Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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That was a long time ago when Humble just started experimenting with price manipulation. Now they could just as easily put some 5x shirt or a box full of 'collectable' junk for $70 or whatever and morans will still buy it to drive the price up. Also Stardew Valley isn't developed by Chucklefish like Starbound is.

If you guys want to feel vindicated by not caving to peer pressure or whatever go ahead. I just don't see it happening myself.
No peer pressure for me. I've been fakeybroing AAA stuff lately. Fakeybroing Lesbian Corn Farmer Simulator 2016 would be a step backwards for me.

while all you losers are farming your Stardews and multiplying your Divisions, i'm gonna be waiting to play a wrestling game, that i already own on console, that really isn't that great. cuz i'm a fuck ing crazy person...

Every fifteen shit bundles I don't buy, it's like getting a new AAA game at 50% off!
I get that and I both wish I had that kind of self control and also wish I liked some AAA games as much as some of you guys do.

I mean, there's some that I play the hell out of like Dragon Age Inquisition or really enjoy for just dumb fun like Mad Max, but those modern military guy shooter games just don't do a damned thing for me.
An interesting blog post from IGS:

How Steam key reselling is killing the little guys

IndieGameStand has had $30,759.42 in fraudulent credit card charges and transactions.

That is a lot for a small niche site like ours and almost all of it revolves around Steam key scamming and reselling. This problem isn’t getting any better either when you consider that 86% of the that total has come in the past year. Needless to say I’ve spent a lot of time analyzing the problem and dealing with security.

Steam key reselling is killing indie sites like ours and indie developers as a whole.

The problem with these sites like G2A, Fast2Play, Pingwin, etc. is that they have created an ecosystem for hackers, scammers, identity thefts and other internet assholes to steal from indie developers and other small websites.


In the case of IndieGameStand, I estimate it’s directly cost us well over $12k and that’s just in raw chargeback fees and developer payouts (for refunded/scammed sales) – not counting the hours of ongoing development time that we’ve wasted on this problem.
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That was a long time ago when Humble just started experimenting with price manipulation. Now they could just as easily put some 5x shirt or a box full of 'collectable' junk for $70 or whatever and morans will still buy it to drive the price up. Also Stardew Valley isn't developed by Chucklefish like Starbound is.

If you guys want to feel vindicated by not caving to peer pressure or whatever go ahead. I just don't see it happening myself.
It's published by Chucklefish, which is why I mentioned it. Nothing wrong with fakeybroing it, I'd do it myself if I had much interest in it.

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Starbound definitely did sell out in that bundle, and it happened pretty fast.
Cool, I honestly couldn't remember other than you and me talking about the Bundle via Steam. It's a very rare thing for me to be around for the start of a Humble Bundle so I would have thought that had been the case on this one too. Obviously, not the case that way as I backlogged Starbond that day.
inb4 it's a limited 1,000 copy first time subscriber bonus for humble monthly. I think they did something similar with Starbound.
Still waiting for Starbound to be rebundled. :wall:

Has Bobby been rubbing off on you? I feel like that's something he'd say
I hate CSI, but I'll take that as a compliment. :mrgreen:

Should be "How Fraudulent Steam Key Reselling Is Killing The Little Guys". All too often, people who complain about resellers try to lump people who buy extra copies of bundles via legitimate payment in with these scumbags, and I think that's wrong.

fuck those shady credit-card thieving assholes though.
Figures. Why make real games when you can make throwaway crap for the VR tech you're trying to peddle whilst simultaneously destroying trading and the community market?*

Glad it's free though.

* Edited for accuracy.

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Wednesday my son is turning 11. I picked up a cheap laptop for him. I didn't get it for gaming but any recommendations on any B&M that sells PC games for a decent price? I'm thinking best buy but I haven't shopped for a PC game is quite some time. Any suggestions would be great
Dammit Stop talking about Stardew Valley. I really wanna play it but can't afford it now.

