Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

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Group Buys - Updated 05/20

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[quote name='Pck21']Thoughts on NWN2?[/QUOTE]

Horribly, horribly optimized game.

The vanilla experience is a bit bland standard fare but the expansions really add a lot to it.

NWN was basically BioWare giving users a framework on which to create content whereas NWN2 really feels like Obsidian really used their writing strengths and fleshed things out.

Also realize that some of the content is missing so NWN2 on Steam is not a full package, per-say, but at that price it's totally worth it.

(I purchased it during the initial release/deal and am plenty happy content-wise minus the performance issues)
I've spent over $70 so far and I still might get something else even if tomorrow is an encore sale...too much :lol:

[quote name='Hiei69']I managed to get in on the $2.50 Terraria. I had just enough time to quickly check out the Steam sales, and just bought it as an impulse buy. I'll be trying it out soon.[/QUOTE]

Just wanted to say hello to my fellow Pittsburgh native/Pens fan :)
Amnesia 4.99
Trine 1.99
Atom Zombie Smasher 2.50
Plants v Zombies 3.39
SpaceChem 5.09

so, 22.96. More than I thought I spent. I've just been playing SpaceChem all week it's so good.

Thinking about Capsized tomorrow. Has anyone played it?
Does anyone know if/how well the 360 controller works with the Prince of Persia games? Don't own any of them so considering picking them all up for $15.

Also, any thoughts on the Hitman collection (only $7.47)?
[quote name='jj5206']I wonder how the sales are on Terraria since they doubled the price...[/QUOTE]

Well, it was number 2 on the top sellers list when it was $2.50. Now it's not in the top 60 at all... (Although, I wonder if that's some sort of glitch. I find it unlikely that things that were on sale yesterday or the day before would be able to suddenly surpass it.)
[quote name='jj5206']I wonder how the sales are on Terraria since they doubled the price...[/QUOTE]

Honestly, judging by the amount of posts I read here and on the steam forums from people that now decided to hold off on the deal, I wouldn't be surprised if the devs will end up with less profit than they would if they had just kept the price at 2,50. LOTS of people feel outright ripped off and it shows. And not everyone who has steam, posts in forums. So I'm guessing there's lots and lots out there that are now holding off.

1 euro profit x100 is still better than 2 euro profit x10. I'm sure whoever changed the price will regret it.
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[quote name='Therapy']Honestly, judging by the amount of posts I read here and on the steam forums from people that now decided to hold off on the deal, I wouldn't be surprised if the devs will end up with less profit than they would if they had just kept the price at 2,50. LOTS of people feel outright ripped off and it shows. And not everyone who has steam, posts in forums. So I'm guessing there's lots and lots out there that are now holding off.

1 euro profit x100 > 2 euro profit x10.[/QUOTE]

well I know I was planning on getting it at $2.50 and when I went to check out the price jumped to $5.00. While $5.00 isn't a bad price, it is absurd to raise the price five hours into the sale. I would understand if there was an error in price and they changed it within the first hour, but to change it five hours in is just ridiculous...
[quote name='jj5206']well I know I was planning on getting it at $2.50 and when I went to check out the price jumped to $5.00. While $5.00 isn't a bad price, it is absurd to raise the price five hours into the sale. I would understand if there was an error in price and they changed it within the first hour, but to change it five hours in is just ridiculous...[/QUOTE]

I'm in the same boat. I had in my cart at $2.50, and once it changed, I deleted it. Still on the fence about NWN2 thanks to all the responses from this awesome community!
[quote name='lito88']Thinking about Portal 2 but i never finished the other one.[/QUOTE]

I didn't either, I really am enjoying the second one but never felt compelled to finish the first. If you want to split the cost send me a PM.
This morning when I checked the steam sale before work I thought "better get terraria now in case the price goes up". I must have foresight or something.

Will probably pick up nwn2 also. Regretting passing on guild wars trilogy right now, fingers crossed for an encore.
Disappointing change in Terraria aside, I'm on the fence regarding Portal 2. $25 is a fine price (granted, it's only 5 bucks less than it was when it's on sale in stores), but I have other games to get involved with and I wonder if I'm better off just holding it off until a much cheaper sale price in the future.

Also on the face with the Hitman games. I got Blood Money already from the previous sale (which I haven't played), so am I fine just having that as my only Hitman game? Is Silent Assassin worth a purchase?
[quote name='lito88']Thinking about Portal 2 but i never finished the other one.[/QUOTE]

The first Portal is like ~3 hours long. If you didn't finish that I doubt you'd be into Portal 2.
[quote name='Narcisstalker']Horribly, horribly optimized game.[/QUOTE]

Don't max shadows and it runs like a champ. Well that or max the shadows and alt tab out and back in or play in windowed mode.

