SoulCalibur IV - (10.17.08) - Vader/Yoda DLC set to release on 10/23 [400 points]

[quote name='Trakan']Wow, ranked versus couldn't be more broken.

90% of the time it says the room is full and if I do get in a match, people are constantly spamming that Cervantes/Shura bullshit. On top of that, if you're about to level up, and you do get beat legit and lose let's say 10 points, you have to win 2 matches in a row to actually level up, or you just stay at the current level's cap.

Ridiculous.[/QUOTE]What I do is just go ahead and create a ranked match, and let someone join me. I had so many issues with room being full (reminds me of the PS3 Lost Planet demo so much), I just decided to create my own room and usually don't have a problem.
What'd be nice is if like DRO, you could see what character they mainly use and boot the general online friendly ones (Kilik, Cervy, etc..)

Of course there is the possibility that the character listed as the one with the most use, may not be their best character (Under my DRO account, it has Ling Xiayou though I have only won tourney matches with Asuka) but that's the risk you take.

I just used it mainly to boot ANY Lily/Paul/Baek/Law player that entered my room. I apologize in advance to the real players of those characters but I just won't tolerate that kind of silliness.
Just played a bit of ranked online for the first time in weeks. I just created my own room and then weeded out anyone with less than 4 bars, and it was pretty smooth for the most part. I had some pretty good fights and my record is hovering around 50%. I feel like you should get some gold every time you get hit by Taki's dumb double smokebomb-into-air-throw combo, or when you get picked up off the ground three times in a row by Rock... yeesh. :cold: I had never seen that before.

Also does the marsh seem to be the preferred online stage to anyone else? I guess people love those dodos.
Man, the best part of this game is the idiots you get who message you after matches to tell you, "Ur Gay!", or, "Grabs are illegal!", or--my personal favorite--a guy who told me that using a certain move was cheap and that me winning was luck.

Seriously, though...weed out anybody with less than a four-bar connection, beat somebody down, and let the good times roll. Best unannounced feature of the game I've seen yet.

[quote name='metaly']I would have liked a tag mode as well. I think the reason the tag combos bother me so much is because without a tag VS mode, they're pretty much computer-exclusive moves. There's no good way to practice them and even if you did, you can only use them about half the time in a couple 1P modes.

Just curious, has anyone landed a finisher on a human opponent yet? I have yet to do one. Even a flashing red bar is rare when I'm playing someone I know. And usually it's me. :whistle2:#[/quote]

Yeah, I've done it once online. Most of the time a low-level player will choose Yoda whenever I choose the Apprentice, and just attempt to use his guard break. I found the best way to rectify this was to just spam YY the entire match (while satisfying myself due to the karma). Anyways, he blocked the first two rounds; third round I did a soul crush, and then a Critical Finish. Most satisfying match, ever.
That was pretty funny, but what was even funnier was the hundreds of comments of people freaking out and acting like idiots. It never gets old.

This guy is pretty interesting, I look forward to his next review of a game.
[quote name='heavyd853']Maxi's pretty good in SCIV, although he's pretty hard to figure out right now since his combos are kinda goofy and the only way you can avoid getting punished by good players is to do stance fake outs (which they already expect). He also has a bit of a problem with low pokes, but otherwise he's pretty awesome.

Also, Yun Seong is hilariously fun for beating on scrubs! Just 236K and A+B combo them allllll day.[/quote]

Well I'm not sure what that means but I'm assuming your talking about the combo where you kick them in the air like four times, they fall and bounce, and then you do another tripple kick. That's how I beat my family lol.

I haven't spent much time with Ivy but she seems really hard to use.
[quote name='Trakan']I can't fucking believe when people quit it doesn't give you the win. Unbelievable.[/QUOTE]
Nor does it give them a loss. Or even a substantial point penalty. The system is totally broken in that regard.
What's the best way to drain a soul gauge? I'm trying to get the treasure chest on floor 11 (finish all opponents with critical finish) and I cannot do it at all... I'm using Kilik with the A-grade skill that drains soul gauge on blocked attacks and they still end up dying before I can do a critical finish.
Heads up...I"m going to be 'that guy'...but here goes:

Any new news or rumors about Vader being DLC? I was hoping it would happen cuz i'm a big Star Wars fan.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Heads up...I"m going to be 'that guy'...but here goes:

Any new news or rumors about Vader being DLC? I was hoping it would happen cuz i'm a big Star Wars fan.[/quote]

I havent heard anything.

