Stand by for Titanfall!

What's everyone's weapon of choice so far? I started out liking the first SMG but I've since switched to the AR since the range is better.

I really like using the Satchel Charges, they are sooo useful.

What's everyone's weapon of choice so far? I started out liking the first SMG but I've since switched to the AR since the range is better.

I really like using the Satchel Charges, they are sooo useful.
The first SMG, the R-97 Compact, is VERY sweet.. I'm giving the C.A.R. SMG a go now.

The Carbine is solid.. Shotgun I like.. haven't played with the Smart Pistol much, but I will. Have NOT touched the Sniper at all.. hated it in the beta and anticipate unlocks will be needed for it to be very useful. The G2A4 Rifle.. do not like that one, either, but maybe it'll be OK with some uprades? Same with the Hemlok BF-R.. really trying to like it.

RE-45 Autopistol for sidearm.

For Anti-Titan, mostly loving the Charge Rifle.

And the Arc Mine.. fun fun.

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Just played three rounds and wow, this game is fun. I think the bots help those of us who usually suck at these games, feel good at killing something lol. I won two rounds but got killed trying to race to the enemy's ship. Good times.
BTW, whoever thought those bots were easy.. put enough Spectres together (in the campaign, mission 2 and last) and there is trouble.

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The first SMG, the R-97 Compact, is VERY sweet.. I'm giving the C.A.R. SMG a go now.

The Carbine is solid.. Shotgun I like.. haven't played with the Smart Pistol much, but I will. Have NOT touched the Sniper at all.. hated it in the beta and anticipate unlocks will be needed for it to be very useful. The G2A4 Rifle.. do not like that one, either, but maybe it'll be OK with some uprades? Same with the Hemlok BF-R.. really trying to like it.

RE-45 Autopistol for sidearm.

For Anti-Titan, mostly loving the Charge Rifle.

And the Arc Mine.. fun fun.
Beta was a blast when you used an infinite mine burn card. keep chucking them as often as they recharge at Grunts/Specters and its a firstfall titan easy

BTW, whoever thought those bots were easy.. put enough Spectres together (in the campaign, mission 2 and last) and there is trouble.
I don't think everyone realizes that if you hack them, all the spectres around you becomes yours and will follow you around and protect you. I felt like the only person doing it in campaign lol

For some reason I am enjoying my amount of suck at this game a lot more than I ever did with games like COD or Halo. I guess that proves giant robots can make any thing better.
I believe the term is "the Iron Giant Effect" and by I believe I mean that's what I call it. :p

Yeah hacking Specters, almost typed it as Spectres lol, to have some allies watching your back is a def advantage.

My observation and analysis, my guess really, from everything I've seen is that we'll see more stuff down the line, maps, weapons and game modes.

I pretty much suck at this game, but as others said (and reassured me to get me to buy X1/Titanfall earlier in this thread) it is not game breaking to suck like I found in other games. I only played for about 2 hours, but had tons of fun and can't wait to sink more time in.

The biggest thing that gets me is from being a SP games thinking differently from fighting computer AI. Best example being I was defending a base, ducked behind cover to heal and saw my opponent do the same. As I pop out of cover to fire at him I get jump kicked as he jumped through the window behind me. Definitely going to be an adjustment to think like that rather than how computer AI thinks.

My biggest complaint with the game is that they don't balance teams. Half the matches I played were me and 5 other people level 1-7 against 6 people level 30 and up. Should have been easy enough to balance the teams.
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I pretty much suck at this game, but as others said (and reassured me to get me to buy X1/Titanfall earlier in this thread) it is not game breaking to suck like I found in other games. I only played for about 2 hours, but had tons of fun and can't wait to sink more time in.

The biggest thing that gets me is from being a SP games thinking differently from fighting computer AI. Best example being I was defending a base, ducked behind cover to heal and saw my opponent do the same. As I pop out of cover to fire at him I get jump kicked as he jumped through the window behind me. Definitely going to be an adjustment to think like that rather than how computer AI thinks.
It'll make you better to learn from your old habits.. they will die hard, but they will die, or you will.... a lot. lol. Trust me, I know...

