Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens-SPOILERS INSIDE


I've seen a couple comments about it, but felt the same way.  When Harrison Ford showed up in the trailer, it made me wonder if he forgot what movie he was filming.  Because he looks dressed more like Indiana Jones than Han Solo.

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I've seen a couple comments about it, but felt the same way. When Harrison Ford showed up in the trailer, it made me wonder if he forgot what movie he was filming. Because he looks dressed more like Indiana Jones than Han Solo.
Haha, that's funny because when I saw him I thought, "What's Indiana Jones doing in a Star Wars movie??" I thought this trailer was a bit meh. The music and opening scene was great, but the rest of it didn't do much for me. The Force Awakens in Luke's kids, great....hope it's better than Ep 1. There's no Jar-Jar, right?....

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I dunno.... compared to Chewbacca's last appearance in ROTS and this movie...he looks like he hasn't aged since ROTJ... he actually looks younger than the OT for some reason.    Could that have been a CG shot?  It is very much possible considering a few things....  Peter Mayhew may not be to be in make up or move as quickly as shown in the PT/OT due to his age/condition that is why CG is used.

I really like the new designs for the stormtroopers and imperial ships.   I can't wait to buy the new troopers.

I do like the new TIE Fighter.  I would not be surprised if they now have shields.  Makes sense.

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So details have come out for the spin off movie called Rouge One.........

-Takes place just before A New Hope

-No Jedi at all

-Mission to steal the Death Star Plans..............


I know EU is not cannon...but didn't Kyle Katarn do this in Dark Forces? 

Honestly I don't think this is necessary.

So details have come out for the spin off movie called Rouge One.........

-Takes place just before A New Hope

-No Jedi at all

-Mission to steal the Death Star Plans..............


I know EU is not cannon...but didn't Kyle Katarn do this in Dark Forces?

Honestly I don't think this is necessary.
I guess they all have to be dressed in red if the movie is named Rouge One?

Gotta be honest, might try to get me a Kylo Ren figure tomorrow for Force Friday. Have always been a sucker for the figures.

This is it folks!!

We are down to the final 4 days (3 if you are going to the thursday showing).

-Already have my tickets for a 7:30 RPX Thursday showing, Saturday IMAX 3d just for the collectible ticket (they better have it!!!) and Tuesday Alamo Drafthouse and most like will get the true IMAX viewing that Wednesday since I live within 30 mins of the ones listed.

-Since last week I have been watching the saga on BR with my wife with one movie each day.  We are down to ESB and ROTJ for today and tomorrow.   This is because the force is not strong with me to attend the crazy marathon for all 7 movies starting at 1am Thursday morning and most likely ending at 10pm that night.  Those who are going, all power(and force) to you as you are the brave ones!

-In 1999 I saw TPM while in college 6 times....   I have already pretty much paid for 3 viewings...will I make it to 6?  

-I have collected a few movie related items but I have a strong feeling that a lot more is coming this Friday.

-Yes the new soundtrack will be part of my collection.

For some reason I get a ton of magazines in the mail(I did not subscribe, no idea who got me the subscriptions) so I have been collecting anyone that has Star Wars stuff. I have the empire magazine with Kylo Ren on the cover, rolling stone with the cast, and Time with BB-8

I can't wait to see the movie but I'm waiting to see it at the Alamo Sunday morning. Wife didn't want me going to Thursday or friday(the joys of living in Colorado and the wife being paranoid about shootings). I definitely plan on going at least twice, want to get in one imax screening! Can't wait!
Well this is it folks ...tonight is the preview showing before the big weekend kick off for the movie.  I have tried to keep myself spoiler free and I know Wikipedia has the entire plot on line but I refuse to read it.

So far I have been reading it's been getting like an 8 or so in reviews.

Until Monday please use spoiler tags to discuss what you thought about the movie and so on and try to keep it civil!

