Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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So, random question, how do you access the ignore settings now? Can't find shit now that CAG 3.0 4.0 NEW! fucked everything up.

So, random question, how do you access the ignore settings now? Can't find shit now that CAG 3.0 4.0 NEW! fucked everything up.
It's really intuitive. So:

1. Find user you want to ignore and memorize username.

2. Go to "My Profile" (Your profile not the user you want to ignore).

3. Then click "Edit Profile"

4. Then click "Ignore Preferences"

5. Then type in their name and add to your ignore list.

Somebody be my butler and tell me what good games are on the Wii U.
  • Smash
  • Mario Kart
  • Bayo
  • 3D World
  • 101
  • WW HD
Xeno and Zelda is coming up. Splatoon, Star Fox, probably Mario 3D Galaxy? Also the crapload of VC titles like Prime Trilogy, Mario Galaxy 2. A lot if you've been absent from Nintendo.

If it's anything like the Wii, I'll play through 3-4 games and then never touch it again. A new Trauma Center would be the only reason I'd buy a Wii U, but that hasn't happened.

fuck, now we're gonna go through multiple pages of Nintendo discussion.

So, random question, how do you access the ignore settings now? Can't find shit now that CAG 3.0 4.0 NEW! fucked everything up.
y u want 2 ignore me
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If it's anything like the Wii, I'll play through 3-4 games and then never touch it again. A new Trauma Center would be the only reason I'd buy a Wii U, but that hasn't happened.

fuck, now we're gonna go through multiple pages of Nintendo discussion.
Whatever dude, I played the shit out of Wii Sports.

I asked him for good games.

*has no idea what Zombie U is*

EDIT: actually, it doesn't look too bad.

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I keep saying I'll buy another tablet but then I think about it and the HP Touchpad pretty much does everything I want to do on a tablet and I've been progressively updatng the Android version on it.

I mean if there were a Windows tablet that wasn't shit for gaming, like had desktop or high end laptop equivalent Nvidia or something then maybe.
I'll be completely honest at this point and say that the #1 reason I am looking to replace the touchpad right now is because I've rediscovered that comic books/graphic novels are fun to read (after not really bothering with them for 20+ years) - and they're even better when you are reading back catalog stuff and don't have to wait a month to find out what happens next.

I do actually still like the touchpad (and loved the price I paid for it), I just hate the wasted space on the 4:3 display (for reading what amounts to a 16:10 comics page) in single page view/portrait mode and it's comparatively low resolution making 2 page view in landscape nonviable as well.

First world problems? Definitely... I know. :roll:

CM11 a good version? I'm still at CM9, largely because it works and I'm afraid of breaking it by getting too clever.

All I really use my tablet for is web browsing, email, web-comics and the rare Netflix/Xfinity viewing. Sometimes I tell myself I'll play some Android games on it but, except for a few Kairosoft games, I never really get into them. I'd really rather game on the PC.

I bought a couple of the barrel chargers when they were clearanced at $5 each (or something like that) plus still set it on its charging stand at night in alarm clock mode.
CM11 is better than 10 or 9 as far as I am concerned. The only thing I miss is the combined lower and upper statusbars on the newer versions - of course that was google's fault not cyanogen's. I don't think you'd regret the update at all.

I barely play anything on it either - mainly because I don't really want to add android games to my backlog as well.

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thanks for the feedback.. so much for Gears of War killer from Sony. The premise is good but the gameplay is so BORING and GENERIC. This is even worse than RYSE :drool:
How the fuck do you think it could be a Gears of War killer with a single player only game?!

I don't know why the fuck you'd need a Wii U..
I got a Wii U, updated it and put it back in the box when I moved. Never played it, so 3 months later I sold it and made $100 on the deal.

I never could get into SSB or MK.

How the fuck do you think it could be a Gears of War killer with a single player only game?!

I got a Wii U, updated it and put it back in the box when I moved. Never played it, so 3 months later I sold it and made $100 on the deal.

I never could get into SSB or MK.
Smash Brothers and Mario Kart really are the best examples of games that thrive on local multiplayer.
Having 4-8 people in the room playing the games adds a lot to them.

It's really one of the niches were Nintendo really blows everyone else out of the water.

While it's a nightmare and a half to get two Gamecube adapters and 8 Gamecube controllers, there really isn't much out there like 8 player Smash Brothers.

