Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I'll make sure that when some tragedy happens in any of your lives I'll do my best to belittle you for it. It's the least I can do to thank you guys for your constant attention.
If you're coming here for comfort on your tragedy you picked the wrong place. Maybe check out a self help forum and stop buying video game if things are that bad.

It's not like we know you're suffering from some unmentionable thing either. You just get all shitty and cry
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I guess that pisses me and MysterD's hopes for a long-awaited Fable II PC port down the toilet. Oh well. RIP Lionhead.
Would have been nice to get The Movies on Steam as well, or hell even GOG. Gamersgate sells the Mac version but I don't think you can get the PC version digitally at all.

If you're coming here for comfort on your tragedy you picked the wrong place. Maybe check out a self help forum and stop buying video game if things are that bad.
I agree. I'm definitely sympathetic to people in difficult situations but there's a time and a place for it and this ain't it.

This is a good place to temporarily forget your troubles and laugh at some dumb posts but don't expect too much seriousness beyond PC hardware/game advice.
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If you're coming here for comfort on your tragedy you picked the wrong place.
This isn't SPOA??? (Steam Plus Ones Anonymous)


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You know... I came here to make the exact same thought.. but mine was something along the lines of... I hope you guys are tired of having fart jokes in your RPGs...
Without Molyneux, they just aren't able to keep the fart jokes fresh. Also, without Molyneux, they don't know how to get people to pay for an unfinished, broken game.

Gamestop should have them. I've even seen them at some grocery stores with the gift card kiosks. They're all over.

Worst case scenario you could order a Steam card online but I'm pretty sure most people can find them somewhere locally.
You can also buy Steam wallet codes via PayPal. In case there's no place you can buy a physical one (I know, there's lots of options) you can get a digital one.

If you're coming here for comfort on your tragedy you picked the wrong place. Maybe check out a self help forum and stop buying video game if things are that bad.
I'm not coming here for comfort and I have stopped buying games. I just don't think the best thing for people to just jump at every chance to bring someone down. I'm not asking for comfort I'm asking to be left the fuck alone by people who have nothing better to do than rip on people at every opportunity. If you're so well off then fine that would also mean you have better ways to utilize your time. It would also mean you should be a content enough person where tearing others down should be beneath you. I just wanted to joke around about a game for a bit. I didn't ask for jackals to pounce and belittle me for the way my life has turned out despite my best efforts.

You guys are great!!!! The laptop I got for him was the lenovo AMD e1 series. 4gb memory and 500gb HD. I know it's not a gaming PC but I just wanted to have somthing for him to play once he gets it running. I don't know how I could not get him a steam gift card now. You guys for sure sold me on that idea. Also sold me on the idea of cruising through goodwill on lunch break as well. Can I get those Steam GF at GS or BB??
If you have one in your area, try Half-Price Books for some relatively cheap physical games.
Actually I may have actually overreacted a bit but I will say one thing. I actually do hope you don't have to go through some shit where you end up in a situation where $15 is a big deal. It's not fun and I wouldn't wish any of it on anyone.

Shit's gettin' REAL in here, yo! 

Time for some:







Shit's gettin' REAL in here, yo!

Time for some:






thanks for all those product already owned. I thought digital homicide was going to be stardew!

Shit's gettin' REAL in here, yo!

Time for some:






I Took, 4ZPZ3-QWDC5-NXVJ9. Thanks

If you do, make sure to text Tebow and Spoder for a dollar via paypal. You know, for necessities like Dominos.
I wouldn't eat Dominos ever in MI.

I'll take a risk eating whatever is in LittleCaesar's Bacon Wrapped Crust!DEEP!%E2%84%A2DishPizza.aspx

If you have one in your area, try Half-Price Books for some relatively cheap physical games.
Actually, I wouldn't. 2-3 years ago I would have said this, but I took a trip to visit my brother-in-law in Houston last November and it was night and day compared to the last time I went there. Maybe it's just a Houston thing, but that area has a LOT of those stores (around 7-8), and we visited most of them (my wife and brother-in-law and my nephew probably would have killed me if I'd insisted on going to any more). Some still have a pretty decent selection of game guides, if you're into that sort of thing, and some of them are quite reasonably priced. The PC game selection is in the toilet, though, and most of it is at ridiculous prices. The Rice Village location used to have 3-4 shelves of nothing but new PC games at $1-6 each, but now it's down to a small section of a shelf downstairs with a mix of new and used stuff at absurd prices. Because I'm a big-box nerd, I almost picked up a boxed copy of Quest for Glory V that I found for $2, but it just didn't seem worthwhile. My big score for all of that running around was a few relatively-cheap strategy guides (I like strategy guides--don't judge me!), which I think ranged in price from $2-5 and zero games. Even the used console games at the HPBs there were overpriced, or shall I say, competitively priced with GameStop.

