Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void

I's willing to bet that 90% of the balance issues just come down to us not knowing what the fuck.

And I'll still complain that Protoss lack AA and Zerg are too Roach-centric.
[quote name='The Crotch']I's willing to bet that 90% of the balance issues just come down to us not knowing what the fuck.

And I'll still complain that Protoss lack AA and Zerg are too Roach-centric.[/QUOTE]

I think that 90% of the balance issues come down to the units the devs had to strip out of the game to sell us with the expansions. I can't think of any other reason for the lack of STA and weak ATA for non-terrans.

Also, no lurkers.. what's up with that?
[quote name='The Crotch']Answered prayers, BC.

Answered prayers.[/QUOTE]

Bah, I say.

To be fair to your position, zerg are completely different in SC2, and it doesn't exactly feel like they *need* lurkers anymore..

In SC1, lurkers had a huge balancing effect and are, in fact, the bee's knees.
Oh, and I'll also complain about the tiers of Roaches and Hydras. I would love to see that switched around, but... eh, whatthefuckdoIknow?
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I got an extra code... none of my friends want it. Not sure what to do with it though.[/QUOTE]

PLeaaase Give me the key!! :D. I want to play this!
Meanwhile you wait for a key, you can still have fun watching HD videos of pvp matches thanks to HDstarcraft's YouTube channel. (Sadly I can't post the link, but you have just to look for HDstarcraft on the YouTube ^^)
Not sure if it's allowed but anyone want some private torrent tracker invites for a sc2 beta code? Been wanting to play sc2 beta for a such a long time now
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Anyone have anything to offer for a code?[/QUOTE]

Lots and lots of pr0n... :drool:

I'm already playing the beta, hehe...
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']HA! Check eBay, they're going for 100+[/QUOTE]

All good. Got in for free. I have good friends.
No. No, none of us have an invite to you.

Now we're all gonna go play Starcraft 3 and talk about what a loser you are for not getting a code.
TC doesn't have time to get a code, because he's too busy playing Starcraft 3 with me.

Can you believe the fourth race, TC? Motion controls in an RTS. Blizzard got so much more awesome when they broke off from Activision and then bought them.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Lol... just looking for people to play with.[/QUOTE]

If I had a beta code, I'd most likely be playing it online.

Hopefully they'll do another blind lottery.. or maybe they'll actually meet their suggested release of 'first half of 2010', and it will be out in two months.

Either way, I will continue to lament the lack of lurkers and more STA+ATA units for non-terrans.
I'd love to play online, but there is no way I'm giving a rediculous amount of money for a key. Parting with a GFWL live key or something I have no problem with.
^same here man, I really want to get in! Starcraft was the first game I ever got for my computer (was still a kid so I didn't really play on the PC much). It'd be awesome to get in except paying $100+ is kinda expensive considering the FULL game will already cost something around $150.

If anyone has an extra key, I'll gladly trade something for it or hand over a reasonable amount of $$$ ;)
Hmm, with everything Ultra'd, I get about 25-30 fps on average with my laptop.
I'd like higher, but don't know what I'm willing to give up on.
Anyone have a spare code? I have a code for Super Mario Bros. for the Wii VC I can give in return (actually have 2 of them you can have)
[quote name='dallow']Hmm, with everything Ultra'd, I get about 25-30 fps on average with my laptop.
I'd like higher, but don't know what I'm willing to give up on.[/QUOTE]
Higher settings = harder to discern units. Turn down them shaders!
Anyone know if they're going to do another wave of invites? Whether it be random or give everyone who's already in it another friend invite?
Yea my account was reset. Doesn't matter, fun kicking ass in the newbie games.

Really interesting that Thor is pretty much useless. I've never seen anyone use them (aside from fun/experimenting). They just cost too much and are too weak. And (from what I see - not a zerg player) most zerg units are useless, outside from; Hydras, Roaches, Zerglings, Mutas and Queens. I RARELY see anything else... maybe the occasional baling but rarely. Kind of sad.
1: Banelings can break a Terran wall-in in half a second. See: Day9's European tournament video.
2: I stand by Infestors still being a pretty badass unit. Fungal growth just looks god damn awesome.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Yea my account was reset. Doesn't matter, fun kicking ass in the newbie games.

Really interesting that Thor is pretty much useless. I've never seen anyone use them (aside from fun/experimenting). They just cost too much and are too weak. And (from what I see - not a zerg player) most zerg units are useless, outside from; Hydras, Roaches, Zerglings, Mutas and Queens. I RARELY see anything else... maybe the occasional baling but rarely. Kind of sad.[/QUOTE]

Banelings are amazing. So are corruptors. And brood lords. So pretty much every zerg unit is good. Except maybe infestor. They're only "okay"
[quote name='Oktoberfest']Banelings are amazing. So are corruptors. And brood lords. So pretty much every zerg unit is good. Except maybe infestor. They're only "okay"[/QUOTE]

That's good to know. I've played SO many games and watched a bunch of replays and I've never seen anyone go outside those units in my previous post. Which is annoying, cause now if anyone ever does.. I'm screwed, no idea what they do. Haha.
New patch!

