Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

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Group Buys - Updated 05/20

Several multiplayer Steam games are available in 2-packs or 4-packs. These packs offer a discount over buying multiple copies of a game separately. We also maintain group buy trade threads for several games, so please use those threads if you're interested in setting up a group buy.

Free Stuff
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Past Special Sales
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Great deals on both Batman AA and Dragon Age UE, too bad I already own them on PS3. I'll be getting Monkey Island for sure and maybe the Flatout pack its only $3.75 for all three games
Are any of the FlatOut games worth playing? If so, which one? They're all pretty damn cheap.

Also thinking about getting Shank and Tropico.

And I was hoping CoD MW2 would be discounted at a better price, oh well.
Already have DAO, Tropico 3 SE, and Flatout Ultimate on PC, but Shank for $7.50 is tempting. I'll probably end up passing on that one though.
Maybe one of the FlatOut games but nothing else for me today. Batman:AA and Monkey Island bundle are win of you don't have them already.
[quote name='frpilot']how likely is it that this will get loewr in the next 6 months[/QUOTE]

It might hit $20 once Dragon Age 2 comes out but I'm not holding my breath. DA:O and Awakenings have held their prices steady for quite some time now. In either case, I've been waiting since last January to grab Dragon Age (would've been a day one if my backlog wasn't so ridiculous), so this is an absolute steal for me.
when people say things like "X is a steal for that price, im rebuying it!" it doesn't make sense to me, you arn't getting a deal... your wasting your money? or am i looking at it wrong
I will probably trade in my 360 copy of Dragon Age at Amazon and get the superior PC version now. Monkey Island and Batman prices are great too. They opened up my wallet again today, lol.
[quote name='pROvIs']Is there any reason to pick up a flatout game when you own burnout?[/QUOTE]
I picked up flatout for the mini-games over the racing itself. For a buck or less, why not?
[quote name='Ardrid']It might hit $20 once Dragon Age 2 comes out but I'm not holding my breath. DA:O and Awakenings have held their prices steady for quite some time now. In either case, I've been waiting since last January to grab Dragon Age (would've been a day one if my backlog wasn't so ridiculous), so this is an absolute steal for me.[/QUOTE]

i think i will pass on it. if i get it, i won't be playing it for a year. i still haven't started fallout 3 goty yet..

[quote name='jab1235']when people say things like "X is a steal for that price, im rebuying it!" it doesn't make sense to me, you arn't getting a deal... your wasting your money? or am i looking at it wrong[/QUOTE]

i know its stupid and probably wasting money. some people own the same games on multiple platforms. i have batman aa goty on ps3 and pc..
Nothing for me today thanks god. I would definitely jump on Dragon Age Ultimate if you do not own Dragon Age vanilla but sadly I do (and payed full price) so I need it to be a little cheaper before I rebuy it.

Trying to DL the Altitude demo to at least check it out but steam servers are too busy.
[quote name='CountChoculitis']Was going to get Red Faction but Red Faction II has this notice on the product page:

Notice: Direct X 10.1 ATI video cards or Direct X 10.0 Nvidia video cards are not supported

Makes me a little wary. I remember playing the original Red Faction on PS2 I think way back in the day and it was awesome.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I remember playing that game way back in like 2002 or 2003 and totally loved it. Was sorta disappointed by RF: Guerilla in terms of story, but I never played Red Faction II.
for anyone who didnt get Altitude from the Air indie pack in the thanksgiving sale, I reccommend you get it. I started playing it last week and it is a hell of a lot of fun. Very fun multiplayer casual game, and it comes with achievements, perks, leveling up. apparently it has voice support too, but I dont htink anyone uses it. Lots of people playing on servers. Also, theres a level editor.
Best is RF and Batman if you haven't played them. I'm tempted to get DA but it'll probably hit $20 sometime in the future and I can wait. Wish Splinter Cell:C would be cheaper and I already own Monkey Island 1 so I'm not sure about getting the pack(Hopefully I can at least give away the extra copy of 1).

I'm also warning others about getting MW2, its basically dead on MP except for Deathmatch.
[quote name='sandbag']Dragon Age is too expensive.