Actually I may have actually overreacted a bit but I will say one thing. I actually do hope you don't have to go through some shit where you end up in a situation where $15 is a big deal. It's not fun and I wouldn't wish any of it on anyone.
Everybody has crappy money times. Sorry to hear about yours.

Actually, I wouldn't. 2-3 years ago I would have said this, but I took a trip to visit my brother-in-law in Houston last November and it was night and day compared to the last time I went there. Maybe it's just a Houston thing, but that area has a LOT of those stores (around 7-8), and we visited most of them (my wife and brother-in-law and my nephew probably would have killed me if I'd insisted on going to any more). Some still have a pretty decent selection of game guides, if you're into that sort of thing, and some of them are quite reasonably priced. The PC game selection is in the toilet, though, and most of it is at ridiculous prices. The Rice Village location used to have 3-4 shelves of nothing but new PC games at $1-6 each, but now it's down to a small section of a shelf downstairs with a mix of new and used stuff at absurd prices. Because I'm a big-box nerd, I almost picked up a boxed copy of Quest for Glory V that I found for $2, but it just didn't seem worthwhile. My big score for all of that running around was a few relatively-cheap strategy guides (I like strategy guides--don't judge me!), which I think ranged in price from $2-5 and zero games. Even the used console games at the HPBs there were overpriced, or shall I say, competitively priced with GameStop.
Good to know, I haven't been to one in a couple years but remembered they had a decent selection of older titles at the time.

re: Stardew Valley reviews on GOG (don't ask me why I was looking at GOG; no idea)


Is this whatshisface or just someone else coincidentally using that same avatar at a video games site?

Has anyone ever had problems with already activated steam codes from GamersGate before?

Bought 2 copies of a Borderlands 2 DLC and both codes gave the Duplicate Code message. I've emailed their support but haven't yet heard back...

Just wondering if there is a precedent or not.

Goodwill is good if you're MysterD and want to own old boxed copies of games. You might get lucky occasionally and find some unused keys for blizzard games but it's a crapshoot. Still, I think you'd find more interesting shit at Goodwill than you'll find on clearance at Walmart.
My new problem of late with older retail games - even more so, especially if they have disc-DRM not patched-out - seems to be "Well, I also have to have this on Steam now!"

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I was extra lonely recently and watched a twitch stream of a famous youtuber play Stardew Valley.  Despite the RPGMaker look at first, I'm really interested in it now.  I never played a Harvest Moon game, so I didn't know what to expect but the resource gathering, upgrading, and the adventuring in the cave looked interesting and fun.  However, I'm not one to fakeybro a game, both because money is tight (card funds don't come easy and well, Domino's) and I have a habit of playing a game for an hour then never again (I got Divinity:OS during the christmas sale and put 3 hours in it, despite being really excited to play it).  Hopefully y'all's sacrifices will put it in a bundle, but if not, it's on my shortlist of games to get next sale.

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Just Cause 2 is a good deal of fun, provided you like blowing stuff up. There's really no reason to play the original given that the sequel is superior in every way.
for a deep RPG like Just Cause, u need to play the original to appreciate the twist and turn of Just Cause 2.

Great character development, good one liner, and memorable plot. :whistle2:

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I guess that pisses me and MysterD's hopes for a long-awaited Fable II PC port down the toilet. Oh well. RIP Lionhead.
Bleh. Really sucks about Lionhead possibly closing.

But, wouldn't F2 PC depend more so on if actually Microsoft owns the Fable IP and its distribution rights?

Does M$ have these rights?

M$ does own the Gears IP and did pass off Gears of War: Ultimate to someone else to port/rework (The Coalition), since Epic's busy doing their own thing - so, there could be some hope...if M$ owns the IP and distribution rights for Fable franchise.


