Stand by for Titanfall!

Yup the Carbine is my fav and FYI, esp to 360 users, the Smart Pistol was way overpowered before and now it's actually underpowered imo. Tough balancing with an always locking weapon but like Kcobra said best used while wall running.

- I don't see an option to lock the FPS at 30? The gameplay was smooth enough for me whenever I was playing so the 360 version more than holds up its own against the other platforms.
It's the bottom-most option in the options/settings menu. It'll say something like "30 hz."

- I haven't played much multiplayer but it seems like a few of the matches I was in were imbalanced. If this remains true, this would be my

biggest peeve that would need to be addressed. As long as it's fair, I could easily spend tons of nights on this game.
They could do a better job with matchmaking. I also feel though that to some extent, you can make the choice yourself. When I get dumped in a lobby and I see that we're a team of noobs matched against Gen 2 and Gen 3 players, I immediately back out and search for a new lobby. I know some people will claim that rank does not equal skill -- while true, it does mean they have a ton more experience on the maps and in these game modes and therefore they do have an unfair advantage. Just my opinion.

It's the bottom-most option in the options/settings menu. It'll say something like "30 hz."
I must have just missed it. Thanks bud.

They could do a better job with matchmaking. I also feel though that to some extent, you can make the choice yourself. When I get dumped in a lobby and I see that we're a team of noobs matched against Gen 2 and Gen 3 players, I immediately back out and search for a new lobby. I know some people will claim that rank does not equal skill -- while true, it does mean they have a ton more experience on the maps and in these game modes and therefore they do have an unfair advantage. Just my opinion.

This. Especially with only a few hours into the game. Being an experienced FPS gamer, whenever I was killed repeatedly by the same opponent, it was a gamer that had a significantly higher XP level. I'm still trying to get familiar with the maps. The mechanics of the game seem pretty balanced to me. The online matchmaking may need a little work though.

I noticed some players were dropped in my last campaign match. I hadn't seen it in MP yet but at least for campaign mode, a bot can't fill up one of your 6 player slots. Would be nice if they had some sort of penalty system in place for rage quitters and the like.
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Carbine and shotgun are the two most op weapons, i hope they dont nerf my carbine though lol
I hope the opposite happens and they buff the other weapons.

And to the Smart Pistol nerf. I knew that gun would be near impossible to balance. It will either be lack luster or OP. They have a pretty decent middle ground right now, but it's mainly a grunt/specter killer. Still fun to use but even when I use it I feel nooby as hell. It feels like easy mode as I don't really have to spend time aiming, just spend time not getting killed before lock on.
I almost think the smart pistol should be a sidearm and not a primary weapon. When I use it I only use it afainst the grunts and than switch to revolver for the pilots. I would also be fine if they tweaked the A.I. of the minions up a little bit.
They could do a better job with matchmaking. I also feel though that to some extent, you can make the choice yourself. When I get dumped in a lobby and I see that we're a team of noobs matched against Gen 2 and Gen 3 players, I immediately back out and search for a new lobby. I know some people will claim that rank does not equal skill -- while true, it does mean they have a ton more experience on the maps and in these game modes and therefore they do have an unfair advantage. Just my opinion.
It's not just map familiarity, it's knowing the game with how to use a Titan, and how not to. In games of Hardpoint it's worth leaving your Titan and holding a point, letting it fight in auto mode, just so that it slows down attackers, even if for a few seconds. Then again, I find that I'm the only person who knows how to play any sort of Capture game in any game, so maybe it's just me. But If I get into a Titan and do not capture points, I find my useless teammates do not captrue at all either.

I really do wish games in the future would try to not only track but represent if you're an objective player. I hate joining objective games where people just play to pad stats and ruin my experience in the game. It's exactly why I stopped playing Ground War in Call of Duty: World at War, after repeatedly winning matches single-handedly, with an absurdly high score, while the idiots in the far back of the map kept attempting to get useless sniper kills.

I expect that this game will become like that though, as the Generation requirements for levels may force people to play unlike they'd want to. I really wish they did away with that entirely, and just encouraged people to play the damn game, not use a specific weapon or do some tedious maneuver to be allowed to restart your progression. If people clearly are restarting their progression, they obviously want to keep playing...