Speaking of DLC, i could have sworn i saw someone say there was a CAS pack 2 with new parts, but i never seen that on XBLM.
The CAS that came with the LE is up on the Japanese XBLM/PSN. Strange that it's taking this long to come out elsewhere.
[quote name='Koggit']What's the best way to drain a soul gauge? I'm trying to get the treasure chest on floor 11 (finish all opponents with critical finish) and I cannot do it at all... I'm using Kilik with the A-grade skill that drains soul gauge on blocked attacks and they still end up dying before I can do a critical finish.[/quote]

I found that Setsuka can drain soul gauges pretty quick with his rapid AB (and BA) move. I created a character with her style, gave her Soul Gauge Drain A and an HP drain just in case. I also increased her health while lowering her attack power slightly (around the 120s if I remember correctly).

I wasn't terribly familiar with Setsuka, and I'm still not, but I did get the 100 critical finishes and soul crushes achievements on Floor 11 using the above method. Just be careful not to ring them out!

Hope that helps!
This online/ranked match shit sucks. I can't wait to get to level 20 (17 now) so I can get the cheez mint and stop playing online. This is getting ridiculous.. the same people spamming the saaame moves.

Wow! Some hard ass' using biig weapons! Such big manly men! :roll:
Hate fighting games online.

[quote name='lilboo']I can't wait to get to level 20 (17 now) so I can get the cheez mint...[/quote]

That's the last achievement I need and I'm not looking forward to it one bit. Playing my friends in slow motion (thanks to a terrible internet connection) is one thing, but against psychotics on Live? It gave me an ulcer just getting the "win consecutive ranked matches" achievement.

From my own limited experience, plus many of the horror stories I've read here and heard from my not-so-internet-handicapped friends, even when I do sort out my connection issues I doubt I'll play many (if any) random battles online. One or two good fights versus 20 or 30 Apprentice ring out sessions doesn't quite even out.
[quote name='lilboo']I finally just got to level 20 and I no longer have to do online matches in SCIV :bouncy:[/quote]

My brother actually got the acheivment for me. I went to bed and he played all night. I woke up and my character was a level 35.

Anyways I had my fill of SCIV. I sent it back to Gamefly already. Hopefully SFIV can keep my attention longer cause I'd like to get back into the genre.
[quote name='Koggit']Also speaking of DLC, is the current pack worth it?[/quote]

No... I dl'ed the DLC hoping it was the stuff that came with the collectors edition and all I got was like 3 helmets. They really have to charge for that?
Sorry if this has been discussed, I went back 3 pages and didn't see anything...I got an auto-update over Live just now (I haven't played it in a week or so). Anyone know what that did?
[quote name='akilshohen']anyone else play Tira? I'm trying to find quicker ways to switch he mood. I LOVE that taunt reversal[/quote]

Tira player here.

focus more on just fighting. that way you are less worried about changing moods. know what moves do what in each mood.
Tira is one of my favourite characters (personality, style, weapon) but I haven't used her in SCIV. The moods thing is intimidating. I kinda suck with any fighter that has different stances.
I was alot better with her in SCIII, but in SCIV she seems more well rounded. I do agree learning her seems intimidating at first, but to be honest it's really easy to remember what moves can be used when. I want her to be my secondary, but I haven't gotten to the level I want with her. So far my Asty is better than her, but I want her to be above him (and me ;) ).
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Tira player here.

focus more on just fighting. that way you are less worried about changing moods. know what moves do what in each mood.[/quote]
yeah I'm decent with her now, I need to get a little better so I can do well against siegfried/kilik/nightmare. anyone else and I'm pretty much of with Tira, no one knows what to expect.
The stances don't really change much. From the bit of her list I went though 2 moves change.

