Stand by for Titanfall!

titanfall on 360 is turning into delay crazy like watchdogs on wii u :/. i would guess this wil even help more to push x1 systems.

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ms don' need it to be ms only game. i would say next one is at least 2-3 years away. You would hope by then x1 would have games people want the system for.

Won't matter - Titanfall is associated with Xbox. Period.

This loss of exclusivity has happened before, with the original Bioshock (timed exclusive) and Mass Effect (exclusive).. and all the sequels sold tons more on the original release hardware. Same would be the case if Killzone was suddenly released on Xbox - would be outsold by PS version many times over.

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Won't matter - Titanfall is associated with Xbox. Period.

This loss of exclusivity has happened before, with the original Bioshock (timed exclusive) and Mass Effect (exclusive).. and all the sequels sold tons more on the original release hardware. Same would be the case if Killzone was suddenly released on Xbox - would be outsold by PS version many times over.
Mass Effect is a slightly different case being as it was originally published by Microsoft Game Studios, meanwhile Bioshock (via 2K Games) and Titanfall (via EA). I get your point though, and clearly it won't matter. The only people who win here are gamers, as these games will reach a broader audience now.

Mass Effect is a slightly different case being as it was originally published by Microsoft Game Studios, meanwhile Bioshock (via 2K Games) and Titanfall (via EA). I get your point though, and clearly it won't matter. The only people who win here are gamers, as these games will reach a broader audience now.
Don't forget that Mass Effect was a "exclusive" game on xbox and then it went on ps3 later, same thing is gonna happen with Titan, its EA after all. Msoft will prolly gets first dibs on dlc when Titanfall 2 is out since they love to pay for timed exclusive stuff.

Don't forget that Mass Effect was a "exclusive" game on xbox and then it went on ps3 later, same thing is gonna happen with Titan, its EA after all. Msoft will prolly gets first dibs on dlc when Titanfall 2 is out since they love to pay for timed exclusive stuff.
Yeah I know, that's what I was saying. MS Game Studios held the 'exclusive' rights for some time there.

I don't see Titanfall 1 being a PS4 title down the line, seeing how it's multiplayer only, but stranger things have happened in the world of gaming.... like Octodad.

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Don't forget that Mass Effect was a "exclusive" game on xbox and then it went on ps3 later, same thing is gonna happen with Titan, its EA after all. Msoft will prolly gets first dibs on dlc when Titanfall 2 is out since they love to pay for timed exclusive stuff.
highly doudt titanfall 1 is going on anything other then ms systems. ms put 1 billion dollers into the bucket to get games for x1 and im sure nice size chunk of that went to Ea to keep the game off other systems.

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MS needs to lock this up, this could be another Halo for them. It would be the go to platform for FPS fans.

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Highly doubt they will lock it up. EA wants this to compete with call of duty. Can't do that when tied to a single console. Why do people care if it stays exclusive anyways
Highly doubt they will lock it up. EA wants this to compete with call of duty. Can't do that when tied to a single console. Why do people care if it stays exclusive anyways
i don't think it should be exclusive after this first game. I do understand why ms did what they did for this one seeing they knew they needed a system seller early on.

Titanfall 1 will never be on a sony system. Going forward I fully expect it to be xbox ps and pc.

Hopefully E3 brings a lot of news. Both systems have hardly anything for this holiday.
Could still be a chance it'll be exclusive, I know the Xbox Exectuives have said they wished they put more money into it.

While EA does likely want it to compete with Call of Duty, the fact they made it exclusive the first time could prove with deep enough pockets it'll go around for round two. Might really depend on how well it sold for the Xbox One.

Highly doubt they will lock it up. EA wants this to compete with call of duty. Can't do that when tied to a single console. Why do people care if it stays exclusive anyways
Because having exclusive games is important for a console to succeed. If it does go mutiplatform I expect MS to get some exclusive or timed DLC. And like someone posted before, Titanfall will always be associated more with the X1 then PS4. Just like COD was with the 360.

ms don' need it to be ms only game. i would say next one is at least 2-3 years away. You would hope by then x1 would have games people want the system for.
I'm sure it will have many games by then, but I still want my console to have the more and better exclusives. Titanfall I wish to be one. Its a CoD killer and an Xbox seller.
Won't matter - Titanfall is associated with Xbox. Period.

