Standard Def Question


5 (100%)
Hey all, the wife kicked my 360 off my HD TV so I'm stuck with a 36" standard def TV for the time being. The question is this: is this going to effect game enjoyment? I know you can't speak for me, but the games looked DAMN good in 1080i, going back to 480i is going to suck. I just want to enjoy Oblivion, PDZ, COD II, and Saint's Row.
Grow a pair and take control of your TV.
No seriously, it will make a difference visually. Is it major, it is hard to say that is up to you.
Oh yeah wrong forum also!
[quote name='getmyrunon']Fixed.[/QUOTE]

Really, you lost your TV ?

Go buy another one. Of give your wife the POS TV and you keep the HDTV. How much stuff does she watch in HD ?
[quote name='KingDox']Really, you lost your TV ?

Go buy another one. Of give your wife the POS TV and you keep the HDTV. How much stuff does she watch in HD ?[/quote]
It's kinda hard to move a 60" TV to the entertainment room upstairs. One of the major issues I'm facing is that 4 years ago when I built the room I purchased an entertainment center designed for a 36" TV. Had I been thinking I should have bought just a stand for it.

I have a 32" widescreen on loan that I had set in there, but it's all about aesthetcis; the TV just looks like shit in that cabinet. I may suck it up for a few months until I buy a new house (leaving the entertainment center in my current house) then get a plasma.

For those telling me to "get a pair", you have all but assured me that you aren't married. When your wife is 8 months pregnant you come to the conclusion that no fight is worth the hell that will ensue.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']It's kinda hard to move a 60" TV to the entertainment room upstairs. One of the major issues I'm facing is that 4 years ago when I built the room I purchased an entertainment center designed for a 36" TV. Had I been thinking I should have bought just a stand for it.

I have a 32" widescreen on loan that I had set in there, but it's all about aesthetcis; the TV just looks like shit in that cabinet. I may suck it up for a few months until I buy a new house (leaving the entertainment center in my current house) then get a plasma.

For those telling me to "get a pair", you have all but assured me that you aren't married. When your wife is 8 months pregnant you come to the conclusion that no fight is worth the hell that will ensue.[/QUOTE]
my wifes 4 months pregnant, if she says the sky is green, i agree with a smile on my face.
[quote name='paz9x']my wifes 4 months pregnant, if she says the sky is green, i agree with a smile on my face.[/quote]
my girlfriend isn't pregnant, nor is she my wife, but when told to move all my game shit into the spare bedroom 4 years ago because she never got to watch TV because I was always playing a game, I did like that. You learn to pick your battles. And playing in peace in the spare bedroom or listening to her mock all the game dialog of JRPGs when you're trying to hear it to understand what the hell is happening isn't really a tough choice. Of course I then proceeded to buy a HDTV for the spare bedroom and put the SD TV in the living room, but yeah.
I play on 27'' standard def, and enjoy it. Until I played on my dads HDTV in the living room. Now its like crack. I wait for him to leave so I can go hook up my 360 to his tv. Oh how sweet those 65'' of HD gaming are. Its a projection tv but I'll be damned if it doesn't look good.

Here's a pic of T-mac shooting a free throw in NBA 2k6.

Yeah, losing the HDTV sucks but life goes on. Some games will give you text issues and the image will definitely not look as crisp and as sharp. Life goes on, the games will still be the same games. In time, you'll totall forget that it is playing at 480i. When you do go back to HD, you'll appreciate it more. Think of it like that.
Do NOT buy a plasma as a gaming system. Plasmas are really only good for watching widescreen TV/movie content 100% of the time, as anything else will burn in. The expensive plasma sets have stuff to try to combat that, but it won't help for letterboxed content, and isn't foolproof on games where there's static parts of the image.

Just make sure you get something with a good scaler if you play a lot of games not at the TV's native resolution (ie a Sony, not a Halburkonheimer)

EDIT: Also personally I wouldn't use the 360 on an SDTV. At best it looks 10x worse, at worst some games aren't even playable.

