Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

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This thread is no longer being updated. Please visit the V2 thread for Steam deal discussion. Thanks to everyone who made this thread a success.

Group Buys - Updated 05/20

Several multiplayer Steam games are available in 2-packs or 4-packs. These packs offer a discount over buying multiple copies of a game separately. We also maintain group buy trade threads for several games, so please use those threads if you're interested in setting up a group buy.

Free Stuff
There are several free games and mods on Steam. These are a few choice ones; you can find a full list here. Note that free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.
Past Special Sales
Visit to check previous sale prices on Steam games. We do keep track of some older sales here though:
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Ended up grabbing LC: GoL. Couldn't really resist at $3.75 since I've been eyeing it since last year. Almost broke down and bought it during the holiday sale for $7.50, and later on PSN for $7.50, but I'm glad I held off. Now that I know I can use my DS3 w/Steam, buying GoL now was a no-brainer (no way PSN ever gets close to $3.75). Brings my total haul to $10.75:

BioShock 2 - $3.75 (4-pack)
Beat Hazard Complete - $3.25
Lara Croft & Guardian of Light - $3.75
[quote name='NeoGutsman']I only ever played the very first one on the Xbox, and only then for a very, very short while. Are Chaos Theory and Conviction stealth heavy? I have to admit that stealth games are among my least favorite games :|[/QUOTE]

Chaos is very stealth heavy. Conviction you have a lot more freedom to be noisy which is why a lot of SC fans don't like it- I love both of them :)
[quote name='RollingSkull']
I'll say it right now: If Splinter Cell is on sale tomorrow, get Chaos Theory. Conviction is also very good (Though the campaign is a little weak compared to the Deniable Ops missions) and the DLC is absolutely worth it.[/QUOTE]

Does Chaos Theory have spy vs merc multiplayer like Pandora Tomorrow?

I thoroughly enjoyed the multiplayer on the original xbox. Never played CT though.
For about $18.00 I got:

Lara Croft and the Guardia of Light + the 3 add-ons
Tomb Raider Anniversary

Adding to previous purchases:
iD Complete for $30
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion GOTY for $8 (I think)

Lotta fun on that list!
Just bit on a few of the C&C series...all except for C&C4. :lol:

This is my loot so far from this summer sale...

C&C 3: Tiberium Wars ($6)
C&C 3: Kane's Wrath ($4)
C&C: Red Alert 3 ($4)
C&C: Red Alert 3 - Uprising ($4)
Far Cry ($2.49)
Assassin's Creed II: Deluxe Edition ($6.79)
Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition ($10.20)
Bioshock 2 ($4.99)
Alien Breed 2: Assault (free using tickets)
Killing Floor: Steampunk DLC (free using tickets)

Total so far is $42.47.

I'd really like to think I'm done shopping...and really want to be. But there's 2 days left to this infernal sale... :bomb:
[quote name='Ardrid']Ended up grabbing LC: GoL. Couldn't really resist at $3.75 since I've been eyeing it since last year. Almost broke down and bought it during the holiday sale for $7.50, and later on PSN for $7.50, but I'm glad I held off. Now that I know I can use my DS3 w/Steam, buying GoL now was a no-brainer (no way PSN ever gets close to $3.75). Brings my total haul to $10.75:


But you missed it when it was free before release on PSN. ;)
Chewbacca's Abortion;8641781 said:
I prefer the 360 pad for games like GoL, so much better.

Ditto. Twin stick shooters and platformers just play better with a gamepad. Doesn't matter much if it's a 360 or a ps3 controller, although I have both and personally prefer the 360.
[quote name='Pajama_Man']Great RTS games from Relic

or this

Either way you can't loose. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Been wondering when it would show up again :p Best. remix. ever! Kinda kinky, too :D

Anyways: I can vouch for SC: Chaos Theory as well. It's the only splinter cell that got me hooked long enough to finish it. I hated double agent myself.
I was only going to get the vanilla COH. I didn't want to get the whole thing, so I settled in the middle and got the gold edition, lol. I'm new to Steam but I really love it so but not sure my wallet is happy about it, lol.
I put a few hours into Cities XL. I'm a little disappointed. Seems like a very so-so game and has some performance issues for my still fairly small cities. The performance issues are a little suprising because it seems like a very basic game.