Wednesday my son is turning 11. I picked up a cheap laptop for him. I didn't get it for gaming but any recommendations on any B&M that sells PC games for a decent price? I'm thinking best buy but I haven't shopped for a PC game is quite some time. Any suggestions would be great
Its gonna be tough to find these days. PC games are largely digital based titles and anything older is going to be a tough find in a B&M. I would recommend Walmart for the type of games you might be looking for. Its completely hit and miss, but sometimes there will be something decent there, just be careful when price checking as a lot of times they will have games that are more expensive than they should be. Best Buy isnt a bad place to look either, but its still YMMV. Not all Best Buys are created equally. My nearest one has an ok PC game selection, but prices typically suck.

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Wednesday my son is turning 11. I picked up a cheap laptop for him. I didn't get it for gaming but any recommendations on any B&M that sells PC games for a decent price? I'm thinking best buy but I haven't shopped for a PC game is quite some time. Any suggestions would be great
Brick and Mortar that sells PC games at a decent price?


Seriously.... it's all downloadable now. Buy a Steam gift card.

Wednesday my son is turning 11. I picked up a cheap laptop for him. I didn't get it for gaming but any recommendations on any B&M that sells PC games for a decent price? I'm thinking best buy but I haven't shopped for a PC game is quite some time. Any suggestions would be great
Honestly, a Steam Wallet card would probably be better since most games these days will require it and you'll have much more selection there.

There's not a lot of PC games that still do boxed versions in North America anymore because they really don't sell and also they're basically just a box with a Steam key in it where most times you still end up having to install a large amount of data even if you install off the disc.

If you really must buy a boxed PC game I guess Best Buy is about as good as any store these days for selling them, which is to say not very. You could probably get The Sims I guess. Buying boxed editions online will give you a bit more selection but again don't expect too much.

One thing you could try is checking Gamestop to see what collector's editions they might have clearanced out. You might get lucky and find one with stock of something decent. A few people have had good luck with finding a couple of cheap clearanced PC games at Walmart also but most haven't and that's very YMMV.

I'd still recommend just getting them on Steam really. Or Origin if you want EA stuff. Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare might be fun for a kid so there's that.
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I appreciate the quick feedback. The steam gift card might be the best idea. I was hoping to have one more thing for him to open but if best buy or Walmart and goodwill are busts......steam it is! Thanks guys. PS I feel out of my league when it comes to PC games. Last one I played was Duke nukem 3d over a 56k modem. Man those were the days!!
I appreciate the quick feedback. The steam gift card might be the best idea. I was hoping to have one more thing for him to open but if best buy or Walmart and goodwill are busts......steam it is! Thanks guys. PS I feel out of my league when it comes to PC games. Last one I played was Duke nukem 3d over a 56k modem. Man those were the days!!
Yea, with Steam he'll have a huge library to jump into + there's a bunch of free games to try. B&M is almost niche, its such a small selection at even the bigger stores that most of us PC gamers don't even bother with it anymore. I dont mind physical copies, but typically will only get them if really cheap and usually are from Amazon or similar. Thats another place to look too. You can potentially find some steals there, but a Steam wallet card you can find literally anywhere now.

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I appreciate the quick feedback. The steam gift card might be the best idea. I was hoping to have one more thing for him to open but if best buy or Walmart and goodwill are busts......steam it is! Thanks guys. PS I feel out of my league when it comes to PC games. Last one I played was Duke nukem 3d over a 56k modem. Man those were the days!!
I was sort of joking about Goodwill. Kinda. If Best Buy is YMMV, then Goodwill is off the charts YMMV. You may find a couple there or you may never see one in your lifetime. It's like trying to find a clearanced Pillars of Eternity at Walmart...

Forget all that nonsense though... listen to what Motoki said. It pretty much sums up the landscape of today's PC games.

I mean Goodwill is kind of cool for a walk down PC memory lane but for newer games I wouldn't trust that an open boxed item didn't use the key, thus rendering the game unusable and for older stuff it will likely be a pain to get working on a modern Windows OS and you're probably better off getting it at
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Goodwill is good if you're MysterD and want to own old boxed copies of games. You might get lucky occasionally and find some unused keys for blizzard games but it's a crapshoot. Still, I think you'd find more interesting shit at Goodwill than you'll find on clearance at Walmart.