EDIT2: If you've got a decent monitor, or can sit close enough to it, you could use it for your 360 temporarily (or permanently if you've got a big one or don't mind having it close).
[quote name='Wolfpup']EDIT: Also personally I wouldn't use the 360 on an SDTV. At best it looks 10x worse, at worst some games aren't even playable.[/QUOTE]
That's ridiculous. I don't own an HDTV and I have a 360. Obviously it's better in HD but there's still a huge improvement over the Xbox 1 in SD.
[quote name='Damian']That's ridiculous. I don't own an HDTV and I have a 360. Obviously it's better in HD but there's still a huge improvement over the Xbox 1 in SD.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I have a very old TV that I use with my Xbox 360 and obviously it's leagues away from an HDTV experience, yet Gear of War still looks so much better than any Xbox game and my scores at the end of the games prove I'm having no trouble adjusting to sniping or anything.
At this rate I doubt if I even have an HDTV before next year, but I couldn't pass up that $200 Premium MC deal. I can "suffer" for however long I need to at that price.
[quote name='Damian']That's ridiculous. I don't own an HDTV and I have a 360. Obviously it's better in HD but there's still a huge improvement over the Xbox 1 in SD.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I still don't own an HDTV but have put some game time into various models, while it does suck playing on an SDTV it doesn't ruin the game or look 10x worse. I'd even go as far to say that some of the much lower-range HDTVs look pretty much like shit because of all the pixelation.

Yes, it does look 10x worse. There's no comparison. At least get it on a PC monitor if you can.

And no, not all 360 games are playable on an SDTV.

If you get a 360 or PS3, it's just silly not to get an HDTV with them...
[quote name='Wolfpup']*RAISES EYEBROW*

Yes, it does look 10x worse. There's no comparison. At least get it on a PC monitor if you can.

And no, not all 360 games are playable on an SDTV.

If you get a 360 or PS3, it's just silly not to get an HDTV with them...[/QUOTE]

10x worse =/= unplayable.
[quote name='So Play The Violins']10x worse =/= unplayable.[/QUOTE]

No, but some 360 games like Dead Rising and King Kong are basically unplayabble in SD. Lots of games don't redo the text for SD, so it's basically illegible.

Regardless, it's almost as silly as buying a Blu Ray player to run on an SDTV. If you've got a 360, you want to run it on a good HDTV, and you will NOT want to go back once you have. It's drop dead gorgeous.
[quote name='Wolfpup']*RAISES EYEBROW*
Yes, it does look 10x worse. There's no comparison. At least get it on a PC monitor if you can.[/quote]
How do you define "10x times worse"? What non-subjective measure are you using so we're all talking about the same thing. The best non-subjective measurement you can come up with is that it looks maybe 2-3 times worse (480i of standard def vs 720p). It looks worse, yes. Obviously you have higher standards than us little people, and hey, more power to you.
And no, not all 360 games are playable on an SDTV.
So...since "not all" are playable I should give up on the ones that are?
If you get a 360 or PS3, it's just silly not to get an HDTV with them...
I bought my 360 for drastically less than what it costs in cash via flipping. I'm sorry to hear you find it "silly" that I can't justify a minimum of $500 for an acceptable size HDTV (32" or so) on top of the console and games I already found tough to fit into the budget.
Dead Rising looked sweet on my 27inch SDTV 4:3 tv with Composite cables...Except for the fucking text.
The games look great because it's a powerful ssytem They look better in HD, but fuck, it's not like they're ugly by any means.
[quote name='Damian']...[/QUOTE]

Why are you so defensive? If you're running it like that, fine. But you're going to see a world of difference when you get an HDTV. For now, if you've got a decent monitor you'd be better off with that.
We all know it's a world of difference, but some of us can't afford to get an HDTV right away. I bought the 360 because it was half-off, I will buy an HDTV when I can. Your unplayable arguments are very weak. I have played the demo of Dead Rising, and while the text is small, I can still play the game fine and it does not bad at all.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Why are you so defensive? If you're running it like that, fine. But you're going to see a world of difference when you get an HDTV. For now, if you've got a decent monitor you'd be better off with that.[/QUOTE]
Because, intentional or not, you're coming off like an elitist prick. As if we're somehow unaware that HD will look better and that we've never seen it. That since you would never deign to play on a plain old TV the rest of us must just be silly, ignorant fools.