I'm on right now in case anyone wants to group up. I've gotten disconnected once already (and I've only been on for 5-10 minutes) so I'm hoping this doesn't start a trend for the night.

Soo, remember that Gamestop poster?


Is it still technically called a poster or a tapestry at that size (19"x55").

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I like how well the maps blend infantry combat with room for the Titans, I haven't felt cramped in most of them and I really like how well it comes together. The exception'ed map would be Colony because it feels really cramped when all the Titans crowd the streets and you can't get around anyone.

Having more fun then I anticipated with this game. I'm a pretty big COD fan(hate is welcome), and this is a nice change of course. The fact that I really love, as others have said, is even when you're getting your ass kicked in the game, you still have a blast. 

I pretty much suck at this game, but as others said (and reassured me to get me to buy X1/Titanfall earlier in this thread) it is not game breaking to suck like I found in other games. I only played for about 2 hours, but had tons of fun and can't wait to sink more time in.

The biggest thing that gets me is from being a SP games thinking differently from fighting computer AI. Best example being I was defending a base, ducked behind cover to heal and saw my opponent do the same. As I pop out of cover to fire at him I get jump kicked as he jumped through the window behind me. Definitely going to be an adjustment to think like that rather than how computer AI thinks.

My biggest complaint with the game is that they don't balance teams. Half the matches I played were me and 5 other people level 1-7 against 6 people level 30 and up. Should have been easy enough to balance the teams.
I would suggest you move away from playing attrition early on and focus more hardpoint. The focus of the game is objective based so there will be less of a focus on PvP (ie traditional team deathmatch). This way you'll get familiar with the game mechanics and maps. Either way, the game is a ton of fun and as long as you're having fun who cares if you are not good at it. With time you'll inevitably get better.

Can someone explain the CAMPAIGN option? I only played Classic last night, but what is Campaign? Is it different?
Campaign is story-driven "classic" mode with certain events that happen mid-match. It's actually pretty fun and adds a little bit to the game instead of just vanilla deathmatching all the time.

It's basically a mix of classic game modes that add a small story with it.

Its in no way a true campaign in the sense, but does explain a little about what is going on
I would suggest you move away from playing attrition early on and focus more hardpoint. The focus of the game is objective based so there will be less of a focus on PvP (ie traditional team deathmatch). This way you'll get familiar with the game mechanics and maps. Either way, the game is a ton of fun and as long as you're having fun who cares if you are not good at it. With time you'll inevitably get better.
Thanks for the advice. I got the game yesterday and only played attrition and got rather frustrated/unsure about the game. I will try the campaign and then hardpoint tonight.

Thanks for the advice. I got the game yesterday and only played attrition and got rather frustrated/unsure about the game. I will try the campaign and then hardpoint tonight.
Campaign is where I started. It is impossible to keep track of the (minimal) story with all the sounds, people talking, etc. but you unlock a new Titan for each campaign you complete which I think is enough reason to start there.

And kill3r7 Hardpoint is definitely my preferred mode so far. I like the sense of objectives, and every Hardpoint game I played I was top on my team from picking a good place to defend a base and all the Hardpoint defense points you get. Plus a lot of people run into every base like it is unoccupied so I got the drop on many people that way. Attrition on the other hand I led my team only in deaths.
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I don't have internet at the house yet. Can I still play the game? I know there is no campaign but maybe I can play with bots only?
Everyone should start with Campaign.
Minor spoiler:
Completing each side nets you with a Titan chassis. No other way to pilot an Ogre or Stryder Titan in Classic.
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I'm slightly concerned about leveling. I only played for a little over 2 hours and got to 20s. Couple that with there being limited guns and unlocking attachments is really easy/quick makes me concerned about long term "goals" in the game

I realize that there are challenges, but they only give you one time use burn cards. So rewards CS time spent is meh.
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Everyone should start with Campaign.