Got home an hour ago from seeing the movie.  Not going to post any spoilers, but mannnn, i loved it.  A lot jokier than I expected, but when its a movie about galactic war I guess it cant be all drama.

It was good, but nothing new to anyone who has seen a Star Wars movie before.

Follows pretty much the same structure as the other Star Wars movies. Has all the same scenes such as someone getting captured and then people sneaking around the enemy base trying to save them. Also the last third is people on foot trying to destroy something while people in ships are flying around killing time (and getting killed) while they wait for the on foot people to do destroy that something which happens just as things are starting to look bad for the good guys.

I liked it, I just wish it did more new stuff.

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Who was the old white guy in the beginning? Seemed like someone important.

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The movie is pretty good. Way better than the prequel. Wasn't going to watch it until next week but I heard people were being jackass and spoiling stuff everywhere online so I just went and watched it this morning. 

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I saw it this morning at 9 am. The screen and sound were fantastic. Regal RPX, which, from what I gather is Regal's version of mini IMAX (so they don't have to pay IMAX royalties). Anywho, the first half of the movie was great, second half good. Overall, very good.

Made spoiler tag, but no real spoilers except my short, broad thoughts on movie experience.

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Yeah, the trailers were all pretty good (as I would hope most trailers would be), but the Zootopia Sloth one was a surprisingly funny slow-burn bit from a kid's movie.

Saw it loved it. Fantastic movie. Well written, well shot, well acted. The fnny parts were funny and sad parts were sad, and I was emotionally invested in every single character. Also, it's amazing how much nicer things are when the actors actually have something real to interact with and the world they're in actually exists and it's just cartoony green screen bullshit.

I give it a 9/10.

It was okay, even good.  Not great or fantastic or anything.  Suffered a lot for having a couple primary antagonists who lacked any sort of gravitas or menace.

Kylo Ren and the general guy trying to blame shift on one another in front of Giant CGI Guy looked like two kids about to get into a slap fight in front of their dad over who spilled the milk

I didn't know but

Daniel Craig has a cameo in the Force Awakens. He was the storm trooper that let Rey free when she was capture by Kylo Ren.

I found the film to be very enjoyable, but I am honestly surprised by the overwhelming amount of praise. To me the film was nearly a reboot with very little to say wow. I also found the amount of humor to border on obnoxious at times. I guess to each there own, but if the ultimate goal of any more of the films is to blow up a sphere I think I'm out.
Who was the old white guy in the beginning? Seemed like someone important.
He & Ren seemed to know eachother, so I can only assume...

He is a survivor from Luke's temple where Ben Solo was training.

I'd have a lot more interest to see a movie of the rise of the First Order & Kylo Ren than Boba Fett or Han Solo movies. Real curious if they hired the Looper guy for Ep 8 because they want to do time jumps.

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Saw it in Lie-MAX on Saturday just for the collectible ticket at Regal.

The 3d version was ok. 

Some more thoughts.

Other than their planet killer weapon, the First Order isn't as powerful as the Galactic Empire IMHO.

The GE had a massive fleet a ships, troops, officers , bases all left over from the Clone Wars all pretty much loyal to the Emperor.  In this movie the FO only had one base and one main ship.   They had the ground forces and air/space fighter craft and that was it.  General Hux seemed to be in charge of the FO but tot be honest wouldn't it have been a good idea NOT to trust any force users to ally with after the downfall of the galactic empire since it was lead by a force user?  Firing and destroying several planets of a new Galactic Republic would not help your plans to rebuild and expand the Empire but just piss everyone off and cause them unit against you.  Since the FO is smaller than the GE it would be easier for the Republic to go after them.  

The First Order's main objective should have been to rebuild the Empire and take it's time , then strike. 
Who is paying for all of this???   Snoke?  That's a lot of credits and technology to bankroll this operation.

I honestly think he should have been called

Anakin Solo--After her biological father.


Bail Solo--After her adoptive father.

