Star wars question

The fullest explanation is in the novelization of Episode III. It's the only part I bothered with in the book store and luckily it supplied what I wanted. A scene that was likely in the screenplay but cut out because the movie desperately needed to end.

After returning from the Steel Mill planet, Obi-Wan meets up with Yoda.

"Asshole, dead is he?"

"Good as. I didn't actually do the coup de grace bit but he wasn't going to get far on foot or stump, if catch my drift."

"OK, your word I'll take for it. We're going to have to in hiding go until these kids grow up, packed to bursting with midichloriens hopefully. Or new hopefully, I should say."

"Damn, if I spend that much time on Tatooine, I'll surely age at double the rate for my species. The shit I do for this Republic.."

"Oh, way the by, did I ever tell you qui-gon worked out a method for life after death? It might come handy some day."

"Oooh! Lay it on me, froggy!"
[quote name='epobirs']The fullest explanation is in the novelization of Episode III. It's the only part I bothered with in the book store and luckily it supplied what I wanted. A scene that was likely in the screenplay but cut out because the movie desperately needed to end.

After returning from the Steel Mill planet, Obi-Wan meets up with Yoda.

"Asshole, dead is he?"

"Good as. I didn't actually do the coup de grace bit but he wasn't going to get far on foot or stump, if catch my drift."

"OK, your word I'll take for it. We're going to have to in hiding go until these kids grow up, packed to bursting with midichloriens hopefully. Or new hopefully, I should say."

"Damn, if I spend that much time on Tatooine, I'll surely age at double the rate for my species. The shit I do for this Republic.."

"Oh, way the by, did I ever tell you qui-gon worked out a method for life after death? It might come handy some day."

"Oooh! Lay it on me, froggy!"[/quote]

I LOL'ed also bonus points for properly using coup de grace properly.
I was going to go out right now and rent Passion Of The Christ, but not now. Thanks for ruining it, assholes. Soylent Green is people.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I was going to go out right now and rent Passion Of The Christ, but not now. Thanks for ruining it, assholes. Soylent Green is people.[/QUOTE]

But only the tastiest, yummiest people!
I actually knew someone who told me not to spoil Passion of the Christ for them.

I was going to try and understand that, but just agreed not to instead.
[quote name='gordojones88']The OP is a fucktard. Still should change the thread title out of respect for kids who haven't seen it yet. It's common courtesy you asshat.[/quote]
If kids can read then there's no excuse not to have seen Star Wars and who cares anymore. The franchise is tarnished now in anycase with the prequels, special editions and awful cartoon. Your childhood is raped, let it go.
[quote name='JolietJake']I actually knew someone who told me not to spoil Passion of the Christ for them.

I was going to try and understand that, but just agreed not to instead.[/quote]

lmao holy shit thats classic.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Lol, The Crying Game? Same guy who was the bad dude/chick/alien/whatever in Stargate? They had a game like that...Guilty Gear, the Bridget character all the anime pervs whacked off to until they found out it was a dude.[/quote]

lmao and thats the danger of getting off to anime. too many fem looking guys in it to ever take the chance. that and the fact that theyre cartoons although betty and wilma from the flinstones were very tempting toons as was pebbles when she grew up....................
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Yeah, he killed him. Anytime he appeared in the movie after that he was a ghost.

His body disappeared because of some bullshit retcon. Where the Jedi can have his body disappear if he wants, or have it stay so mum and dad can bury it...I guess. Further, Qui-Gon trained himself to "make his body linger" after death (ie: become a ghost instead of going to Jedi Valhalla or wherever the fuck they go when they die) and shared this secret with Yoda then taught it to Ben who I guess taught it to Vader because he was a ghost too (until Lucas had to fuck around and replace that awesome bald dude with young Anakin during one of his bullshit CGI duct tape sessions). This is one of the many reasons why George Lucas sucks ass and should have stopped at IV-VI.[/quote]

Bullshit retcon? He became a being of pure light, shedding off his corporeal form. One with the force (that midochondrial BS was still a long way off) The real bullshit retcon from the originals is in ROTJ when Vader gets forgiven for his sins as part of some out-of-left-field bullshit Christian confessional "Jesus forgives your evil ass on your deathbed" crapfest. Up to that point you're following a consistent hermetic "all is mind" "as above so below" universe, complete with the spiritually deformed, materialistic Emperor being thrown back into a hole (similar to the one he came into in the world) symbolizing his dissolution (and implying his eventual rebirth as a baser life form). Then Vader says "I'm sorry" to his son and all his evil deeds are forgiven (Lucas admits this was an epic cop out)
[quote name='crunchb3rry']There is only one thing about Star Wars that makes me wonder what the fuck George Lucas was thinking:[/QUOTE]

That goes in line with the question of whether the massive amount of debris from the second Death Star exploding over Endor wiped out its whole biosphere.

I once read a analysis by a physicist of Independence Day, in which he felt it was unnecessary for the aliens to blast individuals cities when the heat shed from aerobraking those massive ships would have already cooked the entire surface of the planet.
For people throwing fits over this, get a life. I was shown the OT when I was a kid, by my brother... I assume it's only natural that I will show my son or daughter when they are old enough to comprehend it.

