Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void

The amount of ragers nowadays on is baffling. You win a game, they msg rage. You lose the game, they also msg rage. I generally just ignore them when they're so butt hurt but how are you guys dealing with them?

[quote name='spiderman4657']Today I lost a game in which I felt completely helpless and unable to counter. Basically i was cannon rushed, I was playing zerg and very early in the game I see the probe begin to build a pylon in my base. I send about 3 workers to destroy it but by the time the workers destroy it, he has built another pylon and begins warping his forge. I keep trying to destroy the pylons as my spawning pool ends but i am unable too. Eventually he begin building more and more cannons. I build spine crawlers on my creep preventing him from moving his probes closer. Eventually he builds warp gates on my base and overruns me. I made a few runs into his base but he basically massed cannons all over his workers. My question is zerg to vulnerable in the early game ? And is there really a counter in the first 2 minutes of the game to prevent pylons to come up/ cannon builds ?[/QUOTE]

If he built that forge in clear daylight right in your base, i wouldn't worry too much about the pylon or the forge. That forge and pylon could have been in his own base but he was likely just trying to get you to remove mining drones to hurt your eco which you fell for. You should have zerglings ready by the time he starts morphing in cannons anyway.

I should also note that this isn't the way to do it if he was using those pylons/cannons to block your exit ramp. That's a completely different strategy then.
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Yeah, ignore the pylons and the forge. ~3 drones to a cannon, depending on how fast you get there after it starts, and lings in as soon as you can. If things are going absolutely horribly and cannons are coming online, a well placed spine crawler or two will stop them from advancing (at which point, expect either proxy gateways or a warpgate attack).

EDIT: Also, I get very few ragers. And when they do rage on me, their rages are generally rather half-hearted. Like the guy who complained about how protoss don't have to micro (1a2a3f is how he described it, though I only realized after watching the replay that his entire army was on "1"), but then GGed at the end anyway.
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[quote name='Oktoberfest']lol the whole "1v1 gogo?" challenge thing is a waste of time... oh no some 3v3-playing trash thinks you're a noob? Better dedicate the next 10-15 minutes to proving him wrong!![/QUOTE]
I play SC2 as a waste of time anyways.

I just like seeing people backpedal because no one has accepted my challenge yet. I'm amused by the excuses that they give. =)

Honestly my 1v1 is crap, if it weren't for my APM I'd lose so many more matches.

@Crotch: Just let me know when.

@Spiderman: Post replay. Many people don't accurately describe what happened and obscure a lot of their own mistakes.
Actually it seems like zerg can have a good number of units out faster than Terran or Protoss. Especially if you're just talking lings, hell even roaches can come out fast, and then you're in trouble cause roaches absorb a ridiculous amount of damage.
I think zerg have become my strongest race since I came back from my wow-induced break from SC2... and I think that if I were cannon rushed, AND I caught the pylon, I'd just sit back, do my 10/12 pool, and my lings would be up before his cannons were phased in.. at least i'm fairly certain that's how it's gone the one time someone tried to cannon me as zerg.

I still prefer to random-it-up, though.
[quote name='KhaosX']The amount of ragers nowadays on is baffling. You win a game, they msg rage. You lose the game, they also msg rage. I generally just ignore them when they're so butt hurt but how are you guys dealing with them?[/QUOTE]
i always respond with you're mother
[quote name='BattleChicken']

I still prefer to random-it-up, though.[/QUOTE]

I feel like i get Terran all the time. I don't really have a main race, but it gets old playing the same race so many times in a row. The randomizer hates me. Does this phenomena occur to anyone else?
[quote name='BackInBlack']I feel like i get Terran all the time. I don't really have a main race, but it gets old playing the same race so many times in a row. The randomizer hates me. Does this phenomena occur to anyone else?[/QUOTE]

Well, since SC2 random is ACTUALLY random. Every roll, there is a 33% chance for that race to come up. While it might be statistically improbable for that 33% chance to occur 10 times in a row, it certainly can happen - it's happened to me before.

A couple years back, Apple re-jiggered their random playback on the iPods; people were complaining because songs from the same artist would sometimes come up back-to-back when playing the library on random. Now, the iPod random playback considers the genre, artist, and some other factors (i forget what) of the last X songs to provide something different most of the time and the 'random' song order isn't random at all.

