Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void

[quote name='jarvis307']anyone having issues w/ the achievements? i've beaten more than half the game on hard and none of the "beat 5 levels on hard" achievements were activated.[/QUOTE]

Those achievements are weird.

I did a normal campaign, start to finish, and beat every map. I then loaded up the "complete" save and started doing the "Do X on Hard Difficulty" achievements for each map, and got credit for 3 levels in that achievement (despite doing > 20).

I then started a Brutal campaign, and unlocked those achievements as if everything was ok. I completed five missions, I got the Brutal 5 and Hard 5 achievements. I did 10, I got the Brutal 10 and Hard 10. And so on. At no point did I ever lower the difficulty.
Is there anyway to assign hotkeys? All I want to do is make camera movements set to my wasd keys but I cant seem to figure out how to do it. I can use the arrow keys but that requires a shifting of my keyboard which wont help if I need to type something in multiplayer quickly.
So, yeah, just had the best game ever. It was a 3 (Protoss; My Team) on 3 (Terran) and it lasted a full five minutes without a single thing being built. One guy dropped five seconds into the game and one other dropped after repeatedly pausing the game despite not giving a valid reason for keeping it paused. When the last guy was remaining, we probe rushed and he quit out before we could get there. I totally saved that game replay.
Pretty sure those SCV's weren't actually his but one of his team members that quit. Though, yeah, he apparently had the same idea as us.
I was really hoping that he wouldn't of left right away, so we could pull some more lulz. I also need to build more probes to mine minerals, which seems to be my largest bottleneck for me to transition into mid-late game.
I've had some really lousy partner-disconnects-in-the-first-10-seconds kind of games in the beta.. the reaction of the enemies when I took one of them out with probes was priceless.
Actually, they had vikings.

Just about a billion times fewer of them than I had stalkers.

EDIT: 62 kills from my best colossus before they brought him down. Another had 50-ish.
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I got to finish the campaign last night. I have to say that the way it ended has certainly piqued my interest for the first expansion.

I also got to play some multiplayer.. finally. I've been able to play a total of 6 games since the game came out... I think I did 3 or 4 last night. I think I won 2, lost 2. Being placement matches, there is always a chance that the matcher will screw you. that happened ALL of my placement matches! Geebus.

two of my games, I got paired with the same terrible protoss player, who said his strategy was 'going ground', which in both cases involved him making a bunch of cannons (powered by one pylon!) and zealots. He NEVER used the units unless his base was being attacked - if my base was attacked, he would decide to help at a point where his assistance was inconsequential. The first game, I was protoss, and wound up killing both enemies solo with heavy ground forces using warp gate units.

The second game, I was zerg, against a zerg and a terran. me, paired with the same crappy protoss, with the same crappy strategy. The terran decides to go purely thor, with a dozen SCVs chasing behind them. The zerg went 100% roach.

There could not be a worse combination of units for me to have to go up against solo with what i was building My build plan initially was to go zerg air... but initial scouting made me change that strategy, as the terran looked like he was going heavy marines, and the zerg was started teching his hatch when I scouted him.. oh well. After some back and forth where I scrapped their expansions, but couldn't push into the main bases - but lost all my units due to a pincer at the enemy ramp, the enemy counters a couple minutes later with a dozen roach, and 5-6 thors w/SCVs... My partner had maybe 7 zealots, and I was still rebuilding my forces from my last attack.. i had 24 or so upgraded speedlings, and 6 or 8 hydra at that point.. all of which died very quickly. I had infestors, but none had enough energy to do anything useful - neural parasite was still being researched. So.. I lost that game.

Third game, I was tos, with a tos partner against a tos and a zerg. My partner cannoned himself in really heavily, but with only a few pylons, and zero attack units early game. I was going heavy stalker and immortal, with zels mixed in. They hit him first with heavy roach with some lings and stalkers. They took out the cannon pylons, and were starting to kill his expansion, but I was able to kill their attacking force with what I had up, then my partner got his shit together, mimiced my build, and we decimated them.

My final game, I was terran, with a tos partner against two terran who both had the vulture portrait (I think thats 50 or 100 wins...?). Well, my partner was killed in the first 5 minutes by a single reaper. One. reaper. *sigh*.

both ended up making heavy reaper, so I went with marauders with stim and slow. I did OK, all things considered.. i pushed into one of their bases, did some significant damage, but since both of the enemies were good, they killed my attack force before I was able to scrap the base.

They hit me several times with reaper, killing less SCVs than they lost in reaper value. and other units.. I repelled them several times. eventually I think they decided to stop playing around because they saw I had half a chance of winning against their goofy strat, and hit me with a bunch of marauder. I had 4 banshee at that point, and they had next to no AA, but it didn't matter once they broke through - they had more DPS than my banshees, and I lost. After the game, I checked the profiles.. both were high diamond in both 1v1 and 2v2s.

I had BAD luck in my placement matches. Placement matches can eat a dick.
I've never been able to get the voice chat to work very well, usually use steam or ventrillo when playing with friends.
[quote name='Clak']I've never been able to get the voice chat to work very well, usually use steam or ventrillo when playing with friends.[/QUOTE]

My friends and I couldn't get the game voice chat to work either, but then again we didn't try too hard. Therefore, we just use vent.
[quote name='Clak']Good games balphon, dude at the end of the second match was an ass turtling like that, we won anyway.[/QUOTE]

He didn't have much of a choice. At least we had things well in hand when I dropped.
I'll admit that it sucks to have your team abandon you, but dude knew he was screwed, could have just quit and gotten it over with.
[quote name='dastly75']Well this game burned out my power supply(literally).[/QUOTE]