Batman has securerom so fuck that.

Nothing for me today...[/QUOTE]

Read up on Batman's implementation of securom. It's not bad at all. I normally won't touch a title with securom in it, but even I read how it works in AA and decided that I could live with it. It's five activations per month that refresh on their own (though you can always manually revoke). So unless you're doing something crazy with your hardware, the worst that'll happen if getting locked out of the game for a few weeks, and even that's unlikely.

Or maybe you just dislike securom on principle, in which case... carry on.
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[quote name='jab1235']when people say things like "X is a steal for that price, im rebuying it!" it doesn't make sense to me, you arn't getting a deal... your wasting your money? or am i looking at it wrong[/QUOTE]

Yep, I won't even rebuy games on Steam that I have on my old Xbox. I rather just play it on the old Xbox, even if the graphics are worse. Seems like a waste to me, too.
[quote name='jab1235']when people say things like "X is a steal for that price, im rebuying it!" it doesn't make sense to me, you arn't getting a deal... your wasting your money? or am i looking at it wrong[/QUOTE]

:applause: Same thing befuzzles me, and then they also complain about the deals killing their wallet and then not even play the game for half a decade.

The only two games I bought were PB Winterbottom and Puzzle Quest, and I already regret it because they are "meh".

I was really hoping for the Valve Pack for $25, I'm gonna keep waiting 'till the end of the sale, but if it doesn't show up: than I didn't get anything good from this sale.
[quote name='TheLongshot']I wonder if the Monkey Island pack is still worth it if I own the first game...[/QUOTE]

If you liked the first one it is. I bought both of them at full price(I'm a HUGE monkey island fan) and I didn't feel ripped off. The 2nd one is longer and funnier than the first and the new special edition art is better in the 2nd one. For the price it's on sale for its a steal.
Just picked:

Flatout 2
Flatout Ultimate Carnage
Monkey Island Pack
Splinter Cell Pack

Also note, Splinter Cell Pack is $18.39, not $22.99. All Splinter Cell Games are 60% off if you have Splinter Cell Double Agent, but since the pack has Double Agent in it, it gives you the 60% off the pack instead of 50% off. Not sure if this is a glitch or not.
Good stuff today:

The Good:

BATMAN: AA GOTY - Fantastic Game! Love'd it so much I had to play it twice. $7.50 is awesome if you've been wanting it. You can wait for $6 or $5 someday, but $7.50 is not too risky at all here. You will love it.

Monkey Island Pack is a MUST for those who've never played and don't have it:
$3.75 well worth the price for 2 games. Essential LucasArts classics.

Not a bad deal for Red Faction games...too bad it's not a pack, but 1 and 2 are still not bad for $5 combined. If you've never played Splinter Cell, I highly recommend Splinter Cell 1. I've only played this one, but it's FANTASTIC - even compared with today's graphics because it was ahead of it's time in graphics engines and the gameplay is sweet and difficult like a tactical spy game should be. $4.99, awesoooooome...

Splinter Cell is not a bad series at all - 3 of them are marked down to $4.99, take your pick if your a fan.

3 Flat-Out games for $3.75? You've got to be kidding. These games aren't that bad. Atleast buy the FlatOut 1 for $0.75!!! Cheap ass Gamer WIN.

Tropico Pack (2 Games) - $6. Not bad here either. If you enjoy most strategy games, you'll like these too. If you've played Tropico 1, pass on this deal. If you've never played Tropico, these are for you.

Hold off on these games:
COD:MW 2 - just too high. I've seen this game cheaper in many other places. Not even that new...The fact that steam is marking it down from $59.99 is a joke. The 50% off should have atleast applied to a $49.99 or $39.99 price by now... Only brand brand new games get the $59.99 tag. No Deal Amigo.

Civ:5 - for those who want it now, it's discounted...sure. For all else. It's practically retail price still.


