Star Wars: Complete Saga price drop @ Amazon - $79.99.

[quote name='Jodou']You guys are pretty optimistic. I don't know that it will see any price drop at all since they should hold value. I'm still waiting on a fair price for the Alien box set (US) and it has never dropped. If this does drop that low, chances are it would be a price mistake heh.[/QUOTE]

Hold what value? The MSRP was $139.99, everyone dropped it to $89.99 and now it's already $10 lower than that at Target and Amazon and it hasn't even been released yet. Thinking it'll drop another $30 on BF is by no means a stretch.

And as the person above me mentioned you could have gotten the Alien set for much cheaper recently
[quote name='SonictheHedgehog1337']My shipping date is 9/20 also. Should I contact customer service?[/QUOTE]

yep, thats what I did. it was quick and easy, just go into a chat and tell them you pre-ordered it and they need to change it to the correct shipment date. for some reason they had the release date set for 9/20 on my order.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Hold what value? The MSRP was $139.99, everyone dropped it to $89.99 and now it's already $10 lower than that at Target and Amazon and it hasn't even been released yet. Thinking it'll drop another $30 on BF is by no means a stretch.[/QUOTE]
Oh c'mon, that always happens with overpriced sets. I don't know that I've ever seen a set sold at full price on day one. $80 is a more reasonable threshold that I'd expect it to hold at.
[quote name='phantomfriar2002']It might take weeks to get here but my $65 Deepdiscount order just shipped :)[/QUOTE]

Nice. Maybe the generalized hate for DD should be put in check as it sounds like they're improving compared to past years. It would be funny if you got your order from DD faster than people get theirs from Amazon
[quote name='phantomfriar2002']It might take weeks to get here but my $65 Deepdiscount order just shipped :)[/QUOTE]Same here. I tossed them a preorder when they had the 20% off coupons working with the already 20%-off price a while back, and I'm surprised that it shipped out.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Thinking it'll drop another $30 on BF is by no means a stretch.[/QUOTE]

Black Friday is just over two months away at this point. Unless this sells absolutely terribly (and really, regardless of the whining fanboys, what are the chances of that?), there is no way you're going to see an additional $30 drop then. Not going to happen. Maybe next year. This year, this is poised to be one of the big Christmas gift releases, so the price will hold.

More likely, this will be $80 at release week, and then will go up to $90 or $100 in the weeks that follow. After that, it might go back down to $80 for BF, so that those holiday shoppers that weren't thinking 3+ months in advance and missed release week think that they're getting a bargain.

I think that there will be better deals on it than $80, and probably reasonably soon (more than likely through B&N coupons or something like that), but they're not going to be massively better deals.

If we see a BF deal on any of this year's big boxes, it will be the LotR Extended Trilogy, as it will have already been out for half a year at that point. But even that will probably only take it from the ~$80 it's currently selling for on Amazon to the ~$60 that many of us already paid for it. Or, maybe from the $100 it's selling for at Best Buy to $70 to slightly beat Amazon's current price.

As for the Alien Anthology, yes, there have been better deals on it lately, but 1) it's not nearly as big as Star Wars, and 2) it's been out for nearly a year already.
[quote name='arcane93']Black Friday is just over two months away at this point. Unless this sells absolutely terribly (and really, regardless of the whining fanboys, what are the chances of that?), there is no way you're going to see an additional $30 drop then. Not going to happen. Maybe next year. This year, this is poised to be one of the big Christmas gift releases, so the price will hold.

More likely, this will be $80 at release week, and then will go up to $90 or $100 in the weeks that follow. After that, it might go back down to $80 for BF, so that those holiday shoppers that weren't thinking 3+ months in advance and missed release week think that they're getting a bargain.

I think that there will be better deals on it than $80, and probably reasonably soon (more than likely through B&N coupons or something like that), but they're not going to be massively better deals.

If we see a BF deal on any of this year's big boxes, it will be the LotR Extended Trilogy, as it will have already been out for half a year at that point. But even that will probably only take it from the ~$80 it's currently selling for on Amazon to the ~$60 that many of us already paid for it. Or, maybe from the $100 it's selling for at Best Buy to $70 to slightly beat Amazon's current price.

As for the Alien Anthology, yes, there have been better deals on it lately, but 1) it's not nearly as big as Star Wars, and 2) it's been out for nearly a year already.[/QUOTE]

Not that I'm saying Back to the Future is bigger than Star Wars, but didn't that come out in late October, and get heavily discounted on Black Friday to the surprise of most people here? I have to imagine BttF was one of the more popular Blu-ray releases last year too.

