Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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I bought a SteelSeries WoW MMO Legendary Edition mouse yesterday at WalMart's for $20 in a clearance section.

MysterD likes it quite a bit, so far.


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Yes exactly. I was super excited when the Gundam Unicorn Anime came out because it took place in the old (80s) Gundam universe and the character designs were very retro and heavily influence be Hiroyuki Kitazume's designs.

I love Ghibli stuff too and basically bought a PS3 for Ni no Kuni.

Most stuff after the 90s I can't really stomach that well though because it got all pedo creepy to me after that. But I do like some of the more unusual weird trippy retro etc still comes along occasionally like the stuff from Satoshi Kon (RIP).

It kind of makes me sad that what used to be my hobby when I was a kid (Voltron, Robotech, Gundam, Nausicaa etc) has turned into some borderline pedophile panty sniffing fetish sort of thing. I mean, I'm sure that sort of thing was always there but it seems like it's the mainstream now for the fandom. Like it used to be if you said you were into Anime you were into giant robot space opera epics and now if you say you're into Anime it means you jack off to underage cartoon girls.

I don't know, maybe I'm getting old and crotchety and maybe I just have been exposed to too much crap I can't unsee because the internet. It was nice though when Anime wasn't a creepy stigma and when Anime actually wasn't creepy.
I quite agree. I have to figure it's just the way things panned out. Back in the late 80s to early 90s, even on the internet you had to really work and hunt to find ANY japanese-inspired works, especially subtitled or fan-dubbed into English. Seeing this market, some of the big companies with deep content libraries took a risk with their biggest titles, the ones with basically universal appeal or were just so "big in Japan" that even Americans who paid any attention had an idea that these things were doing something in Japan pop culture. (Or were family friendly enough they could be dubbed and chopped up and sold as a cartoon series for cheap).

I think if you came up in that era, it was a unique flavor- especially when you started seeing cartoons that didn't talk down to the audience. Looney Tunes never did, but the ones that came after? All of those Saturday morning cartoons that had pretty much nothing going on. So in comparison, it was amazing. A whole different world full of hefty ideas, even if you hated the whiny protagonist.

But eventually people talked about this enough, and companies and people started to see "Hey, there's money in this "anime" stuff".

So the sluice gates opened and everything shot into our market like a burst of diahhrea. Thus we got to see the dark secret of why the Japanese culture saw many of the people in this fanbase as NEET pillowfuckers... because they are NEET pillowfuckers, and the stuff they were actually consuming was basically as brain-dead and vapid as the stuff we already hated from our own market.

Then the internet got a hold of it and a whole market segment got into a feedback loop and just get creepier and creepier.

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imma buy the hell out of her in a hot minute as an enhanced alternate costume as soon as Marvel Heroes adds her.

I never could stand Tony Stark anyway.
The part I like about the story is that she doesn't become Iron Man in the way that Rhodes became War Machine or Pepper became Rescue... that Tony gave them a suit that he so brilliantly made.

Nope. She engineers all of it herself in her college dorm room. She's as smart as- possibly smarter than the smarmy old drunk.

I quite agree. I have to figure it's just the way things panned out. Back in the late 80s to early 90s, even on the internet you had to really work and hunt to find ANY japanese-inspired works, especially subtitled or fan-dubbed into English. Seeing this market, some of the big companies with deep content libraries took a risk with their biggest titles, the ones with basically universal appeal or were just so "big in Japan" that even Americans who paid any attention had an idea that these things were doing something in Japan pop culture. (Or were family friendly enough they could be dubbed and chopped up and sold as a cartoon series for cheap).

I think if you came up in that era, it was a unique flavor- especially when you started seeing cartoons that didn't talk down to the audience. Looney Tunes never did, but the ones that came after? All of those Saturday morning cartoons that had pretty much nothing going on. So in comparison, it was amazing. A whole different world full of hefty ideas, even if you hated the whiny protagonist.