From my few hours of playing it also seems like you build your cities slowly and reactive to maximize tax revenue. I guess I'm comparing it to Tropico 3 which is my favorite city builder ever, so it falls very short of my expectations.
[quote name='wakawakawa']I put a few hours into Cities XL. I'm a little disappointed.[/QUOTE]

Seems the critics were a bit generous with Cities XL. You can see the user scores are at odds with the critic scores at metacritic. Sometimes that's just because of a crusade unrelated to actual gameplay, but SPUF and other forums I could find discussing that game espoused near universal hatred.

Apparently the developer is working on Cities 2012 and will likely abandon 2011, much like they abandoned XL. Their patches seem to come in the form of "new games".
[quote name='lordopus99']For those who use an Xbox360 pad, how do I go about using my wireless one that I use currently for my xbox? Do I need to buy anything extra?[/QUOTE]

Yes there is a special wireless adapter that you will have to buy to connect your controller to the pc.
I think I'm going to pass today. Lara Croft was tempting after playing the demo (Tho, I really needed to be playing it with the game pad rather than keyboard.) but not enough to buy when I have a ton of back log.

I would like Red Alert, but I know at some point I'm going to be screwed by a bundle, so I'll leave it there.
bought chaos theory when it was on sale a month or 2 ago. Best game in the series IMO. Too bad Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos Theory are literally dead online...I had a blast playing spy vs mercs on the xbox back in the day
Screw it, I got a nice raise recently, I gonna go ahead with the Quake pack since it has a ton of extras in all 3 versions that I've never played. For the cost of a nice lunch meal, this was just too delicious to pass on. Thought about it and I'll definitely be wanting to try the expansion material I missed out on so many years ago. good stuff
Started playing CC4:Uprising last night - opening challenge had me grinning like old times. (Needless to say, I got wiped out... Forgot the counter to dogs was not rifleman... hehe)
[quote name='Wolfmight']For the cost of a nice lunch meal, this was just too delicious to pass on.[/QUOTE]

Food always seems to be the determiner or measure, doesn't it? haha
I'm still on the fence with Sanctum just because of my backlog...

And I have the other CoHs just not Tales of Valor...
I just dont know if I care enough about ToV, my buds and I dont CoH much anymore... and most of them probably missed this, only one has for sure... eh

I did pick up the C&C3s, already liked & had the RAs, C&C4 gets panned a lot
Heck I'd go back to Generals and it's expansion, that was fun, looking for that and maybe a bit more out of the C&C3s... we see! :D

edit - 2.5 hours till next sale, waitin on it...!
[quote name='CKaz']Food always seems to be the determiner or measure, doesn't it? haha
I'm still on the fence with Sanctum just because of my backlog...
I have a feeling it'll go down to $2 in a future sale. little more savings for those who wait.

[quote name='Japanese Dorito']I'm really hoping Fallout 3 drops to like 5 bucks, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Only game I've bought during this sale is Deus Ex[/QUOTE]
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised since they already got New Vegas out with 2 DLCs. The time feels about right for that much of a discount on it too because it's been out since 2008. Atleast the foundational game itself could be $5ish. They might give out a GOTY+DLCs for $6-8ish like Oblivion. Oblivion is only 2 years older so that's not too much of a difference to determine sale prices at this point. I think after about 3 years (or close) , highly successful games can start hitting the $5 area on steam dailies for sure. The 5 DLCs for Fallout 3 provide quite a bit of extra gameplay and nice gear like a sweet stealth suit that turns 100% invisible when activated to spoil a tiny tiny bit.

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[quote name='Wolfmight']I have a feeling it'll go down to $2 in a future sale. little more savings for those who wait.

All games will. In fact I am waiting for the $2.50 C&C 4. I refuse to buy it at $4.
[quote name='Wolfmight']Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised since they already got New Vegas out with 2 DLCs. The time feels about right for that much of a discount on it too because it's been out since 2008. Atleast the foundational game itself could be $5ish. They might give out a GOTY+DLCs for $6-8ish like Oblivion. Oblivion is only 2 years older so that's not too much of a difference to determine sale prices at this point. I think after about 3 years (or close) , highly successful games can start hitting the $5 area on steam dailies for sure. The 5 DLCs for Fallout 3 provide quite a bit of extra gameplay and nice gear like a sweet stealth suit that turns 100% invisible when activated to spoil a tiny tiny bit.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, this is probably why I want it to go on sale (or have a idea it might go on sale). I just need a new game to play on my PC, since I'm not playing TF2 anymore
[quote name='Pck21']Can anyone convince me to buy the Quake pack? I'm on the fence and I don't know if it's worth it...[/QUOTE]
Well it's a good deal game wise for $7.50, but it's more of would you like Quake. It's a very old school shooter and while they are fun, it's not about cover and regenerating health like today's shooters.

