Someone motivate me to waste money!


I keep going back and forth on if I should get a 360 and HDTV.

Was looking at a $400 27 inch set from newegg along with a 360. Maybe a copy of Crackdown and Dead Rising?

So should I spend like $1000?
sounds like you're going for an olevia LCD...don't do it. it'll look good in HD, but suck horribly at SD (your DVDs, PS2 games, and cable tv will all look like crap.)

i dunno...if you can leave it up to guys on a message board to decide if you should spend $1000, then you can probably afford to spend a little more on a quality TV.
as for the 360, if you like games on it, buy it.
I'd recommend a vizio from costco. I'm using the 32" now as my computer monitor and its really great. SD doesn't look as good anymore but HD is fantastic. Plus you have 90 days to return it if you don't like the pq and there's no restocking fee.
[quote name='TrenoV']I have an Olevia and love mine....[/QUOTE]

Same here.

DVDs, PS2, etc look fine to me using component cables.

SD cable doesn't look that great, but it really doesn't look great on any TV.
[quote name='GenghisJohn']haha dammit, I was all ready to buy my Olevia. Now I'm having second thoughts.[/QUOTE]

well, if you're just going to use it for the 360, then it's fine. anything else, I'd say no. the model I had made anything non-hd a jaggy, blurry mess. people have said this about certain models, but have said good things about other models.

just do lots of research before purchasing a certain model.
Speaking from experience, if you're going to buy an HDTV, make sure you get a well known brand and model. I bought a plasma TV on black friday and I started seeing burn in setting in after only a couple months. So I ditched that and picked up an LG LCD and I haven't had any problems. So just remember you get what you pay for.
[quote name='Apossum']sounds like you're going for an olevia LCD...don't do it. it'll look good in HD, but suck horribly at SD (your DVDs, PS2 games, and cable tv will all look like crap.)

i dunno...if you can leave it up to guys on a message board to decide if you should spend $1000, then you can probably afford to spend a little more on a quality TV.
as for the 360, if you like games on it, buy it.[/QUOTE]

Olevia LCD FTW!

Actually now that i think of it...ive only used my tv for 360 lol
I DO use it for my computer as well though, hooked up through DVI i watch anime and it looks great on there so that could be a plus for you

cable tv sucks anyway man, save yourself a monthly bill and stop watching that stuff.

Just keep the tv you currently have for your SD stuff if it turns out to look bad on your HD, spending $1000 is not the answer!
[quote name='Weedy649']Olevia LCD FTW!

Actually now that i think of it...ive only used my tv for 360 lol
I DO use it for my computer as well though, hooked up through DVI i watch anime and it looks great on there so that could be a plus for you

cable tv sucks anyway man, save yourself a monthly bill and stop watching that stuff.[/QUOTE]

I'm happy I get it for free(it was never shut off from the last guy who was here) least to have Futurama and Family Guy playing while I do my homework at night :)

animated stuff does look pretty amazing on LCDs.
[quote name='Weedy649']
Just keep the tv you currently have for your SD stuff if it turns out to look bad on your HD, spending $1000 is not the answer![/QUOTE]

Good answer, unless you live in a dorm or something, or your TV is ancient.
i'm using an olevia 332h 32". got it for $460 from 6th ave on some holiday that happened about 3 or 4 weeks ago. I only had reguarl xbox and used it with s-video and i thought it looked incredible (i only have outrun and halo 2). Outrun was one of the best looking games in HD I've ever seen, including the new-gen consoles.

I also got a 360 a couple days ago and so far everything is looking pretty good. I'm not going to lie but i do the notice a difference in quality compared to my friend's sony hdtv (not sure if it was plasma or lcd) wasn't huge and i don't regret my purchase at all but if you're crazy anal about "getting the best" then you would be spending about double the price on minimal improvement.

i suggest determine a budget and then go to they have tons of really good deals in their forums for tv's and that's where i found my deal (it was a 1-time thing)
[quote name='GenghisJohn']Wait. The Olevia LCD would have a worse SD picture than my current tv? That doesnt make sense to me[/QUOTE]

LCD's aren't quite up to par with CRTs when it comes to SD (or even 20 year old tube TVs, in my experience with Olevia.)
I hear so many threads about hdtvs like this... I'm not gonna settle, I'll just wait and see what comes out and hopefully stuff that's "old" gets cheaper.
Vizo is a good budget, reliable brand. If you have a costco by you their warranty is great with TVs.

Vizo'32 HDTV $599.99


Vizo'37 HDTV $799.99

I have a '20 Vizo for my Kitchen to go along with my Sony 40'XBR2, and it works great.

plus these TVs have a PC input so you can use them as your PC monitor also.

The 360 is well worth it, a lot of good games to play,and good online community. Just beware of the hardware problems though because the 360 hardware failure is through the roof. Otherwise its one of the best systems on the market. If you do buy a Vizo or a TV get it through Costco because of the warranty on that 360.
Ok heres my try at motivating you:

C'mon man you gotta do it! You'll never be this young again and it's your only shot to fully enjoy it in life! You only live once, y'know? And what will a few hundred bucks do to you anyway? It won't really hurt you could always just cut back on the childrens' diapers y'know what I'm sayin? Cloth diapers never harmed anyone!
Go for it.

I'd choose Gears of War as my first title, though.
If you want to waste money then why dont you just give me the money? PM me so I can send you my info so you can transfer the $$$ through Paypal... :lol:
One thing that may help with standard def resolution on any HDTV is to enter the internal menu of your cable/satellite box and set SD programming to run 4:3 instead of widescreen. You'll have black bars on the sides, but it won't be pixilated as bad. My roommate and I do this with a 50" rear-projection Magnavox and a 32-inch Samsung LCD and it does the job nicely.
Well, here's what I'm thinking of doing...

maybe this will help a bit

Buying an Elite, then buying a 22" LCD monitor w/ HDMI. and some decent headphones.

But so far, I still plan on waiting a little bit longer, for the 65nm chips

also i heard (rumor) that lcd monitors were getting a huge price drop this fall.

Unless, you absolutely need to play that Halo 3 Beta, a 360 can wait. Gears of War and Oblivion will always be around. And by the time their sequels get released, those games will be bargain bin.
bread's done