But eventually people talked about this enough, and companies and people started to see "Hey, there's money in this "anime" stuff".

So the sluice gates opened and everything shot into our market like a burst of diahhrea. Thus we got to see the dark secret of why the Japanese culture saw many of the people in this fanbase as NEET pillowfuckers... because they are NEET pillowfuckers, and the stuff they were actually consuming was basically as brain-dead and vapid as the stuff we already hated from our own market.

Then the internet got a hold of it and a whole market segment got into a feedback loop and just get creepier and creepier.
Yep. I can relate exactly. I remember as a kid I'd watch GI Joe and crap like that there'd be all these lasers shooting everywhere and somehow magically everybody on both sides always lived. Then one day I turned on the TV after school and there was this show with this spiky haired guys flying jet planes that transformed into Robots so I watched it. And then one of the guys actually died. And the show dealt with it and the aftermath and how it affected the other characters. I was floored.

That was Robotech and I just happened to tune in first time to the episode where Roy Fokker/Folker died. I got hooked after that. Then I went to look for more anime but at that time anything beyond Speed Racer, Voltron and then Robotech was basically a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of some VHS tape from someone's friend's sister's cousin's uncle's co-worker who had a friend in Japan. And you were lucky if it was even fan subbed. Even Gundam was weirdly hard to come by when you would think we'd get the other quintessential 80s robot series besides Macross.

Fast forward like 30 years and now we have people rubbing an anime girl's ass or putting a phallic object between her tits on a Vita. Le sigh.

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There is still good anime. And there has always been trash as well, as sweeney stated. The internet just seems to bring the trash to the forefront. Also, hopefully Marvel learned from Morales Spiderman and keep Stark around as well. Most people who are going to freak out about this are just going to be mad that a character they grew up with is gone. Once Marvel figured that out with Spiderman and had Parker come back as a global hero, while having Morales cover the New York based street hero stories, it seemed like the hubbub died down.
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You can blame the internet and social networking for a lot of that stuff (anime perviness, woman hating).  People are able to find and tap into large groups of like-minded people so easily, which allows them to believe their behavior is normal and acceptable.  Same with just about anything else *cough* unnatural.  There are internet echo chambers for everything.  Propaganda and the speed of news encourages and acts at a catalyst for many of these mass killings too.  I don't know how we're going to come back from it all.

There is still good anime. And there has always been trash as well, as sweeney stated. The internet just seems to bring the trash to the forefront. Also, hopefully Marvel learned from Morales Spiderman and keep Stark around as well. Most people who are going to freak out about this are just going to be mad that a character they grew up with is gone. Once Marvel figured that out with Spiderman and had Parker come back as a global hero, while having Morales cover the New York based street hero stories, it seemed like the hubbub died down.
Those comics for years were a white boys club. And that's not really representative of who we are. Well maybe if you are in Iowa or something but in a big city in the US we're more diverse than that. So they've been trying to change it and yeah I don't know if replacing existing loved heroes (not sure how loved Tony is; maybe more like love to hate) is the best way but it's something. Like you said, keeping the originals around in some capacity is probably a good idea.

I think the cinematic Marvel universe has some catching up to do though. It's been around 8 years and basically just has a token woman and a couple of black sidekicks (not really counting T'challa because he hasn't fully had his moment in the spotlight yet). I laughed when Chloe Bennet from Agents of Shield said the movies were basically a bunch of white men named Chris running around.

Thanks to the MCU Stark is probably more loved than ever. And no, replacing existing characters to create diversity is not the way to do it, it's fucking lazy. The last original cool (for the time) black comic character I can think of is Spawn, and he took the world by storm for a period of time. Until Mcfarlanes influence and interest waned. That's what comics need. New characters, not lazy writers.
Thanks to the MCU Stark is probably more loved than ever. And no, replacing existing characters to create diversity is not the way to do it, it's fucking lazy. The last original cool (for the time) black comic character I can think of is Spawn, and he took the world by storm for a period of time. Until Mcfarlanes influence and interest waned. That's what comics need. New characters, not lazy writers.


