Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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The fact that Disgaea 2 is coming to Steam gives me hope, I want the newer games to show up like D2 and Disgaea 5. MOAR JAPANESE GAMES ON STEAM. MOAR MOAR MOAR.
still waiting for a Steam release of Final Fantasy Tactics


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This weeks popular MOBA sales.

League of Legends. 8/23 - 8/26


50% off the following champions.

  • Yasuo  487RP
  • Nami  487RP
  • Xerath  440RP
  • Mordekaiser  395RP
50% off the following Champion Skins!!!!!11!!~8

  • Safecracker Evelynn  375RP
  • Soulstealer Vladimir  675
  • Celestine Soraka  487
  • Woad Ashe  260
50% off special bundles 8/23 - 8/30

Masked Menaces Bundle - 2811 RP (5060 RP if you need the champions)
Skins included:
  • Creator Viktor
  • High Noon Jhin
  • Dragonblade Talon
  • Warlord Shen
  • Blood Moon Yasuo
Champions included:
  • Viktor
  • Jhin
  • Talon
  • Shen
  • Yasuo

Pin the Tail on the Tibbers Bundle - 1981 RP (3781 RP if you need the Champions)
Skins included:
  • Popstar Ahri
  • Snow Bunny Nidalee (Legacy)
  • Kitty Cat Katarina (Legacy)
  • Battle Bunny Riven
  • Red Riding Annie (Legacy)
Champions included:
  • Ahri
  • Nidalee
  • Katarina
  • Riven
  • Annie
Bolts and Gunpowder Bundle - 2895 RP (4994 RP if you need the Champions)
Skins included:
  • Heartseeker Varus
  • Vindicator Vayne (Legacy)
  • Explorer Ezreal (Legacy)
  • Firefighter Tristana (Legacy)
  • Slayer Jinx (Legacy)
Champions included:
  • Varus
  • Vayne
  • Ezreal
  • Tristana
  • Jinx
Night Hunters Bundle - 2511 RP (4715 RP if you need the Champions)
Skins included:
  • Headhunter Akali
  • Dark Valkyrie Diana
  • Headhunter Rengar
  • Wicked LeBlanc
  • Blood Knight Hecarim
Champions included:
  • Akali
  • Diana
  • Rengar
  • LeBlanc
  • Hecarim
2016 EU LCS Summer Finals Bundle - 2699 RP (5040 RP if you need the champions)
Skins included:
  • Constable Trundle
  • Blood Moon Elise
  • Gentleman Gnar
  • Pool Party Rek'Sai
  • Soulstealer Vladimir
Champions included:
  • Trundle
  • Elise
  • Gnar
  • Rek'Sai
  • Vladimir
2016 NA LCS Summer Finals Bundle - 2511 RP (4497 RP if you need the Champions)
Skins included:
  • Snowstorm Sivir
  • Order of the Lotus Karma
  • Lionheart Braum
  • PROJECT: Lucian
  • Elderwood Bard
Champions included:
  • Sivir
  • Karma
  • Braum
  • Lucian
  • Bard

Heroes of the Storm.  8/23 - 8/30


50% off the following:

  • Chromie — Sale Price: 4.99 
  • Fel Queen Chromie Skin — Sale Price: 4.99 
  • Vrykul Leoric Skin — Sale Price: 3.74
Auriel's gold price will be reduced to 10.000 gold.

Ok, I give up. Where are all the copies of Regency Solitaire & Hexcells Complete on steamgifts coming from? I checked all the bundle sites that I have bookmarked, and they're not in any of them. Istereanydeal doesn't have any bundles listed for them either. And the games don't have any kind of crazy discount on steam right now. Was there some giveaway for them today?

Doh, I completely forgot about that one. Or at least, I forgot about there being unlocks today. I'm an idiot.

Thanks guys.