Oddly enough the Salvation Army near me actually has full boxed pc games behind a glass case for cheap. I'm talking actual decent games none of the usual throw away crap you would normally see. A couple noteworthy ones have been Deus Ex, No One Lives Forever 2, System Shock 2 and Descent.

I appreciate the quick feedback. The steam gift card might be the best idea. I was hoping to have one more thing for him to open but if best buy or Walmart and goodwill are busts......steam it is! Thanks guys. PS I feel out of my league when it comes to PC games. Last one I played was Duke nukem 3d over a 56k modem. Man those were the days!!
The other issue is that the few PC games places like Best Buy do carry are going to be the latest major releases that probably aren't compatible with the laptop if it's a lower spec machine. Going with Steam will allow you to access the massive catalog of older PC titles that you can play.

I have a couple kids and totally understand the "one more box to open" thing. I suppose you can always box up the Steam card, at least.

Edit: Feel free to list the machine specs later on if you want and are uncertain what games might run on it or otherwise need help with recommendations.

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Another option would be to buy him a good game controller and slap the Steam card in the same box as the controller. You get to hand him an extra boxed present and give him an extra tool to play some of the more controller dependent games with.

Also Steam now has a no questions asked return policy as long as you don't go over two hours of play time. So if you find a game just doesn't want to work or is terrible then you can get your money/Steam wallet credit back.

It's doubtful that many brick and mortar stores would take back an open boxed PC game when the key code has already been used.

If you're new to PC gaming, with so many different hardware configurations, and especially with laptops which tend to have Intel onboard video that doesn't work so well for a lot of games, you're really better off with that two hour return policy.
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You guys are great!!!! The laptop I got for him was the lenovo AMD e1 series. 4gb memory and 500gb HD. I know it's not a gaming PC but I just wanted to have somthing for him to play once he gets it running. I don't know how I could not get him a steam gift card now. You guys for sure sold me on that idea. Also sold me on the idea of cruising through goodwill on lunch break as well. Can I get those Steam GF at GS or BB??
Shitty thing about the laptop was that I was an hour late on the BB laptop and XB1 combo glitch. Was already looking for the laptop for him. Would of been father of the year if I could of caught the glitch in time
Best Buy, yes. GameStop. I assume so. Even Walmart carries Steam cards nowdays.
Gamestop should have them. I've even seen them at some grocery stores with the gift card kiosks. They're all over.

Worst case scenario you could order a Steam card online but I'm pretty sure most people can find them somewhere locally.
Gamestop definitely carries Steam cards. They can also generate custom value codes which is handy if you have a GS gift card with seven bucks left on it -- convert it into $7 Steam credit.
Gamestop definitely carries Steam cards. They can also generate custom value codes which is handy if you have a GS gift card with seven bucks left on it -- convert it into $7 Steam credit.
Huh. I have a GS card that they decided to create on my account because I hadn't spent reward points in a few years, and this might be just the ticket, assuming that it works for weird online credits like this.

I'll make sure that when some tragedy happens in any of your lives I'll do my best to belittle you for it. It's the least I can do to thank you guys for your constant attention.

I don't think anyone here was too excited about it, but Microsoft is cancelling Fable Legends, which was in beta and more or less done btw, for Xbox One and Windows 10. They are shutting down Lionhead Studios as well.

Closed beta will stay up until April 13th apparently if anyone else is in it. I am but didn't really play it much.
You know... I came here to make the exact same thought.. but mine was something along the lines of... I hope you guys are tired of having fart jokes in your RPGs...

I don't think anyone here was too excited about it, but Microsoft is cancelling Fable Legends, which was in beta and more or less done btw, for Xbox One and Windows 10. They are shutting down Lionhead Studios as well.

Closed beta will stay up until April 13th apparently if anyone else is in it. I am but didn't really play it much.
I guess that pisses me and MysterD's hopes for a long-awaited Fable II PC port down the toilet. Oh well. RIP Lionhead.

bread's done