SIDEBAR: Beat a level 45 player who was asking me to let him win so he could level up. Also pulled off two CF's online.
[quote name='akilshohen']yeah I'm decent with her now, I need to get a little better so I can do well against siegfried/kilik/nightmare. anyone else and I'm pretty much of with Tira, no one knows what to expect.
The stances don't really change much. From the bit of her list I went though 2 moves change.

SIDEBAR: Beat a level 45 player who was asking me to let him win so he could level up. Also pulled off two CF's online.[/quote]

I wish I could play you becuase I have yet to bump into a dedicated and decent Tira player... I am not that great with her, but I know I'm better than everyone I've come across that uses her.
I probably haven't praticed as much as you. At this point, i know a few good moves and that k+b is a good escape.
when someone's cheap I still resort to cervantes
Those Astaroth players online sure know a lot of moves. *cough*1A,B*cough* And did you hear the one about the Kilik who only did verticals? After two rounds he hit me once with 66AA (I hate Kilik) and I thought he might start mixing it up but nope, went straight back to verticals only.

Ran into quite a few good players tonight, though. Amy is really annoying... I wonder if I should learn her over Raphael.
[quote name='metaly']
Ran into quite a few good players tonight, though. Amy is really annoying... I wonder if I should learn her over Raphael.[/QUOTE]

I'd say so. Raphael is a bitch, and those who play as him are made bitches by association.
[quote name='Chacrana']I'd say so. Raphael is a bitch, and those who play as him are made bitches by association.[/quote]

I havent met any good Raphaels yet, its odd, I expected more of them along with Maxi, but I rarely encounter them, and when I do, they dont know more than 3 combos.
It helps if you know UNCONKABLE!!! in real life... that guy is hilarious lol... the videos ooze of machismo!

And in one of the videos Aris was a guy with a beard and looks JUST LIKE HIM! hahaha.

aris = stunt double for super mario.
More DLC available in Japan. Unfortunately it seems to be more stuff from the US limited edition. Hopefully that's the last of it and we'll start getting some new gear soon (and, while I'm dreaming, new stages, music, weapons, etc).

While looking around some of the Soul Calibur pages I unearthed this survey from a message board. It looks like it's a couple of weeks old and probably just for marketing, but it looks official and has some questions that seem promising. Worth a few minutes, at least.
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[quote name='akilshohen']am I the only one who hasn't fought in the third star wars background? I've only seen it when editing Yoda and in the combo video on XBLM[/quote]

Third? I thought there was only two.
[quote name='akilshohen']edit yoda, and you'll see a level on a elevator. It looks like one of those levels from Lego Star Wars (I've never seen a SW movie)[/quote]

I just assumed it was a different camera angle of one of the two levels. Since i fought online in all stages and only have 2 star wars stages.
You're more or less right as all three stages are contained within the same hangar. The elevator itself is kind of interesting because it continually moves up and down during play.

I don't think there's a way to select the stage to play versus (outside of going into practice and placing the dummy opponent to 2P) but I'm open to suggestions. If anyone knows of a way to unlock the song from the top floor of the tower (the same song used in the combo video released recently), I'd love to know, too. ;)

Speaking of the combo video, it's actually not a bad resource--It gave me a few new ideas for Cervantes and Ivy. Unfortunately they're all timing sensitive which makes them rather impossible on my wonderful Clearwire connection (still working on breaking the contract).
did everyone stop playing SC4?

the more i play this game the more i like it. all the characters seem good although i still hate sophie and her 1A[A] and her stupid uppercut that connects across the pacific ocean. oh yeah, and rock still sucks.

but now i've seen two good hilde's that have like 9 hit combos and can ring you out from the middle of the stage. lizzie's, x's, amy's, astas, they've all been playing well. and damn, i have no idea what ivy is doing, i know i'm just losing.

the CFs are fun. they add a little excitement. they 'cause you to think a little when your meter is blinking or when their meter is blinking. is he gonna spam soul crush, should i wait for the GI? is he gonna GI my stuff and go for it? should i NOT block?

lovin' it.
bread's done