Stand by for Titanfall!



I avoided CTF for some odd reason until now. Really fun. Can be quite an adrenaline ride if both teams are moderately skilled. However, I have noticed that it brings out the campers in full force.

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Yeah, this definitely has that 'one more match' vibe going for it.

Am just about to hit level 49, but have a boatload of challenges to complete.. not sure if I can regenerate at 50 sans challenges, but have no intention of moving on until I take care of them all - pretty sure those would all reset.

I don't think I've even managed to kill one ejecting pilot yet.. got my work cut out for me there.

Don't much care about people hitting Gen 10 already. To each their own. Hitting Gen 2 will be an accomplishment for me, as I haven't seriously played an online game since the original Everquest beta.

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Yeah, this definitely has that 'one more match' vibe going for it.

Am just about to hit level 49, but have a boatload of challenges to complete.. not sure if I can regenerate at 50 sans challenges, but have no intention of moving on until I take care of them all - pretty sure those would all reset.

I don't think I've even managed to kill one ejecting pilot yet.. got my work cut out for me there.

Don't much care about people hitting Gen 10 already. To each their own. Hitting Gen 2 will be an accomplishment for me, as I haven't seriously played an online game since the original Everquest beta.
Yeah once you regenerate your challenges get wiped. Sucks because it would have been nice to keep the "Play Titanfall XXX hours" one just to track my progress.

only thing i want to see put into this game is more game modes. With the game being 60 bucks having only these modes is disapointing. i would not mind a mode that you never get a titan.

only thing i want to see put into this game is more game modes. With the game being 60 bucks having only these modes is disapointing. i would not mind a mode that you never get a titan.
4 game modes is not disappointing in the least. Especially when theres 15 maps.
The game mode limitations are a little disappointing in the fact that the game is $60 and it's multiplayer only. I'm sure more game modes will come in as DLC, but out of the box, the limited modes are a little bit of a letdown.

I'd like a Battlefield/Rush-style game mode down the line, personally... but that's just me.

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The game mode limitations are a little disappointing in the fact that the game is $60 and it's multiplayer only. I'm sure more game modes will come in as DLC, but out of the box, the limited modes are a little bit of a letdown.

I'd like a Battlefield/Rush-style game mode down the line, personally... but that's just me.
You're echoing Ryan McCafrey's review on IGN. Yeah no doubt something will come down the DLC pipeline.

The game mode limitations are a little disappointing in the fact that the game is $60 and it's multiplayer only. I'm sure more game modes will come in as DLC, but out of the box, the limited modes are a little bit of a letdown.

I'd like a Battlefield/Rush-style game mode down the line, personally... but that's just me.
The game modes, 15 maps, and AMAZING gameplay for $60 is well worth the price.

Some people are seeming to forget that Respawn already stated theres going to be free update dlc. More than likely being more gamemodes. Hell, it may be included in the season pass.
I'd like a multi team mode like in Halo maybe 3v3v3v3, also think a Virus/Infect like mode would be fun.
Yeah, but hopefully they put their own spin on it.
You're echoing Ryan McCafrey's review on IGN. Yeah no doubt something will come down the DLC pipeline.
I hate that guy. So fuckin annoying.
Don't see what all the fuss is - Respawn has come through in amazing fashion and are clearly committed to the game - which hasn't even been in the wild for a week!

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I agree that the game is pretty damn good, but the "fuss" aka the point that was trying to be made was that it's pretty bare bones when it comes to game mode variety. Nobody is debating the fact that it's a solid title. Someone made a valid (yet minor) complaint, and once again, the internet makes a mountain out of a mole hill. lol

So I have played it a fair amount so far, still loving it. I think I am at level 30 and I am finally starting to get better. So many awesome/memorable/hilarious moments and matches, I really should start experimenting with the record function.

I can never remember the map names, but it is the town (I think campaign level 2) with the huge skinny tower in the middle. There was one player who every time he spawned jumped his way up the tower and then started sniping, after he got me twice in a row I climbed up the tower and snapped his neck, I jumped down and few second later he was back up there. I climbed up and snapped his neck again and this time jumped onto the roof of the tower and waited for him. Ended up snapping his neck 9 times before he finally figured it out and sniped me off the roof before climbing up.

One question that has been nagging me is how do people begin the match with Titans? Is it a burn card that I just haven't come across yet? There have been quite a few matches where as soon as the opening cutscene was over people already had their Titans dropping.
So I have played it a fair amount so far, still loving it. I think I am at level 30 and I am finally starting to get better. So many awesome/memorable/hilarious moments and matches, I really should start experimenting with the record function.

I can never remember the map names, but it is the town (I think campaign level 2) with the huge skinny tower in the middle. There was one player who every time he spawned jumped his way up the tower and then started sniping, after he got me twice in a row I climbed up the tower and snapped his neck, I jumped down and few second later he was back up there. I climbed up and snapped his neck again and this time jumped onto the roof of the tower and waited for him. Ended up snapping his neck 9 times before he finally figured it out and sniped me off the roof before climbing up.