This loss of exclusivity has happened before, with the original Bioshock (timed exclusive) and Mass Effect (exclusive).. and all the sequels sold tons more on the original release hardware. Same would be the case if Killzone was suddenly released on Xbox - would be outsold by PS version many times over.
True, still want it to be exclusive, lol.
MS needs to lock this up, this could be another Halo for them. It would be the go to platform for FPS fans.
Damn right. Virtual High Five!
I'm as big of an Xbox fan as anyone but I can't help but to lol at the people who absolutely insist this stays exclusive.

If it goes multiplatform no big deal, it's still a great game and that doesn't change anything. While I hope it stays exclusive just because it would be a huge seller for Microsoft I certainly won't go banana's if they put it on the PS4 to.

I'd feel terrible if the only shooter PS4 gamers had to go off of was Call of Duty...../Shudder.

If you want Xbox to have more and better exclusives wouldn't you rather they take that money and invest in new ips and acquiring development teams rather then paying EA to not release a game on other consoles?

By new ips I mean in house not 3rd party.
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If you want Xbox to have more and better exclusives wouldn't you rather they take that money and invest in new ips and acquiring development teams rather then paying EA to not release a game on other consoles?

By new ips I mean in house not 3rd party.
I know what you meant by new IPs. Microsoft has enough money to do both. Id rather have this game stay exclusive and them have in house teams work on new games. Like, while its not exactly NEW, but when they acquired Gears of War, that was a smart decision and to have it be rebooted in house.

There's nothing wrong with wanting the horse you picked to have more stuff the others don't.
The bundle is what finally gave me the excuse to get a One on top of my PS4. Yeah, I'm weak to home entertainment spending. I've really been enjoying it even though I'm not usually a huge multiplayer kind of person. Battlefield has been it for me for years now and even as experienced as I am with it I do terribly in the new one from just how much stuff is constantly going on.

I've managed to do okay with Titanfall, at least always in the middle of the pack, which feels good for a change. Feel free to add me even if I don't chat always if you want to join up ever. I'm working on the campaign achievements now and wish they would tell you which ones you've won on. I guess they don't want people quitting and hoarding the same map over and over trying to get it? I was excited to finally get the evacuation achievement last night.

What kind of weapon loadouts do you guys like, specifically anti-Titan? I like the lock-on one but is the sidewinder more impactful? How about Titan weapon? I'm liking the chaingun is it called? How about Titan RB ability? Locking or salvo? There's probably bette stuff I haven't unlocked even. I'm usually using the carbine for pilot weapon.
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The bundle is what finally gave me the excuse to get a One on top of my PS4. Yeah, I'm weak to home entertainment spending. I've really been enjoying it even though I'm not usually a huge multiplayer kind of person. Battlefield has been it for me for years now and even as experienced as I am with it I do terribly in the new one from just how much stuff is constantly going on.

I've managed to do okay with Titanfall, at least always in the middle of the pack, which feels good for a change. Feel free to add me even if I don't chat always if you want to join up ever. I'm working on the campaign achievements now and wish they would tell you which ones you've won on. I guess they don't want people quitting and hoarding the same map over and over trying to get it?

What kind of weapon loadouts do you guys like, specifically anti-Titan? I like the lock-on one but is the sidewinder more impactful? How about Titan weapon? I'm liking the chaingun is it called? How about Titan RB ability? Locking or salvo? There's probably bette stuff I haven't unlocked even. I'm usually using the carbine for pilot weapon.
Besides the Battlefield part all of that sounds EXACTLY like me. I have been getting my ass kicked more lately as people get the hang of the game and, in many cases, the cheap ways to get kills/points. Luckily learning how to change loadouts (and yes that includes default loadouts thank you guys) has helped a lot. I went from having a 0.4 K/D ratio against pilots (ick) and averaging 2 pilot kills per game to today I averaged 11 pilots per game and a 4.1 K/D ratio.

