Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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WinAuth is probably better at this point. I didn't know for sure if SteamDesktopAuthenticator supports the autoconfirm feature
Someone on Steam comments somewhere (don't ask me where I'm on a fucking phone) said it was just updated fairly recently to support card listings.

Edit: yep, it does.

Also it sounds like you can just enable auto market listing service and not trades.

Since Idle master is open source I wish somebody would just Frankenstein this and IM together.

Madjoki probably will do it
and then keep it for himself and say y u no use Madjokimaster?
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fuck I hate valve so much right now.  Got Steamguard and WinAuth both to run on my desktop, and both are showing the correct Steamguard codes (syncing just fine with my phone) but neither will show anything for trade confirmations, even though lists the 3 items I have tried listing neither app is showing any of the 3.

Took about 2 hours to get them to extract data from my phone, I had to root it and then install ADB drivers so the phone could talk to the PC.

Guess I'll play around with it a little bit more tonight while playing division

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so just setup that mobile auth shit other other day so I could still sell stuff and today i drop my phone and shatter the screen.  this would have never happened if i didnt have to confirm the listings!

Agreed on this mobile business being for the birds. Plus even when you do use it it's slow as fuck and of course there's no authorize all button because that would just make too much God damned sense.

They really need to change this shit at least for the cheapest crap but the only thing that will get their attention is if the gaming press run with it and embarrass them.

Or maybe if enough people keep screaming about it on the Steam Reddit. They claim to pay attention to Reddit, as in we DGAF what the BBB says about us but we really care what random Internet assholes on Reddit think. However, I have my doubts they give it as much consideration as they claim beyond Gabe doing an AMA once in a blue moon or popping on to let the Internet know someone he fired is an asshole.

As a company they are just so full of suck. We only put up with them because even now there's still no good one stop shop alternative. And they know it.
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Never played Valkyria Chronicles, is it worth picking up for $4.99?

As a company they are just so full of suck. We only put up with them because even now there's still no good one stop shop alternative. And they know it.
That and a sad number of people are deluded into some weird cult of personality where they think Newell is their bestie and just like them!

Reading the official forums is insane with the number of people who think that Steam has sales, promotions, etc because they're really great guys and not because they're a company looking to separate you from your money. Not that trying to make money is "evil", that's obvious why the companies exist, but it's a sad state of affairs when consumers don't understand that it's why companies do what they do.

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Since Idle master is open source I wish somebody would just Frankenstein this and IM together.

Madjoki probably will do it
and then keep it for himself and say y u no use Madjokimaster?
You have no idea how many times I've asked him to share some of his code with us, only to be ignored. I guess we're lazy for not doing it ourselves and spending all day finding free games with Steam keys to add to our 50 alts for an extra $4 card money.

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It's probably best to use archi's farmer, it contains most of features anyway. As I said, I might release when it's in better state.
There's your problem right there. You're European. Send it to me and it will be in a better state. (Although only marginally so, since I live in Florida).

Agreed on this mobile business being for the birds. Plus even when you do use it it's slow as fuck and of course there's no authorize all button because that would just make too much God damned sense.

They really need to change this shit at least for the cheapest crap but the only thing that will get their attention is if the gaming press run with it and embarrass them.

Or maybe if enough people keep screaming about it on the Steam Reddit. They claim to pay attention to Reddit, as in we DGAF what the BBB says about us but we really care what random Internet assholes on Reddit think. However, I have my doubts they give it as much consideration as they claim beyond Gabe doing an AMA once in a blue moon or popping on to let the Internet know someone he fired is an asshole.

As a company they are just so full of suck. We only put up with them because even now there's still no good one stop shop alternative. And they know it.
people created their own monster. Ewww, uplay, ewww origin. No steam key, no sale. Handed valve all the power. Sheep get told what you are going to let them do, and their bleating is ignored.

I don't understand the existence of market listing confirmations. The point of using the mobile guard is to authorize specific devices to login and use an account. This would eliminate the need for the user to confirm every trivial market activity, since mobile guard ensures that only authorized devices can connect to that particular account.

If I'm logged in, and I'm using mobile guard, then Valve should be 100% certain it's me using my account. Basically the confirmations are redundant and unnecessary.

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Got Alpha Protocol (which unless I missed something, wasn't on the main Sega sale page) and Valkyria Chronicles. Always wanted to play these two, but didn't want to break out the PS3 to do it. Especially AP because I've heard how much of an underrated game it was.
ya, i hope your experience is better than AngryJoe's

Does anyone have boat loads of Tremor coins that they would like to exchange for cash by getting Sunless Sea (1495 coins) and possibly Door Kickers (1095 coins) for me and if so how many Paypal pennies would I need to unpinch?

Playing Alpha Protocol will definitely be better than having to sit through an AngryJoe video.
Expecting a guy named Angry Joe to like something is like expecting Mooby to like something.

