Sony patents backwards compatibilty adapter

[quote name='Cthulhu8u']The point was more to prove that it's been done many times before, and you pretty much proved the idea is not a sure-fire winner. I will give you that a PS2 emulator would probably sell better than most of those examples, the software is plentiful because it was so popular.
It would be bulky in a sense that it would have to hold an optical drive, EE and other necessary chips. That would make the size at least half the thickness of a slim PS2 and probably half to twice more the height. Now imagine that sitting next to a fat PS3 and connected with wires. In this day and age, any external support device bigger than a 2.5" external hard drive is bulky. Plus, looking at the diagram, it needs power and some 2nd connector, possibly video out. If people complain about the inconvenience of connecting another PS2, this is the same thing with one more connector, but a bit smaller. But maybe saving the need for memory cards and controllers is enough for some.
And yeah I meant the 32x.[/QUOTE]

I don't think BC-add on's potential success should be based on very old examples under much worse circumstances. It's like comparing old consoles to modern ones. The industry was supposed to be dead and never come back, but look at it now.

I picture it about the size of the Play TV box . Does the PS2 Slim even have a fan? I don't see a fan needed given that this thing would probably use even smaller chips than the Slim and not have the other components the Slim has.

Abstract of pg 1 on the PDF of the patent actually states it is connected to the external of the next gen machine, the next gen machine reads a game medium and determines if it is for use in the previous gen system, then the 212 hub receives the data, and the 212 hub sends the processed data back to the the next generation machine via the external interface of the next gen machine. So no optical drive on the adapter and no cables to connect to tv.

Drawing 6 of 8 actually shows another version of it that specifically states that 2nd wire is USB and there is only 1 wire besides the power cord in that one. Shit I just found it, it says the third wire is CC but only mentions this on pg 1, and labels CC as for router. The 3rd wire is for internet.
Nice find J7. The words DVD decoder emulator, ah. No optical drive would make this pretty small, especially since you're right, the slim has no fan. And the mystery cable is for the internet, so maybe this proposed adapter supports online PS2 games?
Actually, looking more closely at the top of the diagram you linked, it also shows external support for both Memory cards and Flash memory. This has the potential to bring over old game saves, and save it to flash memory or the old memory cards. That makes the device a bit more interesting now. If Sony prices it right, I'm in for one :cool:

Cheapest, better start digging for change in those couches of yours. Sony has possibly answered one of your rants prayers.
no optical drive ehh. reading directly from the PS3. I wouldn't have thought it possible but like i said in the blog post someone put up. if this actually happens I'll buy it. if this new information actually proves true come some actual release day it just means I'd be willing to pay more.
I could see, or some sort of new icon for PS2 games that when inserted into your PS3 will begin the transmission between the new add-on and the PS3. All Sony needs to do is send the code to the add-on, have it processed and then sent back to the PS3 to be output.
[quote name='SynGamer']I could see, or some sort of new icon for PS2 games that when inserted into your PS3 will begin the transmission between the new add-on and the PS3. All Sony needs to do is send the code to the add-on, have it processed and then sent back to the PS3 to be output.[/QUOTE]

I see an app to be delivered via... another firmware upgrade. At least this one has te potential of being useful. :lol:

I hope the Flash memory is a universal one like you'd find on laptops, not one of those single specific types. Having a choice is always nice.
I don't think this is ever coming out... I think they can make more money on HD remakes of their old games. What games are you going to play w/ the PS2 BC adapter now... There's hardly no PS2 games to buy, except for used ones. BC is a nice feature for PS3, but it isn't going to generate any extra software sales. The only games to be bought on PS2 are mostly used games. The same games that Sony hopes to re-release in HD collections.
[quote name='Wolfkin']hey if we're sending data back and forth anyway why not use the PS3 for memory? like the BC units.[/QUOTE]

Because the PS2 has 4 mbs of embedded ram that's faster then any of the ram on the PS3. That's the part that's impossible to get past. You can't imitate that bandwidth on a system that has less then half of that speed of ram. If the box is real, that box probably has that ram on there along with a graphics chip while the PS3 emulates everything else.
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']Nice find J7. The words DVD decoder emulator, ah. No optical drive would make this pretty small, especially since you're right, the slim has no fan. And the mystery cable is for the internet, so maybe this proposed adapter supports online PS2 games?
Actually, looking more closely at the top of the diagram you linked, it also shows external support for both Memory cards and Flash memory. This has the potential to bring over old game saves, and save it to flash memory or the old memory cards. That makes the device a bit more interesting now. If Sony prices it right, I'm in for one :cool:

Cheapest, better start digging for change in those couches of yours. Sony has possibly answered one of your rants prayers.[/QUOTE]
Where did they answer one of my rants/prayers? I already have my PS2 game saves archived on my PS3's HDD right now or at least the ones I wanted to keep.