Now with that said Quake III is still an awesome shooter and imo one of the best multiplayer shooters to this day.
[quote name='Wolfmight']I have a feeling it'll go down to $2 in a future sale. little more savings for those who wait.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised since they already got New Vegas out with 2 DLCs. The time feels about right for that much of a discount on it too because it's been out since 2008. Atleast the foundational game itself could be $5ish. They might give out a GOTY+DLCs for $6-8ish like Oblivion. Oblivion is only 2 years older so that's not too much of a difference to determine sale prices at this point. I think after about 3 years (or close) , highly successful games can start hitting the $5 area on steam dailies for sure. The 5 DLCs for Fallout 3 provide quite a bit of extra gameplay and nice gear like a sweet stealth suit that turns 100% invisible when activated to spoil a tiny tiny bit.[/QUOTE]

Sanctum has spent the last 24 hours at the number 1 spot on the sales chart. It's a little over $2 now with a 4-pack. It also happens to have a 4-player co-op mode, so now's probably the time to pull the trigger on it unless you're planning on playing solo next year.

I'd be really surprised to see Fallout 3 drop below the $10 range. Remember, this is Bethesda who, until recently, stubbornly sold Oblivion GOTY Deluxe on Steam for $24 with $8.50 sales being few and far between.

[quote name='Pck21']Can anyone convince me to buy the Quake pack? I'm on the fence and I don't know if it's worth it...[/QUOTE]

If you haven't played any of them and are a first person shooter fan you'd be passing up two classic games and four expansions (very lengthy sp) plus an incredibly solid multiplayer game with a competent singleplayer ladder. Less than a buck apiece.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Well it's a good deal game wise for $7.50, but it's more of would you like Quake. It's a very old school shooter and while they are fun, it's not about cover and regenerating health like today's shooters.

Now with that said Quake III is still an awesome shooter and imo one of the best multiplayer shooters to this day.[/QUOTE]

After playing Unreal Tournament, I have never thought Quake III as a great game. It is a second tier game in my eyes. Is there some fun to be had there, yes; but Unreal Tournament, in my eyes, passed in every aspect.
I had fun with Quake III back in the day, tempted to go back for it but I don't think I will for two reason. Huge backlog already, and don't want to potentially ruin my good memories of it XD . Still Quake III was a great game in its day.

Edit: great now that I've thought about it I am tempted to get the Quake pack. >_
Thanks for the replies! I actually grew up with games like Quake, Hexen, Doom, Unreal, and so forth. Probably just dated myself a bit there, but whatever! I played my share of UT 2003 with friends here and there back in the day. I enjoyed my experience back then, but I don't know if I need to add to my growing backlog with the Quake pack. I guess I have an hour and half to figure it out! Thanks again!
I'm going to be repeating myself from here on in since there are only two more days left in this sale:

There are a ton of under appreciated games available on Steam that you should look into for dirt cheap. Since some of however are too distracted by the daily deals , I'll help you out a small bit.

From Reddit:





Zen Bound 2 Gameplay:
The Graveyard:
Time Gentlemen, Ben There Dan That:
Bullet Candy:
Ghost Master:
Penny Arcade Combo Pack:
The Longest Journey:
Space Giraffe:
Stubbs the Zombie:
Darkstar One:
Toki Tori:
The Maw:
The Path:
Guardians of Graxia:
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath:
Nation Red:
Puzzle Kingdoms:
Bloody Good Time:
Hydrophobia Prophecy:
World of Goo:
Solar 2:
Everyday Genius 2: Squarelogic:
Atom Zombie Smasher:
Air Forte:
Anomoly: Warzone Earth:
Puzzle Quest:
Crayon Physics Deluxe:
Zeno Clash:
Star Ruler:
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I'm going to be repeating myself from here on in since there are only two more days left in this sale:

There are a ton of under appreciated games available on Steam that you should look into for dirt cheap. Since some of however are too distracted by the daily deals , I'll help you out a small bit.