Dragon Age - Medieval version of the "Mass Effect" RPG essentially - made by the same company - just as fun - $14.95 is a fair price. Your call. I personally would wait for $10 unless you want to play it NOW. Won't be $5 for another year prob.
[quote name='crzyboy88']Which of the three FlatOut games do you guys recommend?[/QUOTE]

On the steam forums they suggested Flatout 2 since it has the most active community online.
[quote name='jab1235']when people say things like "X is a steal for that price, im rebuying it!" it doesn't make sense to me, you arn't getting a deal... your wasting your money? or am i looking at it wrong[/QUOTE]
Hrm, let's see what's in DAO Ultimate:
[quote name='Steam']Dragon Age: Origins
You are a Grey Warden, one of the last of this legendary order of guardians. With the return of mankind's ancient foe and the kingdom engulfed in civil war, you have been chosen by fate to unite the shattered lands and slay the archdemon once and for all. Explore a stunning world, make complex moral choices, and engage in bone-crushing combat against massive and terrifying creatures.
Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening Expansion Pack
The story of the Grey Wardens continues as you are named their commander. Fight new enemies, learn new skills and spells, and explore an all-new area of the world, Amaranthine.
All Nine Content Packs
Extend your adventure with The Stone Prisoner, Warden's Keep, Return to Ostagar, Feastday Gifts, The Darkspawn Chronicles, Feastday Pranks, Leliana's Song, The Golems of Amgarrak, and Witch Hunt. Collect new rewards, gain new party members, and more as you delve deeper into the Dragon Age storyline.
Now considering I had only the regular DAO (on disc) before, that's a pretty hefty upgrade. The content packs all cost monies that, on their own, are not worth the price. Now I have them all consolidated on Steam. Yep, huge waste of money, in that all video games are a waste of money.
[quote name='redline']Yep, I won't even rebuy games on Steam that I have on my old Xbox. I rather just play it on the old Xbox, even if the graphics are worse. Seems like a waste to me, too.[/QUOTE]

well, I did rebuy X-com and Freedom Force, but as packs with other games and each pack was $2.
i'm not getting confirmation emails for my purchases since yesterday. i signed up a steam support account.

is there a setting to turn it back on?
Finally bought Batman AA: GOTY, I was looking for it on steam for under $10 so it was a no brainer for $7.50. Everyone has told me it is a great game.
Double-dipping can be advantageous if/when: A) You are finally buying a complete/ultimate/GOTY edition and for a reduced price, B) You are getting the game on the PC when you already have it on a console if said PC version is superior and/or allows for mods and such, and/or C) You plan on using the advantages of Steam whether that's cross-platform ownership, cloud support, or just plain not needing a disc and ditching the 'now it's installed so let's patch it for an hour' dance.

The beauty of Steam's DRM is that its benefits as a service outweigh its limitations as a copy protection scheme: everything in one place, downloads/installs patched and ready, and cloud support do it for me. (I move from laptop/netbook to desktop quite often so cloud support nudges any game up a notch on my buy threshold)

Then again I also recognize that I have a severe problem when it comes to certain games from certain companies like Bethesda. (I own Oblivion twice over on PC and am looking to get it on one of the consoles, for example, because I have a fucking problem lol)

Plus when it comes down to it the beauty of PC gaming is constant backwards compatibility support pretty much forever as long as you are willing to tweak a bit. What other current platform allows you to play games from decades ago in their original format? We don't know what the fuck is going to happen to our Wii/360/PS3 games come next-gen but our PC games will still be playable for many years to come given a bit of know-how and file patching/editing.

*sniffle* I love PC gaming.
No one has mentioned the X Superbox . . . I've kept coming back to look at the store page for the X3 games since, I want to say, it was on sale for ~$10 a year or two ago. $10 would be the true magic price point for games + 2 expansions, but I'm heavily tempted . . . the two X3 games have their own bundle for $8.50.

Anyone played the series? Are X1 + Exp and X2 worth an extra $5.10? Anyone tried the Superbox to know if the extra content (it says a bunch of mods and a hefty PDF among other things) would justify the extra change? Think it's finally time for me to pick up X3, but I'm not sure if it makes more sense to get the base game or get the super bundle.

Also gonna throw $2 to try GFWL Flatout: Ultimate Carnage. Considering gifting it to my roommate and our mutual gaming friend as their X-Mas gift even though one of them never plays racing games . . . maybe he will for free. If I wait any longer, is it really X-Mas gift?

