Soul Calibur IV Hori Arcade Stick (PS3/360) $8 off at Amazon

[quote name='mrcheapo11']How much was it at GS?? I know that it did go down to $40 at one point(during Gamedays?), but the website did list it for $60 after that. Interested at picking one up there for $40, thanks :)[/quote]

$60 sadly, but I did their trade in deal
[quote name='Decker']
There are tons of cheap-o adaptors, but I take it they're all crappy and laggy?[/QUOTE]

Yes, hardly any of them work right. I think the 2 Markman mentioned are the only acceptable ones, and they're rare and expensive.
[quote name='joshnorm']fuck it went back up on Amazon to $60 for the :360: stick again. I was seriously going to order it now I wait again.[/quote]
Same here, I am going to see if any sites have a deal, as I would love to get a good stick for my 360, with SF2 HD, SF4 and who knows what cool arcade games coming, it would be nice to have.
I picked up one of each before they went out of stock/price went up.

I know some people touched on it and I would love a multi-platform stick but this generation I think it isnt likely to happen and its mainly because of Microsoft. They put that stupid security chip in each of their controllers. Basically a manufacture has to license support to make a controller for 360 and pay royalties to MS for the security chips. This is why there are no 3rd party native wireless controllers for 360 (they wont license them the only exceptions i know of have been the rockband/guitar hero controllers).

In order for a manufacture to make a multiplatform stick they would be paying this fee for a security chip that isn't used for any user without a 360 (adding my guess about $10 dollars a stick, incidentally probably also the reason for the more expensive rockband/hori 360 controller prices). I know there are work arounds with jerry-rigging a wired 360 controller to send the encryption signal but this is way to much work for the average user. It really is unfortunate because the very open architecture of the ps3 is a huge slap in the face to what should be an edge of Microsoft's with cross platform pc functionality. Even if the controllers for 360 work on PC it doesn't make paying for a security chip so someone can't make an unauthorized accessory any less annoying it is just money grubbing.

My info is from what I remember a few years back so if anything is wrong or I am mistaken please correct me.
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big up to this thread. i got the stick for $42 after the bill me later promo, and also modded it with a bat top and octagonal plate. CAG pulls through again.
Yup looks like the deal through Amazon at least is finished, since the Xbox360 no longer has the discount.

You can still get the PS3 stick through Hubbagames for around $43, or so with shipping, but for the most part I think this deal is mostly dead.
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[quote name='Loonknight']Yup looks like the deal through Amazon at least is finished, since the Xbox360 no longer has the discount.

You can still get the PS3 stick through Hubbagames for around $43, or so with shipping, but for the most part I think this deal is mostly dead.[/quote]

You can still but the ps3 stick at the 41.99 price it is just out of stock.
[quote name='eastx']Yes, hardly any of them work right. I think the 2 Markman mentioned are the only acceptable ones, and they're rare and expensive.[/QUOTE]

No shit! That Real one -- I was only able to find from one Amazon seller and they were asking $125 for a USED one! I'm baffelled, how hard could it be to make the adaptor work right? Pelican is a big company, you'd think they'd stop making retarded Nerf controllers long enough to fill the demand for these adaptors, but I guess not.
[quote name='pROvIs']You can still but the ps3 stick at the 41.99 price it is just out of stock.[/quote]

The promo is for $8 off the joystick for both the PS3 and Xbox360. Since the promo on the Xbox360 version seems to be over it is only a matter of time before the PS3 will also expire. I did notice that Amazon moved from a $49.99 price point to a $59.99 price point for the PS3 joystick for whatever reason.
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[quote name='Decker']No shit! That Real one -- I was only able to find from one Amazon seller and they were asking $125 for a USED one! I'm baffelled, how hard could it be to make the adaptor work right? Pelican is a big company, you'd think they'd stop making retarded Nerf controllers long enough to fill the demand for these adaptors, but I guess not.[/quote]

Wow...that blows. I didn't know they were getting that expensive. It's cheaper to buy a new stick...

