Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void

Yeah, HotShot introduced me to Star Battle a while back. I play it sometimes with the aforementioned group of 1v1 players. I usually play as a carrier for feedback, but I'm curious to try out the new raven.

You kinda have to play it with a team of people, though. Going into a random team, you can pretty much guarantee that about half the players will spend ~30 seconds just sitting at the base while you move out in advance, and you're just sitting there, praying that they'll warp into you once you get some distance, just hoping, hoping, no, fuck, they're waddling their asses out there and now it's like a 6 on 3 for the first 30 seconds or some shit fuck fuck fuck.
i don't like playing 1v1 and having people watch it...

if there's like a group of 3 or 4 and 2 people play while the others watch i think it's kinda boring
I dunno. When we're doing our 1v1s together, all the spectators get together on skype and talk about what's going on and it's... well, it's pretty damn educational, I find. We all talk about what's going on, I get to ask questions of a bunch of other people if I don't understand something, etc.
i played BW on a whim today

oh my god it's so difficult. and i just played against the computer.
and i totally forgot all my build orders too, the only one that's remotely decent is tvp.

and yet somehow i still have 230 apm
[quote name='BattleChicken']I'm playing now if anyone is game. I'm hanging out in channel CAG.[/QUOTE]

I might start checking that channel first when I log in.

[quote name='HotShotX']We should form CAG Star Battle team of 6 and take it to the skies.


I've been playing quite alot since the raven update. Between that and bejeweled, i don't think I've touched standard play in a while.
I think I'm starting to regain some of the skill I lost during my long time away from the game. I'm still not upgrading as much as I should most games, but yesterday I won and lost about half of my games, tonight i think I won 75% of them.
Star Battle is pretty fun, though you'd better keep and eye on that health guage. Died limping back to base a few times, also didn't know that teleport doesn't work once you're in the red, whoops.
Well, you can teleport in the red if you're the leviathan or a terran ship with regenerative biosteel.

Otherwise, yeah, it's a long way back.
I really feel like the terran ships have the best weapons. Both protoss ships have kinda meh offense.
Terran ships definitely have the best spell damage. Void rays have sick regular damage if properly upgraded. No way to outrun them if you're any other ship. I don't really see many people playing carrier anymore, but the few i do tend to go with upgraded interceptors. I've been playing exclusively raven just because they're so much fun. Just wish they had some sort of escape skill.
fuck yeah PvP.

Close positions on Metal. I 2gate and he cannon rushes using the little steam vents in the back to try and hide it.

fuck yeah seaking.
[quote name='KhaosX']Terran ships definitely have the best spell damage. Void rays have sick regular damage if properly upgraded. No way to outrun them if you're any other ship. I don't really see many people playing carrier anymore, but the few i do tend to go with upgraded interceptors. I've been playing exclusively raven just because they're so much fun. Just wish they had some sort of escape skill.[/QUOTE]

I always go Carrier over Void Ray. The HP difference is too much to ignore, and the Interceptor upgrade is always a must if you have more than 2 carriers.

I play carrier for feedback. Period.

Also, void rays are actually the slowest ships out there, by a hair. They can shoot on the move and have great acceleration, but their base speed is .1 slower than all the others, and remains so with every upgrade.
[quote name='The Crotch']I play carrier for feedback. Period.

Also, void rays are actually the slowest ships out there, by a hair. They can shoot on the move and have great acceleration, but their base speed is .1 slower than all the others, and remains so with every upgrade.[/QUOTE]

I had to double check but void rays start with 1.5 speed while destroyer is 1.31 and everyone else is 1.41. When I first tried void ray back then I remembered them being significantly faster than the rest.
I suppose I'll have to try this mod out one of these days - you guys are making it seem really interesting.

So, what time is everyone playing at these days? Because of how my life has been going, I'm usually on between 11 pm and 1 am (central time) or so when I get a chance to play.. I've observed nobody else seems to be playing that late.

I'd really like to try playing with people I know this weekend, so if people are usually on at certain hours I'm going to try to be available then.
During the week I can't stay up too late. This weekend I can probably be on around 10 or so if plans stay the same.
For anyone who plays Starjeweled, I just found some game breaking info. So game breaking that my friends and I have stopped playing it just because it exists.
You can mind control an enemy unit by right clicking them costing 250 energy at any time. If someone spawns an ultra, just MC them and throw them back at their cannon at their spawn for example.
Seems not that many people know about it yet.
Voids aren't even very good these days except against other protoss. Whatever angsty douchebag tween called you "gay" for using a unit would have complained just as loud if you killed him with probes and observers.

Also, I've become at least passably good at SC2 again. I start games by apologizing that my units would be trying to rape my opponent's eye sockets... but they gotta rape somethin'.
Voidray + colossus is widely regarded as an incredibly powerful deathball in PvZ.

Voids do well against roaches, corruptors, and brood lords, which are the three most troublesome units for colossii in that matchup.
[quote name='The Crotch']Voidray + colossus is widely regarded as an incredibly powerful deathball in PvZ.

Voids do well against roaches, corruptors, and brood lords, which are the three most troublesome units for colossii in that matchup.[/QUOTE]

True enough.
[quote name='The Crotch']Voidray + colossus is widely regarded as an incredibly powerful deathball in PvZ.