Other then that problem I think everything else was fixed post release (or a good amount was).
Kinda bummed on the terraria change. I got it at 2.50 but I recommended it to some co workers who were going to buy it at that price.
[quote name='mrsilkunderwear']I would worry about your ignorance and not other people's budgets.[/QUOTE]

I think $5 is a more than fair price for a quality title. I think it's absurd that someone wouldn't be willing to reward the developers for their hard work. It's sad, really. I guess that's the greedy, arrogant mentality so many people have, the type of people who'll pay $.01 for Radiohead's In Raindows album or the Sword & Sworcery OST. That's pathetic.
I'm also bummed at the Terraria price hike. I've had it in my cart since this morning, but I went on to do other things. I come back to buy it and notice it's now $5.00. I imagine it's still a steal at that price, but I only have $2.85 in my Steam wallet. :(
Bunch of posts earlier in this thread about how terraria was a steal at 7.49.

I have no problem with people being bummed about missing the best price. But seriously, you're so mad about 2.50 you're not gonna buy it now? That's just silly.
I paid the full ten for Terraria. For me it's more about the 5-6 hour late Steam Sale bait and switch which caught potential buyers and steered them away from a purchase than any kind of value proposition.

I enjoyed Terraria at $10 but I do not expect everyone else to.
Any thoughts on Dead Space 2? My price point was 10 so I'm a bit disappointed in the 15 dollar price. Still 5 dollars isn't super bad for me.

Is it worth 15 or should I just wait for the winter sale or another origin sale?
As one of the people who wanted to get Terraria at $2.50.
Here was what I was going to do.
If Terraria was to hit $5 I would buy it, but I saw it for $2.50, but had a headache and rested for 30 minutes. When I came back it was $5 and was thinking nah I'll get it next time it is $2.50 or
[quote name='gunstar808']Bunch of posts earlier in this thread about how terraria was a steal at 7.49.

I have no problem with people being bummed about missing the best price. But seriously, you're so mad about 2.50 you're not gonna buy it now? That's just silly.[/QUOTE]

Careful, logic like that ain't liked 'round these parts.
Any thoughts on Dead Space 2? My price point was 10 so I'm a bit disappointed in the 15 dollar price. Still 5 dollars isn't super bad for me.

Is it worth 15 or should I just wait for the winter sale or another origin sale?
[quote name='KingofGames']I think $5 is a more than fair price for a quality title. I think it's absurd that someone wouldn't be willing to reward the developers for their hard work. It's sad, really. I guess that's the greedy, arrogant mentality so many people have, the type of people who'll pay $.01 for Radiohead's In Raindows album or the Sword & Sworcery OST. That's pathetic.[/QUOTE]

Because it can't be because people have a huge backlog and figure it will go cheaper in the future and they probably wouldn't play the game until then. Nah, its just that people are greedy and arrogant.

I mean half the reason I am passing on $5 games (not Terraria, I don't want it) is because I've already bought roughly 7 or 8 games and that doesn't include games from past sales.

I can understand supporting developers, but it would be no different than buying a car even though you won't have your license for a year or two later. No sense paying for it if you won't use it until it becomes cheaper.

I could go on about how this website is called cheapassgamer, but I think the name speaks for itself.
[quote name='igame']For any product that drops at a low price and suddenly increases even to an acceptable price the sudden change simply causes many to simply not buy the game as the value of the game has suddenly decreased.[/QUOTE]

Isn't the value of the game in the enjoyment you get out of it? Has that really decreased?
[quote name='igame']
For any product that drops at a low price and suddenly increases even to a more acceptable price the sudden change simply causes many to simply not buy the game as the value of the game has suddenly decreased. While Terraria could have made more for the developers at $5 the simple fact is that the price drop and fix cost them possibly thousands in profit, but likely their sales also increased. (enough to make them more $$) Maybe...[/QUOTE]
Well I also think it's a case of well we can only sell this many copies at $2.50 to stay afloat and once they reached that quota they had to make it $5.00. I mean, I can see why they raised the price. It's 75% off the original price, that's a loss of 7.50 per copy. It's not like it's a 1 year old game where they made tons of money, it's been out like 2 months now.
It's a fantastic game, but likely to drop further in price. Amazon currently has a hard copy of the game for $19.96. Have you played the first game in the series? If you have time to play it now and have been anticipating the game, I say pick it up.
[quote name='Kaltic']Because it can't be because people have a huge backlog and figure it will go cheaper in the future and they probably wouldn't play the game until then. Nah, its just that people are greedy and arrogant.