As for the 360 version (and ps3 for that matter)...seems like there are a bunch on ebay, that may be able to be had a few $ cheaper with BIN and the current 10% off paypal coupon running through the 29th...
[quote name='Midnite']The Xbox 360 stick is down to $53.99 right now if anyone is wondering.[/quote]

Yea, was about to post this. I ordered mine when there were five left, which was just about 5 minutes ago. Says there are 2 left in stock now, anyone who wants it better hurry.
I still got my FS3 which is the same model except without the SC artwork. Easily worth the $30 if you find it in store at GS
[quote name='mrcheapo11']Yea, was about to post this. I ordered mine when there were five left, which was just about 5 minutes ago. Says there are 2 left in stock now, anyone who wants it better hurry.[/QUOTE]

thanks, I just ordered it using my phone, I love Internet on phones.
[quote name='NegativeZero']Does anyone know if I can use my Sega Saturn Eclipse Stick for either my PS3 or 360? Is there an adapter?[/quote]

I think there was one that made Saturn pads work with the PS1, but good luck finding that. Even if you did, you'd then have to run it through the PS2>PS3 converter, which may or may not work, and even if it does, it's gotta be Laggy as hell.

Markman - I'm in if you want to make one, but where is the question...since it will be covering PS2/3/360/DC etc...General Gaming??
yea, but re: the PS3 version; it used to have MSRP of $49.99 now it has one of $59.99. it's not the savings that changed it's the MSRP which i thought was set in stone by the manufacturer...
[quote name='NegativeZero']Does anyone know if I can use my Sega Saturn Eclipse Stick for either my PS3 or 360? Is there an adapter?[/QUOTE]

Even if you really like that stick (ugh), the best thing you could do would be to save up and get a decent modern stick, and then learn to use it.
awesome info here!? I've always dreamed of getting a professional stick an investing maybe 150-200 stick. and i see markman and a couple of other people giving great advice. ill be sure to catch up on this forum. thanks guys.
i cant seem to find any info on how long the cord is on the PS3 version of the stick,i was wanderin does anyone have any info on that ?
[quote name='ch3zyp00fs']has anyone's stick shipped yet? I haven't gotten any notice.[/quote]

No, :( Mine says the shipping estimate is August 4th, but does that mean it will be here August 4th, or ship on that date?? I don't see why they would wait almost a week just to ship the order.
I got the Hori stick for my PS3, and I'm loving it with Soulcalibur IV. Even though I absolutely SUCK (went online and played 4 matches the other day, and got my ARSE handed to me).

The stick is totally worthwhile for SC IV. The Dualshock 3 is great and all (even though SC IV doesn't have rumble, WTF...or maybe it does, but I turned it off and forgot about it), but an arcade stick makes the experience so much better that there's really no comparison.
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Woohoo! I got shipping confirmation for the stick that I ordered Monday. Says it will be here the 8th, but considering it is only one state away, I assume it will be here a little earlier :)
If you guys haven't seen it yet, check this thread out...

The CAG Arcade Stick Thread !


I played using the PS3 SC IV stick earlier tonight. One player used the SC IV Hori and the other player used a Hori Real Arcade Pro. Everyone pretty much preferred the HRAP3 when we played. The button layout on the SC IV stick troubled some people, but the real thing that made people iffy about it was the mushy buttons.

It's a decent stick, but if you don't mind paying more ($100+), I say get a better one.
I bought this for 54.99 and is now shipping to me.... now its 46.99 so is there a way for me to somehow get the 46.99 price tag?
[quote name='TrinityLimit']I bought this for 54.99 and is now shipping to me.... now its 46.99 so is there a way for me to somehow get the 46.99 price tag?[/quote]

Yes, send an email to Amazon with your order number and ask for their 30 day price match guarantee.
[quote name='nlyonssmith']Yes, send an email to Amazon with your order number and ask for their 30 day price match guarantee.[/quote]

Ok Thanx for the fast reply
[quote name='ZerotypeX']360 stick is now $51.79....very tempted to get it[/QUOTE]

Note that this price is from a 3rd party seller (Hubbagames). You'll have to pay $3.95 shipping.
Amazon's price is still $53.99
not sure what you're talking about. Deal still appears to be live. The ps3 one is up for 46.99 and the 360 one is 53.99. It appears that amazon doesnt have any in stock atm but will be getting some in on the 6th.
bread's done