Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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My GG account got banned for grabbing Vermintide. I tried on GG, where the price in Russian was even better, but using both vyperVPN and TunnelBear, it identified that I was using a proxy and denied it. Unless I did something wrong.
Yeah you did, you're not supposed to buy or even be logged in at all with the vpn on. Which is probably why they are cracking down because people are messing it up and making it obvious to them what's going on. I should never have mentioned it here in the first place so that people could half ass it and get caught. :p

Anyway, just wait for a sale. It goes on sale quite a bit. Just set it up with Isthereanydeal to notify you whenever those two DLC go on sale.

Removed store name – Spintires
I guess Valve got sick of their shit. Predictably, it only happened after the news media ran with it and it made them look bad for continuing to sell it.

It wasn't Ovee's idea for sure since they kept making excuses about working on a fix. And even if they do it will probably just be ripping that fix off from the user who posted it on their forum. They haven't even made an official statement about it on Steam yet. But then Steam's news feed did pull in the article by Rock Paper Shotgun so everyone following the Spintires community site got that posted to their feed. :p


Does any reg need the Sega Make War Not Love 3 games?  I registered a second email before they explained you'd automatically be getting it if you were already registered so I have an extra.  

:cry: Sad to see this but thank you for all your work and helpful apps Jshackles!
Idle Master Discontinued
In light of the upcoming Steam Marketplace changes next week, I’ve decided to discontinue working on and supporting Steam Idle Master. As someone who is unable to use the mobile authenticator, having trading cards put on hold for 15 days prior to being listed in the market makes the proposition of selling them a difficult one. As most of you know, the value of each card can fluctuate wildly in that amount of time. 
This, bundled with additional security measures Valve has put in place are a good step forward in that they make Steam more safe for its users. For me personally, the cost of this safety is inconvenience. For people in my position who are unable to use the mobile authenticator, this effectively makes idling for and selling Steam Trading Cards a futile effort. 
Idle Master started out as and always has been a hobby project. My personal attitude towards it has always been “It’s something I built for myself that I find useful, others probably will too”. The first part of that statement, however, is no longer true. 
Going forward: I will be updating the Idle Master homepage so that the “Download” button links directly to the portable version of Idle Master. The homepage will remain online for the foreseeable future, but I’ll be adding a statement to the site that the program has been discontinued and is no longer being supported. 
The source code for Idle Master is and will remain available on Github under an open source license. 
Finally, I would like to say “Thank you” to all of Idle Master’s users and fans. Without you, a project like this couldn’t have been as successful as it was. For those of you who this security change won’t affect: happy idling in the future! 
1251 cards left to idle for me... Looks like you will still be able to use the idle master application though, I initially thought it would stop working.
With the stupid phone thing? I've heard conflicting things about whether it works but I begrudgingly turned it on this morning and so far it's working.
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203 cards in 54 games on my main.

I've actually stopped doing anything badge related for quite a while. It just isn't worth doing it anymore. Valve keeps fucking everything up. I don't think I'll be spending a dime at the store in the future. :(

I haven't had major issues with idling when having the mobile authenticator active. It usually times out after 24 hours and you have to re-login to idle master.

Honestly I don't think Valve cares about steam cards, it is more for the people with $1000+ cs:go or dota2 inventories. Some people were duping items over $1000.
Honestly I don't think Valve cares about steam cards, it is more for the people with $1000+ cs:go or dota2 inventories. Some people were duping items over $1000.
I get that and I figured as much.

Still, they could have put a minimum amount on it. There's a large amount of items bought and sold on the market for under $1 so it's not like they'd have a hard time noticing this if they looked at the statistics. But they never think about anything before they do it. :roll:
I really hope all those poop games get in a groupees bundle and they actually call the bundle Groupees' Poopees or something more clever than I can come up with.

With the stupid phone thing? I've heard conflicting things about whether it works but I begrudgingly turned it on this morning and so far it's working.
Yep with that stupid mobile authenticator on. Sometimes the desktop idlemaster will kick me out and have me log back in, but for the most part it works fine. Still takes a lot of time though lol.

I had the Steam Guard mobile authentication for a while (originally only to cross off another task for the Steam Community Badge :whistle2: )

It gets extremely annoying having to enter a timed code every time you login with your steam account - be it for the steam client, the online steam webpage or even things like steamgifts. Thank god for being able to 'remember me' on the desktop client.

It also through the mobile authentication, demands that you have a smartphone that is always charged (please no dodgy batteries or cables!), and has internet access.

Security aside, it's really more bother than it's worth I reckon.

Bro Alert!

Tonight we play Unreal Tournament 3!  I know a lot of you old men were talking up a storm when the possibility of doing a UT3 night came up so show up or die!  10:00 PM ET.