I mean half the reason I am passing on $5 games (not Terraria, I don't want it) is because I've already bought roughly 7 or 8 games and that doesn't include games from past sales.

I can understand supporting developers, but it would be no different than buying a car even though you won't have your license for a year or two later. No sense paying for it if you won't use it until it becomes cheaper.

I could go on about how this website is called cheapassgamer, but I think the name speaks for itself.[/QUOTE]

I understand your point, though your comparison isn't quite fair. The game I was referencing was Amnesia, which retails for $19.99. Again, $5 for a well regarded game is more than fair. People are asking for a 90% discount on a game that likely took hundreds of hours to complete. That's arrogance and greed in my book.
Son of a Betch, Terraria went up to $4.99 all the sudden. Went from 75% to 50%, damn.

Hitman Blood Money for $2.49 is a steal. The others aren't necessary though, so I recommend Blood Money over getting the pack unless you really want them all.

[quote name='Lawyers Guns N Money']Eh. Missed Terraria at the 2.50 price. With my backlog, I won't be paying $5 for it. Probably will pick up NWN2 though, and thinking about SupCom2...[/QUOTE]

Same, was thinking about getting it but not anymore now. No deal now.
You may be right Fragalot $2.50 might have been a promotional price or a price mistake.

The more games you own as well as games you have in your backlog the lower the value of other games.

It is all psychological.

Many others also make a good point of having a huge game backlog.
I myself still have over 30 games to play that are quality titles from the last 3 years.

Terraria Sold at over 200k copies at $10 (lets say 5% or so were from 4 packs)

Terraria sales at $2.50 were between 6th and 10th place earlier today. (though it is now unlisted)
At $5 sales decreased significantly dropping them off the list of the top 60.
It definitely cost them thousands of $$s of profit.
If it had started at $5 many still expected the same number of sales.
[quote name='Steggy']Is 50 the cheapest th valve pack has been?[/QUOTE]

I can't recall it ever being less than that. And now it includes Portal 2!
Seems to me the Terraria Developers were unaware of their game going as low as 75% off and made steam change it. It's the only explanation that makes sense, give how long the game stayed at $2.50. I haven't liked quite a few things the Dev's have done since I heard about this game but I only paid $1.88 with a 4-pack so I'm not complaining.
[quote name='KingofGames']I think $5 is a more than fair price for a quality title. I think it's absurd that someone wouldn't be willing to reward the developers for their hard work. It's sad, really. I guess that's the greedy, arrogant mentality so many people have, the type of people who'll pay $.01 for Radiohead's In Raindows album or the Sword & Sworcery OST. That's pathetic.[/QUOTE]
I think $5 is great price but not everyone is willing to pay for it, everyone has their reasons which are justified. Its sad when people are not able to comprehend simple logic, I suggest you go troll somewhere else.
The price hike on Terraria has pretty much soured me on Steam for the time being. It was the one game I was most hoping to catch a good deal on during the summer sale and now they jack the price up by 50% before I'm able to grab it...and that makes me not want to buy it at all now.
[quote name='KingofGames']I understand your point, though your comparison isn't quite fair. The game I was referencing was Amnesia, which retails for $19.99. Again, $5 for a well regarded game is more than fair. People are asking for a 90% discount on a game that likely took hundreds of hours to complete. That's arrogance and greed in my book.[/QUOTE]

They were giving it away free a few weeks ago via onLive... It isn't greedy to want a deep discount on a year old game.

From your posts it seems that you don't really understand what a CAG is. There is nothing "wrong" about wanting to get a game at the absolute lowest possible price.

I passed on a few $5 games this sale because I wanted them to go lower. Not because I can't afford another $2.50, but because in the recent trend of steam sales that is what I feel that a digital copy is worth. I am just going by the prices that steam sets during it's sales.

I bought Winterbottom during the Christmas sale for 50 cents. Do I feel that it is worth more than that? Yes. Am I happy I got it for the lowest possible price? Of course!

Why pay more when you can get it for less?

We're all about saving money here... so your support the devs by buying it at a higher price (than the CAG wants to spend) argument isn't going to be very popular among this crowd.
[quote name='KillingMachine']The price hike on Terraria has pretty much soured me on Steam for the time being. It was the one game I was most hoping to catch a good deal on during the summer sale and now they jack the price up by 50% before I'm able to grab it...and that makes me not want to buy it at all now.[/QUOTE]
indeed. It's not about the money at this point.
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