As for your suggestions for the Titan's RB (Ordnance) ability, after today I found the smoke to be the best. Seems the new thing a lot of experienced players are doing is rodeoing your Titan and waiting until you get out to shoot them to jump off and kill you then jump back on and finish your Titan. Figured it out by one Gen 4 player who did that all match long to everyone on my team, I added the smoke to my loadout for the next match and sure enough he rodeod me laid out the smoke and killed him. Though it is probably best for people to mess around and find their own play style.

Also, I think I said it before but this game REALLY needs team balancing. It gets annoying having a team of 1-15 level players against a team of players working on their 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations. Also had a few matches where it was 3 against 6 which is equally aggravating.
It would be funny when Titanfall 2 goes multiplatform as the main "reason" Titanfall 1 was only available on Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC was due to Microsoft's Azure servers that let the team at Respawn go nuts on the design board. Would they use Microsoft's servers on Playstation systems, an offset costs for loosing such a mega hit exclusivity? That's ways down the road though. Let's launch the first one first! GAahh

It would be funny when Titanfall 2 goes multiplatform as the main "reason" Titanfall 1 was only available on Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC was due to Microsoft's Azure servers that let the team at Respawn go nuts on the design board. Would they use Microsoft's servers on Playstation systems, an offset costs for loosing such a mega hit exclusivity? That's ways down the road though. Let's launch the first one first! GAahh
what will be more funny is the ps people saying game is not great and sucks will be first one in line for titanfall 2 for ps4.

The bundle is what finally gave me the excuse to get a One on top of my PS4. Yeah, I'm weak to home entertainment spending. I've really been enjoying it even though I'm not usually a huge multiplayer kind of person. Battlefield has been it for me for years now and even as experienced as I am with it I do terribly in the new one from just how much stuff is constantly going on.

I've managed to do okay with Titanfall, at least always in the middle of the pack, which feels good for a change. Feel free to add me even if I don't chat always if you want to join up ever. I'm working on the campaign achievements now and wish they would tell you which ones you've won on. I guess they don't want people quitting and hoarding the same map over and over trying to get it? I was excited to finally get the evacuation achievement last night.

What kind of weapon loadouts do you guys like, specifically anti-Titan? I like the lock-on one but is the sidewinder more impactful? How about Titan weapon? I'm liking the chaingun is it called? How about Titan RB ability? Locking or salvo? There's probably bette stuff I haven't unlocked even. I'm usually using the carbine for pilot weapon.
Almost the same situation for purchasing the bundle. Out of all the next gen consoles this is the only game that appeals to me so I bit on this deal. I did buy a warehouse deals ps4 for $258 but there are no games that I want to play yet.

The carbine is a very well balanced weapon for pilot I used it and maxed out the challenges on it but it is weak against titans. I now use a mix between spitfire LMG and smart pistol classes that seem to be working well. On my Titan I'm using the chaingun with the faster fire rate attachment. I'm loving that combo but I suggest prefiring around a safe corner until the gun gets going since it has a slow fire rate when it starts. For the secondary in the Titan I use salvo, that mixed with the chaingun wound up does some serious burst damage and I usually have a enemy Titan at about 1/2 when they decided to run.
Thanks for the tips, guys, really appreciate it. I've seen different styles trending as well, with much fewer rodeos lately to even use my smoke on. I unlocked the mag launcher tonight and it seemed pretty powerful on Titans. I also am liking the chaingun with salvo.

Man, it's frustrating to be there at the evac point and just whiff on the ship. Where exactly do you want to aim - just at the bay door?
Thanks for the tips, guys, really appreciate it. I've seen different styles trending as well, with much fewer rodeos lately to even use my smoke on. I unlocked the mag launcher tonight and it seemed pretty powerful on Titans. I also am liking the chaingun with salvo.

