Star Trek: TNG, DS9, others Complete Series DVD Price Drops


2 (100%)
Hi all - Don't know if this is a universal drop or not but noticed Star Trek: Deep Space Nine had dropped about $70 this morning to around $255. The Next Generation had the same (not so sure on the others). The "shop" sections for DS9 new condition also feature the same price range for the most part.

With all the work that would have to be done to take these shows to Blu-ray (unlike the "easiness" of the HD DVD & Blu-ray releases of TOS), perhaps now is the time to bite on 'em if you haven't already.
[quote name='Brian9824']Damn I am tempted on DS9. Been trying to get this show for the longest time.[/quote]

I'm real tempted on all of these - DS9 and TNG in particular. I'm just worried they'll spend the money to upgrade them to HD for a Blu-Ray release down the line if TOS sells well. [Yes, I'm aware of the issues with the special effects in TNG, DS9 and Voyager that may make the HD transfer a huge issue - but the company that fixed up TOS made a demo of an HD episode of TNG as a sales pitch for what could be a future project]

Considering the 4th season of Enterprise was literally the first show ever to broadcast in HD I'd expect Enterprise make the jump to Blu fairly soon which Star Trek buzz still abounds from the Abrams movie

The only thing I've picked up so far is The Animated Series because it both will have nothing to gain from a Blu upgrade and is really far down the list of priorities to even be released on Blu (or so I imagine).
At about 3 cents a minute I bit on TNG and DS9 last Friday. My price point for tv shows on DVD is 2 cents a minute but I figured 1 cent extra for "Star Trek tax" to be worth it in the end, heh, heh. I've really enjoyed TOS season one on HD DVD but figured even if TNG and especially DS9 even ever do come out on Blu-ray that Paramount will charge the normal outrageous fees and even then it'll only release a season at a time over the course of two years or so. Besides, my Toshiba HD-XA1 does a pretty good job at handling SD DVDs anyways, heh. DS9 will arrive this afternoon and TNG comes tomorrow :)
[quote name='slidecage']still needs another 80% drop to be worth buyin[/quote]


Your logic is flawed.


I already have DS9, Enterprise, and 4 of the TNG seasons. If the prices hold, I'll try to get Voyager and TAS in June.
Star Trek Enterprise is down to $144.99

they really ##$#$# up the series... I remember it was at the end of season 2 or 3 it said Next season the TIME WARS begin. THought wow that is going to be neat.... Next season comes on and the Time war was just 1 show....

maybe at 99 bucks per set i would buy them but i doubt i would ever give more... lack of room the biggest issue
[quote name='Rouzhokuu']How do these look upscaled on an HDTV?

Are they in widescreen?[/quote]

I watch my DS9 dvds on a 32 inch plasma tv, upscaled to 720p. The quality is just fine IMO. It isn't HD, but its definitely watchable IMO.
[quote name='slidecage']still needs another 80% drop to be worth buyin
Unless your a Big Star Trek fan that is! :D
DS9 arrived on Monday and its condition was fine. TNG arrived yesterday and I can confirm the "horror" stories concerning the packaging from Amazon reviewers and others 'round the Net. Like the HD DVD packaging of the TOS, it is almost impossible to obtain one that isn't already broken. The outer case was cracked and one of the three inside DVD "bundle" trays was totally smashed. Lots of floaters, lots of green plastic debris from the broken trays all throughout the package. I was lucky to get an almost perfect HD DVD package of TOS. Seems my luck ran out for TNG :cry:

All Paramount has to do is reinforce the sides with a piece of cardboard which the owner can then throw away if they wish. These delicate holding trays with no support rarely survive shipping. Sigh.
Interesting question as I own the original TNG series when it first came out... Quick story behind that. Remember SunCoast?? Well what I use to do is pre-order TNG and they'd hold me the copy.. then I use to wait till the triple point reward weekends. Then I'd come in 1-3 weeks after release and pick up my copy which was hard reserved at the normal price of $100 instead of the inflated $125/whatever after the 'sale' ended. Then I'd buy it... collect my $15 coupons later then repeat for 7 seasons of TNG. Yeah I payed way much compared to today...

So is having the original silvery boxed set better than the green-cube-monster? While it looks nice the packaging scares the crap outta me.
I have the Green Monster TNG set. I got it from DDD and my set is still in perfect condition. But I very much belive that it is possible to get it bashed up to hell.

I like the Green monster better then the 7 box sets due to it taking less space. Sure the 7 seasons look better in individual boxes, but at this point space for me is worth alot and I like the smaller form factor of the green TNG set.

My TOS HD-dvd set also is in great condition, I got that from amazon.
bread's done