Spider-Man 3 - Gen. Discussion & Discussion


170 (100%)


Update 4/5: Controls and New Screens:

I don't remember what the swing system was for Spider-Man 2 but here are the controls for Spider-Man 3:

You still move the spandexed wonder with the left stick, and manipulate the camera with the right stick. The right trigger shoots out a web for swinging, with the left trigger acting as a speed boost for quick web trips around Manhattan. The B Button will allow Spidey to stick to any surface, and the pressure-sensitive jump button is still located on the A Button.

The Xbox 360 controller’s bumper button help to expand Spider-Man’s move set a bit. The evade moves are now mapped to the bumper, which enables both strong and light attacks to be performed with two separate face buttons. This opens things up for more combo moves and more specials that are acquired throughout play (you rank up in RPG-like categories in this way as well) instead of via some Spidey Home Depot. You’ll also notice that a Spidey Sense effect is available, which makes objects that are important turn as red as Mary Jane’s tendrils, even if these objects are on the other side of a wall. There’s also the ability to slow down everything around Spidey, which effectively makes it seem like the webhead’s reflexes are heightened. An easier way to describe this is Bullet Time sans bullets. This comes in handy when multiple foes are in attack mode, or, it can simply serve as a better way of viewing the sick specials that Treyarch has come up with for Spider-Man 3.
Full preview here: http://previews.teamxbox.com/xbox-360/1576/SpiderMan-3/p1/

Also got some new shots:


This looks cool!:


Update 4/3: Achievements Revealed


The trailer looks sick. I'm excited for this one. Loved Spider-Man 2 & Ultimate Spider-Man games. I will be posting more info and updating the OP as soon as I know more.
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Just like the Marvel Ultimate Alliance club, they have made a Spider-Man 3 club called "Spidey's Web".

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If you would like to Join Spidy's Web. PM me with your email address I got 20 invites for now. I'm not posting this info for my benefit, there's psycho members who get tons of points and I don't plan on being anywhere near the top at anytime but they do send you free swag if you're lucky and the exclusive info and wallpapers makes it worth it alone.

Awesome, i hadnt even noticed this game yet.

BTW Linkin you make the game discussion threads so nice and constantly update them as well. Thanks :)
Hmmm The game graphically doesn't look as good as I would like so far. Who knows though since it was a low resolution You Tube Video.
I agree about the graphics.

We owned Spider-Man 2 & Ultimate Spider-Man games and loved them. They are still among my sons favorite games ever. (He is just now 6 and they keep him busy doing not a lot).
Am I the only one whose "Spidey-sense" thinks the 360 version might be relatively 'bare-bones' next to the PS3 one because of the obvious connection that console and this franchise share? I'm already well aware of the PS3-exclusive mode where you can play as the Goblin/Hobogoblin/Harry-with-googles. If that's the only major difference, I'll happily trade it for Achievements.
Doesn't look amazing, and it's the same exact thing as Spider-Man 2. Cripes, even the moves have the same animations. Judging from the trailer, there's definately not enough to warrant a purchase.. a rental, sure, but cripes, other than Spider-Man in a black suit, it looks exactly like Spider-Man 2.
[quote name='pimpinc333']1st image still looks not too great but the second looks good.[/QUOTE]
Are we looking at the same picture? Look at the detail in all the cars. Each window has a unique reflection. You can even see the steel texture on metal in the tow truck. I also like the look of the damaged hood and trunk.
It looks like they're going back to the swing mechanics from Spiderman 2 which kicks ass. My only fear is that Trytech (sp?) doesn't seem to have a flare for how to do side missions or filler missions. Spiderman 2 was a joke (catch the red balloon, stop the robbers) and Ultimate Spiderman wasn't much better.

I'm hoping they can nail the combat down as well, it just seems like it should be more engaging being Spiderman than what they have given us in the past.

Either way I'll be picking this up; my 6 year old is a HUGE Spiderman fan and loves Spiderman 2 and USM on the XBox. Let's hope they can make this one great (though I do like the idea of the multiple story lines to follow).
[quote name='zewone']Are we looking at the same picture? Look at the detail in all the cars. Each window has a unique reflection. You can even see the steel texture on metal in the tow truck. I also like the look of the damaged hood and trunk.[/QUOTE]

Yea I'm seeing that Saint's Row looked a ton better graphically ;)
If I'm playing a game, I'm going to notice the environment, as well as character and vehicle models. I'm not going to look for reflections in car windows.
[quote name='Scorch']If I'm playing a game, I'm going to notice the environment, as well as character and vehicle models. I'm not going to look for reflections in car windows.[/QUOTE]
Oh, I forgot that reflections in the car windows was not part of the vehicle models. :roll:

I only play games where I can check out my haircut in the window. I don't care how fun it is.
My only fear is that Trytech (sp?) doesn't seem to have a flare for how to do side missions or filler missions. Spiderman 2 was a joke (catch the red balloon, stop the robbers) and Ultimate Spiderman wasn't much better.

