Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void

Lower settings = far easier-to-see units, especially for big balls of infantry and the roiling mass of Zerg.

Again, Zerg Vs Terran is the second fight.

And yeah, he's a cheery motherfucker. You should see his zerg-centric (and roach-averse) video...

EDIT: Also, those Marines and Ghosts and 1 Viking and 1 Medic (and four-ish Marauders) did kind of roll over the standard Protoss army like some sort of rolling-things-over-machine over an easily-rolled-over object.
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I have no idea what the game's about, but I picked up a copy of Starcraft 1 for PC for $2 the other day, so hopefully I'll like it and get into it by the time Starcraft 2 is out. :)
[quote name='The Crotch']Indeed.

I'd like to point out that the oh-so-lovely D9D #81 focuses on two infantry-based Terran games: one against a Protoss, and one (starting about 2/5 of the way in) against a Zerg who tried to put early-ish pressure on with Roaches but was held back.

Were those Roaches up as quickly as they could have been? Dunno. But it was still a neat thing to watch, even if I'm Protoss.[/QUOTE]

I haven't watched the SC2 videos yet, but these SC1 tourney replays are mesmerizing.

Edit: Interesting metaphor re: being a WoW QA. "It's like being a heroin tester in a heroin factory, and everyone around you is a heroin addict." Hmmm.
[quote name='dabamus']I have no idea what the game's about, but I picked up a copy of Starcraft 1 for PC for $2 the other day, so hopefully I'll like it and get into it by the time Starcraft 2 is out. :)[/QUOTE]
Advise you get over to the SC 1 thread when you get comfortable enough to play online.
[quote name='The Crotch']Lower settings = far easier-to-see units, especially for big balls of infantry and the roiling mass of Zerg.

Again, Zerg Vs Terran is the second fight.

And yeah, he's a cheery motherfucker. You should see his zerg-centric (and roach-averse) video...

EDIT: Also, those Marines and Ghosts and 1 Viking and 1 Medic (and four-ish Marauders) did kind of roll over the standard Protoss army like some sort of rolling-things-over-machine over an easily-rolled-over object.[/QUOTE]

Yea watched that whole video (and DLed the replays) and that Zerg player did not push with his roaches early enough. That's generally where you get screwed. But, he did a good job later game.

And @the video Spy put up. You can see how friggen strong they are, they rape the zealots and cost less and are created mucchhh faster. Also, when they are upgraded they move while burrowed and heal extremely fast underground. But still in that game, you can see he did not rush with the roaches like most Zerg players do.
I got a beta invite in my blizzard account, I cant decide if I want to use it or not. Part of me wants to and the other part wants to wait and be surprised and fresh for when the final game is released.
[quote name='gargus']I got a beta invite in my blizzard account, I cant decide if I want to use it or not. Part of me wants to and the other part wants to wait and be surprised and fresh for when the final game is released.[/QUOTE]

Just do it, don't taunt those who didn't get one.
[quote name='gargus']I got a beta invite in my blizzard account, I cant decide if I want to use it or not. Part of me wants to and the other part wants to wait and be surprised and fresh for when the final game is released.[/QUOTE]
It's on 1v1 and 2v2 Multiplayer matches. Nothing crazy and you definitely should if you want to start practicing... it's not Diablo 3. I don't think I'd play that beta.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']It's on 1v1 and 2v2 Multiplayer matches. Nothing crazy and you definitely should if you want to start practicing... it's not Diablo 3. I don't think I'd play that beta.[/QUOTE]

Ok cool. Im downloading it now then.

My thing is if a game is coming out I really, really want I avoid interviews, reviews, videos, trailers and everything else because if its something Im excited about I want to go into it without knowing anything. But its just multiplayer maps then I can do that. I was worried about finding something out about the storyline.

Ever since I was little and standing in line for empire strikes back and another showing let out and some guy is walking out yelling "I cant believe vader is lukes father" I have truly hated stuff to be spoiled.
I haven't had a chance to read the whole thread, but I thought I'd contribute:

I am in the SC2 beta. I have been testing it for around 2 weeks now. If anyone has any questions, just ask and I will try and give you the answer to them.

Some Stuff:

- Zerg are crazy.
- Protoss Motherships are a huge pain if you ever meet them.
- Colossus melts mass marines in 2 seconds.
- Reapers are good for harassment, but nobody uses them anymore because they're too slow to build/expensive, and they don't scale well as the game goes on.
- You build nukes out of the ghost academy, not the CC
- MULE is great for gathering minerals, comsat station is a must.
- Thors kind of suck in my experience. They're so big that the enemy just immediately focus fires them, without even thinking about it. No real strengths that I can see, specially since they're ridiculously expensive.
- Vikings aren't as good as they seem. They're pretty weak vs air and ground. Definitely not enough to defeat any kind of mass of air units.
- Ghosts start out with EMP ability, and Snipe.
- Roach rushes are very prevalent right now, so is MMM (marine marauder medivac)
- Marines are useful throughout the majority of the game, they are now the mainstay of the terran army.
- Marauder slowing effect opens up a lot of micro possibilities.
[quote name='Rico21745']- Reapers are good for harassment, but nobody uses them anymore because they're too slow to build/expensive, and they don't scale well as the game goes on.[/QUOTE]

Do you think this is intended or will they buff them?
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Do you think this is intended or will they buff them?[/QUOTE]

Well, apparently shortly before I was invited to the beta, they were a lot better. They used to build faster, and the upgrade to make their movement faster also researched faster.