Also, as a peace offering for the shameless promotion:

Free Payday 2 Horror Themed Masks if you join the Dead by Daylight group thing (I think you just have to follow them on Steam).  Masks look cool.  Game looks cool.  You can apply to be a tester for the game too.  

Apparently only 64 cards left (over 13 games), so should be easy enough to get done by the 9th. Even with playing games and not having the computer on 24/7. Guess caught mostly up before Winter apparently, thought it'd be more.

Give me a few minutes and I'll get my haul posts, BTA updates, and Amazon price drop updates posted. 

I was all caught up on my card idling. Then I refunded something on steam and now it takes 8 hours for every single frigging game to drop its $.07 worth of cards and I can't be bothered any more.

Bro Alert!

Tonight we play Unreal Tournament 3! I know a lot of you old men were talking up a storm when the possibility of doing a UT3 night came up so show up or die! 10:00 PM ET.

Also, as a peace offering for the shameless promotion:

Free Payday 2 Horror Themed Masks if you join the Dead by Daylight group thing (I think you just have to follow them on Steam). Masks look cool. Game looks cool. You can apply to be a tester for the game too.
Oh no! I wanted to do this one but I have to go to a friend's birthday thing!
I mentioned this in the brogroup announcement, but I'll paste it here:

There's also a chance you'll have to register an account first to play. The game uses matchmaking via Epic's private servers - the game was originally on Gamespy, and it was never fully moved to Steam. I just registered one, it doesn't take long.
It's all done in game and takes less than a minute, pretty easy to register an account.
Yes, but I wasn't able to adjust my video settings until I made one, so it's better to do this before the event. I'm not certain you can even play online with an offline account.

The game should run on most everything anyway, my video card doesn't even turn on the fan when running the game at maximum settings.

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So uh... I've always wondered this, but do any of the regulars find it strange that several or more lurkers are reading all your conversations in this topic? 

Only because I read this thread everyday despite not posting at all. And no, I'm not some stuckup ninja, if I ninja'ed a key I would say thanks to whomever I got it from.

So uh... I've always wondered this, but do any of the regulars find it strange that several or more lurkers are reading all your conversations in this topic?

Only because I read this thread everyday despite not posting at all. And no, I'm not some stuckup ninja, if I ninja'ed a key I would say thanks to whomever I got it from.
Yes, you guys are strange.

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So uh... I've always wondered this, but do any of the regulars find it strange that several or more lurkers are reading all your conversations in this topic?

Only because I read this thread everyday despite not posting at all. And no, I'm not some stuckup ninja, if I ninja'ed a key I would say thanks to whomever I got it from.
I feel so violated. This post made me close my window.

Meh, I don't think the 100% lurkers are reading anything, just looking for certain things in a post, like urls or the pattern of a key. 

If they do read the posts, who cares, they're just internet wallflowers.

Some non-lurkers probably don't fully read most posts... I may be guilty of this...

So uh... I've always wondered this, but do any of the regulars find it strange that several or more lurkers are reading all your conversations in this topic?

Only because I read this thread everyday despite not posting at all. And no, I'm not some stuckup ninja, if I ninja'ed a key I would say thanks to whomever I got it from.
we have lurkers in this topic? DAMNNNN.. :whistle2:

Wow, fuck UT3. It refuses to let me join any game that has real people on it. It keeps saying I'm not authorized to play on Steam.

Apparently this bug has been around since 2010. Great. Well, have fun, I'm uninstalling this garbage.

Honestly I don't think Valve cares about steam cards, it is more for the people with $1000+ cs:go or dota2 inventories. Some people were duping items over $1000.
ITT: Daykain admits he's a major CS:GO player with a loaded inventory. excuse me while i think of ways to scam his account.

Wow, fuck UT3. It refuses to let me join any game that has real people on it. It keeps saying I'm not authorized to play on Steam.

Apparently this bug has been around since 2010. Great. Well, have fun, I'm uninstalling this garbage.
That's why you should try the latest one. It's better in every way and looks nice.

...or just play original UT. The best one.

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I planned on playing UT3, but I forgot to check out the schedule and didn't realize it was tonight. So I still have to download it. You guys are lucky that I'm not playing, I cud b34t u all on muh laptop uzin da trackpad.

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Yeah this topic is kind of interesting, seems like there is some running jokes that I don't understand but all is good. I'll go back into hiding for now
I feel like we need a glossary or an appendix or something.

Every time I mention Tebow I imagine some lurkers picturing Tim Tebow instead of some brain damaged Vietnamese kid with seriously fucked up typing skills.
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bread's done