One of the things that I've been happy with Nintendo about is that with some of their recent games, it's clear they realized that the game was either short or pretty niche, so rather than a $59.99 release price, they're giving them a $39.99 release price.

It's a lot easier to be on board with things like Captain Toad Treasure Tracker and Kirby and the Rainbow Curse when they aren't being put out there at the same MSRP as just about everything else.

:speaktothehand: I quit. Maybe I'll go troll the Wii-U threads with Steam discussion.
Which is easy to do. If you look at the eShop, if it's not a Nintendo-made title, more often than not it's WAY cheaper on steam, or frequently even a bundle game. (As can be said for all of those filthy console peasant platforms)

Just bought a Wii U on V-Day and I got it to play Bayonetta 1 & 2. Got Mario with the system, Zombii I and Ninja Gaiden 3. My idea is to play all the exclusives and when I run out pick up Wii games I missed like The Last Story. If you have a young one like I do it is great to use the gamepad as a tablet when he is watching cartoons.

I like to play exclusives for all systems but could definitely get rid of my PS4 because there is not allot out or coming that I want to play that I couldn't on my pc or xbone. Oh and steam is great. Gaben is God. PC Master Race. #SeasonalCAG.
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I was just at a friend's house playing SSB on his Wii U.

Nintendo has great exclusive titles, and they're all awesome fun to play in a room with a bunch of friends. Not to mention that everything is easy to turn into a drinking game if you just use your imagination. Beerio Kart is the best game ever invented.

CTR was the last [console-exclusive] kart racing game that I really enjoyed. After that, Mario Kart seems kind of lacking and far more of a crap-shoot to win.

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I think it's funny when people have to ask if they should buy a Wii U. You know exactly what to expect from Nintendo and what types of games they make. If their exclusives in the past haven't convinced you that you need to get one by now, the ones they're going to come out with in the future won't change your mind. I made the jump in December. Now I'm debating making the PS4 jump just to get Bloodborne. Never would've guessed I'd be thinking of picking up two "next gen" consoles a year ago.


Think of the children.

That kid is Nintendo's prime demographic. He'd probably want us to talk Wii U 24/7.
You're clearly wrong.


CHOKING HAZARD: Small parts included. Not for children under 3 years old.

Nintendo waits until they can hold the game pad to lure them in.

Haven't seen this mentioned. I don't think I've actually ever paid for anything at Big Fish though:

Credit card info stolen in BigFish Games site compromise

"Your information may have been affected if you entered new payment details on our websites (rather than using a previously saved profile) for purchases between December 24, 2014 and January 8, 2015. Your name, address, and payment card information, including the card number, expiration date, and CVV2 code, may have been among the information accessed."
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Daily Deals
80% off Amanita Collection (DRM Free) - $5.00 [customspoiler=Includes]
  • Botanicula
  • Machinarium PC
  • Machinarium Soundtrack
  • Samorost 2

Weekly, Midweek and Weekend Deals
Ending 2/23
Up to 80% off Fallen Enchantress games and DLC
50% off Frozen Synapse Prime game and soundtrack
Up to 89% off Men of War games and DLC
Up to 66% off Mount & Blade games
Up to 75% off Surprise Attack games

Ending 2/27
Up to 75% off Feral (Mac) games

Up to 60% off CI Games
Weekend Sale: 60% off all games
Coupons Codes: Collector's Editions: HAPPY / Standard Versions: NEWYEAR (Offer expires 2/22 11:59 PST)
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Please it is only a matter of time there will be a wii u emulator lol

Zelda vs Bloodbourne will decide my next system. i love all the souls games but I've got a feeling bloodbourne may be a let down(formula is wearing thin, I already play Souls with no shield).
Haven't seen this mentioned. I don't think I've actually ever paid for anything at Big Fish though:

Credit card info stolen in BigFish Games site compromise

"Your information may have been affected if you entered new payment details on our websites (rather than using a previously saved profile) for purchases between December 24, 2014 and January 8, 2015. Your name, address, and payment card information, including the card number, expiration date, and CVV2 code, may have been among the information accessed."
Hey my shit's saved on there from a long ass time ago. I'm not some Johnny Come Big Fish Lately.

Seriously though, this shit is happening pretty much everywhere. The companies are being lazy fucks and not upgrading their security and then are all like Oops sorry :oops: after it leaks out but don't change anything and continue on as usual. I really don't think any of them are going to do shit about it until they're forced to.