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Ok, I give up. Where are all the copies of Regency Solitaire & Hexcells Complete on steamgifts coming from? I checked all the bundle sites that I have bookmarked, and they're not in any of them. Istereanydeal doesn't have any bundles listed for them either. And the games don't have any kind of crazy discount on steam right now. Was there some giveaway for them today?
Yeah humble, those are the games added to the last bundle. Threw me off too cause bundle sites haven't updated.

Just got around to watching the Shadow Warrior 2 Gamescom gameplay and it's looking pretty sweet. October's a crowded month.

Damn, HiB unlocks are a wash for me, no interest at all in them.  Anyone wants:

Riggle Sollytair

Heck Sells (but who's buying)

or that Ax Panda

Give me a PM and let me know

Disgusting wall o League post
Yes. It's still more than you're contributing though. Given that it's one of the most popular and active games in the world, someone here other than me probably has some interest.


Maybe next week I'll not spoiler the images to build my wall bigger. IM BILDIN A MOBA WALL AND YOUR AL PAYIN 4 IT.

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So, Playstation Now is coming to PC

meaning all the titles in the service you can play on PC soon enough, includes a whole bunch of ps exclusives. It's 20 bucks a month which is pretty pricey if you were going to have an ongoing subscription, but if you wanted to get it for a month or two to roll through some games it might be worth it
I fear you will be castrated for this.

So, Playstation Now is coming to PC

meaning all the titles in the service you can play on PC soon enough, includes a whole bunch of ps exclusives. It's 20 bucks a month which is pretty pricey if you were going to have an ongoing subscription, but if you wanted to get it for a month or two to roll through some games it might be worth it
I could also see them doing promos for a free trial/month as well. Definitely not something Id claw into for long periods of time, but the idea of being able to play the Uncharted series and The Last of Us on PC is really tantalizing. I've not yet played Uncharted 3, so thats one of the first Id boot up. It'll be interesting to see how/when this affects PS4 titles coming to PC at some point.

It pretty much was a certainty when Microsoft basically are doing the same thing with Windows 10. Glad that its happening. Regardless if you ever take advantage of it, more options for PC gamers is a win.

Now if EA would just get their thumbs out of their asses and bring the NHL series back to PC, I'll be pretty fucking thrilled.

Well, I guess PS Now on PC is a nice start.

But, I'd rather them just sell me the games each as digital downloads to "own" and "keep" so I can play them whenever I want on my PC.

You know, like Steam does.

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So, Playstation Now is coming to PC

meaning all the titles in the service you can play on PC soon enough, includes a whole bunch of ps exclusives. It's 20 bucks a month which is pretty pricey if you were going to have an ongoing subscription, but if you wanted to get it for a month or two to roll through some games it might be worth it
from what I read, it sounds like a Sony version of now-defunct ONLIVE streaming service. And these are old, last gen line-up for $20 a month. MEH!

I'd love to see Sony make their own Steam-like service for the PC, even if it's just for namely their older Playstation titles.
if you legally own older ps2 games, you can use PCSX2 to play ps2 in high HD. It's the only reason I keep my old discs around.

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Like I said it's way too pricey for an ongoing subscription, but if you don't plan on ever buying a playstation it'd probably be worth picking up for a month or two if you wanted to roll through a bunch of exclusives

I'm liking Deus Ex so far, it performs real good at 1080p 60fps with my 8350/970 combo. I have a question tho, which pic looks better to you. The first one is with sharpen and the second one is without sharpen. Just curious to see if anyone agrees with me in that the one with sharpen on looks much better.

I'm liking Deus Ex so far, it performs real good at 1080p 60fps with my 8350/970 combo. I have a question tho, which pic looks better to you. The first one is with sharpen and the second one is without sharpen. Just curious to see if anyone agrees with me in that the one with sharpen on looks much better.
What settings are you running the game on? Medium? High? Custom?

Also - yeah, the first one w/ Sharpen looks better.

As I type this I am watching the "Ready to launch in approximately" timer for Deus Ex actually increase. It started at 10 seconds and over the past several minutes it has made it all the way up to 19 minutes. At this rate I might be able to play the game by the next time humans evolve.