Would have been nice to get The Movies on Steam as well, or hell even GOG. Gamersgate sells the Mac version but I don't think you can get the PC version digitally at all.
Good thing I still have my retail copies of The Movies [base-game] + Stunts & Effects [expansion].

Looks like Activision published these at the retail level.

They've never been played, BTW.

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Looks like people are using vpn now to unlock the Division early. I tried vpning to italy and uk and i can't get it to work. People also say the game is live in NA but nothing for me yet.

Bleh. Really sucks about Lionhead possibly closing.

But, wouldn't F2 PC depend more so on if actually Microsoft owns the Fable IP and its distribution rights?

Does M$ have these rights?

M$ does own the Gears IP and did pass off Gears of War: Ultimate to someone else to port/rework (The Coalition), since Epic's busy doing their own thing - so, there could be some hope...if M$ owns the IP and distribution rights for Fable franchise.
Fable 2 on PC will likely not happen because the series doesn't seem to have any future in Microsofts eyes. Gears of War however holds a lot of value to them.

Gears Ultimate also wasn't "passed off". The Coalition is THE Gears studio now and is a first party microsoft dev. It was formerly called Black Tusk, and they were working on a different game. When Microsoft purchased the Gears IP from Epic they renamed Black Tusk to the Coalition and cancelled their previous project to have them only work on Gears 4/Gears Ultimate and likely all future Gears games.

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Gears of War however holds a lot of value to them.

Gears Ultimate also wasn't "passed off". The Coalition is THE Gears studio now and is a first party microsoft dev. It was formerly called Black Tusk, and they were working on a different game. When Microsoft purchased the Gears IP from Epic they renamed Black Tusk to the Coalition and cancelled their previous project to have them only work on Gears 4/Gears Ultimate and likely all future Gears games.
Right. But no matter how you look at it, the original Gears dev's Epic are not involved anymore. That was my point.


It's very similar to what happened w/ Halo series with Bungie (who went to do their own thing) and 343 Industries (i.e. the new Halo development Studio).

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Right. But no matter how you look at it, the original Gears dev's Epic are not involved anymore. That was my point.
I guess if you look at it like that, yeah. My point was that it's just a different situation and you can't really compare them on a 1:1 basis. One is a first party studio shutting down, the other was a sale of an IP.

I just don't think you should get your hopes up for a Fable 2 port is all.

So BundleStars informs me they have an exclusive deal...   Its not much of a bundle so I figure here is just as good as the BundleStar thread.  (might even be better.)

Buy/Preorder OOTP (Out of the Park) 17 and get Out of the Park 16 now for free.  ($34.99)


No link to OOTP 17 on Steam so I have no idea of the MSRP.

Looks like people are using vpn now to unlock the Division early. I tried vpning to italy and uk and i can't get it to work. People also say the game is live in NA but nothing for me yet.
Nothing I would like to do more than play the Division but with less than 4 hours to go I think its a tad foolish to VPN to play it early at this point.

And, yes, servers are up world wide and have been since like 7 AM EST. People with physical copies are currently playing it on XBone and PS4. (I have no idea if physical PC copies work... but i doubt it since it goes through uplay just like the digital versions.)

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Right. But no matter how you look at it, the original Gears dev's Epic are not involved anymore. That was my point.


It's very similar to what happened w/ Halo series with Bungie (who went to do their own thing) and 343 Industries (i.e. the new Halo development Studio).
for a member of the master race who has refused to buy a console for RDR, you are well versed on the pissant's game studios

Have you upgrade yourself without telling us? :D/

So BundleStars informs me they have an exclusive deal... Its not much of a bundle so I figure here is just as good as the BundleStar thread. (might even be better.)

Buy/Preorder OOTP (Out of the Park) 17 and get Out of the Park 16 now for free. ($34.99)


No link to OOTP 17 on Steam so I have no idea of the MSRP.
Its only a $5 discount, normal price is $39.99. It does give you a non-steam copy and a steam key if you pre-order from the official site by tomorrow though.

I planned on canceling my Overwatch CE on amazon.

But they just sent an email with an Overwatch early access beta that be redeemable on May 3rd if anyone else wants to get a key.

Edit: apparently they made a mistake and sent me two beta keys

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You guys waiting for the internet apocalypse or something?

Haha I sure showed them. The internet is broken but I can still play games from 1993!

bread's done