This game almost burned out my friend's GPU tonight. Then again he has a Alienware computer with horrible airflow, so maybe he deserves it?!
[quote name='suko_32']My friends and I couldn't get the game voice chat to work either, but then again we didn't try too hard. Therefore, we just use vent.[/QUOTE]

when the game first came out, voice chat wasn't working for us but it randomly started working recently. the audio signal is really low though. i tested this w/ my brother on skype. the audio comes through fine on skype but w/ the same settings on sc2, we can barely hear each other.
Man, I am having way too much luck with Void Rays. They're capable of destroying an enemy's base far more often than they fail or get countered. It's not even a matter of me playing vs crappy people...I won enough with them in Gold rank that I got boosted to Platinum, and people are still falling to them. Once they get in someone's base and get fully charged, they're near-unstoppable.
[quote name='Salamando3000']Man, I am having way too much luck with Void Rays. They're capable of destroying an enemy's base far more often than they fail or get countered. It's not even a matter of me playing vs crappy people...I won enough with them in Gold rank that I got boosted to Platinum, and people are still falling to them. Once they get in someone's base and get fully charged, they're near-unstoppable.[/QUOTE]

Against any Protoss player that's the first thing on my mind they are going for and hence why I go anti-air immediately. Void Rays are lethal, especially against Zerg early on. Blizzard should really consider making them able to only attack ground units and making their charge up power take longer.
This seems like a good day to stay inside and play SC2. I say this not just because staying inside and playing SC2 is fun, but also because all of Alberta and Saskatchewan is covered in fucking smoke. So, um. I think I'm going to stay right here. Away from the smoke.

Also, I played some games with Chicken and my zerg practice partner and they didn't have any trouble hearing me, so I dunno what the problem was when I was with HotShot and Draekon...
There are a few possible reasons on why it worked this time and didn't work properly last time. I can always host a small Vent server if needed as I have the bandwidth to do so without a problem. That way the voice quality can be controlled by me rather than letting Blizzard's static settings allow everything.
[quote name='ItzTitoYo']Against any Protoss player that's the first thing on my mind they are going for and hence why I go anti-air immediately. Void Rays are lethal, especially against Zerg early on. Blizzard should really consider making them able to only attack ground units and making their charge up power take longer.[/QUOTE]

If voids could only hit ground, then the protoss would have no AA that did extra damage to armored air, which would be a huge hamstring to the race.

The Crotch and I played 5 games last night, and won 5 games - for a placement in Platinum. The multiplayer game is so much more fun when my partners are competent!
[quote name='BattleChicken']If voids could only hit ground, then the protoss would have no AA that did extra damage to armored air, which would be a huge hamstring to the race.[/QUOTE]
Stalkers have +damage to armoured.
I finally got a chance to put a little bit of time into the multiplayer this week. Finished up my placement matches and am looking for gold/platinum level people to play with/against. Hit me up in game or on these forums if you're interested in some games!
[quote name='The Crotch']Stalkers have +damage to armoured.[/QUOTE]

Yeah.. my statement should have read "no air AA that did extra to armored".

Then again, zerg don't have one either.. so it could be kind of a wash.
[quote name='BattleChicken']Then again, zerg don't have one either.. so it could be kind of a wash.[/QUOTE]

That's what Corruption is for.
I usually don't like playing the Ladder games and just end up finding that I play Custom Games more. I need to get into it somehow...
yukine - 315

I'm not a fan of team games, but if anyone wants to 1v1 I'm down even though I'm a scrubby Silver Gold.
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Bah.. Bnet seems kind of messed up today. was playing 4v4s with a bunch of CAGs, had to do some RL stuff for like 20 minutes, came back, and everyone is logged out - but last login dates aren't showing, so it seems like they're actually online, and I can't see them

Curse you, bnet.. CURSE YOU
[quote name='BattleChicken']Bah.. Bnet seems kind of messed up today. was playing 4v4s with a bunch of CAGs, had to do some RL stuff for like 20 minutes, came back, and everyone is logged out - but last login dates aren't showing, so it seems like they're actually online, and I can't see them

Curse you, bnet.. CURSE YOU[/QUOTE]

If you logged off and then came back on, it won't say their last online time. It only shows it if they logged off while you are online. The only way for you to get their last online time when you first sign in is to add them via Real ID. Yes, it's retarded I know.
[quote name='jarvis307']bnet is buggy as hell.. we're at -4 placement matches and counting :p[/QUOTE]

seems like we beta tested for nothing... beta had the exact same problems
[quote name='ItzTitoYo']Against any Protoss player that's the first thing on my mind they are going for and hence why I go anti-air immediately. Void Rays are lethal, especially against Zerg early on. Blizzard should really consider making them able to only attack ground units and making their charge up power take longer.[/QUOTE]

Void rays seem to be good against most air and ground units and buildings and defenses and harrassing and have high mobility, which doesn't seem at all balanced. My real issue with them is that if they sneak into your base and get fully charged off your gathers, you have the choice ... sacrifice your base or sacrifice your army.

Maybe if they had their charge up beam for ground attacks and massive air units (BC,carriers, motherships, broodlords) and a light missle for normal air, then attacking charged up voids with air would be feasible. Most people think phoenixes are terrible so they could buff up them a bit and weaken voids somehow.
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Voids aren't all that great against lots of small enemies, especially if they aren't charged up. Lots of marines can easily take out a group of voids that aren't charged, even if they are charged it can still happen.
[quote name='Clak']Voids aren't all that great against lots of small enemies, especially if they aren't charged up. Lots of marines can easily take out a group of voids that aren't charged, even if they are charged it can still happen.[/QUOTE]

I think the point is cost/effectiveness ratio, its ambiguity (If I see a cy core he could be doing tons of things) and how low it is on the tech tree on terms of gas.
bread's done