Sony is killing it and no one is paying attention


262 (100%)
The PS3 was the last console I bought this generation. I'm sure a lot of people have ignored the console as well. I think it's time to start looking at Sony again. They are in 3rd place so it's put them in a different position then they were with the PS2.

I bought a VITA and despite what people say it's a brilliant device and very powerful for a handheld. There are some really great games out already and now today Sony announces Cross-Buy which nets you a PS3 copy and a VITA copy for the same price on full retail games.

This on top of the sheer awesome that is Playstation Plus and all the free games that come with it is something that shouldn't be ignored. I feel as if with Plus (just recently joined) I'm getting more than I ever did with XBL for my $50 per year. It's nice to hear they will be upping the cloud storage cap as well to 1GB.

I feel like a hypocrite since I've only more recently (probably since the VITA launch) paid attention to Sony again but I think they are really starting to turn it up and are looking to compete with the iphone, android, and even OnLive Markets.
I've been screaming this for the past couple of years.
Sony really is competing. Some people are just to blind or biased to realize it.
And I'm guessing that this thread will eventually devolve into foolishness...
In any case, welcome aboard the fun train. :)
I have started liking Sony a little bit more ever since I was able to try the online on ganes for both platforms, mind you I still like Live's online a little better but I have to pay yearly for that, so free is good.

Now if only Sony would support the Vita more.
I bought my first PS3 a couple months ago after owning a 360 for years and I am loving it. I had to sell my PS3 and go buy a 320gb one because of all the sheer awesomeness PS Plus was giving me and was tired of having to try and make room on 160gb.

Then I played Heavy Rain and WOW that cemented my love for the PS3. That is probably my absolute favorite game of this current generation if not ever. PS3 really does have some amazing exclusives (not to say 360 doesn't). I enjoy both consoles and they each have their strengths and weaknesses but at this current time I am enjoying my PS3 more than my 360.

BTW, I also bought a Vita at launch. It's a awesome piece of hardware and I got Uncharted: Golden Abyss from Gamefly and beat it and it really does feel like a console experience in your hands but I ended up selling it and decided to wait awhile for more games to come out and maybe a potential price cut.
sony still got a long way to imo. i own both ps3 and 360. just perfer 360 mainly for its party chat. still want to pick up a vita at some point though.
360 bored the shit out of me. Halo was always mediocre compared to the PC shooters at the time and only got acclaim for controls that worked on a console.

Gears is everything wrong with the console shooters and ultimately killed Unreal Tournament making it a death kneel of true competitive FPS and making Epic worthless to me.

Forza is Turn 10 wishing they could get Polyphony digital money. Turn 10 has to pay car companies to get those cars in the game, yet Polyphony digital gets paid to have cars in their game.

Still pissed off about Flight Simulator, Age of Empires and all those other teams who were let go. My PC Gaming is gone. All I have left is memories of what once was.
The games are pretty good. The vita is pretty good.

Its too bad sony failz hard at business. Its amazing how much of the market sony let microsoft takeover. Just sheer incompetence from most of their leadership.
I was rather down on the PS1 and PS2, mainly because of the hardware instability and the fact that I didn't feel Sony deserved the success they managed to achieve. And lets face it, Sony's first-party development was terrible when the Playstation began. It wasn't until the PS2 that they really started getting their feet under them in terms of first-party games.

While I do think that Sony made numerous marketing mistakes with the PS3, I have enjoyed this system far more than I had originally expected to. I also bought a PS3 after I had already acquired a Wii and 360. I didn't pick up a PS3 until they released the special Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle. Once I actually had my hands on one, I found it quite capable for both games as well as media. It quickly became my default player for movies and audio. Its also been my console of choice for acquiring cross-platform titles.

One of the consequences of the PS3 not gaining the same level of popularity in this generation has been an abundance of low-cost games. It has been increasingly easy for me to acquire PS3 games on clearance over the past few years. As such, my collection of PS3 software has grown considerably larger than my selection of Wii or 360 titles. With the PS3, I feel that Sony finally did right with the hardware.
[quote name='Komentra']I bought my first PS3 a couple months ago after owning a 360 for years and I am loving it. I had to sell my PS3 and go buy a 320gb one because of all the sheer awesomeness PS Plus was giving me and was tired of having to try and make room on 160gb.[/QUOTE]

Please tell me you didn't really sell a PS3 to buy another with a bigger HDD? You know you can just swap out the hard drive, right?