I don't think Blizzard should bother pulling an Apple, and making an algorithim to do the same thing.. but I REALLY wish they would implement "NOT Terran, NOT Protoss, and NOT zerg race options for the times I just don't feel like playing a specific race, but don't care if I play the other two.

Actually... Random is still fine forget that last part.
[quote name='BattleChicken']Well, since SC2 random is ACTUALLY random. Every roll, there is a 33% chance for that race to come up. While it might be statistically improbable for that 33% chance to occur 10 times in a row, it certainly can happen - it's happened to me before.

A couple years back, Apple re-jiggered their random playback on the iPods; people were complaining because songs from the same artist would sometimes come up back-to-back when playing the library on random. Now, the iPod random playback considers the genre, artist, and some other factors (i forget what) of the last X songs to provide something different most of the time and the 'random' song order isn't random at all.

I don't think Blizzard should bother pulling an Apple, and making an algorithim to do the same thing.. but I REALLY wish they would implement "NOT Terran, NOT Protoss, and NOT zerg race options for the times I just don't feel like playing a specific race, but don't care if I play the other two.

Actually... Random is still fine forget that last part.[/QUOTE]

I would love that, I wouldnt even mind if it shows allies/enemies your preferences..i just want to mix it up, which is what i thought random did.
[quote name='crystalklear64']i always respond with you're mother[/QUOTE]
this is my normal response when people ask me what i'm doing in the beginning of a 3v3

except i say the gramatically correct "your mother"
[quote name='kainzero']this is my normal response when people ask me what i'm doing in the beginning of a 3v3

except i say the gramatically correct "your mother"[/QUOTE]

I tend to use "Grammatically" when I'm trying to be a douche about Grammar.

Also, your list of grammar mistakes: This, I'm, period after "3v3", Except, I, Grammatically, and "Your Mother."
[quote name='BattleChicken']I tend to use "Grammatically" when I'm trying to be a douche about Grammar.[/QUOTE]


it was a pun

martin gramatica injured his foot while celebrating a made field goal

similarly, i slipped on a correction. get it? i slipped because i injured my foot.

no jk you got me there
[quote name='kainzero']actually

it was a pun

martin gramatica injured his foot while celebrating a made field goal

similarly, i slipped on a correction. get it? i slipped because i injured my foot.

no jk you got me there[/QUOTE]

Obviously, Battlechicken is a grammar-nazi. Don't let any of that make you think I don't like you - you're great.. I just can never pass up grammatical ironies.
[quote name='BattleChicken']
A couple years back, Apple re-jiggered their random playback on the iPods; people were complaining because songs from the same artist would sometimes come up back-to-back when playing the library on random. Now, the iPod random playback considers the genre, artist, and some other factors (i forget what) of the last X songs to provide something different most of the time and the 'random' song order isn't random at all.[/QUOTE]

I swear my creative zen must be using that same algorithm or something. I hear the same set of songs every time i hit random play all.
I'm going to be online tonight for a few hours, so just msg me if you want to play. My SN is different, its eCstatiC and number is 156
I hate that feeling you get when you watch a replay and you realize you missed a huge opening that would've turned the game around.

I like the feeling you get when you would've won if your teammate wasn't so dumb. =)
So I just played a PvP on Steppes of War.

He opened with a whole bunch o' stalkers, containing me with a proxy pylon. I had a 3gate robo thing going on with mostly zealots and sentries, and my robo was a bit late. Lost more guys than I should have, but it kept his attention on me, which was good, 'cause while he was over on my side of the map, I slipped a probe into his utterly unit-less base and built a pylon in a dark corner, then warped in three zealots.

Unfortunately, his gates were all ready, so he was able to fend it off with little damage done. So much for that, I thought.

So he retreated back to his base, I got my colossus up, saw that he had an expo running, but... what's this? His army is up his ramp? Run up, forcefield it, snipe the nexus, retreat. fuck yeah.

More army building later, he's retaken his natural, and... what's this? How the fuck is my pylon still alive? Warp in a bunch of sentries, a zealot, and a stalker. FF his army OUT, go for the workers, and... fuck, he has a colossus now too, he breaks my FF. Fine, fine.

More army building later, with two robos churning out colossii. And... is my pylon still there? What the fuck, other guy? Make a dark shrine. Warp in DTs while my army attacks his third. Take out the only pylon on his double robo. Whole army comes to kill a couple DTs while he loses his third.

fuck yeah.

