Soul-crushing jobs. Have one? Vent here!


110 (100%)
I'm posting this because it's relevant to me and a lot of you out there. It's been a slow work day (so far) so I have the time.

I've been in my current position as bookstore manager for almost 2 1/2 years. The first year was pretty good. I made some mistakes, but nothing major and I had a good evaluation the first year. This second year has been the year from hell though...

I'm not going to get too specific since what you post can come back to bite you in the ass. To make a long story short, my job dominates the majority of my time. I find myself taking work home, working weekends even in "down" times to complete work, and it isn't enough to get the job done. I find I have to take more short breaks at work (which is when I type here) just to keep my mind from just screeching to halt with all the stress. Stress leads to poorer performance on my part and it gets harder for me to stay energetic at work. I'm fairly certain my evaluation won't be as good this year. When I get home, I don't have energy for much of anything anymore. Pretty much the only thing I have time/energy to do is visit CAG, play some Live and that is it. Not to mention my family sucks with money/budgeting and I am finding myself to be helping them out more than I should. It's to the point where I am putting off what little plans I do have for myself for them instead.

I feel I am coming to a crossroads to some degree. In the area I live in, we have seen the unemployment numbers that the rest of you are NOW seeing for the last five years. Finding a job here has been difficult for years, and I realize I am fortunate to have one that pays decently. However, I don't want to waste the rest of my 30's stuck in a job that is crushing the life out of me and finding myself at 40 wondering what the fuck I was doing all that time.

I think I am going to spend the next month laying some new plans on the table for myself in regards to jobs, where I live, and education. Going back to school to pursue a master's degree is something I really wanted to wait for until my finances were at a level I was comfortable with. However, I need to weigh that vs. the time I could waste by waiting for the right moment. I absolutely detest debt though. My family went through bankrupcty when I was in high school, and my sister's husband went through it this year. Right now I have excellent credit, and my debt is managable (the only person in my immediate family that can claim that) and I want to keep it that way. Bit of a tangent, but still relevant to my feelings about my job.

Anyway, I figured a little venting on my part would be healthy. If anyone else wants to do the same, feel free.
My fiance is in a similar position. He's been at the job a year and a half. The first year was pretty good, much less stressful than his previous job, and his bosses weren't assholes. But now that the recession is here, he's working longer hours, taking on more work, and management has started to panic and act like retards. I remember how much he used to like his job a year ago when he tells me now how much he hates it and how he doesn't care if he gets laid off, and it makes me really upset. It's very unlikely he'll get laid off since he is easily one of the most important people at his company (being the only real fully bilingual person in the company other than the CEO at a Japanese firm in America does that), but his apathy is what really gets me.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']What is your monthly profit or how much is your debt reduced per month?[/quote]

Minus REGULAR expenses, I have a little more than $1000 per month in profit.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']My fiance is in a similar position. He's been at the job a year and a half. The first year was pretty good, much less stressful than his previous job, and his bosses weren't assholes. But now that the recession is here, he's working longer hours, taking on more work, and management has started to panic and act like retards. I remember how much he used to like his job a year ago when he tells me now how much he hates it and how he doesn't care if he gets laid off, and it makes me really upset. It's very unlikely he'll get laid off since he is easily one of the most important people at his company (being the only real fully bilingual person in the company other than the CEO at a Japanese firm in America does that), but his apathy is what really gets me.[/quote]

I can relate to that.

I just get scared here because there is nothing really else to do in this area besides teaching, and as far as I know there is still a hiring freeze. My year has been so bad that I wouldn't be surprised if they ask me to leave.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I can relate to that.

I just get scared here because there is nothing really else to do in this area besides teaching, and as far as I know there is still a hiring freeze. My year has been so bad that I wouldn't be surprised if they ask me to leave.[/quote]

Would it be better just to make ends meet for $6-7/hour less than you're making now to be happy?
A job is a job. It's work. You do it to get money. After 8 hours, you go home and focus on anything you want other than work. fuck 'em.
I work a lot of hours, including often on nights and weekends but it's mainly because I like my job and enjoy doing it. I teach and do criminological research.