I'm not letting some random internet person in another country have access to this

c'mon motoki, i have about 64% the size of you library but only spent about 12% of what you've spent, not including bundles. i think we have a new king of the fakeybros here.

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This Gamergate, and yes that's exactly what it is whether you want to call it that or whether it involves games or not, bullshit has turned into nerd religion. People can't be rational about it and have knee jerk emotional reactions like Tebow flying off the handle about Bernie Sanders.

It's like grown men are all afraid that women are going to take their little man caves away. Suddenly somehow any time any nerd thing whether it be games or comics or movies gets female or non white characters it's automatically SJW no matter what and the nerds circle their wagons on the internet and go on the warpath. Then you get childish shit like all the mass 1 star ratings on IMDB from people who haven't even seen it or had their minds made up before they did.

And don't act like it's the script because this shitstorm started many months before the movie came out. Don't act like misogynistic bullshit isn't involved because the actresses are getting all sorts of fucked up nasty misogynistic tweets from and oh Leslie Jones is getting racist ones too. Two for the price of one.

I'm just really tired of you guys and this bullshit here. You really need to take it somewhere where it belongs like 4chan.
I've seen this happen on so many fandoms that it's so damn depressing. This is a movie that I'd take my teenage nieces to see, not my nephew though, he's three years old and is still too young.

The trailers were awful and played up jokes that within the context of the film, were okay.

So how bout dem vrams

Thanks to the MCU Stark is probably more loved than ever. And no, replacing existing characters to create diversity is not the way to do it, it's fucking lazy. The last original cool (for the time) black comic character I can think of is Spawn, and he took the world by storm for a period of time. Until Mcfarlanes influence and interest waned. That's what comics need. New characters, not lazy writers.
I also seem to remember the Blade movie (at least the original one) being one of the very few pre-MCU movies based on a Marvel property that people actually liked yet they still haven't gotten back to him.

Truthfully Black Panther seems like seem weird 70s relic to me and that they had to invent some fake technologically advanced African country while throwing in some obligatory exoticism of African culture seems almost retro progressive.


c'mon motoki, i have about 64% the size of you library but only spent about 12% of what you've spent, not including bundles. i think we have a new king of the fakeybros here.
My #s are a bit top heavy weighted toward my Steam noobness when I first got into it and bought a bunch of publisher packs that were expensive but came with everything that publisher made including DLC. That was back when there were almost no bundles except maybe early Humbles that were exclusively indie so the idea of AAA bundles seemed impossible to everyone. They were good deals at the time but yeah in retrospect I probably could have got most of that stuff cheaper, but who knew?

*Edited to add: A fair bit of my "purchases" were also Steam wallet from card money. I've made $1k in card sales total so that's a good chunk right there.

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Ahem back to game deals. Anyone have any thoughts on this game? Flowette? Weretable?
I have the game on my wishlist since 2 years I think. It should be the closest game you can currently find for Dungeon Keeper 2.


Nice pic but next time do it on better quality.

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I have the game on my wishlist since 2 years I think. It should be the closest game you can currently find for Dungeon Keeper 2.
Yea its pretty good. I kickstarted it, and it was worth it. They even got the same voice actor from DK2. They've also added a ton more stuff (and an actual branching tech tree), and keep adding as it goes on. They usually have a themed type update where they add some new features along with patch fixes any time they do updates

Keep in mind most bad reviews of it on steam are from when it was in early access state, and you know how 90% of people dont understand what that means. Its a fully fledged release at this point so if your reading reviews Id stick to ones more recent

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I guess I cover a few topics from the past few days that I didn't get to comment on...

Old games that need to be on GoG and/or Steam:  What popped in my head over the last few days...  You Only Live Twice (1 and 2), Wooden Ships and Iron Men, and the Soldier of Fortune games. 