I think making definitive statements that it won't happen is just silly. Is it highly probable? no, but it's not impossible either. If not $50, than perhaps a little higher, but I do think the possibility of a BF deal exists.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Not that I'm saying Back to the Future is bigger than Star Wars, but didn't that come out in late October, and get heavily discounted on Black Friday to the surprise of most people here? I have to imagine BttF was one of the more popular Blu-ray releases last year too.

I think making definitive statements that it won't happen is just silly. Is it highly probable? no, but it's not impossible either. If not $50, than perhaps a little higher, but I do think the possibility of a BF deal exists.[/QUOTE]

And I think that's just wishful thinking, but we can agree to disagree and see what happens when BF comes. ;)

If there is a BF deal on Star Wars, I think it's more likely to be on the individual trilogy sets, not on the Complete Saga set.
[quote name='arcane93']And I think that's just wishful thinking, but we can agree to disagree and see what happens when BF comes. ;)

If there is a BF deal on Star Wars, I think it's more likely to be on the individual trilogy sets, not on the Complete Saga set.[/QUOTE]Most B&M retailers are putting their finishing touches on their BF sale information in the next month, so I can't see this being a BF deal with it releasing mid-September.

An online vendor like Amazon, they're a bit more nimble than a B&M retailer, so I could see them possibly doing something.

Though, with TRU having the original trilogy at $30 this week on release and Target + Amazon having the whole series at $80 this week, I can't see it being much more discount than that pricing for a while, easily into 2012.

Could we see some Lightning Deal from Amazon during the BF timeframe as well as between BF and the end of the holidays with any of the movie sets? Possibly, though I wouldn't hold my breath on that.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Not that I'm saying Back to the Future is bigger than Star Wars, but didn't that come out in late October, and get heavily discounted on Black Friday to the surprise of most people here? I have to imagine BttF was one of the more popular Blu-ray releases last year too.

I think making definitive statements that it won't happen is just silly. Is it highly probable? no, but it's not impossible either. If not $50, than perhaps a little higher, but I do think the possibility of a BF deal exists.[/QUOTE]

BTTF matched Target's price and also didn't sell nearly as well. Nevermind the fact that the set was grossly over priced for 3 movies anyway.
[quote name='MrNEWZ']BTTF matched Target's price and also didn't sell nearly as well. Nevermind the fact that the set was grossly over priced for 3 movies anyway.[/QUOTE]$90-$100 was grossly overpriced for the Alien 4 movie set, which is why a number of us ordered it from for the $30-$50 it dropped to at one point.
[quote name='shrike4242']$90-$100 was grossly overpriced for the Alien 4 movie set, which is why a number of us ordered it from for the $30-$50 it dropped to at one point.[/QUOTE]

Don't disagree with that assessment either, was just focusing on BTTF since it was the only one with some semblance of a drop/deal last year after release.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Nice. Maybe the generalized hate for DD should be put in check as it sounds like they're improving compared to past years. It would be funny if you got your order from DD faster than people get theirs from Amazon[/QUOTE]

DD has definitely improved this year, no doubt about it. Orders I placed that were shipped to me on the east coast arrived in a matter of days, not weeks. I think their distribution and turnover time has been cleaned up big-time and most of the people who still rant on them must be talking about the past -- right now they are back on their game and hopefully it'll stay that way.
I will say that I made a foolish statement right after the LOTR Blu-ray Trilogy came out. I bought it for $50.75 when everyone else was charging $69.99 or more. I said there's no way this trilogy goes for less than $50 through the end of the year, and you'll be lucky to get it for $60 or less. Instead, each movie was offered for $7.99 each by the end of the same year, and now you can find the trilogy for $30 or less.

It's just a matter of supply and demand, and if the consumer is smart enough to say "Screw this, I'm waiting for the correct version of these films", then they'll pass on it like I am. I'd consider buying these "inferior" versions for $10 or less each, but other than that I'll wait for subsequent releases.
[quote name='Loonknight']I'll be holding off until there is an extreme discount on this movie set. I'm sure it will happen it is only a matter of time.[/QUOTE]
You'll be waiting for at least a year, if not longer.
Lucas guards the property closely and probably the price drops, even though Lord of the Rings is a big franchise for WB it is not their baby so to speak as Star Wars is for Lucas.
For those looking for at least somewhat of an additional discount on this, who have both a Barnes and Noble membership and a Mastercard, B&N has an online members coupon ([FONT=Verdana, Arial]N4K3U8K) which is good for 30% off on one item when you purchase it with a Mastercard. I just ordered it for $64.82 after tax:

$88.19 B&N price
- $26.46 30% off
$61.73 subtotal
+ $3.09 tax (VA)
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial]----------
$64.82 total

Also used Fat Wallet's current 6% cash back offer on B&N, so I should be getting $3.89 of it back later. :D

I won't get the blu-rays until sometime next week, of course, but for that much of a discount I don't mind waiting.