The real heart of the problem with the repetitive and silly side missions, I fear, isn't the ineptitude or laziness of the company making the game (Treyarch?), but instead the mandate that's almost certainly imposed upon them to make such things as family-friendly and, ahem, 'mass market'-accessible* as possible. I mean, it doesn't get much more 'mass market' than this franchise. In effect, they're making this game for the Toys 'R' Us tykes, anyone above, oh, eight is just along for the ride...and Activision knows it.

*--If you want to read that as diplomatically calling many would-be purchasers of this game borderline retarded, I won't stop you.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Am I the only one whose "Spidey-sense" thinks the 360 version might be relatively 'bare-bones' next to the PS3 one because of the obvious connection that console and this franchise share? I'm already well aware of the PS3-exclusive mode where you can play as the Goblin/Hobogoblin/Harry-with-googles. If that's the only major difference, I'll happily trade it for Achievements.[/QUOTE]

I doubt there'll be much of a difference. Microsoft managed to get exclusive Spider-Man content out of Treyarch or whoever before, so it's not like Sony has a complete stranglehold on the franchise, and I don't get the impression anyone really cared ultimately anyway.
The only thing I didn't like about Spider-man 2 on the original xbox was the crappy looking civilians. They looked like they were from a ps1 game.

Hopefully this game doen't suffer from that also.
[quote name='Scorch']Doesn't look amazing, and it's the same exact thing as Spider-Man 2. Cripes, even the moves have the same animations. Judging from the trailer, there's definately not enough to warrant a purchase.. a rental, sure, but cripes, other than Spider-Man in a black suit, it looks exactly like Spider-Man 2.[/QUOTE]
I was going to say the same thing.
Games like this are usually marred by not having enough pedestrians. Crackdown is the only game that has come close to having the crowded streets that a game like this requires.

I hope GTA IV has 2x as many as Crackdown. Hopefully Spider Man 3 will have at least the same amount.
Trailer looks great...haven't beat a spiderman since the PS1 though, think I played a bit of 2...anyway I'll probably get this one if the reviews are good.
I don't remember what the swing system was for Spider-Man 2 but here are the controls for Spider-Man 3:

You still move the spandexed wonder with the left stick, and manipulate the camera with the right stick. The right trigger shoots out a web for swinging, with the left trigger acting as a speed boost for quick web trips around Manhattan. The B Button will allow Spidey to stick to any surface, and the pressure-sensitive jump button is still located on the A Button.

The Xbox 360 controller’s bumper button help to expand Spider-Man’s move set a bit. The evade moves are now mapped to the bumper, which enables both strong and light attacks to be performed with two separate face buttons. This opens things up for more combo moves and more specials that are acquired throughout play (you rank up in RPG-like categories in this way as well) instead of via some Spidey Home Depot. You’ll also notice that a Spidey Sense effect is available, which makes objects that are important turn as red as Mary Jane’s tendrils, even if these objects are on the other side of a wall. There’s also the ability to slow down everything around Spidey, which effectively makes it seem like the webhead’s reflexes are heightened. An easier way to describe this is Bullet Time sans bullets. This comes in handy when multiple foes are in attack mode, or, it can simply serve as a better way of viewing the sick specials that Treyarch has come up with for Spider-Man 3.
Full preview here: http://previews.teamxbox.com/xbox-360/1576/SpiderMan-3/p1/

Also got some new shots:


This looks cool!:


These screenshots are even better:







Don't have time to thumnail them now, might do that later.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I don't remember what the swing system was for Spider-Man 2 ...[/quote]
It kinda sounds like it, the thing with Spiderman 2's swing mechanics was that if you were swinging you could hold A at the bottom of the "swing arc" to gain momentum. Also, you had to hold the swing button down to swing, once you let up he let go; both of these factors combined made for one of the best "feeling" superhero abilities to date IMO.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Am I the only one whose "Spidey-sense" thinks the 360 version might be relatively 'bare-bones' next to the PS3 one because of the obvious connection that console and this franchise share? I'm already well aware of the PS3-exclusive mode where you can play as the Goblin/Hobogoblin/Harry-with-googles. If that's the only major difference, I'll happily trade it for Achievements.[/QUOTE]
Ow.. I hope they offer that as downloadable at some point!
wow looks awesome...that spiderman looks actually like something I'd like for ONCE! The movement is nice and fast...can't wait for it. And May 4th too! So soon...

Anyone know if there'll be a demo??
Looks good! I got my tickets for the 12AM showing at the IMAX, so needless to say I'll be pretty hyped up for the game the following day!
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Was anyone lucky enough to have a store break street date and got the game early?[/QUOTE]

Someone I used to work with started playing it, says it's pretty much a bigger better S-M2. Of coarse, this is based on 15-30 minutes of gameplay.
bread's done