Monitors: I got an AOC now, which I love, but I had an ole Asus that last forever and in fact still works...  I upgraded cause I wanted new tech not because it had failed me. (I found the old order on newegg.  I used it for 7 years.)

1070:  Keep it.

Ghostbusters: I don't hate the concept of a all female team...  but I did question it when it was announced as I was expecting a mixture of both genders.    Have a judged it?  Yes, that's what trailers are for...  I have limited time, I rarely see the movies I WANT to see (I'm more of a TV Show guy), so trailers that do nothing for me...  Means I don't waste time on something I find unappealing.  (Honestly, I haven't watched Star Wars The Force Awakens yet so I ain't got time for this movie.)

Gender/Race Swapping of Established Characters: it pretty much annoys me.  Its lazy storytelling and it shows a lack of faith in your concept.  Spider-Man didn't become the Spider-Man of today overnight.  It takes time to...  you guessed it, establish a character. 

Yea its pretty good. I kickstarted it, and it was worth it. They even got the same voice actor from DK2. They've also added a ton more stuff (and an actual branching tech tree), and keep adding as it goes on. They usually have a themed type update where they add some new features along with patch fixes any time they do updates

Keep in mind most bad reviews of it on steam are from when it was in early access state, and you know how 90% of people dont understand what that means. Its a fully fledged release at this point so if your reading reviews Id stick to ones more recent
Which is why Valve separated out Recent Reviews from Overall Reviews. You'll notice the recent are more positive.

I tend to look at those first because I think it gives a better idea of the current state of a game.

I have the game on my wishlist since 2 years I think. It should be the closest game you can currently find for Dungeon Keeper 2.


Nice pic but next time do it on better quality.
I was on my (gaming) laptop which has (some kind of) a built-in cam, when I saw Motoki's post. I took it all very quickly - just grabbed the mouse & the box and took the pics - and was ready to go.

No, the pic quality isn't ideal w/ it - certainly nowhere even close to as good as my digital camera. Was too lazy and didn't feel like trying to find my camera, throw batteries in it, and the whole nine yards.

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buhhh now that i wanna get into overwatch i guess a laptop touchpad wont cut it. does anyone have any recs for a mouse for someone that doesnt need a million buttons and geegaws on it? or can i just grab one at staples?

buhhh now that i wanna get into overwatch i guess a laptop touchpad wont cut it. does anyone have any recs for a mouse for someone that doesnt need a million buttons and geegaws on it? or can i just grab one at staples?
Go to WalMart's and see if they have that WoW MMO Mouse for $20 in a red-dot clearance section.

This thing's bad-ass - while it does have 11 mouse buttons on it and there are a lot there; they're well-placed. But, they're actually scattered with a few on each side of the mouse - 4 the left side; 5 in the middle; and one on the right side of the mouse.

I certainly ain't using all of the buttons; only about 5 of them regularly.

So the buttons on this WoW Mouse won't just all be in one place like say the G600 Mouse (yep, I have that mouse too - which I really do like, BTW) or the Naga MMO with say 10-12 buttons in a row on the left side of the mouse.

Click spoilers for WoW MMO Mouse pics:




I also have a Rosewill Jet RGM-300. I got it on NewEgg for $10 in a sale.

In the "bang-for-buck" factor w/ features, buttons, etc - Rosewill Jet ain't in that WoW mouse's league.

Though, this mouse might be more of what you're looking for, since it has less buttons than the WoW MMO Mouse.


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buhhh now that i wanna get into overwatch i guess a laptop touchpad wont cut it. does anyone have any recs for a mouse for someone that doesnt need a million buttons and geegaws on it? or can i just grab one at staples?
Syntax said he liked the monoprice gaming mouse. It's like $7. If you want wireless, I have the e-blue cobra and it's good and only $7 on Amazon when I bought it.
I don't want to start a shitstorm here since a bunch of people on the internet seem to freak the fuck out at the idea of playing a FPS on the PC with a controller but apparently you can plug a controller in an play Overwatch with that so it's an option if you don't want to spend any money.