From Reddit:



[quote name='Ansé Solis']I'm going to be repeating myself from here on in since there are only two more days left in this sale:

There are a ton of under appreciated games available on Steam that you should look into for dirt cheap. Since some of however are too distracted by the daily deals , I'll help you out a small bit.

From Reddit:

For Puzzle Lovers or Steampunk Mechanics Fans or both, I recommend: Cogs, realMYST, Riven, and Trine (especially Cogs) when these go on sale. Trine was already on sale, so if you missed it- keep an eye out for the 2nd time. Good mixed genre game of puzzle solving, mechanic physics, etc. realMYST is really hardcore puzzle solving with a mystery storyline to solve (same with Riven). Riven is perhaps even harder and more in-depth actually. Cogs and Trine are more new with better graphics, but realMYST isn't too bad on the nice graphics either since it was ahead of it's time in visuals. And of course if that Fallout Collection goes on sale for $3ish and you loved Diablo 2 style graphics - get it. Normally I have to really like a game to enjoy turned based RPG gameplay and the classic Fallout games are definitely acceptable for turn-based. The classics have a lot of stuff the current modern one doesn't and if your hardcore into Fallout games, you cannot pass on these.

[quote name='SpartenOmega117']can anyone recommend counter strike source? Should i go with counter strike complete or counter strike +garrys mod[/QUOTE]
quote above post lol. I know there's a lot of hardcore CS fans and I suppose many were playing the original way before Source came out. Valve always puts their stuff on sale during these and you could easily easily get CS:Source for more around $1-2 in a combo pack with a bunch of other stuff. Really though I recommend Left4Dead 2 over CS:Source these days. There's actually some german servers that even have the same weapons from CS:S once in awhile too. CS:S is often their bonus free game in addition to stuff too like Half Life 2 retail disks came with it when that first came out, etc. So $5 isn't the lowest it's been. Funny, I actually remember the entire Valve collection pack going for $19.99 one day for a few hours then they changed it back to $49.99 or something real fast. Some people still got it while it was super hot, lucky bastards lol. Still that current pack for 29.99 has Portal 2 and if someone needs to start their collection on Steam cause they have nothing at all yet - get the Valve pack when it's around $30 or lower again. I swear I remember it being 29.99 WITH Portal 2 earlier in this sale... o_O probably was. now it's 49.99 so hold on that.

Also on a side not, for RTS fans or anyone who loved Age of Empires and hasn't played any of the Strongholds yet - definately get the Collection if it goes on sale as a daily deal for $6 or lower . Such a fun castle sim economy game where you really have to start with the very first one with the isometric graphics cause the story and gameplay are just that awesome. $6 or lower would be an epic steal no brainer for all of them up to Legends.
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The Whispered World is 66% off for $10. I might bite on this before the sale is over. Huge fan of classic point and click adventure games. I have read a lot good things about it. Might wait for it to go cheaper though...
[quote name='keroppilee']come on terraria! only 3 days left in the sale![/QUOTE]
Usually I would say wait for the winter sale if it doesn't go lower but even at $7.50, it's worth the money.
[quote name='SpartenOmega117']can anyone recommend counter strike source? Should i go with counter strike complete or counter strike +garrys mod[/QUOTE]

I went with Counter-Strike Complete, but only for the small chance that one of the games included will have future ticket achievements.

I doubt I'll be playing anything other than Counter-Strike: Source. If none of the other games have future ticket achievements, I'll wish I had bought Counter-Strike: Source + Garry's Mod.

... so there's that.
[quote name='Dragonsbane']Does anyone have a spot for a sanctum pack?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='V4oLDbOY']I bought a sanctum 4 pack so I have 3 spots open. pm for a spot.

edit: 1 spot left[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mariol90']I have a random question... i used steam yesterday and bought GTA4 and l4d 1/2, let it download overnight, continued today. now i went to buy sanctum, it told me to sign in, and has me enter my credit card info all over again? it seems kind of strange. but when i signed in, it told me it was a new computer (even though it's not, same computer i bought the other games on), and i got a new code thingy in my email. i've never had issues like this with steam, has anyone else seen this before?[/QUOTE]

First part - I believe you have the option at Checkout to let Steam remember your credit card info so you don't have to re-enter it. The shopping cart transaction is a discrete event from your being logged in... so if you don't save your CC info, it gets flushed right after the transaction. (Almost all online stores operate in the same way.)

