Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

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Group Buys - Updated 05/20

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I've picked up L4D Bundle and Stars Wars:KOTOR and about to pick up Half-life complete because of the good things I've heard.
[quote name='J Bling Blang']Who here wants to bet that the rumored potato pack comes out tomorrow?[/QUOTE]

I hope it comes out, but if I was betting... I would bet against it showing up.

But hey, it could happen. I just hope the price is around or less than $20 if it does show up since I already own a couple games in the pack.
[quote name='BitLooter']Steam killed my credit card. It won't let me get anything on it anymore, apparently the anti-theft protection kicked in with all the uncharacteristic purchases over the last couple weeks. Good thing today is the last day of the sale and I was trying to gift something, or I'd be a lot more upset.[/QUOTE]

lol yea my CC got locked out first and then my paypal. How unfortunate. Hopefully I don't need anything tomorrow.
[quote name='J Bling Blang']Who here wants to bet that the rumored potato pack comes out tomorrow?[/QUOTE]
Who here wants to bet that the rumored potato pack was just Valve trolling incase the list got leaked?
[quote name='clockwork-zombie']Who here wants to bet that the rumored potato pack was just Valve trolling incase the list got leaked?[/QUOTE]
I think it happened last time as well a few of the packs during the thanksgiving give and get sale.
I'd say that's likely -- the collection of games really didn't make that much sense. A lot of the games in there stand on their own and I'd be surprised if the developers/publishers would agree to having it stuck in a pack.
I gifted myself a copy of SMB(when it was on the daily sale) just incase the potato pack doesn't come out.

Ok so I thought I wasn't going to be getting anything today. I took one look at Zeno Clash on the front page of steam and thought it just looked wierd. Now I just watched the trailer and it looks like this will be my purchase for today.
[quote name='momouchi']Hoping for Fallout 3 GOTY to come back on sale. I know it was last week, but there is still a chance. I'll still pick it up if it doesn't come back, but a few dollars off would make it a lot better.[/QUOTE]

the daily deal price was $21.50 I think, the current price is 22.50, even if its not a daily deal, there's no reason to pass it up if you want it.
[quote name='Jorbi']the daily deal price was $21.50 I think, the current price is 22.50, even if its not a daily deal, there's no reason to pass it up if you want it.[/QUOTE]

$20.09, but your points still stands. It was a weak daily deal.
[quote name='clockwork-zombie']Who here wants to bet that the rumored potato pack was just Valve trolling incase the list got leaked?[/QUOTE]

I think it's more of a case of the Potato Pack and the Heavy Hitters Pack being merged. If you look at the original leak list, the Heavy Hitters Pack was initially only supposed to have 4 games (Audiosurf, Shattered Horizon, World of Goo, Zeno Clash). They just added four other games to that and made the rest of the Potato Pack into daily deals.
I also figure that the rumored potato pack was merged and split into what we've seen all along. They had nothing to gain by intentionally misleading people and causing them to avoid daily sales in hope of this super-pack at the end. Then again, it may still show up. I opted to buy the few components I wanted at their daily deal prices, though.
[quote name='Terlan']Also anyone upset they missed something? I'm kinda sad I didn't pick up the red alert command and conquer games. But I'm holding out hope they might reappear tomorrow if its a recap day.[/QUOTE]

After picking up Divinity II and having a blast with that, I wish I had snagged Risen as well to have something to go to next.

Hopefully tomorrow will be an all inclusive recap and I can get it then.
[quote name='supershammy']Half life is a better game than half life 2, in my opinion. The pacing is way better, as another person said, and the large amount of time spent alone is absolutely crucial to the mood of the game. There is also more strategy to the gunfighting, wherein hl2 pushes you forward while half life presents you with arenas for combat and lets you take your time to sort it out. it also has more memorable enemies than hl2, namely the marines and, best (read: scares) of all, the ninja assassins.

