Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I think having to find "deals' on X-Box One games has made Syntax a grumpy turtle, but I can understand.  

You guys know me, I'm the king of the off-topic, triple posting, and breaking every rule on the forum.  Then if anyone cracks down I'll throw a giant hissyfit and demand my right to free speech.  So I don't mind anything.  Shoot, Laney's Stardew Valley Lesbian Farmer Dear Diary was probably the most entertaining thing this thread has seen since CAGNewbie.  

I'd say The Division talk should die down soon, but I just don't see it happening.  It's too good.  It has DLC on the way and expansions and lots and lots of bro love.  So much bro love it's thick in the air.  

people are going to start hating on the division in a week or two, there really isn't any end game at all and their end game pvp (dark zone) is pretty broken.  Its a really fun game for 40 hours or so, exploring Manhattan is great (albeit very Ubisoft-ish with PG-story and collectibles up the wazoo) but after that you basically have a single extremely grindy path to BiS gear and then nothing really to do.  If you try to PVP in the DZ its broken, you get 1500 DZ credits for staying alive as a rogue 5 but if you get killed you lose 100k credits and 4 hours of XP, at rank 50.  Plus balance is super messed up, a geared up 30 can kill 4-10 regular people easily, its a 400-700% power differential between someone with 31 exotics in every slot and someone with purples.

I've really enjoyed the time I put in so far but I'm glad I bought it on console, gonna trade it in a week or two.


Shoot, Laney's Stardew Valley Lesbian Farmer Dear Diary was probably the most entertaining thing this thread has seen since CAGNewbie.
Sure, bits about games are awesome. Weeks on end of babble, less so.

But now that I have people's panties all twisted up about it, maybe I can read about them bitching about that instead :D/


Punch Club is pretty cheap over on Nuuvem. Is it region-locked?

I don't believe TinyBuild adds PayPal locks to their games there. Devolver Digital is one of the few (relatively) smaller indie publishers that does it. But as someone else said they give away their games pretty often... and they also bundle them frequently.

Speaking of typing games, can anyone recommend Typing of the Dead: Overkill? It's on sale during the Sega Steam sale that's happening right now. The original Typing of the Dead on Dreamcast was one of my favorite games on that system.
It's very fun, but if you're not really into gorey games or stuff that has a lot of swearing, you won't find it very enjoyable. The whole "grindhouse movie" shtick gets old quickly if you're not a fan of the genre. I'd say look for videos of the first few levels of the original shooter, and if you find it funny, go for it.

The dictionaries are optional DLC and aren't necessary to enjoy the whole game.

I'm always amazed when people are amazed and that amazes me. It's amazing that I'm amazed so much about how I'm amazed that I'm amazed that people are amazed.

people are going to start hating on the division in a week or two, there really isn't any end game at all and their end game pvp (dark zone) is pretty broken. Its a really fun game for 40 hours or so, exploring Manhattan is great (albeit very Ubisoft-ish with PG-story and collectibles up the wazoo) but after that you basically have a single extremely grindy path to BiS gear and then nothing really to do. If you try to PVP in the DZ its broken, you get 1500 DZ credits for staying alive as a rogue 5 but if you get killed you lose 100k credits and 4 hours of XP, at rank 50. Plus balance is super messed up, a geared up 30 can kill 4-10 regular people easily, its a 400-700% power differential between someone with 31 exotics in every slot and someone with purples.

I've really enjoyed the time I put in so far but I'm glad I bought it on console, gonna trade it in a week or two.

Here's my thing about The Division - a lot of people are judging it as an MMO and expecting or wanting it to somehow keep them entertained for months or a year. Which to an extent is fair. MMOs are supposed to last a while and keep going due to the player interactions. But I think it's being judged against a different price model. If you have something like WOW where you (used to) pay an entry fee then had to pay a monthly fee then it's right to expect it to be entertaining and engaging for months or years to come. But if you just buy a game, pay one price, and get 20-40 enjoyable hours of it, I'd say most people would call that a fair exchange. So if The Division gives me 20-40 hours of fun I'll be happy. If it dies or goes to shit after that, I'm fine with it.

I love it when people poopsock games twelve hours a day and then post on forums about how there's not a whole lot to do after two weeks. 

