :whistle2:k[/quote]
I was merely illustrating the fact that you came into this thread with nothing useful to contribute, all you essentially did was call him a thief, and that he got what he deserved via karma.

It doesn't help when a handful of others have already made the same ingenious comment. I'll remember to make an equally asinine post whenever you make a thread that deals with something similar in nature.

Edit: Oops! I forgot to answer your question. You're still the bigger jackass, as I was coming to the defense of another user. Perhaps I was a bit ridiculous, but karma points for me! Woohoo! I win!
Anyone who believes in karma is daft and foolish. There are hardcore criminals out there and evil people out there, if karma was real I don't think bad things would happen to some kid for just downloading games, he's not physically hurting anyone in the process or killing anyone.

Anyway I hope you get it back. :D
[quote name='Rozz']Anyone who believes in karma is daft and foolish. There are hardcore criminals out there and evil people out there, if karma was real I don't think bad things would happen to some kid for just downloading games, he's not physically hurting anyone in the process or killing anyone.

Anyway I hope you get it back. :D[/QUOTE]
If you don't understand how "Karma" work plz don't talk about it ^__^;
[quote name='nonggame']If you don't understand how "Karma" work plz don't talk about it ^__^;[/quote]

Considering there are many different forms of "karma" I dont think you know what you're talking about.
He never said he was downloading games he didn't own, or that he was downloading ROMs of retail games. Even if it is illegal, I don't think there is anything morally wrong with downloading games you already own for the sake of having everything with you.
a-holes like u bring this stuff to school, jackass.
see i bring my 512mb ipod shuffle with me thats it, it aint worth shit, thats why i bring it. i mean its fun to play ur psp and ds i guess, but helloo... .durr.
dont take a freaking chance.
[quote name='Darkyoshi1']Alright. I'm a freshman in high school. Anyways, yes, someone jacked my DS. I can go along and get another one, But I don't want them to get away with it. I'm seriously done wasting my money on bullshit like this. I need suggestions or advice on what to do.

Alright, 3 weeks ago, for my birthday, my loving parents bought me a
Black DS Lite, an R4, a 2 gig stick for the R4, and a case, which equals to exactly $250.

Well today, 6th period (Band), someone jacked it.

This is all I know:
  • It was stolen in 6th period.
  • Everyone leaves their backpack inside the instrument room.
  • One person, named Tony, went to the bathroom.
  • A bunch of goody two-shoe girls went inside the practice room to chatter. I know they wouldn't steal it because they don't even know me.
  • I went to the bathroom for a few mins to blow out my nose because I have a cold.
  • The only people I would suspect are the bad dudes: Jay, Nathan, Jermiah, Tony, and Michael. Everyone else in my period are goody two-shoes.
  • My DS has a 2GB Sandisk memory stick inside the R4
  • R4 has a custom theme background

I don't know what to do from here, should I ask the security, counselor, or what?

I know I can deal with it, I just don't want the person to get away with it.

Yes, I know, I know. Sucks for me. Shouldn't have brought it to school. Deal with it, Whatever. I just don't want the person to get a way with it.[/QUOTE]

You should tell your Teacher in 6th period when you know ur DS is GONE but after everyone get off the class is No Go and is very hard to track down the Thief unless playing ur DS at Lunch or BREAK.

Like i say ... Look around to anyone u think stolen ur DS and if they playing it u can TURN them in.
bread's done