Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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But then if your hard drive shits the bed you're screwed. My gf does this and I always try to talk her out of it.

Edit: it's also a royal PITA every time she wants to log in somewhere she has to go to that computer and look it up.
I mean you can always back the doc up on a usb or something

Miyazaki is going to be back at the helm of Bloodborne, so I think it'll be pretty great. Of course if the gameplay formula is getting old to you it might not matter, although this game is supposed to be much faster paced than the games before it. The gameplay itself isn't getting old, I just hope with the return of Miyazaki they get back to some of the things that made Dark Souls 1 so great (lore that's actually interesting as oppose to simply obtuse, the pretty incredible interconnected design of the world, long, complicated non linear levels, etc).

Also although I'm a sucker for the traditional fantasy environment the gothic horror aesthetic looks pretty cool.
Miyazaki's a hack, he never finished The Last Guardian. Seriously though, with that trademark expiring, I feel bad for anyone who bought a Sony system (PS3 or PS4) in anticipation of it.

But then if your hard drive shits the bed you're screwed. My gf does this and I always try to talk her out of it.

Edit: it's also a royal PITA every time she wants to log in somewhere she has to go to that computer and look it up.
Burn the file w/ all your passwords to a CD, DVD, another external hard drive, zip drive or something else...

Miyazaki's a hack, he never finished The Last Guardian. Seriously though, with that trademark expiring, I feel bad for anyone who bought a Sony system (PS3 or PS4) in anticipation of it.
I had sort of planned on buying a PS3 when cheap--say about now--to play that game. Honestly, I'd just as soon see that as a movie as a game. The important thing is I just want it made.

Burn the file w/ all your passwords to a CD, DVD, another external hard drive, zip drive or something else...
That's how you guys remember passwords? Amateurs.


Kinda makes changing your password problematic, but far more permanent than your fancy digital methods.

That's a worthwhile idea, too.

As long as nobody hacks your Google Drive account, of course.
two step would probably be easier to break into your house and steal your cd

i also have specific passwords generated for specific apps that access my google account, each password is different for each of the apps or programs that access it.

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I mean you can always back the doc up on a usb or something
Burn the file w/ all your passwords to a CD, DVD, another external hard drive, zip drive or something else...
Waaay too lazy for that - plus I'm sure most of us would forget to update it or only update part of it, etc.

or act like its not 2002 and upload it to something like Google drive
She'd be too nervous that someone would get access to it and then not only have the passwords to all her sites, but know what sites she used..... I'm not saying it's 100% logical or even likely, but in all honesty it's better she's that cautious. When I first met her she was way too trusting and had tons of spyware & viruses on her comp. Now she asks me if its safe to download something from cnet every time she wants to.

Edit - also where would she keep the password to google drive? ;)

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Waaay too lazy for that - plus I'm sure most of us would forget to update it or only update part of it, etc.

She'd be too nervous that someone would get access to it and then not only have the passwords to all her sites, but know what sites she used..... I'm not saying it's 100% logical or even likely, but in all honesty it's better she's that cautious. When I first met her she was way too trusting and had tons of spyware & viruses on her comp. Now she asks me if its safe to download something from cnet every time she wants to.

Edit - also where would she keep the password to google drive? ;)
thats some inception shit right there

Steamgifts giveaways ending less than an hour, enjoy!

...and there go my chances.

I cannot complain, because I've already won 2 giveaways today, one from Glenn and one earlier from you.

I've never won two giveaways in one day before.

Thanks a lot.

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Nah, each giveaway still ended with ~ <10 entrants
Are they credited to your contributor value, if there isn't more than 10 entrants?

Wow. Just won 3rd giveaway. I know it was 20% chance, but still I feel very lucky today.

Edit. and now 4th one. Point Perfect from a random giveaway. I should prepare to not winning anything in the next several months.

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It is like 5 or 10 entrants to get credit I believe, and I am close to L6 so I figured I'd try to hit that limit. Once people mark them as received, I got another batch ready to go.

Impossible. The levels were only introduced about a month ago.
Levels, ratings, contribution amounts, whatever. Basically caring about how much you gave away on on Steamgifts so you can increase your standing instead of just, you know, giving away to give away. Gave up on that site a long time ago but if it floats peoples boats whatevs.