Coupon code is from here. There are some other coupons there (both member and non-member) if you don't qualify for this one, but none of them are as good. There's an in-store 30% coupon as well, but I don't know what B&N's in-store price will be on this (probably significantly higher, they usually are).
[quote name='shrike4242']$90-$100 was grossly overpriced for the Alien 4 movie set, which is why a number of us ordered it from for the $30-$50 it dropped to at one point.[/QUOTE]

and don't forget TS Toy Box AND the Superman Collection!
I have never purchased or owned a Star Wars movie. So I had no problem ordering this earlier this year. The $10 drop definitely made me happy though. At $90 I was contemplating cancelling. For $80 I think I'll keep it. The extra 3 discs in addition to 6 movies make it worth it. It's been "Out for Delivery" since 10am this morning though. :/

To all of you "holding out" for the "definitive" version, good luck. Want to know what Lucas said in 1997?

[quote name='"George Lucas"']"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won't last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the [Special Edition] version."[/QUOTE]
This man clearly sees the original as inferior. And he will not release an inferior product. Oh? You point to the DVD release from 2007? Well, as everyone knows those versions are crap. He did that on purpose in an attempt to get people ro shut up about the original versions. Don't believe that? Look what he said more recently to a fan about the issue.

George Lucas Tells Fans Wanting Original Versions to "Grow Up"
According to report, when fan politely asked Lucas at a "meet and greet" why he didn't release the original versions Lucas rolled his eyes and said, "Grow up. These are my movies."

He doesn't like the originals and obviously hates anyone for bringing them up. So anyone "holding out" is deluded...

That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if new fan "restoration/preservation" projects spring up using these new HD transfers as the source.
Big question : I seen videos of Star Wars Blu -
ray that has pictures on the disc.
Are they not on any of the US versions only in foreign countries?
[quote name='LoveDragonDon']Big question : I seen videos of Star Wars Blu -
ray that has pictures on the disc.
Are they not on any of the US versions only in foreign countries?[/QUOTE]

Yeah they're only on the foreign versions (like the UK). The US just has a plain generic disc art

like in this pic:


UK version:

Yeah I like the disc art on the UK version, but I'm also not crazy about the blocky blue casing they put them in as shown here:

The US version has nice art for each disc "page" BUT that also comes at the cost of having them fit in paper slits rather than an actual disc holder

as shown here:

Some sort of combination of the two would be nice. The disc art from the UK, coupled with the page art from the US with some sort of standard disc holder thingy on it
Wow I am watching the deleted scenes Very pleasing that many of Novels scene not in the movie were actually filmed.

Wish Lucas completed them and let us view extended version with them included in the movies.
[quote name='LoveDragonDon']Wow I am watching the deleted scenes Very pleasing that many of Novels scene not in the movie were actually filmed.

Wish Lucas completed them and let us view extended version with them included in the movies.[/QUOTE]

Haha, he did do that with the Jabba scene in episode IV, and everyone bitched about it. ;) I remember seeing that scene (in its original form, with Jabba just as some fat dude) in a documentary at one point back in the 80s.

Though I agree... rather than the tinkering with existing scenes he's doing, it would be interesting to see an extended cut with all of that material added back in. As long as the original version was also included, of course. ;)
For those of you that are charged tax at here is a deal.

Fox connect's ebay store is selling the box set for $85.99 (and you get ebay bucks back either 1% or if you use Bill me Later 5% or $4.30) with free shipping
[quote name='kklems']For those of you that are charged tax at here is a deal.

Fox connect's ebay store is selling the box set for $85.99 (and you get ebay bucks back either 1% or if you use Bill me Later 5% or $4.30) with free shipping[/QUOTE]FoxConnect's customer service is horrible. Avoid them like the plague.
[quote name='shrike4242']FoxConnect's customer service is horrible. Avoid them like the plague.[/QUOTE]

Their website or their ebay store? Feedback looked good on ebay.

Doesn't matter now since BN ebay store undercut them at $78.99
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