Stand by for Titanfall!

CTF will be one of my last achievements. Can't stand CTF in this game.
I love it for only one reason, trolling with bottomless land mines.

Nothing like lacing every inch of the flag area with mines and just laughing as no one can set foot in there.

Besides that it is annoying as heck
[quote name="Jimmienoman" post="11741477" timestamp="1399484457"]I love it for only one reason, trolling with bottomless land mines.

Nothing like lacing every inch of the flag area with mines and just laughing as no one can set foot in there.

Besides that it is annoying as heck[/quote]or somebody just disarms them with a grenade or smart pistol...
I love it for only one reason, trolling with bottomless land mines.

Nothing like lacing every inch of the flag area with mines and just laughing as no one can set foot in there.

Besides that it is annoying as heck
I hate you people.

But I'd do the same thing, lol.

You still need not as brainless teammates to get you the flag though. And I never get more than 2-3 friends to play at once. Blows. I need more X1 friends.

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every achievement is very doable. The exception being the kill everybody on the way to the drop ship. That takes a lot of skill and luck. The rest are achievements. Not "thanks for participating" trophies. Why cheese them in a private session?
I don't plan to I just noticed on xboxachievements that was thier gameplan. At this point people play most matches like attrition so hardpoint/CTF are pretty much unwinnable if you have horrible team mates. Balancing atleast in the last week or so of play for me has been very onesided. I am trying to get the hardware achievement so and haven't prestiged/Generationed? yet so I get stuck with people level 1-30 who have no idea how to play.

I love it for only one reason, trolling with bottomless land mines.

Nothing like lacing every inch of the flag area with mines and just laughing as no one can set foot in there.

Besides that it is annoying as heck
Huh. I might try that. I've actually never even used mines. I've been using C4 and putting them near exit points from our flag. Then I'll run towards their flag. If I hear the AI say that our flag got stolen, I'll detonate the C4 and hope there's a teammate close enough to return the flag. But mines might actually work better as I won't need to pay attention at all. Lol.

[quote name="Dormin" post="11741866" timestamp="1399495552"]I don't plan to I just noticed on xboxachievements that was thier gameplan. At this point people play most matches like attrition so hardpoint/CTF are pretty much unwinnable if you have horrible team mates. Balancing atleast in the last week or so of play for me has been very onesided. I am trying to get the hardware achievement so and haven't prestiged/Generationed? yet so I get stuck with people level 1-30 who have no idea how to play.[/quote]Yeah, the Matchmaking, at least in my experience, is better in attrition and Hardpoint than other game types. It is supposed to be basing it on your skill and not rank though but maybe that isn't working quite right. I know I've been paired with players much higher than me and lower.
I looked on the gamestop page for the Expedition Map Pack and it says its gonna be available to download on the 15th, so its comin next week!

I felt bad after this match when I went to make the highlight reel and realized it's the same person over and over again dying . . . 

I imagine the guy going "I'm getting in my Titan and getting this mother effer!", then the Titan drops on him and he just has a brain aneurysm.  I think I'd give up at that point.

Just played it for the first time and I actually found capture the flag to be sort of easy. Went 13-1 in 14 matches. I played it every map through thinking it would get me the play every mode on every map achievement but I must not have played some mode on like a random map. That's fun to figure out.

Really this looks bad on both fronts. One the matchmaking needs improvement and two don't be a sore loser, sshheeit.

Swampland looks like the only map worth buying this for, but solid DLC all around I suppose. I'm guessing 360 will get it in a month or two.

Really this looks bad on both fronts. One the matchmaking needs improvement and two don't be a sore loser, sshheeit.
That is hilarious to me. PC Gamer Tryhards . . . lulz.

I mean, I get that losing doesn't get you viewers on Twitch. But linking your Twitch stream in chat, and then complaining when the other team crushes you because they actually tried to not lose . . . so hilariously sad.

[quote name="Vinyl" post="11751718" timestamp="1399923646"]

Swampland looks like the only map worth buying this for, but solid DLC all around I suppose. I'm guessing 360 will get it in a month or two.[/quote]DLC is coming to 360 in June.
That is hilarious to me. PC Gamer Tryhards . . . lulz.

I mean, I get that losing doesn't get you viewers on Twitch. But linking your Twitch stream in chat, and then complaining when the other team crushes you because they actually tried to not lose . . . so hilariously sad.
Yup :wall:

[quote name="fatmanforlife99" post="11755728" timestamp="1400031789"]DLC is dropping on Thursday. This seems to be the new trend, announcing the release date only a couple days before launch.[/quote]isn't that just a rumored date?
Well. I wanted to get the play all game modes on all maps before the update came out but I must be missing something with no way to tell what. Frustrating to say the least.
Well. I wanted to get the play all game modes on all maps before the update came out but I must be missing something with no way to tell what. Frustrating to say the least.
You might as well wait. The update will tell you what you're missing.
Not yet, but soon! Theres a 669 mb update for Titanfall, I think its update 3 but not sure. I'm downloading it though
Hm, I've got nothing. I'm also set to auto download. No biggie. I've got some stuff to do in the AM anyway. By the time I'm done, it should all be good.

Now how about them damn achievers!?
Achievements are going to be tied to the base game only. Which means the free updates will have achievements but not the paid dlc. A little frustrating in my opinion. I bought the season pass but if I knew this I probably would of skipped it. Oh well lol.

Achievements are going to be tied to the base game only. Which means the free updates will have achievements but not the paid dlc. A little frustrating in my opinion. I bought the season pass but if I knew this I probably would of skipped it. Oh well lol.
Most people wouldv skipped it.
Achievements are going to be tied to the base game only. Which means the free updates will have achievements but not the paid dlc. A little frustrating in my opinion. I bought the season pass but if I knew this I probably would of skipped it. Oh well lol.
Really? They're giving away free achievements not tied to paid DLC? Huh, that's interesting.

No complaints here. Anything to get me closer to 250k helps.

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From what I understand from TA and XA forums that is the case. Also, a lot of people are pissed about this on twitter. Its kind of lame because every game I have played that has paid DLC always has achievements tied to it. The maps that are included with the base game are plenty for me. Battlefield has the best season pass in my opinion, if titanfall included more than just maps I wouldn't have a problem with it. The achievements, new game modes, burn cards and other things are going to be free. Really misleading if you ask me. 

From what I understand from TA and XA forums that is the case. Also, a lot of people are pissed about this on twitter. Its kind of lame because every game I have played that has paid DLC always has achievements tied to it. The maps that are included with the base game are plenty for me. Battlefield has the best season pass in my opinion, if titanfall included more than just maps I wouldn't have a problem with it. The achievements, new game modes, burn cards and other things are going to be free. Really misleading if you ask me.
Agree 100%. Especially with Battlefield. While the game is rocky as hell, its always had the better SP. Its a hard $50 to spend, but it is worth it. Huge maps, achievements, guns.
bread's done