It's a tiresome, childish attitude I've seen far too much on 360 related forums. Why you needed to actually edit a good, useful post to add it is beyond me.
[quote name='Damian']Because, intentional or not, you're coming off like an elitist prick. As if we're somehow unaware that HD will look better and that we've never seen it. That since you would never deign to play on a plain old TV the rest of us must just be silly, ignorant fools.

It's a tiresome, childish attitude I've seen far too much on 360 related forums. Why you needed to actually edit a good, useful post to add it is beyond me.[/QUOTE]

You're not being helpful to the original poster, who for all we know could swap TVs, or drop $5000 on an uber TV at a moment's notice. On top of that, the 360 works with PC monitors, so using it on an SDTV-especially one that only supports composite-is a last resort.

Facts aren't "elitist". That's ridiculous. I was stuck for ages with only an SDTV, and there was no way I was going to pretend it did any justice to the 360 (this model couldn't even do justice to the PS2 or 1 as it only had composite).
[quote name='Wolfpup']You're not being helpful to the original poster, who for all we know could swap TVs, or drop $5000 on an uber TV at a moment's notice. [/quote]
Considering the guy already said what he has available (a 32" HD he doesn't like the look of in the cabinet) you're not starting off well.
On top of that, the 360 works with PC monitors, so using it on an SDTV-especially one that only supports composite-is a last resort.
Maybe for you it's a "last resort", but not for me. I'd rather play it on a large SDTV than a tiny monitor made even smaller with letterboxing. I'd rather play it on a 32" HD that looked ugly, but apparently aesthetics are a big issue for the OP and that's his prerogative.
Facts aren't "elitist". That's ridiculous. I was stuck for ages with only an SDTV, and there was no way I was going to pretend it did any justice to the 360 (this model couldn't even do justice to the PS2 or 1 as it only had composite).
You aren't presenting much in the way of facts (not to mention it's a purely subjective question to begin with). HD looks better, and you can't read the text in a lot of games in SD. These are facts, but they're also common knowledge. I don't think very many people haven't played the 360 in HD at some point considering every store kiosk I've ever seen was HD. What some people may not have played in is SD, and to those people many of us are saying "yes, it's still worth it even if it's not as good."

Saying that it's "10x worse" and that SD isn't even worth it are opinions. They're also opinions not shared by a whole lot of people.
[quote name='PyroGamer']As you're the one playing it, why don't you tell us? Rather than asking such a stupid question.[/quote]
Man I love the cockstains on these forums. I was asking simply because I haven't moved the system yet, dickfur; I know that there are people on here who are running their systems on an SDTV.

I appreciate everyone's input and did not intend to open a hornet's nest with this topic. I'm going to suck it up and live with the SD for the next few months. As previously stated, I'll be buying a bigger house and won't be taking the entertainment center with me (hence giving the opportunity to pick up a stand) so I'll be getting a replacement then.

Wolfpup, thanks for the info on the plasma and what to look for in the new TV.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Regardless, it's almost as silly as buying a Blu Ray player to run on an SDTV. If you've got a 360, you want to run it on a good HDTV, and you will NOT want to go back once you have. It's drop dead gorgeous.[/QUOTE]

Except Blu-ray has no exclusives over standard DVD right now, the 360 has plenty of exclusives over any of the previous gen consoles. Paying $1500+ on top of the $400 for the 360 just to play Oblivion and Gears of War is completely different.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']Man I love cockstains.[/quote]

What's a cockstain? Do you want to do a cockstain? :D

I am playing my 360 on a flat CRT 27" through component. I have had mine on a giant ass HD projector(on the wall 720p 10' of goodness) and on a 60ish" 1080i widescreen. It sucked coming back home and playing Gears of War on my SDTV for like 2 minutes. Games on the 360 are fun, SD is fine. You will learn to cope. I am saving up for an HDTV. 1080p or bust.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']Man I love the cockstains on these forums. I was asking simply because I haven't moved the system yet, dickfur; I know that there are people on here who are running their systems on an SDTV.