Also, opposing force is the best expansion pack ever made.[/QUOTE]

I disagree, HL2 has numerous tactical fighting situations that top anything the first game had to offer. For example
the part where you're locked in a room and have enemies coming from all sides, and you have to defend the area until it's safe, or the part in Ravenholm where you have those fast zombies coming at you from all sides while you wait for what's his name to send over the thing to cart you away to safety

And personally I found Blue Shift more fun than Opposing Force.
[quote name='HeSaveDave']Is the Settlers 7 good at $24.99? Looks like fun![/QUOTE]

I was seriously considering picking it up, the reviews were favorable, and the Giant Bomb Quick Look sold me further. BUT it uses that stupid UBIsoft DRM where you have to be online all the time, and if you lose connection with their servers (or there servers bork) you can't play.

I'll wait until the DRM is patched out, and this hits a little cheaper. I can live with reasonable levels of DRM, but this is dumb.
I just played Secret of the Magic Crystals for 20 minutes. It's that horse-raising sim that came with the Indie Kid's Pack. Wow. I feel like a pretty little girl.
[quote name='Arben']In my case, although I apparently have a collecting compulsion, I tell myself I'm buying these games to play. (Unless they just came in a bundle or pack with the thing I wanted to play. If Uplink is $4.99 with and without 4 additional games, might as well get the extra games just in case, no?)

If I actually get around to starting one of the games I bought to play, I usually see it through to an ending, but actually digging in instead of just playing more of something interminable like TF2 is the trick here...

As for the couple hours of play part, some friends and I follow the SilVER, or Silicon's Value Entertainment Ratio, which says for every dollar you spend on entertainment, you should get one hour of entertainment back. Going to the movies? Bad deal. $5 game on steam? Better take at least 5 hours to complete! Orange Box (at full retail launch price)? Best SilVER purchase I've ever made.[/QUOTE]

I didn't know SilVER was a thing. But, that is what I do with most games. If I can play all my games an equal amount of hours to dollars spent I won't feel guilty. Obviously many of my games will be played much, much more than that, and those are the ones that I love.

For instance I have already played 10 hours of pvz which cost $4, and I have about 10 hours of Mass Effect (which is really just starting) for $10.

But, if I can get dollar per hour entertainment on a game that I wanted to play or try anyways, I'm game.
[quote name='oscargrouch'] BUT it uses that stupid UBIsoft DRM where you have to be online all the time, and if you lose connection with their servers (or there servers bork) you can't play.

I'll wait until the DRM is patched out, and this hits a little cheaper. I can live with reasonable levels of DRM, but this is dumb.[/QUOTE]

Ewww thanks for saving me.
[quote name='sp8001']I hope it comes out, but if I was betting... I would bet against it showing up.

But hey, it could happen. I just hope the price is around or less than $20 if it does show up since I already own a couple games in the pack.[/QUOTE]

I feel the same. I really hope it does come, but am not all that hopeful that it will.
Actually the DRM on Ubisoft titles was just changed from what I read earlier this week. Their games will require an Internet connection on start up, but not a constant connection thereafter. I believe it was mentioned recently on Kotaku or Joystiq.
Would any L4D owner want to gift me HL2 ep2? I'd paypal the sum back to him/her. Unfortunetaly I'm in a bad rush and can't do the transaction now. But I'd pay first of course. Actually I'm pretty sure I can't do it before the deals change.

Well if anyone feels like doing that, pm me and I'll pm you back when I can. Thanks anyways ;)
[quote name='finalcount']Would any L4D owner want to gift me HL2 ep2? I'd paypal the sum back to him/her. [/QUOTE]

If you are asking this because L4D owners get it cheaper, I don't think that discount applies to gifting. Otherwise everyone would be asking someone who owns X to gift Y. I'm not 100% about that tho, but it seems logical.

[quote name='gunstar808']If you are asking this because L4D owners get it cheaper, I don't think that discount applies to gifting. Otherwise everyone would be asking someone who owns X to gift Y. I'm not 100% about that tho, but it seems logical.

I got the 85% when I gifted my brother the Half-Life Collection.
[quote name='Teeheehee']Yup, here it is:[/QUOTE]
As Ubisoft haven't commented on this yet, it's possible that they've just lowered the requirement for this time of year to cut down on support they provide while some staff are on vacation, or even [cynic]to boost a few sales at this time of year by making us think the DRM requirement will stay this way[/cynic].

