Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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The game is tons of fun but it can get old at times due to repetitiveness and it's a bit on the short side (5 hours). Honestly, the worst thing Platinum could've done was signing a contract with Activision, they're known for developing short but games that unfortunately do not mix well with Activision's pricing policy. Devastation would've been a great $30 game, but even at 75% I wouldn't recommend it because you can get way more content from a $20 indie title. It's kinda sad that the game will not sell well because its amount of content simply does not justify the price point. If you're gonna play it right away and you're a Transformers fan, then it's a no brainer, I don't see the game selling for a cheaper price soon, it's Activision.
Thanks. I think I'll probably wait until it's less than $10.

If anyone has a 1070 or 1080 around here, I'd love to hear how Batman AK runs for you - especially if you are not using the 30FPS lock.
1070 here! Ran the performance test at stock clocks, its next on my list to actually play once i get done with mad max.


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Battlefield: Hardline runs top-shelf here at 60FPS constantly with max'ed-out everything at 1080p on the 970. 

[insert any thumbsup.gif]

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All sold out.

Speaking of, the 480's seem to be true to their word of delivering great performance for not much money:
Pretty the MAIN reason why I was using ATI exclusively in the past. But this gen, NVIDIA got ahead with both performance:value ratio AND driver compability.

Welcome back ATI (to 1999) but you need to keep up with the time more. You can't simply reverse back to to the same old strategy and expect to beat your competitors.

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Sweet! So, if you don't mind me asking: what are the specs for your new build?
Who cares about that guy, check out some of the specs on this bad boy:

1.67 ghz dual processor

cutting edge intel 4000 graphics

windows 7

4gb memory

500 gb hard drive

13 inch screen

lithium ion battery

headphone jack

I just realized the watermelon's neglectful plodding through the hurdles in today's front page animation is a metaphor for Valve's apathy toward big sales.


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We here in Rai Studio want to say couple words about this situation and bring a little more explanation on what actually happened.

Firstly, we are not developers of our games, but the publisher.
As a responsible publisher, we have managed to bring some amount (yes, large amount) of keys for giveaways in different steam groups.

We haven't expected that one of this groups would be headed by an administrator of a steam-bot network. Nor we didn't expect him to use this keys and his bots to actually exploit the review system of our games.
the CAG among us? :D/

So is today's Steam animation thingy racist against Native Americans or Blacks?
I now can't unsee the tortilla chip, vanilla cone, fat watermelon in the race with the angry grapes rioting. Insert your own ethnic groups for the foods...

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Sure is a good thing Drunk Wizard devs used steamgifts to distribute 19,000 steam keys to the people they revoked keys on earlier, cause surely everyone that got a key revoked will win the giveaway.

So I guess I should buy Minerva's Den now while it's $2.49? Or will BioShock 2 Remastered be one of those "Includes the DLC" things? :whistle2:k

Edit: Guess it includes the DLC so no reason to buy the original DLC if I own B2 already:

The package includes all three games (BioShock, BioShock 2, and BioShock Infinite) as well as all of the single-player DLC
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Sure is a good thing Drunk Wizard devs used steamgifts to distribute 19,000 steam keys to the people they revoked keys on earlier, cause surely everyone that got a key revoked will win the giveaway.
Well fuck, I lost.
I also lost the kazillion copy giveaway.

So is anyone pitching a bitch about this? I don't give two shits about the game but they promised to give the game back to everyone they took it away from and incompetence isn't a good reason to go back on that promise.

I also lost the kazillion copy giveaway.

So is anyone pitching a bitch about this? I don't give two shits about the game but they promised to give the game back to everyone they took it away from and incompetence isn't a good reason to go back on that promise.
Lost here as well. Motoki, Aren't you the one who typically handles the bitch pitching? I demand justice and you can go get it for us.

Lost here as well. Motoki, Aren't you the one who typically handles the bitch pitching? I demand justice and you can go get it for us.
I'm semi retired but if no one else does it I might have to get some pitchforks out, but it will have to be much later today when I get done work. It takes time to write and epic ass ripping rant.

I'm semi retired but if no one else does it I might have to get some pitchforks out, but it will have to be much later today when I get done work. It takes time to write and epic ass ripping rant.
Thanks. I didn't want to have to call u bad boi and sned u to spnakign cage.

Finally, the system works for Syntax Error! Suck it, you chumps who bought it five years ago! :D/

True story: Bioshock 2 is the oldest unplayed game in my Steam library.
It's the best game in the series. Play that shit.

Also, I wonder if the vendor sound effects will finally work in the remaster. I hope not.
To everyone who won Drunk Wizards: congrats on winning the game, I'm sure the dev won't revoke all the keys again and restrict your accounts because he didn't make money off the giveaway.

(including me)

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He'll revoke all the keys because he'll probably do a bigger giveaway after Motoki pitches some bitches so that everyone gets a copy, but only one copy.

He'll revoke all the keys because he'll probably do a bigger giveaway after Motoki pitches some bitches so that everyone gets a copy, but only one copy.
500,000 giveaway on Steamgifts this time. Then 200,000 will turn around and to try regift it causing the Steamgifts shamenuns to have to work overtime shaming them.

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I love how any time anyone breaks one of their sometimes quite frankly obtuse or nonsensical rules there's like 20 net nannies there having an aneurysm over it.

Don't crush my dreams of winning someone's sloppy seconds of Drunk Wizards that I owned, then didn't own, then entered a giveaway with a kajillion copies and still lost and really don't want but just want because it was taken away from me!

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500,000 giveaway on Steamgifts this time. Then 200,000 will turn around and to try regift it causing the Steamgifts shamenuns to have to work overtime shaming them.
<<<------Steamgifts shamenun

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How do you not own Minerva's Den? I thought it was given for free for everyone who owned Bioshock 2 when it switched from GFWL DRM to Steamworks
It was free for owners of Bioshock 2 at the time of the GWFL to Steamworks switch (~October 2013). Not free for people who acquired Bioshock 2 after that date.

y i no wen free

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You can check if the creator of a giveaway is in the previous giveaway's winner list even if they haven't clicked "Received" yet by searching for their username, it'll show up as "Anonymous".

Of course that doesn't mean they're not regifting if they're giving away a copy of a game after a mass giveaway, they could easily use alts.

I just blacklist the regifters and go on with my day.

I honestly don't see what the big stink is. Who cares? It's theirs so let them do it. People just get their panties in a bunch because of that stupid brownie points system. ZOMG someone is getting extra points for a shitty game they won instead paying 10 cents for in some Indie Gala Happy Hour!
Some people get so wrapped up in it too. It's always the same assholes eyeballing all the giveaways so them can shit their pants as soon as some unsuspecting noob breaks the rules.
bread's done