25 minute game; pylon in his base lasted the whole damn time.
I played like 6 games last night.. won 3 or 4. All the losses, I was terran. I'm starting to recall how to play the game well again, but my terran game is still a bit weak. My start is slower than i remember it being in the past, and while I'm getting marines/tanks up, they aren't in high enough quantity to deal with the enemies. I also lost a 2v2 4xterran game, where I was teching to tanks, my partner was supposed to make rines/marauder but somehow I wound up with way more marines than he did and they went proxy rax, heavy marines and just overpowered us.

Because I adhered to a tech tree, i lost - easy enough to fix in later games.

Tos and Zerg I'm kicking ass with, though..
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[quote name='The Crotch']So I just played a PvP on Steppes of War.

He opened with a whole bunch o' stalkers, containing me with a proxy pylon. I had a 3gate robo thing going on with mostly zealots and sentries, and my robo was a bit late. Lost more guys than I should have, but it kept his attention on me, which was good, 'cause while he was over on my side of the map, I slipped a probe into his utterly unit-less base and built a pylon in a dark corner, then warped in three zealots.

Unfortunately, his gates were all ready, so he was able to fend it off with little damage done. So much for that, I thought.

So he retreated back to his base, I got my colossus up, saw that he had an expo running, but... what's this? His army is up his ramp? Run up, forcefield it, snipe the nexus, retreat. fuck yeah.

More army building later, he's retaken his natural, and... what's this? How the fuck is my pylon still alive? Warp in a bunch of sentries, a zealot, and a stalker. FF his army OUT, go for the workers, and... fuck, he has a colossus now too, he breaks my FF. Fine, fine.

More army building later, with two robos churning out colossii. And... is my pylon still there? What the fuck, other guy? Make a dark shrine. Warp in DTs while my army attacks his third. Take out the only pylon on his double robo. Whole army comes to kill a couple DTs while he loses his third.

fuck yeah.

25 minute game; pylon in his base lasted the whole damn time.[/QUOTE]

You going to upload that? I would like to watch it :bouncy:
If it's still in my recent replays, I can do that...

EDIT: Found it. You can get it here.

Now, as always, there are a lot of flaws in my play. I'm not particularly good at this game, but looking at that replay, holyshitthatguywasbad. I did not realize until now just how comically one-sided that whole thing was.

And as far as how little I expanded - I stand by that being the right decision. Given that none of my attacks ever did any real army damage until the end, I didn't want to get overconfident. I knew I had a slight resource lead after I sacked his expo, and I was content to maintain that slight lead.
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Yeah, it just never occurred to me. Hardest part is remembering to give them a running start so to speak.
I like how if both of my teammates quit in a 3v3, I'm considered an "ass" or some other more derogatory term for staying and continuing the game. I've won it once in the many times it has happened, but I try to put up a good fight with the small extra economic boost, but you're not getting any free wins from me. Im not flying away my buildings or hiding any random building around the map, just trying put up a last stand effort.
[quote name='Link927']I like how if both of my teammates quit in a 3v3, I'm considered an "ass" or some other more derogatory term for staying and continuing the game. I've won it once in the many times it has happened, but I try to put up a good fight with the small extra economic boost, but you're not getting any free wins from me. Im not flying away my buildings or hiding any random building around the map, just trying put up a last stand effort.[/QUOTE]

Yup. I'll take a slim chance over a zero percent chance. It's one thing if someone plays 'hide the pylon', it's another thing entirely to try until your units are all dead and you have most assuredly lost.
I've been working on my speed air build. Only problem I have is having enough ground units to fight off early aggression, cause marines just rip voids a new one.
I favour air against zerg uber alles. I know MC likes to use voids to harrass a terran wall-in, and post-patch they'll probably be the best unit to use against thors, but yeah, marines. That's not to say that protoss air doesn't have a place against terrans, it's just that... well, the other paths just tend to do the job better.

Zerg, however, have shit mobility on their AA. I played around with phoenix openings for a while (stopped using 'em after I found out phoenix build time was changing, so my timings would be all fucked up), and plan to use a lot of phoenix/void and phoenix/DT against zerg in the future.

Hurry the fuck up, patch. I can't even get into the fucking PTR.
As a bad zerg player, Id dare say this patch is implemented to help noob zerg. Maybe the reaper thing would fuck up high level play, but other then that seems like an "alright" patch, but Terran will QQ so hard about the rax thing that well see it fixed back to the old way in a hotfix
bread's done