Best to wait for something official. Plenty of other great games to keep us busy in the meantime. ;)
This is what I thought all along. You will notice that in the past 2 weeks if you paid attention - you could create your own potato pack. Half the potato pack is in the heavy hitters pack and the rest I think have been daily deals. For some of us that already had half the potato pack - it has worked out better in some ways because you didnt have to bleed half the games into oblivion since you could not gift the extras. Still thinking ahead - I gifted all the ones I wanted to myself so I could trade them later if needed IF the potato pack actually hits and it is cheaper than the individual daily deals. I'm happy either way - my wallet just hurts! :lol:

[quote name='Cantatus']I think it's more of a case of the Potato Pack and the Heavy Hitters Pack being merged. If you look at the original leak list, the Heavy Hitters Pack was initially only supposed to have 4 games (Audiosurf, Shattered Horizon, World of Goo, Zeno Clash). They just added four other games to that and made the rest of the Potato Pack into daily deals.[/QUOTE]
Can someone talk me out of buying BC Complete?

How is it on PC? I really enjoyed it on the 360. Traded it away for about the same amount I paid for it from NewEgg after I beat it. The desire has crossed my mind to revisit the game since I had so much fun with it. Just not sure the price-point is good enough since it was only $6 on 360 at newegg at one time....
[quote name='jester55']Can someone talk me out of buying BC Complete?

How is it on PC? I really enjoyed it on the 360. Traded it away for about the same amount I paid for it from NewEgg after I beat it. The desire has crossed my mind to revisit the game since I had so much fun with it. Just not sure the price-point is good enough since it was only $6 on 360 at newegg at one time....[/QUOTE]

This was one of the most mixed reviewed critically/and user in some time. So it would be hard for me to speak on it. I would say from a user standpoint it was much better received. Re-armed,however,was much better reviewed and received by users and I myself was thinking about it at $5 dollars but I probably will pass.
[quote name='Teeheehee']Yup, here it is:[/QUOTE]

Hmm.. that sounds a little promising, hopefully it will stick (or better yet the DRM will be completely dropped). I'm still undecided if I can live with a start-up check every time I want to play but I guess it wouldn't be a problem most of the time. There may be hope yet that I can own Assasins Creed 2 legally some day. I might even have gotten PoP: Forgotten Sands if I had known about that earlier, but as has been said, who knows what Ubi will decide next.
[quote name='pROvIs']Yes, steam automates the process and its painless. This a complaint I hear all the time about the series. It's also good to note that if you have a retail copy you can use that in your CoH account to unlock the campaigns. Then no matter which of the CoHs you buy off steam the content is accessible.[/QUOTE]

I was wondering about this. I did some looking around and I hope I understand it correctly. I have retail DVDs of vCoH and OF, but they're a pain to reinstall on new comps. If I buy ToV, I can add the CD Key to my Relic Online account to unlock the ToV campaign, the ToV units, and then just launch ToV and log into my Relic Online account and play any of the campaigns and have all the units in MP, and all from within Steam (and without digging out the damn retail DVDs for vCoH and OF every time I reinstall), correct? I'm going to move forward with this assumption and buy ToV, though, as the sale is ending soon and I have to go out in a bit.
[quote name='GoingIncognito']I was wondering about this. I did some looking around and I hope I understand it correctly. I have retail DVDs of vCoH and OF, but they're a pain to reinstall on new comps. If I buy ToV, I can add the CD Key to my Relic Online account to unlock the ToV campaign, the ToV units, and then just launch ToV and log into my Relic Online account and play any of the campaigns and have all the units in MP, and all from within Steam (and without digging out the damn retail DVDs for vCoH and OF every time I reinstall), correct? I'm going to move forward with this assumption and buy ToV, though, as the sale is ending soon and I have to go out in a bit.[/QUOTE]

I believe that's how it works.
[quote name='iso135']I didn't know SilVER was a thing. But, that is what I do with most games. If I can play all my games an equal amount of hours to dollars spent I won't feel guilty. Obviously many of my games will be played much, much more than that, and those are the ones that I love.