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Hey my shit's saved on there from a long ass time ago. I'm not some Johnny Come Big Fish Lately.

Seriously though, this shit is happening pretty much everywhere. The companies are being lazy fucks and not upgrading their security and then are all like Oops sorry :oops: after it leaks out but don't change anything and continue on as usual. I really don't think any of them are going to do shit about it until they're forced to.
this is why when the internet age of shopping started booming I got a credit card with a 'small' limit I use only for risky transactions. if they steal that info who cares. limiting exposure is the key, I trust most businesses to be cheap and incompetent.

However, it is also happening with brick and mortar i.e. Home Depot and others.  Credit card information and identity theft from other companies like Blue Cross/Blue Shield recently with the score being in the tens of millions affected is the new age robbery.  

Limiting loss like you mentioned is good, along with monitoring your own credit and bills.

However, it is also happening with brick and mortar i.e. Home Depot and others. Credit card information and identity theft from other companies like Blue Cross/Blue Shield recently with the score being in the tens of millions affected is the new age robbery.
Limiting loss like you mentioned is good, along with monitoring your own credit and bills.
like we monitor cheap ass games? I would be ashamed call myself a cag if didn't know down to the minute what my bank/cc accounts looked like 😁
I try to use Paypal when I can to limit some of this mess. I mean I guess someone can hack that too but that's one place to have all my card info vs 1,000 places.


Zelda vs Bloodbourne will decide my next system. i love all the souls games but I've got a feeling bloodbourne may be a let down(formula is wearing thin, I already play Souls with no shield).
Miyazaki is going to be back at the helm of Bloodborne, so I think it'll be pretty great. Of course if the gameplay formula is getting old to you it might not matter, although this game is supposed to be much faster paced than the games before it. The gameplay itself isn't getting old, I just hope with the return of Miyazaki they get back to some of the things that made Dark Souls 1 so great (lore that's actually interesting as oppose to simply obtuse, the pretty incredible interconnected design of the world, long, complicated non linear levels, etc).

Also although I'm a sucker for the traditional fantasy environment the gothic horror aesthetic looks pretty cool.

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Haven't seen this mentioned. I don't think I've actually ever paid for anything at Big Fish though:

Credit card info stolen in BigFish Games site compromise
The weekend when we had the "Big Fish Games" sale that folks jumped on was Jan 18th, so outside the window they say the theft occurred. Not that stuff can't get stolen later but if that was your first time with BFG, you can breathe a little easier.

Miyazaki is going to be back at the helm of Bloodborne, so I think it'll be pretty great. Of course if the gameplay formula is getting old to you it might not matter, although this game is supposed to be much faster paced than the games before it. The gameplay itself isn't getting old, I just hope with the return of Miyazaki they get back to some of the things that made Dark Souls 1 so great (lore that's actually interesting as oppose to simply obtuse, the pretty incredible interconnected design of the world, long, complicated non linear levels, etc).

Also although I'm a sucker for the traditional fantasy environment the gothic horror aesthetic looks pretty cool.
I'm no Miyazaki groupie. you could argue he got lucky with demon souls. that said nothing wrong with being lucky but I'm not blindly jocking bloodbourne before the reviews drop. TOTALLY agree with your last paragraph though.

PS: darksouls2's dlc makes up for a lot of beef people had with the game(I know I know boo dlc)

PPS: the souls games are all about freedom. fast/methodical, up close/ranged, magic/melee, shield/no shield, its all viable only limited by your imagination and skill. BB seems like it will take away some of this freedom, dare I say dumb it down a bit. this usually is a bad thing. meh I'll wait for the reviews...
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And I use Cash.  I dare hackers to hack cash.  :)  No but seriously, I'm not rich.. if I get hacked that sucks... but I use diff passwords for everything.  

I just got an email the other night saying that someone tried to brute force one of my passwords on another side... of course.. I traced the IP... no surprise.. China.  I wish my card companies emailed me like that and I'd always be on top of things.

i'm thinking of just making a document on my computer with a bunch of crazy passwords like this and using it to copy paste when i login to things
But then if your hard drive shits the bed you're screwed. My gf does this and I always try to talk her out of it.

Edit: it's also a royal PITA every time she wants to log in somewhere she has to go to that computer and look it up.

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bread's done