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Like I said it's way too pricey for an ongoing subscription, but if you don't plan on ever buying a playstation it'd probably be worth picking up for a month or two if you wanted to roll through a bunch of exclusives
What's the fun if there's no +1? (Which I think is a great motto for the Steam Thread.)

Stolen from psn thread

I picked up both Remember Me and Strider from PS+ but thanks for posting the codes. That's nice of you.


There is a Loot Ultimate Bundle which offers 6 games for 13.99

QBert Rebooted

Whispering Willows

Back to Bed

Fluster Cluck


Electronic Super Joy

I've checked them out and they all seem interesting but I already bought Qbert when it was on sale before. Worth picking up or nah?Anyone have any feedback on the listed games?

$20 a month? Holy crap. Isn't sony the company that claims EA Pass isn't a good value? And Sony charges $20/month?
Other than Madden, everything on EA is already on PC. There is no reason why I would get a EA Pass when either all EA games that I want are 1) already in my backlog 2) can be had when its on sale.

Other than buying a PS3, there is no way for me to play some PS3 games like Tokyo Jungle, Asura's Wrath, Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten, and Last of Us.

So yeah, depending on how the streaming works over my internet, $20/month seems reasonable for some games I would play on PC without having to own a PS3.

Giving PC gamers more choice is always a good thing so good on Sony.

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I'm liking Deus Ex so far, it performs real good at 1080p 60fps with my 8350/970 combo. I have a question tho, which pic looks better to you. The first one is with sharpen and the second one is without sharpen. Just curious to see if anyone agrees with me in that the one with sharpen on looks much better.
It depends on your definition of better. I think the second one looks better. First one looks more detailed in places but doesn't feel as cohesive in terms of art style.

Other than Madden, everything on EA is already on PC. There is no reason why I would get a EA Pass when either all EA games that I want are 1) already in my backlog 2) can be had when its on sale.

Other than buying a PS3, there is no way for me to play some PS3 games like Tokyo Jungle, Asura's Wrath, Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten, and Last of Us.

So yeah, depending on how the streaming works over my internet, $20/month seems reasonable for some games I would play on PC without having to own a PS3.

Giving PC gamers more choice is always a good thing so good on Sony.
the caveat is you would need to play through the games you want to fairly quickly to make it worth it. if you subscribed for a year that'd be 240 bucks, for which price i would think you could easily snag a refurbed ps3 as well as many of the exclusives you'd want used for less than that. if you need to sub any longer than like 3 months i don't know that it's worth it to play a bunch of games you'll never be able to again (although to be fair a lot of sony's exclusives don't have a ton of replay value, anyway)

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Like I said it's way too pricey for an ongoing subscription, but if you don't plan on ever buying a playstation it'd probably be worth picking up for a month or two if you wanted to roll through a bunch of exclusives
In the linked article there is talk of a 7 day free trial...

I think if one planned it for max free time, vacation etc, one would be able to do the Uncharted games in a week fairly easy.

Just got to remember the controls get better in Uncharted 2 and that Uncharted 3 is a disappointment. Uncharted 2 might be the best game of that console generation.
In the linked article there is talk of a 7 day free trial...

I think if one planned it for max free time, vacation etc, one would be able to do the Uncharted games in a week fairly easy.

Just got to remember the controls get better in Uncharted 2 and that Uncharted 3 is a disappointment. Uncharted 2 might be the best game of that console generation.
I wonder what protection they will include to stop people from getting free trials every week with new accounts.

Anyway, I'm waiting for PS5, so I can play Bloodborne on my PC.

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I wonder what protection they will include to stop people from getting free trials every week with new accounts.
i'm guessing before you start your trial you have to provide some sort of payment, either a credit card or PP account. then after the trial is over that form of payment is flagged so you can't use it again on a new account.

in other news... WAH!!! Where's my Star Ruler 2 key?!? but seriously Bundlestars where the fuck is my key?

bread's done