Ben (Obi-Wan) doesn't mean shit to Leia or's more for Luke.

He & Ren seemed to know eachother, so I can only assume...

He is a survivor from Luke's temple where Ben Solo was training.

I'd have a lot more interest to see a movie of the rise of the First Order & Kylo Ren than Boba Fett or Han Solo movies. Real curious if they hired the Looper guy for Ep 8 because they want to do time jumps.
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[quote name="ITDEFX" post="13113726" timestamp="1450727318"]I honestly think he should have been called

Anakin Solo--After her biological father.
Bail Solo--After her adoptive father.

Ben (Obi-Wan) doesn't mean shit to Leia or's more for Luke.
I thought the same thing with the
name. Ben didn't seem to be too significant a name to either Leia or Han. Heck, Leia knew him as Obi-Wan.
Enjoyed it a lot even if it didn't live up to the mega-hype (not like that was possible). The first half was better than the second. It was disappointing to have some of the same things show up again, and that takes it down a notch. Still a lot of fun and I'm really looking forward to the Rian Johnson directed Episode VIII. That should be awesome.

I think it lived up to the hype, mostly because people were hyped that it would be better than the prequels. Which I have not heard a single person or reviewer say it wasn't better than the prequels, and that it felt more like the original trilogy. I think the hype came from it being a chance to go back to what made the original good. Mission accomplished! Thank you JJ for being a fan and knowing what to deliver!
So I looked more carefully for anything that resembles a Cute alien running around like what Lucas threw in in both the prequels and the SE OT and the only thing that was remotely off is when that hammer head red eyes popped up from the sand looking around after  BB-8 went on his merry way in the beginning of the movie.  

The classic wipes were still there!  The first time I didn't notice them but the second viewing I did and I was like oooh good at least that was left in.

Not to sound racist or anything but does anyone think that the writers didn't know how to write good dialog for Finn?

Honestly he came off as a cocky fool.   The "Big Deal"...even Solo saw thru his BS.   I could tell from some of his actions/expressions that he wanted to bang Rey at the earliest....  geez dude...    He shouldn't have been able to hold his own ground using that Saber against the Riot trooper (who was a bad ass btw) or Kylo, yet he was swing it around OT style.   

Saw it today. It was pretty good, but I wouldn't put it above New Hope or Empire. I thought the pacing was a bit too fast and they seemed too interested in shuffling from location to location instead of letting any scenes breathe. This affected Rey and Finn most of all. The two of them meet and from then on they are pretty much entirely on the run and never stop to actually talk to one another. There wasn't a scene like in New Hope where the gang chat in the Falcon on the way to Alderaan. And while Han did spend a bit of time with Rey and Finn, the pace was so fast it felt like they met him an hour ago and they suddenly became close friends.

We don't really have much in the way of personality or character for the new trio at all. Poe was just kind of there, Finn's entire character was "run and protect Rey," while Rey had more nods and hints to her character than anything.

Thus might be a nitpick, but I was also bugged by the movie reusing Anakin's lightsaber instead of Luke's RotJ lightsaber (where the hell did they get it?) and Chewie and Leia not even acknowledging one another at the end just felt off.

Also, this may just be a byproduct of moviemaking today, but it felt like there was a bit too much "spectacle" in the movie, especially whenever the NuDDeath Star is on screen.
Fast pacing, fun movie. JJ Abrams really loves his closeups. Really liked that ending.

I did not like Kylo Ren, but then again I don't understand Sasuke. He'll be a hearthrob for sure. I did fist pump at that moment right after that sad part. Dude really needs to control his temper.

The big villain, meh. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Rey, Finn, Poe, and BB-8 are cool in my book.

I did start to tear when Han and Leia have scenes together. Chewie is the man.

My co-workers thought the movie was alright, not the greatest thing they've ever seen (why say that?). They apparently watch more Star Wars than me. I have a habit of calling "lightsabers" "beam sabers." So that's where my allegiance lies.