  • You can now report misconduct or block communication with a player after completion of a game by right-clicking on the offending player's name in the score screen and choosing Report Abuse or Block Communication.
  • You can now view any player's profile after completion of a game by right-clicking on their name in the score screen and choosing View Profile.
  • Updated unit and ability tooltips to be accurate in all regions.
  • Improved the visibility of units on zerg creep.
  • Improved the visibility of team colors for protoss units using warp-in to help distinguish between multiple protoss players.
  • Improved the system that handles promotion and relegation between Leagues.
  • Improved the Favored functionality to more accurately portray Even matches and display properly in the score screen.
  • Improved 2v2 arranged team matchmaking so games are found more quickly.
  • Improved replay functionality so missing maps will be downloaded from when you view a replay.
  • Korea: Improved the logic for the age gate functionality.

Balance Changes
    • Pathing has been improved so units can now properly block ramps and choke points.
    • Made a change to how zerg creep affects doodads, such as trees, to prevent players from seeing the starting location of zerg players through the fog of war.
    • Viking
      • Cost changed from 125 Minerals and 100 Vespene Gas to 150 Minerals and 75 Vespene Gas.
    • Ghost
      • Cost changed from 100 Minerals and 200 Vespene Gas to 150 Minerals and 150 Vespene Gas.
      • EMP Round radius decreased from 3 to 2.
    • Factory
      • Cost decreased from 200 Minerals and 100 Vespene Gas to 150 Minerals and 100 Vespene Gas.
    • Tech Lab
      • Cost decreased from 50 Minerals and 50 Vespene Gas to 50 Minerals and 25 Vespene Gas.
    • Reactor
      • Build time increased from 25 seconds to 50 seconds.
    • SCV
      • Life decreased from 60 to 45.
    • Bunker
      • Build time decreased from 40 seconds to 30 seconds.
    • Marine
      • Build time increased from 20 seconds to 25 seconds.
    • Colossus
      • Thermal Lances damage decreased from 23 to 20.
    • Observer
      • Cost increased from 25 Minerals and 75 Vespene Gas to 50 Minerals and 100 Vespene Gas.
      • Build time increased from 33 seconds to 40 seconds.
    • Stalker
      • Particle Disruptors damage increased from 8 (+6 Armored) to 10 (+4 Armored).
      • Weapon upgrade damage decreased from +1 (+1 Armored) to +1 (+0 Armored).
    • Dark Templar
      • Armor type changed from Biological-Psionic to Biological-Psionic-Light.
    • High Templar
      • Armor type changed from Biological-Psionic to Biological-Psionic-Light.
    • Dark Shrine
      • Build time increased from 80 seconds to 100 seconds.
      • Cost increased from 100 Minerals and 200 Vespene Gas to 100 Minerals and 250 Vespene Gas.
  • ZERG
    • Baneling
      • Volatile Burst damage increased from 15 (+20 Light) to 20 (+15 Light).
    • Roach
      • Burrowed regeneration rate decreased from 10 to 5.
      • Upgraded burrowed regeneration bonus decreased from +20 to +10.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue affecting the incorrect assignment of arranged teams to certain Leagues.
  • Fixed an issue affecting random teams that caused no points being awarded on wins and too many points being removed on losses in certain situations.
  • Fixed an issue involving the Bonus Pool display on the Quick Match and Leagues & Ladders pages.
  • Korean client: Fixed an issue affecting the ability for Korean players to properly view profiles. They can now see their League ranking on their profile page.
  • Fixed an intermittent UI crash on game shutdown.
  • Polish client: Fixed a crash which would happen any time a "Player is no longer being revealed!" message was displayed.

Highlights: A lot of Terran stuff is cheaper on the gas but heavier on the minerals. SCVs and EMPs are a lot weaker. Reactors will take way longer to build. Colossi were nerfed slightly and Stalkers got a bit of a damage buff against un-armoured units (in a sense). Banelings are a bit stronger and Roach burrow is weaker.
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Yea friggen everything terran had used SO much gas before, this is nicer. And I like that the Tech Lab attachment is cheaper to build now, not sure why but yay.
I can accept the weaker Colossi - wasn't a huge fan of the fragile fuckers, anyway - and more expensive Observers suck, sure, whatever, I'll deal, at least they're lower in the tech tree now, but...

The one and only thing that really has me scratching my head is the Dark Templar nerf. They're an expensive (125/125) unit that barely got used anyway, from what I could see (based on my watching videos only, again, don't have a beta key). I've got no idea why you'd want something that hardly gets used to take longer to build and to cost more, but hey, I ain't Blizzard.
Hey, at least I ain't ranting about how Blizzard has the new DT wearing armour.

Armour! What the hell does a DT need armour for? His whole schtick is not getting hit!
bread's done