The reason they nerfed their build/research times was because people were rushing with reapers and ending games too quickly, because people didn't expect enemy units to get into their base unless they went thru the main ramp, thus they didn't defend their workers.

This actually still works, so I feel like they nerfed them for no reason. Worker harassment is one of the main strats in SC2 and it takes a fool not to be prepared. Every once in a while I will do a reaper rush, jump over the enemy's base cliff, and go to town on their workers. Reapers can 1 shot workers, and they are very effective against lightly armored units (zerglings, marines, zealots). They 1 shot lings, and kite zealots. Marines are really their only danger ( so long as you research their speed upgrade, otherwise lings will catch you, and fast lings can also catch you btw)

I do not think reapers are working as intended. They are hardly ever used nowadays, and if they are ever used it is only to kill the enemy workers by jumping a cliff. Nobody ever builds them in games, and past the 6 or 7 minute mark of the game, they may as well not exist.

IMHO they're one of the more interesting units terrans have because of all the strategies you could employ, but they are too expensive/slow to build to really be used past the early game to harass workers.

I really hope they get a buff, or they become more useful somehow.
What kind of late game strategy works for zerg works good vs toss? I am more of a macro player and even with a lot of hydras I get destroyed by like 2-3 colossus and zealots.
If they're building colossus don't go mass ground, colossus rapes mass ground.

Build air units and whatever zerg armored units you can get. Air to Air units can apparently hit colossus too. Generally, never attack colossus with mass infantry if you can avoid it. Also, if they have a sentry in any of their forces, focus fire that first.

I'm a 2v2 rank 10 gold player, and rank 4 copper in 1v1 (I was rusty when I played my placement matches, slowly recouping my W/L ratio).

Terrans are the only race I have tried so far, gonna try other races soon, but my perspective is mostly from a Terran viewpoint.
Yea I have tried every ground unit vs Colossus and lost besides Ultras, but the timing for when they come out vs Colossus makes them a near impossible to have counter.
Sticking to ground units (for some reason), have you tried Neural Parasite? Infestors just look comically powerful to me.

Of course, I've only seen two games with 'em, and one was a battle report (where the guy parasited a Colossus or two). The other was a game against a Terran. Zerg had both Infestors (who, as I recall, have consume) and Broodlords (thus providing the Infestors with free units to consume, creating infinite energy for them). Terran didn't stand a god damn chance.
Infestors have three abilities now: Infested Terran, Neural Parasite, and Fungal Growth. Infested Terran spawns an infested terran. Neural Parasite takes control of an enemy unit. Fungal Growth is basically Plague and Ensnare put together.

Neural Parasite is pretty amazing, you can easily stop a push just from taking control of a few immortals or colossi. In the latest patch, they took away the ability to neural parasite air units, so taking control of a Mothership is no more :(
[quote name='halfbent']Shit, I'd probably trade both testicles for one. =\[/QUOTE]

I would also trade your testicles for one. Also, crotch's testicles.
[quote name='Oktoberfest']Infestors have three abilities now: Infested Terran, Neural Parasite, and Fungal Growth. Infested Terran spawns an infested terran. Neural Parasite takes control of an enemy unit. Fungal Growth is basically Plague and Ensnare put together.

Neural Parasite is pretty amazing, you can easily stop a push just from taking control of a few immortals or colossi. In the latest patch, they took away the ability to neural parasite air units, so taking control of a Mothership is no more :([/QUOTE]
Good. The mere possibility of that bastard pretty much guaranteed I wouldn't be going Mothership against Zerg.

As it is, the fact that it can be used against robots... doesn't make much sense. How do you infest a robot?
And how did Dark Archons mind control them?

Also, fungal growth can kill, unlike the plague of old. It's... pretty bitchin'.
[quote name='The Crotch']Good. The mere possibility of that bastard pretty much guaranteed I wouldn't be going Mothership against Zerg.

As it is, the fact that it can be used against robots... doesn't make much sense. How do you infest a robot?
And how did Dark Archons mind control them?

Also, fungal growth can kill, unlike the plague of old. It's... pretty bitchin'.[/QUOTE]

Well, Protoss have some full-on robots, but most 'robot' units actually have living beings controlling them from the inside. I suppose they could argue for it being logical..?
Well... Probes, Sentries, and all robotics facility units are completely abiotic, as far as I know. That's a good six units right there.

But I'm sure it's a balance/gameplay issue, not a "makes sense" issue for Blizzard. Though I stand by my earlier statement that Infestors - and, by extension, their users - are whores.