Voids do well against roaches, corruptors, and brood lords, which are the three most troublesome units for colossii in that matchup.[/QUOTE]

I win alot of games vs Zerg with voids alone, especially if I wall my ramp and put some cannons up there, but I'm not a very good player, so shrug =)
[quote name='drbutchevil']I win alot of games vs Zerg with voids alone, especially if I wall my ramp and put some cannons up there, but I'm not a very good player, so shrug =)[/QUOTE]

Very easy to counter w/ decent Queen micro as long as it's scouted. Annoying as hell if it catches you off guard though. Most Bronze players can't counter them though, so that might be why you win often with them.
[quote name='drbutchevil']I win alot of games vs Zerg with voids alone, especially if I wall my ramp and put some cannons up there, but I'm not a very good player, so shrug =)[/QUOTE]
The thing about going that route, though, is that those cannons should set every single zerg alarm imaginable off. Like, if I see a terran who throws down a bunker at the top of his ramp? 90% chance of a starport with a tech lab on it.

The zerg will figure the same thing - you're doing something super gas heavy that takes a while to get out, so most likely, either DTs or air. A couple well-placed spores can protect his base from either, and he can counter either of those rather well when he pushes out.
I've been playing a bit more lately, and I've had some really annoying defeats the last couple nights.

I've been doing mostly 2v2 and 3v3s, and the 3v3s are becoming more frustrating to me than anything else. I had 3 games last night where It's me (low diamond) paired with two bronze or silvers against 3 gold/plat/diamond foes where I'll kill almost all of the attacking units solo several times then eventually get overrun because my econ can't grow because I'm constantly making units to keep all of us alive and my partners are just busy making shieldless, stimless marines that they keep sitting in their bases they would occasionally throw away by sending 4 at a time at the worst possible times.

It's in the nature of a random multiplayer game, so I'm not mad about the loss... I'm annoyed that in those games MY TEAM was listed as slightly favored :whistle2:/.

I also got nailed by a warp gate phase in that I consider an exploit of a map flaw, as opposed to fair play. I don't recall the map - though it was one of the ones with the wide choke with shared team expands, but you can drop a pylon on a split platform on the map, where there's BARELY room to phase in 4 zealots but even if you scout your base (which I did) none of your units have vision on the pylon so you don't know where you need to send units to kill the pylon and stop the influx of units, nor did I see until the very, very end where his units were phasing into my base from - and at that point he had too many units in my base for me to do anything about it.

When I loaded the replay, i found out that it wouldn't have done me any good anyway since I would have had to move my units for 30 or 40 seconds to even get to the pylon to kill it because of the terrain on the map. The fact his pylon was out of my visible range (must have been on a cliff or something...?) even when I scouted it is what makes it a seedy tactic in my eyes - I couldn't have possibly caught what he did without going out of my way to search the entire map for it.
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The team game maps, especially with the shared bases, are fucking horrible for proxy pylons. They're just god damn enormous with all these cliffs and what-not.

1v1, motherfuckers!
i think i prefer team games in general because more people are involved. I like the cooperative aspect of playing with someone else, and the additional dynamic of having multiple different races against you in a game.

It isn't as balanced, but I tend to find it more enjoyable than 1v1 - it's just a personal preference.
[quote name='BattleChicken']I've been doing mostly 2v2 and 3v3s, and the 3v3s are becoming more frustrating to me than anything else. I had 3 games last night where It's me (low diamond) paired with two bronze or silvers against 3 gold/plat/diamond foes where I'll kill almost all of the attacking units solo several times then eventually get overrun because my econ can't grow because I'm constantly making units to keep all of us alive and my partners are just busy making shieldless, stimless marines that they keep sitting in their bases they would occasionally throw away by sending 4 at a time at the worst possible times.[/QUOTE]

that's the nature of pickup

i actually really hate it when my teammates get attacked in a clearly unwinnable situation and they just go and waste their own army and then call for help.

like yo, man, you need to delay their army and we need to hit at the same time. there's no way we'll win 2v3 like that.

then they leave and call me a crappy teammate.


btw unless you have perfect macro, it's very easy to expand in team games, you should not be spending that much on units, and cutting one cycle to build an expo is worth it. i've played a ton of games where i 3/4/5 base AND carry the team because they like to 1 base until it runs out before expanding.
[quote name='kainzero']
btw unless you have perfect macro, it's very easy to expand in team games, you should not be spending that much on units, and cutting one cycle to build an expo is worth it. i've played a ton of games where i 3/4/5 base AND carry the team because they like to 1 base until it runs out before expanding.[/QUOTE]
Though I've played plenty of games where I saved HotShot's ass because he was double expanding and teching to carriers while I massed tier 1.5 units and held the enemy off with my one or two bases.
The problem in the games I mentioned is I made a small force, saved up enough where I WOULD HAVE expanded, then they attacked, killed the tiny force of the atackee, i sweep in, kill MOST of their force but lose ALL my units. I then have to stop the expansion plan, blow all my larvae on units to finish the remainder of their force since guy 3 was just sitting in his base not helping.

I'm sure i could have done certain things better in the games, but I ended up having to react to what the enemy was doing as opposed to making them react to me, which is almost always a recipe for defeat anyway.
[quote name='The Crotch']Though I've played plenty of games where I saved HotShot's ass because he was double expanding and teching to carriers while I massed tier 1.5 units and held the enemy off with my one or two bases.[/QUOTE]
In other words you're basically HotShot's bodyguard.;)


Anyone up for some Star Battle tonight?
bread's done