Saw it again tomorrow night. One thing stuck out..Abrams has nothing on Lucas when it comes to creating "fun-I wanna do that" sequences. Abrams really shies away from showing the action from the characters perspective and It hurts the film to a degree. (Don't worry he makes up for it in other ways).

I remember as a kid playing and imagining myself doing a dozen thing from a New Hope. I can't think of anything my son would do from The Force Awakens.

Don't get me wrong, though. I loved the film just felt a little more detached. ( and yes some of it could be age)
I thought it was on about par with Episode 3, better than 1 and 2, not as good as the OT. A bit steadier than Revenge of the Sith, though, without the peaks and valleys. A bit heavy on the reuse of elements from the OT, though not surprising after Abrams Star Trek movies. Was confused about the roles of the Republic, Resistance and First Order from the movie itself, had to fill in gaps from online sources.

Thus might be a nitpick, but I was also bugged by the movie reusing Anakin's lightsaber instead of Luke's RotJ lightsaber (where the hell did they get it?) and Chewie and Leia not even acknowledging one another at the end just felt off.
Expanded Universe spoilers (which have been wiped from the main canon, but elements will probably be co-opted back in) :

During the Thrawn trilogy of novels released in the 90s, Luke's hand and inherited lightsaber had been recovered from Bespin.

Saw it for the 4th time...

The 3rd time I saw it at the Alamo in 4k.... It looked really good in 4k 2-d.     Saw it in one of the listed real IMAX (not those fake Digital IMAX Screens).   The ONE scene in the ENTIRE movie that was presented in true IMAX was....drum roll please....  The Jakku escape scene.

Just after Rey grabs Finn's hand and says Follow me, it goes full IMAX for several minutes until the Falcon escapes the planet.

No other scenes in the movie is presented in full IMAX....  not even the final scene in the movie....  Honestly I don't think Abrams fully understands how to use the camera to it's full potential.   There were so many scenes that could have been presented in IMAX if he had shot it properly...for example when General Hux gives his speech infront of the entire first order that would have been a really good shot to present in IMAX.

Some more deep thoughts....

-I really don't think it was a map to Skywalker...  Why give anyone a map to your location if you are hiding from the first order and Kylo Ren???   I honestly think it was a map to the first Jedi Temple.  

-Perhaps he has to protect the Jedi Holocrons from being found?

-If Luke does come back...does he really need the Jedi to stop Ren?   I am assuming that Luke has become extremely powerful by this time period.

-I did notice that when Ren was connected to Rey during the interrogation scene that he told Ren that he will never be as strong as Vader.....hmmm....  Honestly Vader (suited) wasn't as powerful as Anakin.  

-Why would Vader be speaking to Ren?    Anakin became Darth Vader , then at the end returned to Anakin that's why we get Anakin as a force ghost so the Vader persona is gone forever....there is no Vader who is he talking to??? 

-Ren is imho fucked up in the head.

-Another thing is Finn...So the General Hux says that they were programmed since birth (The Storm Troopers), Finn says he was taken away at a young age ...which was it?   So the first order kidnaps children all over the galaxy and brain washes them into joining the First Order?  Huh?

-Finn is assigned in Sanitation at Starkiller base, yet he knows quite a bit about how the weapon works and how to cripple it.

-His first assignment as a storm trooper he has a panic attack and refuses to fire on the villagers and defects.... now why wasn't he shot on sight or put into jail after the mission was over?

-Sounds crazy but I think Finn is a sleeper agent and he doesn't even know it yet.   Pretend to defect, join the resistance, find Skywalker and then when he makes contact with Skywalker , either kill him or report his location to the first order...but Ren screwed that up when he knocked him out.

-Anyone else think that Finn could have fought Captain Phasma instead of the Riot Trooper?  Phasma, although cool, was pretty much wasted. :(  That scene could have given her a good send off.

bread's done