But yes, I agree with the OP. Sony has been my favorite for nigh a whole decade now, mostly just because their exclusives are, not only better(to me), but come far more frequently. It's crazy how many more they have than the competition.
[quote name='Paco']360 bored the shit out of me. Halo was always mediocre compared to the PC shooters at the time and only got acclaim for controls that worked on a console.[/QUOTE]
Haha, I have been preaching for years now that the only reason Halo is so popular is because a) the xbox had a terrible selection of games at launch and b) introduced console gamers to what PC gamers had already been doing for years.

As for PS3, people mainly ignored it for years because of one factor: $$$. I think you'll find it's exceedingly more popular now that they've leveled the playing field. It's my console of choice for the pure fact online is free. I'd be shocked if M$ doesn't drop the fee next generation or at least model their online after PS+, because they'll be in deep shit if they don't.
[quote name='Jodou']Haha, I have been preaching for years now that the only reason Halo is so popular is because a) the xbox had a terrible selection of games at launch and b) introduced console gamers to what PC gamers had already been doing for years.[/QUOTE]

Actually, the reason Halo was so popular was because it successfully transposed a genre of games popular on the PC to the console. All of the design decisions surrounding the Halo franchise were made to "console-ise" the conventions of the FPS genre.

Slower movement was added to compensate for the more sluggish reactions of analog sticks. Regenerating health was added to compensate for the slower movement. (since rushing around and exploring for health was now more difficult) The focus shifted from large waves of spastic enemies to smaller encounters with better AI. Linearity in the levels became a given.

This all resulted in a new "style" of FPS, one that worked much better on consoles than it did on PCs.

But all of that is tangential to the topic at hand. The PS3 is indeed a very deserving system, and Sony's video game business has been providing consumers with a lot of great options. I do agree that their marketing has drastically gone downhill. It really makes me wonder. Their marketing for the PS1 and PS2 was really good. I remember their commercials back then being very entertaining.
I've never really understood the hate for Sony. Yes, they are in third sales wise, but it's not like they are THAT far behind. Especially considering releasing the console a year after the 360 and shooting themselves in the foot with the $600+ cost of the console.

They have far more first party exclusives than Microsoft, and more that I care for in general. The Wii has quite a bit, but they rarely release games anyways. And a good chunk of exclusives the 360 has, the PS3 eventually receives at a later date. I would say less so the other way around.

While I feel the 360 has better capabilities online, I've always found it a bit weird that it charges for it. I know a lot of people complain about paying for on disc DLC because of content that's being restricted for them, yet will pay for Live. How is it not a problem to purchase games for the system, have multiplayer aspects to that game, then be told you can't play it unless you pay Microsoft more to do so? Always been fishy to me. I think it should have been receive free Live capability, then pay to have BETTER online experiences. Sadly that's not the case. And let's not even get on the Wii's case about online...

Playstation + gets a lot of flack about not owning the games during it's subscription, but i think people don't look at it in the way they ought to. It's a rental service with added perks. You receive more discounted offers (which, I think PS3 already do a better job of even without it) and the games you do purchase with those added discounts, you keep. Those discounts alone seem worth it. And I forget where I saw it, but when you factor in the discounts and the free game costs, PS+ provides over a $1000 worth of yearly content for $50 a year. Complain all you want, but no other console has come close to doing so.

Can't say anything about the Vita as I don't particularly want one, but I have to say...weren't people saying they weren't expecting it any less than $400 or so when they first announced it? When they revealed the $250 price, people thought it was a steal. Now...nobody is buying it and says it should have a price drop. Just something that had crossed my mind several times.