Thanks for this. Has anyone noticed the party colors on their minimap yet? I haven't noticed it on the 360 so maybe it's only XB1 for now, with 360 update later...?
I have noticed them on the XB1. Don't know about the 360. If my son is playing later ill take a look.

if you have itunes account i would rec getting this for 1.99 we find out why its a ms only game/why single player was cut out and other things.
I've been following this game's development since the ex Infinity Ward crew got fired from Activision and the answer to the above is because they were a small team starting out. Cheers if you want to pay for that info but I'm good.

I've been following this game's development since the ex Infinity Ward crew got fired from Activision and the answer to the above is because they were a small team starting out. Cheers if you want to pay for that info but I'm good.
from what I hear, its a pretty good read. It talks about the possibility of the game not even existing if microsoft didn't step in and fund the rest of the project, and it has some nice art in it. Saw this on GAF:

"Essentially, Microsoft was talking with them about Durango very early on and courting them to move Titanfall over to that. They asked Sony if they could talk to them about the next Playstation, but Sony constantly said they weren't ready to discuss. It even mentions Sony were willing to help Respawn to get a Vita version of the game. It mentions that they essentially pleaded with Sony, saying "Listen, things are about to be locked in behind the scenes. If you want this, please talk to us", which Sony again declined.

It also mentions that at a point later in development, Zampella and West sat down with Riccitiello to tell him that they didn't have enough manpower to develop for any consoles other than Xbone and, maybe, PC, and that Respawn was essentially out of money and the game would need to be delayed and that they'd cut single player. EA ended up having to find the funding for the project with a first party, and Microsoft were willing to put up the money to actually finish the game."

I'm ok with supporting Respawn.  This game is fun as heck, very well balanced -- mapwise, weapons, titans vs pilots.  I want them to get the money to make Titanfall 2.0

Interesting that Sony decided not to support them at the start.  Read something earlier this morning about how Nintendo was approached to invest in Skylanders, but they decided not to.  They would've made a killing.

I'm ok with supporting Respawn. This game is fun as heck, very well balanced -- mapwise, weapons, titans vs pilots. I want them to get the money to make Titanfall 2.0

Interesting that Sony decided not to support them at the start. Read something earlier this morning about how Nintendo was approached to invest in Skylanders, but they decided not to. They would've made a killing.
sounds like sony did not want some people knowing they were making ps4. Now the truth comes out that it's sonys fault they did not get this game on ps4/ps3.

That's good Microsoft stepped up to the plate but shouldn't EA the publisher be the responbile one to step up to the plate if more funding is needed? Respawn is a development studio under EA and is not a independent studio so why isn't their publisher helping them? Your publisher is the one that suppose to provide the security blanket if you are licensed under them.

Edit Nevermind I guess EA did found them more funding later with Microsoft help but I still think it should have been EA shelling out everything since Respawn is licensed under them. But it doesn't really matter now since the game is out.
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That's good Microsoft stepped up to the plate but shouldn't EA the publisher be the responbile one to step up to the plate if more funding is needed? Respawn is a development studio under EA and is not a independent studio so why isn't their publisher helping them? Your publisher is the one that suppose to provide the security blanket if you are licensed under them.
respawn is under ea's partner which means EA don't own respawn anything they are there to help fund the project not fully fund it.

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Is it me or has the matchmaking been really shitty lately? I keep getting stuck in matches when it's 3v5 3v6 or 2v4 and what keeps happening is the team with more players just gets more added.

Is it me or has the matchmaking been really shitty lately? I keep getting stuck in matches when it's 3v5 3v6 or 2v4 and what keeps happening is the team with more players just gets more added.
This is why I'd like to play with others. I'd prefer to have people I could count on rather than being dependent on matchmaking.

I am getting into games now, but it is stuttering and lagging horribly now. So bogus, is it like that for anyone else?

This is why I'd like to play with others. I'd prefer to have people I could count on rather than being dependent on matchmaking.
Me too, I hate losing because the teams are uneven and this happens far too often right now since I am still trying to get the 2 campaign achievements. I think that it should start with even teams 4v4 or whatever and then only add if someone quits. That way it is even throughout the match.

For those looking for more "even" teams, feel free to add me to your friends list if you're playing on Xbox One.  I've found organized teams fair much better than unorganized.  With that being said, I don't suck . . . but hey, if you do, that's okay.  I can always use a bullet sponge ;)

Gamertag:  BeFlatLine

In addition, I've been streaming on Twitch lately.  I've decided I'd like to get back into the competitive gaming world.  So, if you're interested, feel free to add me!  And follow me on Twitch!