I still have a pretty active social life etc., but I have no problems doing some work Saturday morning-afternoon before heading out for a fun night--especially since most of the time I'm interested in what I'm working on. Some times it sucks--grading papers, cleaning data before I can do analyses and write up articles etc. But most of the time I find it very interesting and rewarding.

The real key is to find a job you enjoy doing--especially if it's something that requires more than a 40 hour, 9-5 type of work week. Otherwise you'll be miserable. I had plenty of jobs I hated before--thankfully they were just part time ones during high school and undergrad. I couldn't imagine having a job I hated like that and had to keep going to to make ends meet.

One thing that can help with finding a better job is not being tied to staying in an area. You have a lot more options if you're willing to be nomadic and go where a good job is.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Would it be better just to make ends meet for $6-7/hour less than you're making now to be happy?[/quote]

Absolutely. I would have no problem making less money. In fact, the job I wanted before this one was lower paying, but it was less stressful. The only reason I didn't get that job was because they wanted someone proficient in Microsoft Access and I didn't have that skill at the time.

The problem is that there really is not much here to choose from in regards to jobs. With gas rising again, making less money while commuting would be a problem. The next nearest town is 25 miles away. A 50 mile daily round trip isn't practical on a lesser salary right now. The good news is my truck will be paid off in a few months and it WOULD be practical to commute then. That will be almost $300 a month I can put towards gas or other important things.

At least I have a personal understanding of "retail hell" though. :lol:
Like I said above, being willing to move somewhere else is a huge plus in being able to find a good job as you have a lot more options.
Im in management (Retail) as well, My trick is to when i leave work i have LEFT work everything AT work STAYS at work. I have hired people to help me fulfil my job dutys so its not all on my shoulders. For my store its no walk in the park right now, Theft is up, Company is hammering to get the same profits it has gotten past 3 quarters and last year. But the Econ is not going to support that this time around.
I know what I could do for one... Do I want to pursue it? not sure (Unless you're talking about a job that has benefits involved).
I finally decided to just up and put in my notice. I graduated in December with a Computer Science degree. I'm currently working at a crappy retail store as a grunt. My girlfriend lives in a major city and has invited me to look for jobs while staying with her rent free.

I decided to take her up on it. I have 3 months worth of bill money and several prospects.
[quote name='shieryda']Does anyone else here not know what they want to do for a career yet?[/quote]

I want to be superhero when I grow up, but the world has elected so many supervillains that I can't find a sidekick or even a loyal following.

I hate Earth-3!
[quote name='Rollett']Im in management (Retail) as well, My trick is to when i leave work i have LEFT work everything AT work STAYS at work. I have hired people to help me fulfil my job dutys so its not all on my shoulders. For my store its no walk in the park right now, Theft is up, Company is hammering to get the same profits it has gotten past 3 quarters and last year. But the Econ is not going to support that this time around.[/quote]

The problem with me is that there was a company wide mandate to cut hours and I wasn't authorized to hire anyone else. I didn't even have many payroll hours to begin with.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']I want to be superhero when I grow up, but the world has elected so many supervillains that I can't find a sidekick or even a loyal following.

I hate Earth-3![/quote]

Superheroes don't make any money, though.
[quote name='shieryda']Superheroes don't make any money, though.[/quote]

Yeah, but they get huge discounts.

If a volunteer firefighter can get 50% off at Mr. Gatti's, I'm sure Bitter Asshole (my superhero identity) can get a good 75% off.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Yeah, but they get huge discounts.

If a volunteer firefighter can get 50% off at Mr. Gatti's, I'm sure Bitter Asshole (my superhero identity) can get a good 75% off.[/quote]

I'd like to see what your costume looks like.
I find my job crushing not so much because of what i do, but what i see in the process. I'm here to tell you now, if the college students i'm around every day are any indication, this country is doomed. The incompetency of some of these people is astounding.
[quote name='JolietJake']I find my job crushing not so much because of what i do, but what i see in the process. I'm here to tell you now, if the college students i'm around every day are any indication, this country is doomed. The incompetency of some of these people is astounding.[/quote]

Try tech support.

Then, you're dealing with the people whom couldn't figure out how to apply for college.