Then of course there's some smaller things. The interface...I don't mind it. Like it much more than the 360's and the same goes with the store. Those who argue that it's harder to find stuff on the PS3 than it is the 360 must have no idea how to read, because I have never had a problem finding it based on the breakdowns in the store. The download/install times and system updates, I can't argue with. It's ridiculous and I hope that gets fixed before the next system. The backwards compatibility and Linux removal makes me want to cave my head in everytime that comes up though I can see why people get frustrated by it, just don't think it's THAT big of a deal.

I just never quite got it. Sony is doing a lot of things right, and I would say they do more right than the competitors. They do have some stuff to fix up, and hopefully they do for the PS4.
I believe Sony makes wonderful products, and their systems have great games on it, but unless they are first, I do not believe they are technically "killing it," since that would imply success or at least leading.

And I definitely recall being a slow adopter of the PS3, because of the $600 price tag and Kaz Hirai saying "I want people to be willing to take a second job in order to pay for it." Maybe it was taken out of context, or a mistranslation, but I definitely would have preferred him saying something like "we apologize for the high price tag, but we are still taking a loss on each unit sold, and we believe that the games will justify the price." Bad PR messages can really tick consumers off.
It's good to see Sony hungry and competing again. Back at Playstation 3 launch, their arrogance was so distasteful. Hopefully it's not too late for them to turn it around and stay in the game.
Their pricing at the beginning of this gen absolutely sucked imo. I am the epitome of a Cheap Ass Gamer, in that I refuse to pay a ton for stuff to continue enjoying my gaming hobby. I'd rather go back to reading books and playing the older gen stuff than pay anymore than $300 for a console next gen. I only paid $400 for a 40gb because I sold all of my PS2/Xbox titles to do so.

Otherwise I'd likely still be rocking the PS2 and Xbox for gaming, since I just don't see this hobby being worth $500+ for just a fucking console for me next gen.

Not to mention that you have the YLOD claiming some of the older model PS3's and that these things in general suck so much friggin' juice and get hot enough you could heat at least one room in your house with them by playing for extended periods of time.

Hopefully if Sony announces the rumored ultra slim at Gamescom they're going to make it with an external power supply cuz that's the corner of every PS3 I've had that gets super warm after just a little bit of time playing.:roll:
I associate Sony with quality and the PS3 is one of the only Sony products that is cheap.

Plus it really can do a ton of stuff. I have photos, personal movies, MP3s, all sorts of crap on there. The only thing I need is more then 120 GBs and a decent internet browser. Why in holy hell do the youtube videos on the PS3 look like absolute shit?
I bought a PS3 for FF Versus and Last Guardian, and I doubt either will see the light of day.

Free online and blu-ray is nice though. But PSN store is a giant clusterfuck.
Was going to pass on this thread because I generally agree with the statements, I just happen to prefer the 360 controller than PS3 (and I'm on year 2 of 3 of free Live thanks to Netflix) until I read this.

[quote name='Paco']
Turn 10 has to pay car companies to get those cars in the game, yet Polyphony digital gets paid to have cars in their game.

Can I get some more information on this? That sounds really interesting and I would love to know more about it. :D
[quote name='Jodou']That ship has sailed: no new PS3 model announced.[/QUOTE]
Well that sucks. I was hoping for an announcement of at least a price drop to $200 if not a super slim being announced. Hopefully they go the PStwo route if they ever do make a super slim for NA and make it a top loader with an external power supply.

As for doing stuff OTHER than gaming with the PS3. I think if I've watched 2-3 movies on my PS3 and used the buggy as hell browser more than 3-5 times(while my PC was in the shop) it's a miracle.
I have to admit Sony has been doing a good job with the PS3 ever since that Giant Enemy Crab and Five Hundred Ninety Nine US Dollars E3 fiasco when the system first came out. Their first party production is superior then Microsoft's and MS has paid/bought off a majority of their exclusivity. Online is free. PS+ has been offering free games where as the MS Gold discounts have been very, very weak the last few years.