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Lotsa L-ish Games in February update ...
LA Noire
Life is Strange Ep. 1
Little Inferno
Leona's Tricky Adventures
Life of Pixel 
Lunnye Devitsy 
This finishing games thing is easier than it looks.
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Lotsa L-ish Games in February update ...

LA Noire
Life is Strange Ep. 1
Little Inferno
Leona's Tricky Adventures

Life of Pixel
Lunnye Devitsy

This finishing games thing is easier than it looks.
I think I finished Dark Souls in February or maybe it was back in January. Haven't been playing much. Got bored of MMX and now Thief. Only played Thief for about four or five hours, too.


Show off.
They've been here all this time and still don't understand Steam's game mechanics. :roll:

Guys, it's "buy game, forget you own game, buy game in bundle later" NOT "buy game, play game!"

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If you missed out on getting Chariot for free on Xbox One last year, you're in luck! We're about to stream the game for 90 minutes tonight and giving out Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Steam codes. Please check it out.


You can run GRC Perfect Paper Passwords generator to make strong passwords.

My pal has been urging me to try Last Pass, but I haven't tried it yet.

i'm thinking of just making a document on my computer with a bunch of crazy passwords like this and using it to copy paste when i login to things
But then if your hard drive shits the bed you're screwed. My gf does this and I always try to talk her out of it.

Edit: it's also a royal PITA every time she wants to log in somewhere she has to go to that computer and look it up.
Why doesn't she use a password manager?
I can recommend mSecure.
I mean you can always back the doc up on a usb or somethin
You can run GRC Perfect Paper Passwords generator to make strong passwords.

My pal has been urging me to try Last Pass, but I haven't tried it yet.
I had been using KeePass for awhile and it's pretty good, but really it's basically just a glorified Word file. I finally made the switch to Last Pass last week and so far I really like it. It's nice not having to open up KeePass all the time for forgotten passwords. With Last Pass there is a little button on each site's login box. (after you set it up for that site) Push that and it automatically puts in your login and pw for that site. Very simple. It will also generate passwords for you and save them for sites if you want as well. It also can import your saved login and pw's from Chrome/Firefox and it can can do a security check that will break down your passwords by site. It's useful to see which site uses which password.

Lotsa L-ish Games in February update ...

LA Noire
Life is Strange Ep. 1
Little Inferno
Leona's Tricky Adventures

Life of Pixel
Lunnye Devitsy

This finishing games thing is easier than it looks.
I've been on a roll with finishing games (beat Shadowrun Returns, Saints Row 3, Red Faction 1, Half Life Oppoing Force, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 1, and Sly Cooper 1 so far this year), I'm playing Baldur's Gate 2 right now. Really hooked on it, but it's apparently a damn long game. I've really been on a crpg kick recently...pretty happy there's this crpg renaissance going on now that I realized how much I like that genre.

I've been on a roll with finishing games (beat Shadowrun Returns, Saints Row 3, Red Faction 1, Half Life Oppoing Force, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 1, and Sly Cooper 1 so far this year), I'm playing Baldur's Gate 2 right now. Really hooked on it, but it's apparently a damn long game. I've really been on a crpg kick recently...pretty happy there's this crpg renaissance going on now that I realized how much I like that genre.
and have you finished Shadowrun: Dragonfall?

Nah I don't even have it. Waiting for at least 75% off, hoping that it'll be bundled. I enjoyed SRR enough though that I'll probably buy it in the summer sale, where I'm assuming it'll get a 75% off discount.
even at 66% u should jump on it. multiple endings, amazing characters, mind-blowing plot with well written dialogue and a revised combat system (fun and simple to learn)

it's the example of Kickstarter done right

even at 66% u should jump on it. multiple endings, amazing characters, mind-blowing plot with well written dialogue and a revised combat system (fun and simple to learn)

it's the example of Kickstarter done right
Yeah, I do really want it, but I have enough backlog that I don't mind waiting. I'd be surprised if it didn't end up 75% off pretty soon
I had been using KeePass for awhile and it's pretty good, but really it's basically just a glorified Word file. I finally made the switch to Last Pass last week and so far I really like it. It's nice not having to open up KeePass all the time for forgotten passwords. With Last Pass there is a little button on each site's login box. (after you set it up for that site) Push that and it automatically puts in your login and pw for that site. Very simple. It will also generate passwords for you and save them for sites if you want as well. It also can import your saved login and pw's from Chrome/Firefox and it can can do a security check that will break down your passwords by site. It's useful to see which site uses which password.
I've been wanting to switch over to Last Pass for a little while, but the idea of changing my passwords for every site seems like a tedious and time-consuming process. Did you do it all at once, or just as you use a site? How much of a PITA was that?