As far as kids being on these boards -- with the amount of vulgarity shown in this thread, are spoilers really the danger to them? Besides the fact, that if they're too young to not have had a chance to see Star Wars yet (the OT, not the cruddy PT), then they are probably too young TO BE ON THIS BOARD, or in all likely hood shouldn't even be accessing the internet. Hell, I was given permission to use the net in my house when I was 13, and that was under a VERY watchful eye.

As far as the Death Star goes, and whatever happened to Endor:
I'm really pissed about them letting Chewie die a horrible death. Who's fucking idea was it to let him get killed between a moon and its planet colliding together?!

Personally, I did expect the old man to die, since he was pretty damn old. And then when his body disappeared, I thought WTF, he's nekkid!
[quote name='keithp']
The dinosaurs get wiped out by a big meteor.

oh, and

Jesus Christ gets nailed to a cross.

Thanks alot, I just rented The Passion of the Christ. You ruined it for me you asshole!
[quote name='Dante Devil']Thanks alot, I just rented The Passion of the Christ. You ruined it for me you asshole![/QUOTE]

:lol: Hey, at least I spoilered it!

[quote name='crunchb3rry']There is only one thing about Star Wars that makes me wonder what the fuck George Lucas was thinking:[/QUOTE]

Jar-Jar Binks. 'Nuff said.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Yeah, he killed him. Anytime he appeared in the movie after that he was a ghost.

His body disappeared because of some bullshit retcon. Where the Jedi can have his body disappear if he wants, or have it stay so mum and dad can bury it...I guess. Further, Qui-Gon trained himself to "make his body linger" after death (ie: become a ghost instead of going to Jedi Valhalla or wherever the fuck they go when they die) and shared this secret with Yoda then taught it to Ben who I guess taught it to Vader because he was a ghost too (until Lucas had to fuck around and replace that awesome bald dude with young Anakin during one of his bullshit CGI duct tape sessions). This is one of the many reasons why George Lucas sucks ass and should have stopped at IV-VI.[/quote]

QFT I love Star Wars but the prequels and changes to OT should have never been made.

My brother in law has never seen Star Wars either.
In V Robin has a second reptile kid.

Jason wasn't in the first Friday the 13th

Wait, since they didn't mention R2's memory getting wiped and he knew he was the property of old ben, why didn't he say anything about Vader to luke? I always wondered that and I'm not as obsessed as I used to be.
I used to think about that too, but there is a plausible explanation. The droids knew Anakin, but really didn't know anything about Vader. You'd think they'd gather as much from people talking about him, but Amidala probably didn't want to remember... And really, why would they say anything to him anyways. They don't know Luke is Vader's son. Obi does, but he never said anything. plot hole.

[quote name='SithFran']Wait, since they didn't mention R2's memory getting wiped and he knew he was the property of old ben, why didn't he say anything about Vader to luke? I always wondered that and I'm not as obsessed as I used to be.[/quote]
[quote name='SithFran']Wait, since they didn't mention R2's memory getting wiped and he knew he was the property of old ben, why didn't he say anything about Vader to luke? I always wondered that and I'm not as obsessed as I used to be.[/QUOTE]

The running gag is that R2 isn't as stupid and wisely shut up about information that could get Luke killed, I mean really what would it have done had he mentioned oh yeah one of the rulers of the evil empire is your dad? Luke would have just rushed off to see him sooner, probably turned to the dark side and then the entire mess would have fallen on Leia to clean up.
Obi-became one with the force;He thought it was the best way he could help Luke and guide him to becoming a Jedi.
Yeah, for any movie more then two years old you shouldn't need spoiler tags. If your lazy ass can't netflix it or get around to watching it on cable then you shouldn't bitch about spoilers.

From what I remember Yoda and obi-wan vanishing is some Jedi technique that not every jedi can do. That's why all the Jedi who get smoked in the prequels don't vanish.

You can read all about it here. They even acknowledge the contradictions.
Probably already covered multiple times, but in the SW universe when a jedi dies s/he sometimes "becomes one with the force" and his or her body disappears. In the novels this sometimes happens after the person has been dead for a bit.
Probably already covered multiple times, but in the SW universe when a jedi dies s/he might "becomes one with the force" and their body dissapears. In the novels this sometimes happens after they've been dead for a bit and it seems to be inferred that only those truly in tune with the force do this. (I suppose that makes sense as they do call it 'becoming one with the force' :lol: )

Edit: Ah, very interesting article KD.
[quote name='Collectorguy00']I honestly have never seen any of the original Star Wars and I most likely never will.[/quote]

Why? This makes no sense to me. I assume you like movies (since most everyone does) so why wouldn't you want to see what are arguably the most popular movies of all time? I can think of tons of movies that may not look appealing at first but I watch them just to see what the fuss is about and more often than not I end up liking it. Or is this some silly thing where you enjoy telling people you've never seen Star Wars?
bread's done