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Damn that's a good deal, I guess I can't be mad if I got the game through the bundle right? lol

Fun times last night with some fellow CAGers/ME3 multiplayer crew. Unlocked the C.A.R. SMG and was doing pretty well with that, did even better in my Titan (all those MechWarrior days paying off). Did get my ass handed to me at one point via team tactics. Two heavies came at me and dealt my Titan enough damage to Doom it and then their Stryder came zooming in and ripped me out of my cockpit. I was quite impressed. Of course I'd record it but my GameDVR isn't working again.

Cool little remix of the menu music.

Community Spotlight: Check out this awesome remix of the Titanfall menu music by Toot's.

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This game is becoming increasingly less fun the more I play it.

Couple the shitty matchmaking along with the fucking douches who camp all game long with suppressed weapons.

"durrr let's play a game where I hide in a closet and jerk off all fucking game long until someone walks by and catches me with my finger in my asshole"

Seriously. So. fucking. gay.

Also the plasma railgun SUUUUUUUUUCKS. Looks like I'll be stuck at Gen 3, because I will never use this weapon again.

Plasma rail gun just requires you to snipe from a distance.  It takes time to get the kills, but that's how I did it.

I like the challenges that require you to do "dumb" things just because it's forcing me to try new styles of gameplay that I'd avoid normally.

Anybody looking to play on teams on the 360 version? I keep getting matched in Classic with sub level 10's (I am at 46 currently) who don't seem to know how to go after objectives. Getting slaughtered in games as a result. Please add me if you're interested.

Gamertag: Shinobi Hanzo

I am usually on weeknights around 10:30 p.m. EST for an hour to 90 minutes and will play with a mic for those on my friends list.
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This game is becoming increasingly less fun the more I play it.

Couple the shitty matchmaking along with the fucking douches who camp all game long with suppressed weapons.

"durrr let's play a game where I hide in a closet and jerk off all fucking game long until someone walks by and catches me with my finger in my asshole"

Seriously. So. fucking. gay.

Also the plasma railgun SUUUUUUUUUCKS. Looks like I'll be stuck at Gen 3, because I will never use this weapon again.
Not sure what level you are on, but I like to use the railgun with insta shot, with smoke, rocket salvo and big punch. Use the smoke, big punch and rocket salvo up close and that will rip the shields off and deplete the health far enough where you should be able to finish off the titan with 3 to 5 shots. The insta shot is not as powerful as a fully charged shot, but if you do the above and shoot the red critical parts it will be pretty easy. I didn't like the railgun at first because I have to see what is going on around me, I hate the field of view when zoomed in. With all that said fuck the railgun, it took about 35 levels to get all 50 titan kills with it. Hey I got a lot of assists though haha.

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Took a few days off playing because of work and the game now seems no fun to me.
I thought the Beta was more fun than the actual game. I guess starting a month late means everyone is more powerful and experienced. The match making is poor and I find being a newbie my team is full of newbies and the other team is full of people that have maxed out.
This game is becoming increasingly less fun the more I play it.
I was away for a couple of weeks and put the game down, and am having the same reaction. I do think the game is shallow -- it's very good for what it is, but the play mechanics and such become repetitive over time. Some players might love it, but I'm kind of worn out by it and am debating just trading it in. It doesn't seem built for long-term play, at least not for me, but again, I realize others might love what it does.

Plasma rail gun just requires you to snipe from a distance. It takes time to get the kills, but that's how I did it.

I like the challenges that require you to do "dumb" things just because it's forcing me to try new styles of gameplay that I'd avoid normally.
Yeah, I realize how it works. Trust me man, I've been trying to snipe, lol. I am a terrible sniper to begin with, so being "forced" (if I want to regen) to do something I'm already terrible at to begin with is extremely frustrating.

Add to that knocking down a Titan to a sliver of life only to have some random idiot walk over and one hit them to steal your kill... ughhhh. They should really change how titan assists work... if you do over 50% damage, you should get the "kill". I'm R3 Level 25 or so and I have ONE Titan kill with the railgun. I need 50. That will never happen unless I get some form of help, because I will smash something before I try doing it again. lol .. nothing in gaming has made me rage harder in recent years than using the railgun. Nothing.