Otherwise I think any ol' mouse should do really.


Sure, any mouse with decent DPI and a nice number of buttons to satisfy the individual should really do the trick just fine.

I don't find the WoW MMO mouse cumbersome b/c of where they placed these 11 buttons.

I did, at times, find myself on the G600 using often NOT even close to all the buttons on that mouse. The only games I really was using all of tham 11-12 buttons where in MMO's and games with tons of hotkeys for action games. Most games - I really was only using in the rows the top 4-6 buttons.

Though, I think the G600 mouse had by far the best software for setting your mouse up with profiles what the buttons do for each particular game. That software's robust + feature-rich.

And if one needs freeware software for mouse-profiling - X Mouse Button Control is good for setting up any mouse w/ different game-profiles and allows up to 5 mouse buttons to be profiled.


About controllers in FPS's (in most instances) - "meh" for PC, IMHO. Analog sticks just ain't super-precise, when compared to a mouse when aiming.

But if a gamer really wants to go the controller route & the game supports it internally or you have software that can allow for that kind of controller - go right ahead; to each their own. 

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Holy shit!

All the guys in that picture worked on Blood in 1997.

Blood HD Remake? Sequel? Yes please!
Didn't Devolver Digital try to buy rights and ultimately Atari refused?

I wouldn't expect quality from Atari tho based on their recent games, more like quick cash grab

@motoki thanks but i am AWFUUUL at shooting with controllers. even in uncharted. or maybe im just awful at shooters in general :p guess ill find out once i get this mouse.

SFV is probably worth it if someone likes fighting games, and that seems to be Keeper's bag. Personally, I hate it more than I hate the average fighter, but that's probably because of the monthly 10gb updates I have to slog through since I'm too lazy to uninstall due to the inevitable bundling & subsequent brovent.
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Anyone owns SFV to comment on it?

It's dirt cheap during EVO 2016 tournament today. $60 for the complete pack.
SFV is like a freemium game but you have to pay upfront and then pay to unlock as well. Forget that. I don't pay premiums for shitty locked content games.

Capcom is the worst. All their games are transaction based retreads now.

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Anyone owns SFV to comment on it?

It's dirt cheap during EVO 2016 tournament today. $60 for the complete pack.
The actual fighting is still fun, but everything else is so barebones. It's okay if you just want to play online, but there's no single-player stuff outside of a dumb story mode and a survival mode you'll have to slog through several times for extra palette swaps. The way they try to nickel and dime you for every little thing ($5 for a new costume, $10 for a stage), it's bad. Even if you get the full thing with the season pass, it doesn't include a lot of stuff and then there's another season pass every year.

Do not pay for any of the dlc. Street Fighter V actually gives you the option to earn fight money that can be used to unlock the extra characters and stages. If you are a fighting game fan who is willing to play online it is very easy to gain all the stuff without having to pay extra.

Here is a simple guide to earn the dlc stuff without paying for it.

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But this is the cheapest I've seen for both the season pass and game so far.
You need to shop beyond Steam's front page and big box "discount" stores... I'm pretty sure I've seen the Deluxe edition for 58 since before the game came out. If not it was only a handful of bucks more. So, really, not that great of a deal.

That said... Are you going to play it you buy it? Like are you going to play it today?

Unless its a yes and yes you should hold off.... If it is a yes and yes. Will only tease you a little bit.

Meh, I'll wait for Capcom to release their Ultimate Super Duper Hurr Durr Ultra Money Grab Edition. And then I'll not buy it anyway.

But Crapcom said!!!... Publishers say tons of crap and then decide to do a u-turn and completely contradict themselves. People will buy the game anyway. I got burnt once with MvC3, not happening again. Capcom can go fuck themselves with their business model.

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bread's done