Frankly, with all the high profile account hacking lately (Sony, first and foremost), there is no way in heck that I check the option to let a retailer keep my CC info. It only takes me 30 seconds to find and enter my card. But if your CC info is compromised, you have to cancel your card and get a new one, and that takes days. It's a pain in the butt.

Second question - the "new computer" thing is generally based on keeping track of the last IP address that you connected from. Did you reset your router in between logons? Or did you log in at another computer?

It sounds like you know all this, but just recognize that it's behaving oddly. I agree, it is odd. But I do appreciate the double-ID check they do now. I hear it can be hell when your Steam account is hacked.
[quote name='wilflare']audiosurf any good?[/QUOTE]
Audiosurf is great. It is a mix between a puzzle game and well a racing type game sort of. Basically your traveling down a course and whatever game mode you choose is the objective of the course.

Plus each course is entirely modeled after the song you choose. Plus it has leaderboards for you and your friends.
[quote name='Ansé Solis']I'm going to be repeating myself from here on in since there are only two more days left in this sale:

There are a ton of under appreciated games available on Steam that you should look into for dirt cheap. Since some of however are too distracted by the daily deals , I'll help you out a small bit. [/QUOTE]

There are plenty of games in that list that I either wouldn't recommend to anyone (Space Giraffe) or that have been deals on Steam before, and possibly for cheaper in the past (Hydrophobia, SquareLogic, Puzzle Quest, World of Goo). A lot of the other stuff has been discussed in this thread during past sales, especially when they were more indie focused.

I'm not trying to discourage you from recommending games, but posting a picture of another thread isn't as genuine as picking out a few games you personally enjoy, and it isn't going to show most of us the light of gaming bliss that you seem to think we're missing.
[quote name='Blackout']So I bought the Quake pack and need some help from you PC guys. I have never really played a PC game before so I don't know what to do when these error messages pop up. I tried playing Quake 1 and I keep getting the error message 'SetDisplayMode failed (DDERR_UNSUPPORTED!) and "couldn't resize DIB window." I have zero idea what any of this means. Am I supposed to download something else to run these games on my PC since they're so old?[/QUOTE]

I'm really sorry you're having such a hard time with your first PC game. I hope this doesn't spoil the experience for you. PC gaming has made great strides in being easier for the average joe, especially for casual games. But when you select an almost 20-year old game to start with, one that practically nobody plays today, you are taking a risk. Having said that, you shouldn't have to go through what you're going through, since the required specs listed on Steam don't really tell you anything.

First step, before anything else, is that you should update your video drivers. That alone may solve the problem. Do you know who makes your video card? Or if it's an integrated card?

If it's an nVidia card or an ATI card, then Steam has a tool that will update you to the newest video drivers. I believe it's under the "File" menu. If you have an integrated GPU (Intel, maybe?), then you can probably get a driver update through Windows Update.

Past this, I won't offer any more technical support. Because I can't touch your machine and I don't know the first thing about it, there is a fair chance that things I tell you to try could make your situation worse, and then I couldn't contact you to assist further. You'd be worse off then when you started.

I would suggest using the support forums on Steam for proper technical support, or contact a competent local computer expert for assistance.

Good luck to you.
[quote name='Ansé Solis']I'm going to be repeating myself from here on in since there are only two more days left in this sale:

There are a ton of under appreciated games available on Steam that you should look into for dirt cheap. Since some of however are too distracted by the daily deals , I'll help you out a small bit.


I actually looked at a ton of those games even before the sale and a lot of the non retail ones looked like they would get boring after awhile. I also tried games like World of Goo and Crayon Physics Deluxe and after about 10 minutes I got the point got bored, and promptly moved on.

Just noticed Odd World Stranger's Wrath is on there. Now that is a fucking amazing game. If you like 3D platformers, do yourself a favor and buy that. It is a 3D platformer/shooter hybrid but more towards the platforming elements and it's awesome.
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