I appreciate everyone's input and did not intend to open a hornet's nest with this topic. I'm going to suck it up and live with the SD for the next few months. As previously stated, I'll be buying a bigger house and won't be taking the entertainment center with me (hence giving the opportunity to pick up a stand) so I'll be getting a replacement then.

Wolfpup, thanks for the info on the plasma and what to look for in the new TV.[/QUOTE]
I like the Clerks 2 reference in your post
[quote name='Wolfpup']*RAISES EYEBROW*

Yes, it does look 10x worse. There's no comparison. At least get it on a PC monitor if you can.

And no, not all 360 games are playable on an SDTV.

If you get a 360 or PS3, it's just silly not to get an HDTV with them...[/QUOTE]

Give me a break, what Xbox 360 games are "unplayable" on a regular TV? Don't say Oblivion, PGR 3, Gears of War or Splinter Cell: DA because I own all those. Plus I've played many others. I have yet to run across a game that is "unplayable" due to the resolution of my TV.
[quote name='Halo05']Give me a break, what Xbox 360 games are "unplayable" on a regular TV? Don't say Oblivion, PGR 3, Gears of War or Splinter Cell: DA because I own all those. Plus I've played many others. I have yet to run across a game that is "unplayable" due to the resolution of my TV.[/quote]

Dead Rising is almost unenjoyable let alone unplayable on a standard def tv. Not being able to read critical text iunhibits gameplay. Still fun to burn zombie faces.
[quote name='Kendal']Dead Rising is almost unenjoyable let alone unplayable on a standard def tv. Not being able to read critical text iunhibits gameplay. Still fun to burn zombie faces.[/quote]

Eh, it's not impossible to read at all. Sure, it's tougher to read because it was made for HD, but I still managed to do almost every mission and beat DR on my 26" SDTV.
[quote name='Yoohoo1231']Paying $1500+ on top of the $400 for the 360 just to play Oblivion and Gears of War is completely different.[/QUOTE]

$1500? You obviously have no idea what HDTVs cost. You can get a 30" CRT HDTV for around $300.

Personally I have my 360 (and all my other systems) hooked up to a 19" computer monitor, I use to play on a 27" TV with S-Video and the computer monitor is so much better.
In all seriousness, this isn't a battle that is worth it at this point. I can either fight to keep the 32 inch widescreen now or hold off and get a 42 inch widescreen when we move. IMO the wait is worth it; also I've been playing PDZ on the 32 inch in 480P and honestly it's not as bad as I thought. Granted 480i will make a slight difference, but the games are still decent and playable.
[quote name='PenguinMaster']$1500? You obviously have no idea what Personally I have my 360 (and all my other systems) hooked up to a 19" computer monitor, I use to play on a 27" TV with S-Video and the computer monitor is so much better.[/QUOTE]

The only difference between that situation and mine is that my PC monitor is 17", but yes, what a difference.
[quote name='PenguinMaster']$1500? You obviously have no idea what HDTVs cost. You can get a 30" CRT HDTV for around $300.

Personally I have my 360 (and all my other systems) hooked up to a 19" computer monitor, I use to play on a 27" TV with S-Video and the computer monitor is so much better.[/QUOTE]

How are you hooking other systems to the monitor? I'm always looking for ways to do that, and haven't found much of anything (aside from on t he 360 of course that's designed for it).
So far text seems to be the biggest issue with an SDTV. Dead Rising is unreadable. PG3 some of the small text hurts my eyes.

I would not want a plasma for gaming but for any tv watching or movies a plasma rocks.
[quote name='Wolfpup']How are you hooking other systems to the monitor? I'm always looking for ways to do that, and haven't found much of anything (aside from on t he 360 of course that's designed for it).[/QUOTE]

I have an X2VGA for my Xbox and I bought a VGA cable off eBay for my GC (modified component cable, only games that support 480p/Progressive Scan work). The other systems are currently just using a cheap adaptor and look pretty bad (about composite video quality) but I don't have a TV right now so it'll have to do.
I probaly wouldn't have bought a 360 if I didn't have a hdtv, I played it on a sdtv one time and it looked like a xbox.
bread's done