Hating shit is what they do [pretendthisistinyfontbecauseimonmobile]and no them liking something every once in a blue moon to see if you are paying attention doesn't negate that[/pretendthisistinyfontbecauseimonmobile]

So I bought Stardew valley thanks to you people.  I want to like it, I really do.  But I find myself pulled back into Rune Factory 4.  What the heck am I missing?  No, I haven't gotten the mines open.  Yes, I focused in on that neighbors quest which apparently isn't easily finished (in fact, there's a purple hair girl that is deftly avoiding me).  I just don't know.

And apparently if I take the time to make fences they're just going to break down so there's zero incentive to keep you farm "pretty".

Alpha Protocol is a severely underrated TPS/RPG.

If you ever wanted to play a character where you are a spy and can try to emulate any of the three B's in your decision-making - i.e. Bond, Bauer, or Bourne - this should be your game. For a TPS/RPG hybrid, the spy setting is quite cool, unique, and different - and I wish more games tapped into this setting.

If you like choice in your games, Alpha does it to a fantastic degree - this is going to be your main reason to play...and obviously replay. You'll get the most out of this game if you like it and want to replay it - b/c things can go so differently w/ each replay. Depending on when you go to certain hubs, areas, location and/or whatever decisions you actually make - the game can turn out drastically & ridiculously different. You might not see certain locations of an area and/or even run into certain characters, based on your decisions.

Sure - the game's quite unbalanced & combat isn't spectacular in a few ways...which is what probably killed it in many reviews (especially in console reviews), since Mass Effect 2's combat changed how many perceive how combat should act, look, and feels in hybrid TPS/FPS's mixing RPG elements.

AP's combat probably relies too much on dice rolls (i.e. think of many FPS/TPS games mixed with RPG's before Mass Effect 2 - i.e. Mass Effect 1 + Vampire Bloodlines) and the game's very unbalanced (some skills are too weak always; some skills get overpowered only when you level them up majorly; and some other skills are too powerful no matter what).

Regardless, choice here is King and so is this spy theme/setting - and if that sounds good to you, you should play this.

Plus, Steven Heck freaking rules.

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Alpha Protocol is a severely underrated TPS/RPG.

If you ever wanted to play a character where you are a spy and can try to emulate any of the three B's in your decision-making - i.e. Bond, Bauer, or Bourne - this should be your game. For a TPS/RPG hybrid, the spy setting is quite cool, unique, and different - and I wish more games tapped into this setting.

If you like choice in your games, Alpha does it to a fantastic degree - this is going to be your main reason to play...and obviously replay. You'll get the most out of this game if you like it and want to replay it - b/c things can go so differently w/ each replay. Depending on when you go to certain hubs, areas, location and/or whatever decisions you actually make - the game can turn out drastically & ridiculously different. You might not see certain locations of an area and/or even run into certain characters, based on your decisions.

Sure - the game's quite unbalanced & combat isn't spectacular in a few ways...which is what probably killed it in many reviews (especially in console reviews), since Mass Effect 2's combat changed how many perceive how combat should act, look, and feels in hybrid TPS/FPS's mixing RPG elements.

AP's combat probably relies too much on dice rolls (i.e. think of many FPS/TPS games mixed with RPG's before Mass Effect 2 - i.e. Mass Effect 1 + Vampire Bloodlines) and the game's very unbalanced (some skills are too weak always; some skills get overpowered only when you level them up majorly; and some other skills are too powerful no matter what).

Regardless - choice here is King and so is this spy theme/setting - and if that sounds good to you, you should play this.

Plus, Steven Heck freaking rules.
SeriousDerrick has spoken.
Expecting a guy named Angry Joe to like something is like expecting Mooby to like something.

Hating shit is what they do [pretendthisistinyfontbecauseimonmobile]and no them liking something every once in a blue moon to see if you are paying attention doesn't negate that[/pretendthisistinyfontbecauseimonmobile]
Didn't expect lots of reaction toward Alpha Protocol on this forum. :whistle2:

Did AngryJoe just accidentally poke the sacred cow or sumthing? :D/


So I bought Stardew valley thanks to you people. I want to like it, I really do. But I find myself pulled back into Rune Factory 4. What the heck am I missing? No, I haven't gotten the mines open. Yes, I focused in on that neighbors quest which apparently isn't easily finished (in fact, there's a purple hair girl that is deftly avoiding me). I just don't know.

And apparently if I take the time to make fences they're just going to break down so there's zero incentive to keep you farm "pretty".
Jumped on the wrong bandwagon. Should have bought The Division.
Tried out Hitman in dx12 for a couple of hours before it crashed on me. Performance was pretty good at 1080 med. settings in dx12 but I think i'll stick with dx11 for now until dx12 is more optimized. 

bread's done