One question that has been nagging me is how do people begin the match with Titans? Is it a burn card that I just haven't come across yet? There have been quite a few matches where as soon as the opening cutscene was over people already had their Titans dropping.
There are 3 burn cards that allow you to instantly drop an Atlas/Stryder/Orge. They're rare ones though so not common.

So I have played it a fair amount so far, still loving it. I think I am at level 30 and I am finally starting to get better. So many awesome/memorable/hilarious moments and matches, I really should start experimenting with the record function.

I can never remember the map names, but it is the town (I think campaign level 2) with the huge skinny tower in the middle. There was one player who every time he spawned jumped his way up the tower and then started sniping, after he got me twice in a row I climbed up the tower and snapped his neck, I jumped down and few second later he was back up there. I climbed up and snapped his neck again and this time jumped onto the roof of the tower and waited for him. Ended up snapping his neck 9 times before he finally figured it out and sniped me off the roof before climbing up.

One question that has been nagging me is how do people begin the match with Titans? Is it a burn card that I just haven't come across yet? There have been quite a few matches where as soon as the opening cutscene was over people already had their Titans dropping.
Burn cards.

Record function is simple -- if something badass happens, just say "Xbox Record That" and it'll do just that.

Can you edit later? Like start and stop times, and splice different highlights together.
Go to upload studio. Select your clips, edit them individually. Then, when you're ready, do a multiple video edit. Can only add up to 5 clips at a time. So it may take a while.
yeah i've been using Record That alot. It records 30 seconds so it's good enough for the crazy moments but if I have a great game i'll just snap the game dvr and record the last 5 minutes. 

The main complaint from my friends is they thought the BETA basically showed too much.  It plays similar to the BETA.  I feel like all the MAPS are about the same....

The game is fun, but seems shallow.  Not complaining too much, but that is what the Internet is for, right?

yeah i've been using Record That alot. It records 30 seconds so it's good enough for the crazy moments but if I have a great game i'll just snap the game dvr and record the last 5 minutes.
Go to upload studio. Select your clips, edit them individually. Then, when you're ready, do a multiple video edit. Can only add up to 5 clips at a time. So it may take a while.
Awesome, thank you for the help.

Next newb question; how do you change the default loadout? Embarrassingly I have been playing with the Default loadout all along (did I already mention I am don't normally play online?) and just figured out today to press the menu button after dying to change loadout.
Go to Pilot Loadout on the main screen - NOT during a match (you can change which loadout to spawn as during a match, but cannot create new custom loadouts). If I recall correctly, the option to create a Custom Pilot opens at a certain level, and then more slots open as you advance. Same with the Titans.

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Go to Pilot Loadout on the main screen - NOT during a match (you can change which loadout to spawn as during a match, but cannot create new custom loadouts). If I recall correctly, the option to create a Custom Pilot opens at a certain level, and then more slots open as you advance. Same with the Titans.
Well I have made custom loadouts, but could not figure out why I was not updating with what I was equipping. Only just realized that I was in the default loadout and not the custom loadout I made. I am sure there is a way to default it to start games with a custom loadout rather then having to rush and press the button in the two second window I have when I spawn. Messed around in menus but could not figure out how, in the custom loadout screen it only lists Select and Back as the only available commands.
It (usually) remembers what your last used loadout was, so the only reason to press the menu button is to double-check, which I do anyway. I also often change my loadout depending on the map, or if I'm just getting p'wned and ticked off trying to unlock some attachments with a weapon I don't like (I'm looking at you, semi-auto rifle) - then I'll switch to something I'm more comfortable with and dish out a little revenge.

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Anybody else feel like the shotgun is OP? I feel like it has too much range, ran into a team all using it and it was horrible.
nah I feel everything is pretty balanced. Yesterday I saw a guy using the unlimited satchel charges card and camping his flag on CTF and killing everyone. I just switched to the smart pistol + active radar ability and was able to see where he was camping. The smart pistol locked on and shot his satchels and I jumped behind him and snapped his neck. Felt good.

Quick Wall Climb kill I pulled off. Was surprised it actually worked for me, that shotgun has some long range on it.!7042&authkey=!AMekComw7Epu4Lo&ithint=video%2c.mp4

More than half way through my prestige but I'm not very far along in the challenges I need to complete so I'll probably be hanging out at 50 for awhile.
Wow that video is a mess. I assume the game looks a lot better than the quality of the video. Either that or microsoft has something screwed up for viewing the videos on a Mac.
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Wait, what?! Apparently I'm an idiot. You have to complete all the challenges before you can prestige? Hmmm, had no idea.
Not all of them, but when you prestige you get 4 challenges that are in a "Regen Requirement" category that need to be finished before you can prestige again.

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bread's done