If It weren't for the fact I had so much invested into the 360 already and all my friends go 360 only I probably would have gladly sided with Sony the last few years. It's a shame they are still bleeding so much money and Vita looks to be a flop.
[quote name='panzerfaust']I bought a PS3 for FF Versus and Last Guardian, and I doubt either will see the light of day.[/QUOTE]

Meanwhile, I bought mine for Ni No Kuni, which I will finally see next year.
meh, i've played my ps3 more than my 360 but that really isn't saying much. sony has nothing really exciting on the way, at least not that i'd heard of. move was gimmicky, 3d is gimmicky, my psp is still great so why would i want a vita? i don't feel like they're killing anything..
If I was running Sony I would have dropped the PS3 to $199 6 months ago. Throw in a free 3 month trial to plus and then they'd be killing it. I don't know if they are still losing money on each console, but if they are ( and don't get me wrong I love my PS3, just look at my pic) the only thing they are killing is themselves.

The Last of Us will help Sony a lot but in typical Sony fashion they'll drop the ball to truly take advantage of the killer software with a timed price drop.
[quote name='Abear21']If I was running Sony I would have dropped the PS3 to $199 6 months ago. Throw in a free 3 month trial to plus and then they'd be killing it. I don't know if they are still losing money on each console, but if they are ( and don't get me wrong I love my PS3, just look at my pic) the only thing they are killing is themselves.[/QUOTE]

According to this:

the PS3 became profitable for Sony two years ago. Personally, I don't blame them for squeezing as much money as possible out of it. If that means they keep the current price point, so be it.

What we think the price should be doesn't matter.
[quote name='crystalklear64']meh, i've played my ps3 more than my 360 but that really isn't saying much. sony has nothing really exciting on the way, at least not that i'd heard of. move was gimmicky, 3d is gimmicky, my psp is still great so why would i want a vita? i don't feel like they're killing anything..[/QUOTE]

Do you live in a cave? :lol:
The "hate" for Sony is nothing more than "fanboyism". MS fanboys will say Sony sucks, Sony fanboys will say MS suck....smh

In the age where 3rd party exclusives are basically dead, I really like how Sony is offering plenty 1st party exclusives. Some of them fail *cough* Socom 4 *cough* but overall they're good games. Love the Uncharted series as an example.

Love watching blu-rays & even though their web browser is crap (remember when they said you'll never need your pc again with a PS3?,LOL), its still very useful getting information quickly (like help with trophies, watching youtube videos, etc.).

What I'm worried about is except for the Kinect, MS havent been doing anything big lately while Sony is going crazy with stuff. Makes me wonder how much $$$$ M$ is saving for next generation compared to Sony........
I think it's mainly that Sony hasn't been able to shake their launch woes. They launched at a ridiculous $600 and for the first 2 years had shit for games. It was selling so poorly initially I was able to snag a used one for $200 from someone desperate to get rid of it. Their online may be free, but it's not nearly as slick as the 360's and for whatever reason you still get inferior bug ridden ports even today. As far as Vita, pretty much everyone agrees it's a nice piece of tech, but there just isn't a whole lot of killer software to back it up.
PS3 was the last one I bought this gen as well. It does have a lot of great games. It just lagged behind as they decided to push Blu Ray before costs were down and it was just too expensive launching at $500 for the 20gb model (which was scarce) and $600 for the larger capacity. Just way too much for a video game console for most people. $300 is probably my upper limit--think I paid $400 when i bought my first 360--but it came with 5 free games in a Fry's deal. SO they won the HD disc format war, but it put them too far behind in the video game console wars this generation to ever catch up.

I still enjoy the 360 a bit more just as the exclusives like Gears of War, Halo etc. are a bit more up my alley than the PS3 exclusives. But I'm still a bit bitter with MS over the hacking debacle I went through last fall/spring, so I'd probably lean more toward going PS if I buy a next gen console at all.

PS Plus is indeed a great thing. Awesome to pay $50 a year and get a bunch of free games. I'm mainly working on my disc backlog (and really just Skyrim lately!) now, but love having it to download games and have a nice library to play when I'm caught up, waiting for next gen console price drops etc.