Me: "Do you know the name of the program you use to access the Internet?"

Customer: "No."

Me: "If I wasn't here, what steps would you take to try to access the Internet?"

Customer: "I don't know."
Well i kind of do do tech support, computer lab assistant. I get people who can't open programs without having a file to double click. Who don't know how to browse the files on a drive, who sometimes can't even turn the computer itself on. Most of these people are about my age too, which is mind boggling. I give the senior citizens a break, but if you're in your 20s and can't use a computer, it's your own damn fault.
Hmm you didn't say if you have a wife or kids, but I guess you do. Anyways, live like a bum till you're 40, and then retire and go move some place that's cheap to live. Anywhere in South America, or the middle east, or southeast asia, or one of those little islands like Haiti.
[quote name='bomber991']Hmm you didn't say if you have a wife or kids, but I guess you do. Anyways, live like a bum till you're 40, and then retire and go move some place that's cheap to live. Anywhere in South America, or the middle east, or southeast asia, or one of those little islands like Haiti.[/quote]

Give me Paris. "La Moustache" and "Sicko" have made me a fan of those s.

If you can learn to live like a bum there, you're set.

Even better, your life can be so frivolous because nobody noticed you shaved your facial hair off.
[quote name='bomber991']Hmm you didn't say if you have a wife or kids, but I guess you do. Anyways, live like a bum till you're 40, and then retire and go move some place that's cheap to live. Anywhere in South America, or the middle east, or southeast asia, or one of those little islands like Haiti.[/quote]

No wife, and no kids for me. Not in my financial plans.
[quote name='Dead of Knight'] has started to panic and act like retards...[/quote]

Tell your fiance that if management has *just now* started to panic and act like retards, it would be stupid to leave that company. At most other companies, management *STARTS OUT* acting like retards.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Would it be better just to make ends meet for $6-7/hour less than you're making now to be happy?[/QUOTE]

Compensation is a low determinant of job satisfaction.
I've been working a job for 5 years in a subsidiary of a major international company while getting a college education. I've worked my butt off for them and it's extremely obvious that I can do all the menial tasks in my sleep. I've done reports and research for supervisors because they knew I could do them. Now with a college degree in hand, a solid demonstration of skills and longevity you'd think I'd finally get the chance to step up, but no. I've applied for jobs within the company, and I have yet to get the chance to even interview for any of the jobs. What's even more insulting is that somebody that finds every opportunity to slack off and pass work off to others (myself included) was recently promoted to one of the positions I applied to.

It makes me furious that my proven track record and education doesn't seem to matter in that urine soaked hellhole.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Try tech support.

Then, you're dealing with the people whom couldn't figure out how to apply for college.

Me: "Do you know the name of the program you use to access the Internet?"

Customer: "No."

Me: "If I wasn't here, what steps would you take to try to access the Internet?"

Customer: "I don't know."[/QUOTE]

I think I lasted about five months in DSL tech support before I found myself on the verge of becoming a serial killer and resigned. By resigned I mean stayed in bed and declared I wasn't going to that awful place and nobody could make me go, so there.

I fully appreciate that most people have little idea how the magic box works inside but the general willful ignorance of using the thing is dismaying. It really makes you wonder how civilization keeps going. (I now have Frank Zappa's 'Flakes' playing in my head: )

As mentioned elsewhere, a down side of doing away with DOS and the command line is that many users have no comprehension of the file system. If their apps doesn't know where the file is, the user will have no clue as to how to look for it.

My current IT job is generally OK but the stress level at this moment is very high. The client of the moment uses this software for running their time clock that is just horrible. One of those apps that plainly started out as a DOS program and in the latest revision still lacks some of the most rudimentary features one would expect of a Windows app. Worse, there is no rhyme or reason to how it does things. The essential printing function for reports on hours clocked in during a time period has absolutely no options. It will print to the device you point it at and nothing more. You cannot do anything to affect the format of the output.

This is a problem because the middle-aged women who have to read this info and enter it in a different app used to report the data to the government as part of MediCare claims find the type much too tiny. So somebody at each of the eight facilities has to take the printout and type it up in Word to make it acceptably readable. (No, it won't print to a file like a proper Win app would allow.)