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Here's my thing about The Division - a lot of people are judging it as an MMO and expecting or wanting it to somehow keep them entertained for months or a year. Which to an extent is fair. MMOs are supposed to last a while and keep going due to the player interactions. But I think it's being judged against a different price model. If you have something like WOW where you (used to) pay an entry fee then had to pay a monthly fee then it's right to expect it to be entertaining and engaging for months or years to come. But if you just buy a game, pay one price, and get 20-40 enjoyable hours of it, I'd say most people would call that a fair exchange. So if The Division gives me 20-40 hours of fun I'll be happy. If it dies or goes to shit after that, I'm fine with it.

Even just getting 20-40 hours worth would be worth it for $60 to me since I'm loving it.

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I love it when people poopsock games twelve hours a day and then post on forums about how there's not a whole lot to do after two weeks.
Well, to his or her defense, when you're a consolebro you have to finish games before your Amazon Trade In expires or the trade in price tanks at Gamestop or Bestbuy or your free rental codes run out at Redbox or your turtle dad tells you no more video games until you clean your room.

Tried out Star Citizen since it's free to try out till the 20th and wow game is real rough. Alot of bugs and not that optimized. The game doesn't even tell you what you gotta do or how to fly. Feels very empty and like hardly no content. This game makes Division look like Witcher 3 in terms of having content.

Tried out Star Citizen since it's free to try out till the 20th and wow game is real rough. Alot of bugs and not that optimized. The game doesn't even tell you what you gotta do or how to fly. Feels very empty and like hardly no content. This game makes Division look like Witcher 3 in terms of having content.
Considering the success of their kickstarter campaign, it said to hear/see this. The free period should have been better timed when the game is nearer to actual completion/more polished. I wish the developer well in putting out a great product.

Even just getting 20-40 hours worth would be worth it for $60 to me since I'm loving it.
20-40 hours, especially on the high side of those numbers, is rather rare for today's "AAA" titles... or so it seems... So, yes, I would be really happy with that amount of time.

(Even if you're just clearing points of interests from maps be it Riddler trophies, side missions, intel reports, or any of the other popular terms for them... Well, at least as long as the game keeps it interesting. Clicking on something so it just goes away is pretty lame but the Batman games challenge you in some way, other games use them to pass along their in game lore, or grant you access to something "fun" when you hit a certain number, or whatnot. If its just to pad time... ugh.)

As for the Division... I would say it mostly hits the mark on things to do. Two different character levels, most of the stuff located on the map helps tell the story, either the main thing or a side story.

I just hit level 30, max character level, and I've played somewhere over 30 hours. My base is 100% but I still have at least one story mission to go... but I suspect more.

I'm actually really surprised at how many story missions there are... I wasn't expecting that truth be told. (That's not really a slight at what I thought the game would be... but it is a slight at the AAA game makers in general.

tl:dr Still having fun, still have allot to do, 30 hours in.

As for topics of conversations (Division and otherwise) that could be boring for the bulk of the users... Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. *shrug* Undoubtedly, everyone of these conversations has died off and the Division will do the same...

That said if there was a good ultimate I would take my talk elsewhere on the forum... but the PC sub forum is an afterthought in every way imaginable. Two threads has moved in close to the last 72 hours... And, frankly, its been a busy 72 hours.

tl:dr This thread is a catchall for a very good reason...

Whatever. I don't think anyone is interested in some dudebro's textspeak play by play on how many times he shot his gun or died.

You got your panties in a bunch because OMG people criticizing The Division when really it wasn't even about that but just the fact the YBXYZ is an annoying idiot with the writing ability of a 10 year old.
It always amazes me anytime anyone takes anything anyone says in this thread seriously.

I always assume everyone is doing some good natured ribbing. I'm probably wrong sometimes, but it makes life more enjoyable.
When people call me an ASSHOLE, I say to myself: "Self, they're doing it out of love.... LOVE OF ASSHOLES! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... HAH"
Punch Club is confirmed region-free from Nuuvem. Bought with PayPal, no VPN needed, activated fine.

17.99 Brazilian reals, whatever that translates to in your currency. Worked out at around £4 for me which isn't bad at all against a £6.99 RRP.

YEAH! Deal talk bro!

Punch Club is confirmed region-free from Nuuvem. Bought with PayPal, no VPN needed, activated fine.

17.99 Brazilian reals, whatever that translates to in your currency. Worked out at around £4 for me which isn't bad at all against a £6.99 RRP.