I've been wanting to switch over to Last Pass for a little while, but the idea of changing my passwords for every site seems like a tedious and time-consuming process. Did you do it all at once, or just as you use a site? How much of a PITA was that?
I only changed passwords for sites that I felt might have important info. So mainly shopping sites and a few others. Their security check feature makes it really easy to see which sites use the same passwords, assuming you import them from your browser when you first set up Last Pass. I just looked at the list and clicked on all the ones I wanted to change the password to. It took me to the site and then I would change it for each site and then Last Pass would ask to remember it. It took a little while but it wasn't that bad really. Small price to pay to not have to worry about it again.

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I've been wanting to switch over to Last Pass for a little while, but the idea of changing my passwords for every site seems like a tedious and time-consuming process. Did you do it all at once, or just as you use a site? How much of a PITA was that?
When I migrated a few dozen sites to use my browser's password store, I only changed most of the more important sites that day. The less important sites I changed slowly over the next six months or so: whenever the cookie expired, I was logged out, or I revisited some site I hadn't used to a long time, I changed the password.

You noobs and your digital password storage are hilarious. All you need to do is create one long password and tape it to the underside of your keyboard.

If people know your password AND what websites to enter it into to steal your identity, then you have much bigger security holes than an unsalted encryption. Like locking your goddamn door, for example.

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You noobs and your digital password storage are hilarious. All you need to do is create one long password and tape it to the underside of your keyboard.

If people know your password AND what websites to enter it into to steal your identity, then you have much bigger security holes than an unsalted encryption. Like locking your goddamn door, for example.
One step ahead of you. I took inspiration from all of those urban legends about how nobody that works at Google knows the entirety of their search algorithm: I created one long password and taped a quarter of it under each of 4 of my neighbors' keyboards with no explanation. Whenever I need to log in to a website, I break into each of their houses in sequence. None of them are sure which order the passwords go in, or really, what the hell they are. The safest AND most convenient of all possible solutions.

Also, they should probably start locking their goddamn doors.

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Haven't been playing much. Got bored of MMX and now Thief. Only played Thief for about four or five hours, too.
Thief DS + 2014 Discussion

Did you like the gameplay + structure of Thief: Deadly Shadows?

(SIDE NOTE: Me, I actually did - quite a bit, even.)

B/c if you didn't, I'm not sure how you're gonna like Thief 2014 - namely b/c of its open game-world structure. Thief 2014 is more similar to Thief: DS than Thief: TDP Reg or Gold + Thief 2. I think there may be a case that fans do indeed prefer the straight-up mission-to-mission structure that Thief: TDP Reg or Gold + Thief 2 had going on; and also that Dishonored GOTY used.

Also, if you have a major love for the old-school Thief games (i.e. Thief: The Dark Project Regular Edition or Gold Edition + Thief 2: The Metal Age) and are looking for that kind of experience (i.e. less modernized) - I would suggest you try + create a Custom Difficulty when you play and turn most of the "modern" features off. That could help any sort of gripes one might have w/ say one-hit take-downs, X-Ray Mode, shimmering objects, and other things.

I played on Thief difficulty, BTW. I had no problem w/ the modernizing of the gameplay.

About story + character - that's really my biggest complaint w/ Thief 2014. I didn't like some of the predictability the story took + some of the direction of the story & characters. I thought it could've went better & in more interesting directions, in that regard. If that's what is kicking you from playing the game, then...not much can be really done there.

I had a blast w/ the main missions themselves; just freely going around the game-world + going through people's houses; + some of the side-quests.

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Thank you MysterD for the morning toast in the form of advice on Thief.  I was debating about this iteration and now want to try.

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bread's done