Portables wise, the Vita is nice hardware. I just have no interest in portable gaming beyond playing angry birds or words with friends on the crapper on my iPhone. I'm not into games enough to have a burning desire to play them anywhere other than on my couch on the 50" TV. I just take my Kindle or iPad and read when traveling, stuck in waiting rooms etc.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I have to admit Sony has been doing a good job with the PS3 ever since that Giant Enemy Crab and Five Hundred Ninety Nine US Dollars E3 fiasco when the system first came out. Their first party production is superior then Microsoft's and MS has paid/bought off a majority of their exclusivity. Online is free. PS+ has been offering free games where as the MS Gold discounts have been very, very weak the last few years.

If It weren't for the fact I had so much invested into the 360 already and all my friends go 360 only I probably would have gladly sided with Sony the last few years. It's a shame they are still bleeding so much money and Vita looks to be a flop.[/QUOTE]

Yes say hello to MS' stupidity in that regards, not relying on 1st party exclusivity.

As for MS 1st party exclusivity, what is that dmaul?! But seriously, look at the number of new IP's created amongst all 3 companies this generation. It's next to, if not nothing, from Nintendo and few from Microsoft. Compare it to Sony though and the BREADTH of genres there compared to Microsoft. On Microsoft's side it's fucking pathetic.
On this end, let's look at "The Last Guardian", "Ico" and "Shadow and the Colossus". Sony took a LOSS on the former two games but keep the company developing them. Why? Prestige. The release of these games make Sony look good to gamers and for similar reasons they keep taking a loss with Sony Picture Classics. Sony is thinking of the positive PR they get that may more then offset what they loss.
Though it wouldn't have been much to the stable of new IP's Microsoft might have taken a hint and NOT killed any more games Mistwalker was making for the 360. It would have been good pr towards fans and would add even more exclusives, some being new IP's to their cap.
I'm also going to keep criticizing MS until they realized this decision was flawed from a long term business perspective as well as a games library standpoint.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Define new IP. Moreover, please let me know which 'new' IP's aren't just extensions of some other genre that may be overloaded as it is.[/QUOTE]

Agreed to a certain extent. It is the reason why Nintendo doesn't really need to create new IP when the current IP is still in high demand.

That being said, it was the PS3 first party exclusives that was a big part of what sold them to me. I'm not really a FPS guy, so Halo and Gears Of War have absoultely no interest for me. Sony has had a good track record this generation of finding developers to develop good exclusives for their console.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Define new IP. Moreover, please let me know which 'new' IP's aren't just extensions of some other genre that may be overloaded as it is.[/QUOTE]

Let's see: "Uncharted", "Folklore", "Motorstorm"(I could be wrong and this MIGHT be a PSOne game), "Heavy Rain", "Resistance", "Dark Mist", "Infamous", "Super Stardust HD", "Warhawk", "Sorcery" and "The Fight" to name a few. Coming up we have "Beyond: Two Souls" and "The Last Guardian".
Let's see what we have here for MS. "Halo Wars", "Viva Pinata", "Kameo", "Mass Effect", "Gears Of War", "Blue Dragon" and "Lost Odyssey".
edit: LongShot so what if the IP characters are classic for Nintendo. About the only one's they haven't overdone are "Pilotwings" and "Kid Icarus". Oh and Cheapest way to try to categorize it so as to try and diminish the new IP's Sony has. What a fucking copout. Sorry I'm not going to play the list that way so as to minimize the extreme shittiness of the amount of MS's new IP's.
[quote name='Sarang01']
As for MS 1st party exclusivity, what is that dmaul?! But seriously, look at the number of new IP's created amongst all 3 companies this generation. It's next to, if not nothing, from Nintendo and few from Microsoft. Compare it to Sony though and the BREADTH of genres there compared to Microsoft. On Microsoft's side it's fucking pathetic.
On this end, let's look at "The Last Guardian", "Ico" and "Shadow and the Colossus". Sony took a LOSS on the former two games but keep the company developing them. Why? Prestige. The release of these games make Sony look good to gamers and for similar reasons they keep taking a loss with Sony Picture Classics. Sony is thinking of the positive PR they get that may more then offset what they loss.
Though it wouldn't have been much to the stable of new IP's Microsoft might have taken a hint and NOT killed any more games Mistwalker was making for the 360. It would have been good pr towards fans and would add even more exclusives, some being new IP's to their cap.
I'm also going to keep criticizing MS until they realized this decision was flawed from a long term business perspective as well as a games library standpoint.[/QUOTE]

Mainly just Gears of War and Halo series. Also ME1 as a big third party exclusive (I've never been, nor ever will be, a PC gamer) and Bioshock 1 was exclusive for a while (back when I was deciding which console to get.