If they can keep the price of an external adapter like this under my set price(free or up to $10), then great. But if not then like I said before I'll wait till Kmart or somebody clearances it out and buy it then for much cheaper than MSRP.
[quote name='Thomas96']I don't think this is ever coming out... I think they can make more money on HD remakes of their old games. What games are you going to play w/ the PS2 BC adapter now... There's hardly no PS2 games to buy, except for used ones. BC is a nice feature for PS3, but it isn't going to generate any extra software sales. The only games to be bought on PS2 are mostly used games. The same games that Sony hopes to re-release in HD collections.[/QUOTE]

I think you and others, are missing one key reason why Sony would do this. The Playstation 2 was the biggest selling console for them last year worldwide. Know what that means? It means there are millions of people that have yet to upgrade to the current generation. Don't you think having such an adapter would make that transition easier for them when they're ready to do so?

I think that point above was also completely missed by Sony when they decided to remove BC from newer PS3's. Imagine if you're a PS2 owner, and you're trying to decide between a PS3 and 360 back then. If the PS3 has BC that's a huge incentive to go that route. Once Sony removed that, your entire library of PS2 games are incompatible with whatever you choose, and thus an increased likelihood of them considering the 360. I've read plenty of examples of people doing just that.

Eventually the PS2 is going to die down dramatically (it's starting already), and at that point an adapter like this will be just what they need to keep that cash cow flowing.
I can just imagine that if they did release it.. it would be just like the 360's HD DVD drive..

What would be funny is if they released it at a higher price than a PS2..
I'd buy this thing for less than what PS2 systems go for at most retail stores/used game stores. I might get one on the cheap in the future just to replace my currently working PS2 when it finally dies.
I don't know how this would work without a super fast data cable. This is something the PS3 (and all modern computers lack). Now if the PS3 had that new light wire or USB 3.0 then a BC system might be possible. I just can't see this thing working on current PS3s.

Another point to consider is pricing. If this thing were to come out I doubt it would sell less than a hundred. At that price point just buy a PS2 or a used PS3 60 gig. In any case, is anyone really playing last gen games anymore? Seriously this current gen is so fricken good.
is lightwire out yet?

nah as far as pricing goes I still think it would be relatively cheap. this is a 10 year old system. one of the most popular systems of all time. it's not like we're creating new tech.
Always the possibility of using ethernet to transmit the data since most PS2 games don't need to be connected online. I've streamed and downloaded movies from the other comp in my house instantly, so there's something to be said about the bandwidth.
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']Nice find J7. The words DVD decoder emulator, ah. No optical drive would make this pretty small, especially since you're right, the slim has no fan. And the mystery cable is for the internet, so maybe this proposed adapter supports online PS2 games?
Actually, looking more closely at the top of the diagram you linked, it also shows external support for both Memory cards and Flash memory. This has the potential to bring over old game saves, and save it to flash memory or the old memory cards. That makes the device a bit more interesting now. If Sony prices it right, I'm in for one :cool:

Cheapest, better start digging for change in those couches of yours. Sony has possibly answered one of your rants prayers.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I didn't expect to find anything but I took a look at it based on your post about the second schematic showing those wires and then I saw the PDF link and I was surprised to find the PDF & even more-so the info. The gaming "journalists" really overlooked this one and led us all to have to seriously question what this thing actually was meant to be like. But kudos to you for getting us to take a closer look at this thing. Even though we debated some issues it ultimately led us to greater insight, that's an awesome thing.

I'm not entirely sure the 3rd cable is for internet but I put my money on it given that there is ethernet written in another part of the schematic. It is a bit odd they label it as router instead of modem, internet, ethernet. They could mean router as in this routes the signal out to the tv but it would make much more sense to label that AV out etc. So we can assume when they say USB they mean out to USB and router out to router.