There are options to save the report as ancient Excel 5 and a couple other formats but all of these are just dumps of the data base without filtering to show just the pertinent fields for the payroll period. Some automation could be done in Excel but it shouldn't require this much work. We just want the report in an editable file!

Then there is the output to email option. This has some possibilities since it includes formats like HTML that could be handled by the personnel at the sites without a severe learning curve. But this requires a live email account on the workstation before it can even be tried. No biggie, you'd think. But everything just gets worse from there.

Once I have the email working after a ridiculous hassle level because the Google servers were having a bad day, I go to fire up the timeclock manager app. It resides on the server in a restricted share that the server has now decided is no longer available to anyone. There is no apparent reason for this. The security setup is exactly as it has been for over a year but it just doesn't work. After some attempts to find a problem I give up and remove the sharing from the directory, then put it back. That fixes things but now the app itself is broken. From any workstation it comes up with a cryptic error message.

Call the guy who sold them this garbage and is supposed to support it. Answering machine. Submit a web form requesting help from the maker of the product, who are located just a few miles away. this produces an email a few hours later stating that they get $700 a year for such support and the client will have to fork over the cash before they'll say anything helpful. fuck you very much, Joe.

So now I'm pursuing the theory that the odd share behavior and the software failure are related in the form of a drive problem. So at 3:30 AM I wake up, remote into the server and schedule a thorough disk scan. Since this requires a reboot I cannot see anything until it finishes and the OS comes up again. It may be done by now. I'll check at 5 AM to see with my fingers crossed.

Today is payroll, so getting this fixed ASAP is more than a little important. No pressure, folks. Sure, I'll try to support the products you chose without consulting me first.
[quote name='ced']I've been working a job for 5 years in a subsidiary of a major international company while getting a college education. I've worked my butt off for them and it's extremely obvious that I can do all the menial tasks in my sleep. I've done reports and research for supervisors because they knew I could do them. Now with a college degree in hand, a solid demonstration of skills and longevity you'd think I'd finally get the chance to step up, but no. I've applied for jobs within the company, and I have yet to get the chance to even interview for any of the jobs. What's even more insulting is that somebody that finds every opportunity to slack off and pass work off to others (myself included) was recently promoted to one of the positions I applied to.

It makes me furious that my proven track record and education doesn't seem to matter in that urine soaked hellhole.[/QUOTE]

The mistake is that you made yourself indispensable in your current position. This means you are locked in because things would fall apart without you and promotion only makes you competition for those who like you where you are.

You need to get out from under those people who think they own you by finding a position at another company.
[quote name='epobirs']The mistake is that you made yourself indispensable in your current position. This means you are locked in because things would fall apart without you and promotion only makes you competition for those who like you where you are.

You need to get out from under those people who think they own you by finding a position at another company.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much this.
Yep, you never want to be in a position where only you can do your job. Some people think it offers job security, but it also prevents you from ever advancing.
[quote name='bardiya27']Compensation is a low determinant of job satisfaction.[/quote]

Yes, but it is good determinant of job requirement.

His job requires taking work home. A lower paying job wouldn't.

Free time at home would allow him to train better skills.
We were talking about this last Thursday in my business management class. What is the most important to you all as far as job satisfaction goes? Money, power, rank, security etc..

I don't care all that much about power, so long as i'm paid reasonably well and am acknowledged when i do good work. Although in the current economy, job security would be nice.
Job security and money is nice and all, but what wish for is a job with a good work environment (i.e. not dealing with idiots and office politics) and a sense that I'm actually good at what I do.
I hate having a job that I'm lousy at.
But I'm still looking for something I'm good at.
I don't like my job. The hours are ridiculously long and I'm basically "on call" 24/7 but the pay is good. I am totally stuck though because the economy is shit, there are no other jobs and I need to maintain my current salary. Everything I do is for my wife and kids though and things could be a lot worse. I'm just happy to be here.
[quote name='javeryh']I don't like my job. The hours are ridiculously long and I'm basically "on call" 24/7 but the pay is good. I am totally stuck though because the economy is shit, there are no other jobs and I need to maintain my current salary. Everything I do is for my wife and kids though and things could be a lot worse. I'm just happy to be here.[/quote]