Of course, it's not. We just happened to hang around in IRC with Silicon, who lived (and ultimately died!) by this rule. Eventually you can carry it out to all sorts of absurdities...does the cost of a console only get defrayed by hours racked up after a game has been 'paid for' in hours? What about something like internet connection? If one game (TF2) racks up more than it's share, can you apply the excess as credits against shorter games, or entirely other entertainments not cost-effective enough?

Or, you can just have fun playing video games.... I guess.
I validate these purchases with something similar, though I suppose it's with quality rather than quantity. When I pick up a Steam game on sale, particularly one with which I was unfamiliar and may very well have never known existed, I play it and declare at some point "I've gotten $COST worth of entertainment out of this already" and continue playing. If this occurs the first night and I play the game for hours (or days, or weeks) beyond that, then all the better. I couldn't say how it aligns to a cost/hour model, but it wouldn't surprise me if some of these moments occurred earlier than that or if others exceeded the time frame without my ever feeling that I'd gotten my money's worth.
[quote name='sp8001']I believe that's how it works.[/QUOTE]

I hope so, because I bought ToV and am leaving the house momentarily so no time to test it out and re-buy vCoH or OF if necessary :D.
For instance after playing through the first world of SMB and trying for the band-aids, I decided I got my $4 worth already. From there on out, all the extra time played just proved how awesome of a deal it was.
I love all the theories. I have already played my 90ish dollars worth of steam games for 46 hours, and that is without even touching most (only even started/played maybe 1/4) of the titles.
So I have Company of Heroes already (DVD). If I want Tales of Valor or Opposing Fronts those are both separate games and don't need anything from the original?
[quote name='Commander0Zero']So I have Company of Heroes already (DVD). If I want Tales of Valor or Opposing Fronts those are both separate games and don't need anything from the original?[/QUOTE]

they are both stand alone expansion. But it wouldn't hurt to purchase all 3 on Steam for $15. Such a low price for a great game! Iwould be all over it if I havne't purchase THQ complete pack
I need a suggestion,It's possibly to get The Settlers 7 Paths to a Kingdom Gold edition, but in the UK???? because the normal version is 9.99GBP and that's about 14 to 15 $us, 10 dollars less that in the US.....

...but I want to gold edition,so, is it worth enough? Or should I buy the normal edition with the help of a UK friend????


PD. Even I need more suggestions from here, the gameplay , I mean the game is worth enough to buy it!?!? any experience?
Finally picked up the first Half Life for collection sake and Zeno Clash.
The Star Wars pack knocked me into 100 games. From here on out we're into triple digits!
[quote name='agentghost']they are both stand alone expansion. But it wouldn't hurt to purchase all 3 on Steam for $15. Such a low price for a great game! Iwould be all over it if I havne't purchase THQ complete pack[/QUOTE]

And I completely agree but my backlog is stupid so I probably will pass. But if I was a super RTS fan this would be a no brainer!!!
Can anyone recommend me on picking up the DLC for Mafia 2? I'm loving the game so far, but I've been hearing not so favorable reviews on Joe's Adventure and Jimmy's Vendetta. But at those prices, could they be worth it?
[quote name='nflsonic']Can anyone recommend me on picking up the DLC for Mafia 2? I'm loving the game so far, but I've been hearing not so favorable reviews on Joe's Adventure and Jimmy's Vendetta. But at those prices, could they be worth it?[/QUOTE]

I grabbed joe's adventure since it furthers the main story. havent played it or the main game though, that was just my logic in purchasing.
[quote name='Commander0Zero']So I have Company of Heroes already (DVD). If I want Tales of Valor or Opposing Fronts those are both separate games and don't need anything from the original?[/QUOTE]
As fas as steam is concerned the games are basically the same. You install all three by installing one of them. You just unlock the campaigns by entering your serial into your relic account. You won't see the games you don't own from the steam launcher but you can launch any campaign from any of them if registed on relic. So its basically poor mans steam activation.
This has been one helluva Steam sale. Bravo to them for taking a bunch of my money with sick daily deals on a wide spectrum of games! :D

And hats off to eastx for his efforts in updating the first post. You couldn't ask for more:
--clean layout
--convenient links
--extra info when appropriate (links to reviews, vids, etc)

Thanks, man! :applause:
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