It mainly comes down to me really only liking FPS games and WRPGs for the most part--and mainly western developed games more genereally. So a lot of Sony's exclusives don't interest me as I'm not into JRPGs, racing games like Gran Tourismo, and I haven't liked random things like ICO, Shadow of the Collossus etc. (which were PS2 games anyway) when I've tried them.

Sony still has some good games in genres I like such as Uncharted, Killzone, Resistance etc. I just don't enjoy those nearly as much as Gears of War (some of my all time favorite games) or Halo.

But yeah, first party exclusives aren't nearly the big deal they were in the past. But I still lean Xbox on third party games as I like Live better and have a lot more friends with 360s than PS3s for anything I want to play online.

I also vastly prefer the 360 controller to the dual shock as I prefer the size/shape and offset analog sticks.
[quote name='Sarang01']Let's see: "Uncharted", "Folklore", "Motorstorm"(I could be wrong and this MIGHT be a PSOne game), "Heavy Rain", "Resistance", "Dark Mist", "Infamous", "Super Stardust HD", "Warhawk", "Sorcery" and "The Fight" to name a few. Coming up we have "Beyond: Two Souls" and "The Last Guardian".
Let's see what we have here for MS. "Halo Wars", "Viva Pinata", "Kameo", "Mass Effect", "Gears Of War", "Blue Dragon" and "Lost Odyssey".
edit: LongShot so what if the IP characters are classic for Nintendo. About the only one's they haven't overdone are "Pilotwings" and "Kid Icarus". Oh and Cheapest way to try to categorize it so as to try and diminish the new IP's Sony has. What a fucking copout. Sorry I'm not going to play the list that way so as to minimize the extreme shittiness of the amount of MS's new IP's.[/QUOTE]
*Uncharted=Indiana Jones ripoff with halfway decent story/plot, but I'm annoyed it took them till part 3 to go into how Sully/Nate first met.
*Folklore=never played it, but owned it once, looked ok from gameplay videos but I'm not big into RPG's
*Motorstorm=racing...bleh....but it must be decent if it's had how many sequels already? Then again people like the same shit over and over.
*Resistance=FPS with 'omg aliens' and a pretty boring protagonist imo
*inFamous=open world game with a lot of collecting shit and kinda boring to me
*Super Stardust HD=YAWN-thank God I got it free as part of the Sony Welcome Back program from PSN
*Warhawk=online only game where unless you've been playing it for years you get trounced by the people who play it virtually every day and have been since launch...again YAWN
*Sorcery=Sony 'waggle' game....again YAWN
*The Fight=More waggle....YAWN
*Beyond: Two Souls=eh if it's anything like Heavy Rain, then I'll likely not buy it.
*Last Guardian=By the same people who made Ico, right? That shit bored me to tears and annoyed the crap outta me. :whistle2:#

Albeit some of the titles above may have evolved their genres a bit by doing something allegedly innovative, but I just don't care for most games nowadays unless the title has a compelling story with fun gameplay and isn't loaded with frickin' glitches.
I bought my PS3 last Black Friday for $200. It's been worth it for the Uncharted series and some other great exclusive games, in addition to being my only Blu-ray player. But overall I greatly prefer the online experience, and the user experience in general, on the 360. I also wouldn't trade any Sony exclusive (or all of them really) for Gears of War.