Man, it's frustrating to be there at the evac point and just whiff on the ship. Where exactly do you want to aim - just at the bay door?
I have never missed it when I was still alive to jump. Whenever I jump anywhere in the neighborhood of the door it automatically pulls me in.
Thanks for the tips, guys, really appreciate it. I've seen different styles trending as well, with much fewer rodeos lately to even use my smoke on. I unlocked the mag launcher tonight and it seemed pretty powerful on Titans. I also am liking the chaingun with salvo.

Man, it's frustrating to be there at the evac point and just whiff on the ship. Where exactly do you want to aim - just at the bay door?
Yes. The door. And from my experiences, it has to be from below. I've fallen through the top of the ship more than I've boarded the ship.
If you really think about it, who really cares if it is going to be on the other platform in the future too. The more people who get to experience Titanfall the better it would be for the series. Nothing wrong with that.

What do you personally have to lose if this information turns out to be true?

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Yes. The door. And from my experiences, it has to be from below. I've fallen through the top of the ship more than I've boarded the ship.
Exactly, this is what happened to me. I don't make it to the ship often but the first time I did I made it no problem. The second I fell right through it and I was a bit high. Thanks for the tip. I will try to like it up that way, although it seems a bit picky when you've made it that far. It isn't that easy to line up when you've just popped out of cover to make a dash to the ship and you're getting nailed by enemies camping the area.
Exactly, this is what happened to me. I don't make it to the ship often but the first time I did I made it no problem. The second I fell right through it and I was a bit high. Thanks for the tip. I will try to like it up that way, although it seems a bit picky when you've made it that far. It isn't that easy to line up when you've just popped out of cover to make a dash to the ship and you're getting nailed by enemies camping the area.
one good tip I have is if you're in a titan during the evacuation, you can press UP on the Dpad to start the self destruct, and then tap X to bail out and land in the ship. Just try to land in the middle of the ship. Or you can land next to it and jump in if thats easier.

Also use a custom loadout just for evac. Arc grenades are great for blinding titans, cloak can further hide you from them or the radar pulse is good to use near the ship to see where they're camping. Keep an eye on the scoreboard and if you're about to lose, switch to this loadout (if you don't already have that stuff on your main one).

Know where ziplines are too. Some ziplines can take you across the map in seconds. So you can stay away from the ship the whole time and zipline near it at the last second.

Great stuff, kc, thanks. I actually just started having fun with arc grenades after ignoring them for a while. Getting blinded by them constantly made me want to try it myself.

I totally forgot about the self-destruct command in a Titan. I've actually never done it. I've got to try it for evac sometime now.

Just going to get online now. I'm at rank 24 so I want to get the 25 achievement and try to clean up some unknown missions I'm missing wins on for those campaign achievements.
I know they were having system issues last night. I tried logging in after they said they fixed it but always kept get the server timed out. Funny thing is after the third try it unlocked 3 achievements for me. I got All the cards I was half way getting it, imc elite I was 80% done, and I wore them down, don't think I even had one match on that.
Just got done playing a couple rounds and something weird was going on. Whether I was a Pilot or a Titan, every time I ran I ran reallllly fast the entire time I was playing. I had nothing activated, I made sure of that. It was also hard to turn from side to side (very slow and sluggish) and I had to hit the reload button at least 3 times before it would work. Anyone experience this? Hopefully it's back to normal when I get on later...
Nope haven't been able to get on since last night. Keep get lost connection to server screen. I want to know what has caused this. Checked ea and they have said everything is fixed.
Hearing the bundled system at $450 at Walmart and Best Buy, I'm eagerly awaiting my tax refund and thinking about cancelling my 360 pre-order even though it was placed with Amazon credit.

after setting up my Titanfall bundle last night I've been playing since getting home from work a few hours ago.  Pretty fun so far.  Biggest complaint is the level balancing, I keep playing against Gen 2's and 3's.  Not as fun.

bread's done