Interesting note about Flatout: UC vs Flatout 2: "It's quite confusing: Flatout: Ultimate Carnage is the third game of the series, but at the same time it's the PC conversion of the Xbox 360 game, which was a new version of the PC game Flatout 2. Basically Flatout: Ultimate Carnage is a remake with better graphics and more cars. If you already own Flatout 2, there aren't many new things in the game to justify buying Flatout: Ultimate Carnage, but if you don't, go ahead and get it."

Steam forums suggest more players are active in 2 . . . decisions, decisions.
[quote name='frpilot']
Also note, Splinter Cell Pack is $18.39, not $22.99. All Splinter Cell Games are 60% off if you have Splinter Cell Double Agent, but since the pack has Double Agent in it, it gives you the 60% off the pack instead of 50% off. Not sure if this is a glitch or not.[/QUOTE]

Think this might be a glitch - shows up as $18.39 in my Cart, but when I go into "Purchase for Self", it changes back to $22.99.
I too have been gobbling up some of the steam sales this go around again, although I still have a healthy picking from thanksgiving group buys.

I ended up getting so far:
Indie Flight Pack
Battlefield 2 (again, lost cds)
Overlord Pack
Splinter Cell Pack
Super Meat Boy
Ghost Recon Adv Warfighter 2
Batman Arkham Asylum
Misadventures of PB Winterbottom

I also would highly recommend Red Faction Guerrilla. fun game for the sale price, I got it back in thanksgiving and finally had time to sit down and play it this week. Destructible buildings is fun!
[quote name='frpilot']Just picked:

Flatout 2
Flatout Ultimate Carnage
Monkey Island Pack
Splinter Cell Pack

Also note, Splinter Cell Pack is $18.39, not $22.99. All Splinter Cell Games are 60% off if you have Splinter Cell Double Agent, but since the pack has Double Agent in it, it gives you the 60% off the pack instead of 50% off. Not sure if this is a glitch or not.[/QUOTE]

It says $18.39 up until I am about to hit confirm and then goes up to 22.99
In for the DA:O Ultimate! Been waiting for a 25 dollar price since impulse did it. Told myself i'd only be happy with a 25 dollar price if Steam was doing it. On a sad note... Its nearly a 24 gig install.

Edit: Not only is it a huge install... But i'm only getting speeds of around 100-200 k/b... Making my approximate download time 16 hours... /cry
I'm still trying to force myself to buy DAO Ultimate. I have a digital copy from EA of the original, but the DLC alone if worth $25....

Oh, and in for Monkey Island.
If I have not played Monkey Island before, is it worth buying the Special Edition bundle?

I was also thinking of buying Blue Toad, does anyone have any opinions?

Already put the order through for DAO Ultimate
I have Dragon Age: Origins, but I don't have Awakenings or any of the other DLC. Is the $10 extra for the Ultimate edition worth it over Awakenings by itself since I don't own any of the DLC yet?
[quote name='Rohsiph']No one has mentioned the X Superbox . . . I've kept coming back to look at the store page for the X3 games since, I want to say, it was on sale for ~$10 a year or two ago. $10 would be the true magic price point for games + 2 expansions, but I'm heavily tempted . . . the two X3 games have their own bundle for $8.50.

Anyone played the series? Are X1 + Exp and X2 worth an extra $5.10? Anyone tried the Superbox to know if the extra content (it says a bunch of mods and a hefty PDF among other things) would justify the extra change? Think it's finally time for me to pick up X3, but I'm not sure if it makes more sense to get the base game or get the super bundle.[/QUOTE]

I picked up X2 and X3 Reunion last year during the winter sale, and I could never get into the games personally. The controls were a bit obtuse, and the second mission after I started X3, I got lost on my way there and was never able to find where I was going again. Partly my fault I'm sure, but after reading about and wanting to enjoy the series, that first impression really put me off.
I really want Civilization V but I wish it was $30. I'm dissapointed that I missed the sale for $30 on Amazon.
[quote name='pROvIs']It says $18.39 up until I am about to hit confirm and then goes up to 22.99[/QUOTE]

you are right.. crap i was overbilled
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