I'm planning on picking up a Vita on Black Friday, depending on how good the deals are, but it's pretty much only for Persona 4 Golden at this point. I'm not super impressed with the Vita in general.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']*Uncharted=Indiana Jones ripoff with halfway decent story/plot, but I'm annoyed it took them till part 3 to go into how Sully/Nate first met.
*Folklore=never played it, but owned it once, looked ok from gameplay videos but I'm not big into RPG's
*Motorstorm=racing...bleh....but it must be decent if it's had how many sequels already? Then again people like the same shit over and over.
*Resistance=FPS with 'omg aliens' and a pretty boring protagonist imo
*inFamous=open world game with a lot of collecting shit and kinda boring to me
*Super Stardust HD=YAWN-thank God I got it free as part of the Sony Welcome Back program from PSN
*Warhawk=online only game where unless you've been playing it for years you get trounced by the people who play it virtually every day and have been since launch...again YAWN
*Sorcery=Sony 'waggle' game....again YAWN
*The Fight=More waggle....YAWN
*Beyond: Two Souls=eh if it's anything like Heavy Rain, then I'll likely not buy it.
*Last Guardian=By the same people who made Ico, right? That shit bored me to tears and annoyed the crap outta me. :whistle2:#

Albeit some of the titles above may have evolved their genres a bit by doing something allegedly innovative, but I just don't care for most games nowadays unless the title has a compelling story with fun gameplay and isn't loaded with frickin' glitches.[/QUOTE]

Regardless they are NEW ip's. At least Sony is trying there whereas I can't say the same thing for Microsoft. The genres here are multiple and varied, again unlike Microsoft with the exception of Rare and Mistwalker. They canned the latter as well. Thanks M$.
Sony also has the distinction of having the one generation this game I felt went outside of the box and was different for me, especially in regards to me liking the plot(Folklore). If Nintendo wouldn't have been assholes and paid for it's completion "Sadness" would have been another.
I know there's a consoles war as soon as I saw the title. Why can't people just agree that each system has it own shine? I love both my PS3 and my Xbox. I use my xbox to play fighting and FPS games as it generally doesn't have the frame lag issue the ps3 encounters have. But I play other game genre on my PS3 because I dont have to buy a game with 3-5 discs (LA Noire, FF13, Forza, etc..)

PS: Netflix works better on Xbox I guess. PS3 sucks..........NOT xD
xbox had great exclusives, gears, halo, Alan Wake, Mass Effect 1 & 2 until about a year ago, The Witcher 2, Fable, Left 4 Dead, Forza 4 the best racing sim out there, and alot of XBLA downloadable games too ... but ps3 has great exclusives as well
[quote name='iamsobroke']xbox had great exclusives, gears, halo, Alan Wake, Mass Effect 1 & 2 until about a year ago, The Witcher 2, Fable, Left 4 Dead, Forza 4 the best racing sim out there, and alot of XBLA downloadable games too ... but ps3 has great exclusives as well[/QUOTE]

No one is denying them being good exclusives, the problem is you basically just named them all.
[quote name='Sarang01']Regardless they are NEW ip's. At least Sony is trying there whereas I can't say the same thing for Microsoft. The genres here are multiple and varied, again unlike Microsoft with the exception of Rare and Mistwalker. They canned the latter as well. Thanks M$.
Sony also has the distinction of having the one generation this game I felt went outside of the box and was different for me, especially in regards to me liking the plot(Folklore). If Nintendo wouldn't have been assholes and paid for it's completion "Sadness" would have been another.[/QUOTE]
Technically Warhawk was originally a PS1 title.:razz: As for the hatred of MS you seem to have, why can't we just all agree that each console has it's own strong and weak points and leave it at that?:roll:
[quote name='Mixer236']No one is denying them being good exclusives, the problem is you basically just named them all.[/QUOTE]

There's also Prey, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Dead Rising, Ace Combat 6, Crackdown, Infinite Undiscovery, Banjo Kazooie, Chromehounds, Dead or Alive, Tales of Vesperia and Too Human.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']There's also Prey, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Dead Rising, Ace Combat 6, Crackdown, Infinite Undiscovery, Banjo Kazooie, Chromehounds, Dead or Alive, Tales of Vesperia and Too Human.[/QUOTE]
Man, even on a deep dive into Xbox exclusives, nobody ever mentions Lips. :p
bread's done