Not sure what level you are on, but I like to use the railgun with insta shot, with smoke, rocket salvo and big punch. Use the smoke, big punch and rocket salvo up close and that will rip the shields off and deplete the health far enough where you should be able to finish off the titan with 3 to 5 shots. The insta shot is not as powerful as a fully charged shot, but if you do the above and shoot the red critical parts it will be pretty easy. I didn't like the railgun at first because I have to see what is going on around me, I hate the field of view when zoomed in. With all that said fuck the railgun, it took about 35 levels to get all 50 titan kills with it. Hey I got a lot of assists though haha.
I may have to try this out at some point. I think I need 10 titan kills (I have one in 25 levels) to unlock insta shot, which is immediately what I saw when reading the regen challenges, and it's what I think would really help me out, but I'll be damned if I try using the railgun again anytime soon after raging so hard over something that should be relatively simple. lol. My lack of skill at 'sniping' makes it so much harder, therefore so much more frustrating.

I've been away for a couple weeks as well and this makes me not wanna go back, lol. Fun game but these MP only games just don't last with me.
This is what I was trying to say weeks ago.

The game just seems to be missing something. No streaks to go for, no Moab like streaks, lack of guns, lack of customization etc. it might even be something else but the game just seems to be missing something to keep my interest. It's an amazing game but it doesn't have that "it" to keep me after a while.
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Yeah, I realize how it works. Trust me man, I've been trying to snipe, lol. I am a terrible sniper to begin with, so being "forced" (if I want to regen) to do something I'm already terrible at to begin with is extremely frustrating.

Add to that knocking down a Titan to a sliver of life only to have some random idiot walk over and one hit them to steal your kill... ughhhh. They should really change how titan assists work... if you do over 50% damage, you should get the "kill". I'm R3 Level 25 or so and I have ONE Titan kill with the railgun. I need 50. That will never happen unless I get some form of help, because I will smash something before I try doing it again. lol .. nothing in gaming has made me rage harder in recent years than using the railgun. Nothing.

I may have to try this out at some point. I think I need 10 titan kills (I have one in 25 levels) to unlock insta shot, which is immediately what I saw when reading the regen challenges, and it's what I think would really help me out, but I'll be damned if I try using the railgun again anytime soon after raging so hard over something that should be relatively simple. lol. My lack of skill at 'sniping' makes it so much harder, therefore so much more frustrating.
If you're on Xbox One, add me up (GT: BeFlatLine) and I can assist. I'm a bit underpowered at the moment (just hit Gen 7), but in a couple of hours I should be back to devastation levels. I'm cool with passing off kills to help knock out challenges. I had 2 party members earlier do that for me today in order to get my "Brain Surgeon" kills for Gen 7. Seriously, fuck getting 50 of those.

Anybody looking to play on teams on the 360 version? I keep getting matched in Classic with sub level 10's (I am at 46 currently) who don't seem to know how to go after objectives. Getting slaughtered in games as a result. Please add me if you're interested.

Gamertag: Shinobi Hanzo

I am usually on weeknights around 10:30 p.m. EST for an hour to 90 minutes and will play with a mic for those on my friends list.
I'm still interested. I just haven't been on at the same time as you lately. I'm level 30.
If you're on Xbox One, add me up (GT: BeFlatLine) and I can assist. I'm a bit underpowered at the moment (just hit Gen 7), but in a couple of hours I should be back to devastation levels. I'm cool with passing off kills to help knock out challenges. I had 2 party members earlier do that for me today in order to get my "Brain Surgeon" kills for Gen 7. Seriously, fuck getting 50 of those.
This would be awesome. I have some friends that would help me do this as well (as they did it for each other, both now Gen 9), but our schedules have not matched up in over a week. Unfortunately I won't be on until later tonight (around midnight Central time), but I will add you and we can see what we can do. I wouldn't mind helping others as well if needed. Appreciate it.

I'm still interested. I just haven't been on at the same time as you lately. I'm level 30.
I thought you had an Xbone? I was looking forward to Matt Youngin' it.

Nah, can't afford $450-500 for another console at this time. I've got a PS4 I won from Taco Bell which satisfies my next gen needs for now. I hope to get an Xbox One by the end of the year.
bread's done