I used to be in the exact same situation 3 months ago and then I was laid off. I was offered a lower-paying position at the same company. I swallowed my pride and took the offer because I have a family to support. Basically, I took a hefty pay cut and have been unable to find another job that would equal the pay I had before. Recently, I took a second job and I still don't make the income that I used to, eventhough, I've been working close to 60 hours a week (hourly wage). I do it so that my family can continue to have the quality of life that they are accustomed to, which is not extravagant by any means.
[quote name='ced']I've been working a job for 5 years in a subsidiary of a major international company while getting a college education. I've worked my butt off for them and it's extremely obvious that I can do all the menial tasks in my sleep. I've done reports and research for supervisors because they knew I could do them. Now with a college degree in hand, a solid demonstration of skills and longevity you'd think I'd finally get the chance to step up, but no. I've applied for jobs within the company, and I have yet to get the chance to even interview for any of the jobs. What's even more insulting is that somebody that finds every opportunity to slack off and pass work off to others (myself included) was recently promoted to one of the positions I applied to.

It makes me furious that my proven track record and education doesn't seem to matter in that urine soaked hellhole.[/QUOTE]

Wow, the same shit has happened to me. Next to my supervisor, I'm the only one with a 4 year college education. Some of the people I answer to don't even have a 2 year college degree. I've been passed up on several occasions and have been trying to find other work.
Normally, I would use this space to berate people for working in jobs that they hate (my wife included!). :bomb: I absolutely detest how people can start working, realize they hate the job, and NOT do anything about it.

BUT... given the current economy and unemployment rates, I do understand that job security is currently more important than anything else (ie- money from a shitty job >>> no money from no job). That being said, I urge anyone who is unhappy with their job to do what they can to search for a new job or do what they can to change fields. I'm currently heading off to Pharmacy school in the Fall after having spent the last 8 years doing biotech research. If you want a change, you need to work for it.
[quote name='Warner1281']Normally, I would use this space to berate people for working in jobs that they hate (my wife included!). :bomb: I absolutely detest how people can start working, realize they hate the job, and NOT do anything about it.

BUT... given the current economy and unemployment rates, I do understand that job security is currently more important than anything else (ie- money from a shitty job >>> no money from no job). That being said, I urge anyone who is unhappy with their job to do what they can to search for a new job or do what they can to change fields. I'm currently heading off to Pharmacy school in the Fall after having spent the last 8 years doing biotech research. If you want a change, you need to work for it.[/quote]

I wish it was that simple. If I could find another job in a field I liked that paid the same amount I'd make the switch. The fact is that there is no such thing. Any job switch to another place (including 80% of them in my current field) would require a pay cut - likely a massive one. I'm not going to be happy working so I might as well whore myself out to the highest bidder so I can afford to do things I like on the weekends.
[quote name='Midnite']Wow, the same shit has happened to me. Next to my supervisor, I'm the only one with a 4 year college education. Some of the people I answer to don't even have a 2 year college degree. I've been passed up on several occasions and have been trying to find other work.[/quote]

Coincidentally I was working below a supervisor that was still working on getting his degree while I already had my Bachelor's in tow. I feel your pain.

Also, I have been looking elsewhere for work, but the economy is working against me. At this point, I'm at my current job doing everything I can to buff up my resume. Hopefully I'll get picked up by somebody else eventually.
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Did any of you guys decide to go back to school for a Masters?

I always wondered how people with full-time jobs could juggle that kind of stuff.
Speaking of soul-crushing jobs... just got my revised offer in the mail today for my post-grad job. I knew it was coming, but not the exact details of just how much I'd be raped. I knew that I would still be paid the total amount of my original salary offer in the first year in the form of a bonus of the difference. I also knew that my new base salary would become the basis for future raises and bonuses after the first year. But I did not know that they would actually lower my base salary $4000 from $47k to $43k. Talk about ass rape. And it's far too late in the game to find a decent job to replace it. Though I figure that after a year of experience with these people, I can quit and find a new job for better pay. I'd just have to suffer through the 70+ hours busy season for peanuts before then....
bread's done