Minor spoiler:
Completing each side nets you with a Titan chassis. No other way to pilot an Ogre or Stryder Titan in Classic.
they're unlocked from the start. You only need to complete campaign if you want to customize them

I'm slightly concerned about leveling. I only played for a little over 2 hours and got to 20s. Couple that with there being limited guns and unlocking attachments is really easy/quick makes me concerned about long term "goals" in the game

I realize that there are challenges, but they only give you one time use burn cards. So rewards CS time spent is meh.
So will you just stop having fun when you reach 10th Generation Lvl 50?

they're unlocked from the start. You only need to complete campaign if you want to customize them

So will you just stop having fun when you reach 10th Generation Lvl 50?
No. I wasn't saying that. I was just saying that in game there is no "kill streak" rewards for doing immensely great and there are few long term goals.

Yes I am mainly comparing it to CoD. It just feels like its missing a little something, at least for me, to strive for.

In CoD I still live for those long gun streaks and having to calm myself down if I get to 18 or so. The KEMS and MOABS gave me a target that is extremely hard to reach. Along with a reward at the end.

In titanfall there's no build up for me.

But that's also a point that I like. It is a much more casual game then CoD. I find myself enjoying the game more, and less sound wh0ring/ nerves on edge so I don't lose a fight that I do in CoD.

Just my observation. Basically no true long term or short term "hard" goals. And the long term goals give you a one time use card.
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I like the game so far.  It was cool when another pilot got on top of my I ejected, and shot the other pilot while we were both falling back down from the eject.  

I take it that the burn cards are like perks;  if you use one are they gone forever, or will it still be available for another match?  

38, I think.. am also testing different loadouts, esp. based on whatever map I'm on. Favoring the upgraded (that is, second) SMG at present, though looking forward to unlocking the LMG.

I played a little Campaign last night.  Will it pick up where I left off or do I have to finish it in one sitting?  I want to unlock the two Titans. 

I'm a bit mixed on the game.  It's fun, but it's not like WOW, BEST THING EVER.   I guess the hype isn't living up thus far.  Needs some more modes or something. 

I would love a TITAN FREE mode.  I actually love the Pilots and the ability to traverse up buildings. 

I played a little Campaign last night. Will it pick up where I left off or do I have to finish it in one sitting? I want to unlock the two Titans.

I'm a bit mixed on the game. It's fun, but it's not like WOW, BEST THING EVER. I guess the hype isn't living up thus far. Needs some more modes or something.

I would love a TITAN FREE mode. I actually love the Pilots and the ability to traverse up buildings.
It will pick up where you left off.

the issue i see with two titans being unlocked only if you beat both sides of campaign is that down the road might be hard to find a game of campaign 24/7. I have a feeling they will patch it so they are unlocked in mp games not just campaign or just unlock them right away.

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the issue i see with two titans being unlocked only if you beat both sides of campaign is that down the road might be hard to find a game of campaign 24/7
There is an achievement for playing/beating 50 campaign levels so I'm sure folks who are into that sort of thing will keep it somewhat filled. That said it is a legit issue that they could potentially fix using bots or simply unlocking them when you reach a certain level.

So I suck as expected. Still having a lot of fun with the game. I'm not sure what to think about the grunts in the game. I always think I'm doing well then realize I'm going 1 and 10 or something.

Playing a lot of hardpoint. Strategy based games seem to make up for my lack of skill :p
i have no issues with grunts seeing they seem to make game flow better. I do think grunts should be out of the pilot kill game mode seeing they don't count anyways. 

So I suck as expected. Still having a lot of fun with the game. I'm not sure what to think about the grunts in the game. I always think I'm doing well then realize I'm going 1 and 10 or something.

Playing a lot of hardpoint. Strategy based games seem to make up for my lack of skill :p
This game is made to allow both good and bad players to feel as if they are doing "well". They did that right in this game with grunts/specters.

Spawns seem a little wonky at times. Played some this morning and spawned 10 feet from an enemy who downed me almost immediately a few times. Weird since these maps are SO big that I thought spawns wouldn't be an issue.

To the above poster talking about burn cards. Just use them a bunch. You collect them so fast you will be trashing many anyway.

That is EXCEPT for the rare ones. Rare cards have a foil over the symbol in the top left. Those I would use conservatively when you want to do really well. These rare cards have some massive power ups like:
Automatic Titan
Always on tactical (always cloaked etc) which is amazing. Especially adrenaline rush= always on Stim
bread's done