I'm guessing that if the games need to be processed within the adapter that maybe the internet part would also have to be done there simultaneously. I'm wondering if that other drawing that does not contain the 3rd wire could actually be a version they worked on that would not require an internet connection besides the PS3's or if it was just not shown there for illustration purposes of the USB part.

External support for memory/flash would be nice even though I have a memory adapter already I doubt it adds much to the price. This thing is looking better to me the more we learn about it, I would pay more now, I just hope it gets made & soon!

[quote name='Cthulhu8u']I see an app to be delivered via... another firmware upgrade. At least this one has te potential of being useful. :lol:

I hope the Flash memory is a universal one like you'd find on laptops, not one of those single specific types. Having a choice is always nice.[/QUOTE]

I would love to see this thing include additional usb ports and a memory card reader just like the one removed from the original PS3. Basically it would make this thing everything removed from the early PS3's. While I'm upset to some extent we'd have to pay to restore that functionality, it does allow every PS3 owner to get it without rebuying the system, and I can understand that Sony isn't really in a position to take the hit to putting this back into PS3 itself again where many future new owners may not need it.

[quote name='Thomas96']I don't think this is ever coming out... I think they can make more money on HD remakes of their old games. What games are you going to play w/ the PS2 BC adapter now... There's hardly no PS2 games to buy, except for used ones. BC is a nice feature for PS3, but it isn't going to generate any extra software sales. The only games to be bought on PS2 are mostly used games. The same games that Sony hopes to re-release in HD collections.[/QUOTE]

But like I said before 3rd parties are not making HD remakes and Sony is only getting 1-2 made per year without enough internal IPs. So by the end of 2011 we will probably only have 3-4 HD collection games with so many other games never remade and not much time left to remake many more before PS4 hits, maybe another 3-4. The games I want to play are the game's I already own and those I can pick up cheap. Plus if they just put PS2 roms up on PSN we're good to go with this adapter and no wear and tear on your Bluray drive! They'll sell better on PSN at this point than trying to grab retail space with reprints vs the new systems.

[quote name='Mad39er']Always the possibility of using ethernet to transmit the data since most PS2 games don't need to be connected online. I've streamed and downloaded movies from the other comp in my house instantly, so there's something to be said about the bandwidth.[/QUOTE]

Maybe especially because the patent says this thing transmits data to and from the next gen machine via the back and the back of PS3 has no usb. So then the usb would be used for accessories or something. But then they'd need to make the adapter ethernet cord have some sort of input for the PS3 ethernet at that end of it or give us a splitter. I dunno if it would need bandwith higher than usb 2.0 though since it is just sending disc data to the adapter and then sending the image back essentially, it wouldn't need the bandwith to match that of PS2's bandwith. Maybe the bandwith would only need to be as high as that of a DVD player, which is doable, like an external DVD player hooked to a PC. USB 2.0 is 60 MB/S and PS3 DVD drive is up to 8x so 10.8 MB/S.
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Le sigh.

I just wish SONY would be a little more decisive about this and announce something already. I've got a stack of PS2 games I've been putting off playing and would love to get around to doing so upscaled.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Le sigh.

I just wish SONY would be a little more decisive about this and announce something already. I've got a stack of PS2 games I've been putting off playing and would love to get around to doing so upscaled.[/QUOTE]

I'm guessing Move is their number one priority right now.. if it bombs, they'll probably release (at $100) this to recoup the losses. If Move succeeds, then this will fall into obscurity.
haha Timing.. you're right even if this WAS true. the timing to bring it out is gonna be killer. they can't blow it out with advertising b/c moneywise this takes from the PS3 and accessories sale. Ideally what they want to do is not even announc it but just have a soft launch and it's just suddenly out. They can't do it now b/c of Move they can't do it later b/c of HD PS3 version of X game. After that will be some triple A title and after that probably some new accessory.
I say they do it even if they get lots of 3rd parties to make collections, they will never cover every game I want to play upscaled on my PS3 using DS3 and not having to repair/purchase another PS2. They should release it sometime next year after Move gets holiday sales, summer would be good since not many games release then and they can unveil it at E3. I do not believe it needs a lot of marketing since anyone interested in it would be a significant core gamer.

3rd parties are now jumping on the HD Collection bandwagon and 360 will get in on the love Nothing too great though.

POP Collection & Splinter Cell Collection

Mortal Kombat Kollection
bread's done