YEAH! Deal talk bro!

Too bad we don't have CAGNEWBIE around anymore to chastiZe you for buying put of your region. :p
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Punch Club is confirmed region-free from Nuuvem. Bought with PayPal, no VPN needed, activated fine.

17.99 Brazilian reals, whatever that translates to in your currency. Worked out at around £4 for me which isn't bad at all against a £6.99 RRP.

YEAH! Deal talk bro!

Thank you for your sacrifice. Looking forward to seeing it in the April monthly!

20-40 hours, especially on the high side of those numbers, is rather rare for today's "AAA" titles... or so it seems... So, yes, I would be really happy with that amount of time.

(Even if you're just clearing points of interests from maps be it Riddler trophies, side missions, intel reports, or any of the other popular terms for them... Well, at least as long as the game keeps it interesting. Clicking on something so it just goes away is pretty lame but the Batman games challenge you in some way, other games use them to pass along their in game lore, or grant you access to something "fun" when you hit a certain number, or whatnot. If its just to pad time... ugh.)

As for the Division... I would say it mostly hits the mark on things to do. Two different character levels, most of the stuff located on the map helps tell the story, either the main thing or a side story.

I just hit level 30, max character level, and I've played somewhere over 30 hours. My base is 100% but I still have at least one story mission to go... but I suspect more.

I'm actually really surprised at how many story missions there are... I wasn't expecting that truth be told. (That's not really a slight at what I thought the game would be... but it is a slight at the AAA game makers in general.

tl:dr Still having fun, still have allot to do, 30 hours in.

As for topics of conversations (Division and otherwise) that could be boring for the bulk of the users... Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. *shrug* Undoubtedly, everyone of these conversations has died off and the Division will do the same...

That said if there was a good ultimate I would take my talk elsewhere on the forum... but the PC sub forum is an afterthought in every way imaginable. Two threads has moved in close to the last 72 hours... And, frankly, its been a busy 72 hours.

tl:dr This thread is a catchall for a very good reason...
You leave for like an hour and everyone turns into MysterD 'let me tell you about my character and frame rate" storytime .. fuck!
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Considering the success of their kickstarter campaign, it said to hear/see this. The free period should have been better timed when the game is nearer to actual completion/more polished. I wish the developer well in putting out a great product.
These free periods Star Citizen has been doing are mostly just done so they can let the whales try out all the ships and hopefully convince them to spend even more ridiculous amounts of money buying the virtual ships they try out.

The arena dogfight stuff is the only really complete thing as of right now. The multiplayer world isn't very far along still, and the entire single player campaign, Squadron 42, isn't available and that's what's supposed to be releasing first.

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I helped Jessica Fletcher clear all the Hidden Objects in Murder She Wrote.


I just thought y'all should know since we're posting achievements now.
I helped Jessica Fletcher clear all the Hidden Objects in Murder She Wrote.


I just thought y'all should know since we're posting achievements now.


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Listening to you people go on and on about the Division... it is seriously like listening to a bunch of old women playing cards.  And they didn't drink their fiber so their especially blocked up.

Started Hitman. Beginning of the game is literally the beta, so Ive yet to see the recently released stuff for it. That said technologically its really solid for me thus far. I'm running it in DX12 and Ultra everything with all settings at their highest. I was surprised that it ran pretty damn good for me. There were some frame rate drops (between 40-50) in some spots and they seemed almost random, so I imagine that there's things that need to be patched moreso than something being broken or totally unoptimized. Specs are FX-8350/GTX 970/12 GB RAM/Win 10. Most of the time I was almost always above 50 and maintained 60 quite regularly. It may be different once I get into Paris, but I'm still one level/section of the Prologue away from starting the main game.


guys stop playing the division and play a REAL game like me....Murdered Soul Suspect is where it's at

fuck why'd you have to point that out I KNEW SOMETHING WAS MISSING i was like OKAY this game seems alright besides the stupid character and his vest and his dumb fedora but now i know, NOW I KNOW. IF ONLY I COULD CHOOSE MY HAIR DAMN YOU FOXYPIE

SELFIE TIME IS OVER!!!  Now it's all about sneaking through Columbia & Rapture with my crossbow of sleepy doom.

Ah, who am I kidding?  It's always selfie time...


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bread's done