EDIT: Wow, just looked at the new patch. Big nerfs for Infestors, warp gates, and, to a lesser extent, Roaches. Good!
And why don't Zerg units go out of control if you lose a bunch of Overlords? And Marines don't run out of bullets if you lose some supply depots?
[quote name='The Crotch']And why don't Zerg units go out of control if you lose a bunch of Overlords? And Marines don't run out of bullets if you lose some supply depots?[/QUOTE]

Marine's ammunition is republican propaganda.
On my Asus Eee 1000HA I get a smooth 5FPS. :cool:

I'll try again on my M11x at the end of the month though I hear I can put everything on Ultra.
Blizzard just e-mailed me a beta key to give to a friend. I gave it to a friend but problem is, every time he tries to enter it, it says invalid code. Anyone else have the same problem?
[quote name='The Crotch']And why don't Zerg units go out of control if you lose a bunch of Overlords? And Marines don't run out of bullets if you lose some supply depots?[/QUOTE]
I want to know why most of the Terrans have Southern accents.
[quote name='bs000']Blizzard just e-mailed me a beta key to give to a friend. I gave it to a friend but problem is, every time he tries to enter it, it says invalid code. Anyone else have the same problem?[/QUOTE]

I just received one as well but I've yet to decide which friend is beta worthy (i.e. which one will give me something!). I'll let you know if they have any problems entering the key.
[quote name='blueshinra']I want to know why most of the Terrans have Southern accents.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Bruticis']I just received one as well but I've yet to decide which friend is beta worthy (i.e. which one will give me something!). I'll let you know if they have any problems entering the key.[/QUOTE]

yeah apparently they're taking a while to become valid keys
That's an interesting way to expand the beta... if Blizzard is doing it large-scale.

I can see pros and cons to doing it that way. I personally would rather have them just do another lottery over emailing people who were already luck enough to get in another code to pass to someone who is lucky enough to know that person.

Mailing people in the beta additional codes doesn't seem to jive with the idea they want people with certain hardware configurations either.. it almost sounds like a phishing scam or something.
[quote name='The Crotch']Um.

They're the Confederates.[/QUOTE]
Hah, I know, but come on. That also doesn't explain the Russian Battlecruiser captains.

Yeah, I'm overthinking this :p
[quote name='BattleChicken']That's an interesting way to expand the beta... if Blizzard is doing it large-scale.

I can see pros and cons to doing it that way. I personally would rather have them just do another lottery over emailing people who were already luck enough to get in another code to pass to someone who is lucky enough to know that person.

Mailing people in the beta additional codes doesn't seem to jive with the idea they want people with certain hardware configurations either.. it almost sounds like a phishing scam or something.[/QUOTE]

This process will at least guarantee more doubles play. I know of only one friend who has it and everyone is hounding him for the key (including me). All hes looking for is a doubles partner =/
I could totally see a bunch of fake "You were selected to join the SC2 beta! Please tell us your mother's maiden name, your paypal password, and install the included attachments in this email!" emails.
[quote name='blueshinra']Hah, I know, but come on. That also doesn't explain the Russian Battlecruiser captains.

Yeah, I'm overthinking this :p[/QUOTE]
1: Not all the original Terrans were Confederates. There were a few other groups, like the Kel-Morian Combine. That may be where they got their original BC captains.

2: The main Terran army may have picked up stragglers from the United Earth Directorate post-Brood War, so there could be a lot of new blood in their army these days, anyway.

3: I wants a fucking key, god dammit.
[quote name='KhaosX']This process will at least guarantee more doubles play. I know of only one friend who has it and everyone is hounding him for the key (including me). All hes looking for is a doubles partner =/[/QUOTE]

They would have more doubles play just by granting more people access to the beta.

From my experience, Random 2v2s are the most popular format in Warcraft III, frozen throne. I don't see why it would be any different in Starcraft II.

In my view, giving a second code to someone who won the lottery for a code is just a weird choice for Blizzard to make.. Not only does it seem like slap in the face of thousands (hundreds of thousands?) of currently codeless, unlucky fans who would love to be playing the game right now, but they lose control of who gets in.

Much of what I read about the beta code distribution stated that they chose people based on many factors; Hardware and OS configurations were specifically mentioned. Lets say they gave me a (fake, nonexistent) code because I ran an AMD system on a SSD and ran Windows Vista, then I got a friends and family code somehow. Then lets say I gave my my (fake, nonexistent) friends and family code to Strell, (after he defeated TheCrotch in a fight to the death) who decides to install SC2 on a beef taco. Somehow I doubt Blizzard needs technical data on taco-PCs.

Then again, i suppose they are trying to test the social features.. If you give your code to a friend, chances are you'll friend them in game. Dang it. I wrote the above, then JUST thought of a perfectly logical reason why they would do it this way.

I am in the beta, they explicitly said this was to help test the social features of, in addition to expanding the beta userbase to the numbers they are looking for.

I don't understand why people are getting so upset over this... nobody is entitled to a beta key. If you haven't gotten on yet, that doesn't mean you won't get one. Even if you don't, the game is right around the corner, and there are still so many balance issues that I guarantee you half the people who want a key would ragequit outright after getting cheesed in a few online games because the game is "unbalanced".
bread's done