Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I am just glad the election is over.  I have never seen an election like this and hope that I never witness it again.  I believe that the American public had no good options.  There are valid arguments that both candidates were not qualified.  Both adults acted like spoiled teenagers.  I had plenty of time to reflect on all the mud slinging and hurtful things that were said and done by both Clinton and Trump.  I want to say that I have a better appreciation for civility and for treating people how I would like to be treated.  To that end, I apologize if I ever made anyone here feel uncomfortable or offended.  

No matter who was going to be elected president, I hope that America can pull together.  A lot of people questioned how things would be when Obama was elected.  Although I did not vote for Obama, I felt that it was important to support the president and other elected officials in an effort to help the country.


Now onto CAG, anybody like the new steam store layout?

Has anyone tried out Marvel Heroes since they updated with Dr. Strange?

Trump just needs to provide the America people his long-form birth certificate before he is crowned President.

Its going to be a interesting 4 years, I'm waiting to see how Trump is going to get Mexico to pay for his wall.  :wave:

This was a hilarious election cycle and anyone who isn't laughing has no fun at all.

The ADL declared a cartoon frog and punctuation marks as hate speech. Then crazy Granny Clinton went more Joe McCarthy than even ol' Joe himself, called everyone a Putin plant and was itching to go to war with Russia over Syria and Ukraine, a total friggen reverse of the cold war. I think we must have shifted universes at some point. Shit was crazy.

And then 4chan started investigating, and finding, government officials into child porn and pedophilia at high levels of government. That's right, 4chan chasing CP in the government.

Then the election hits and we find out literally EVERY SINGLE JOURNALIST, POLLSTER, AND PUNDIT IS WRONG. From Fox News and CNN down to your local station. From RCP down to 538. EVERYONE got it wrong, without fail. Even the Trumpistas were acting like they were going to the gallows that day. If you read a poll even for a second from any of these mouth-breathers without immediately wiping your ass with it, you learned nothing today.

And then today people protest because they lost an election. lol what a fucking embarrassment by a bunch of teenage losers. I lost my last Overwatch game, can I go protest that too? They're staging a "cry-in" too. Most fucking apt name for a protest ever. Sad!

Let's not even count the number of people who turn on a dime from "Whatever happens let's remember, our opponents are still people too after the election. Let's all come together to fix America" to "fuck FASCISTS fuck GOP LITERALLY HITLER WON IM SO MAD fuck ALL OF YOU" Yeah cross-political party unity is dead bros, dead forever. Quit pretending we can resurrect that shit.

Also Martin Shkreli is gonna release that secret Wu Tang album because the Hildebeast lost kids. Get ready.

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This was a hilarious election cycle and anyone who isn't laughing has no fun at all.
As somebody who has difficulty taking anything seriously ever I really think "do you find this election cycle hilarious" isn't quite the best barometer of whether somebody has a sense of humor or not

As somebody who has difficulty taking anything seriously ever I really think "do you find this election cycle hilarious" isn't quite the best barometer of whether somebody has a sense of humor or not
It's a great indicator of whether or not they have any women, POC, LGBTQs, children, or really anyone in their life that they truly care about, though. The most useful thing about this outcome is that it's made it really easy to identify the people in my life who are literally incapable of empathy.

Also, I just finished Gears 4 and my suggestion is:

Buy it when it's $5 and in the meantime get Titanfall 2 instead.

Trump just needs to provide the America people his long-form birth certificate before he is crowned President.

Its going to be a interesting 4 years, I'm waiting to see how Trump is going to get Mexico to pay for his wall. :wave:
Snopes explicitly states that Hillary's supporters started the Obama birther movement. I don't doubt it, either; there's been just as much greasy buttmonkery from the intolerant center as there has from the intolerant right. And if we're being honest, there's not going to be a wall. It's more rhetoric from the president of never saying anything meaningful. Border security might increase a bit, but illegals help Republicans make money by not being unionized and working for almost nothing. They won't give that up. Hillary began a new era of McCarthyism, and Trump began a new era of white supremacy; either way, we were in for some form of discrimination thanks to the two worst nominees in possibly all of American history.

But this isn't CAG Politics class. He's the president, there are no take-backs. It's over until Podesta drops his new mixtape or whatever he's gonna do. Pence gets it if we kill Trump, and he's Skeletor with the mind of Ted Cruz.

Doctor Strange is a fantastic movie. Haven't checked him out in the game yet.

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Hillary supporters started the Obama birther movement. Snopes explicitly states that her supporters started it.
You are so full of shit. Really dude? Not only does the Internet exist that these claims can easily be check, but come-on. Its wasn't that long that I remember Trump talking how he was "sending investigators" to Hawaii to check on Obama

There is no need to made things up at this point but I get it, you don't like Hillary. Everything is fine now. She didn't win. President-elect Trump did and for the next 4 years the world will be watching with popcorn ready.

CLAIM: Hillary Clinton and/or members of her 2008 presidential campaign started the "birther" movement questioning whether Barack Obama was born in the U.S.

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I just thought Titnfall packed twice as much fun into a much shorter and well paced campaign. Gears looks amazing and should please Gears fans, but it's also tedious and predictable.
This was a hilarious election cycle and anyone who isn't laughing has no fun at all.

The ADL declared a cartoon frog and punctuation marks as hate speech. Then crazy Granny Clinton went more Joe McCarthy than even ol' Joe himself, called everyone a Putin plant and was itching to go to war with Russia over Syria and Ukraine, a total friggen reverse of the cold war. I think we must have shifted universes at some point. Shit was crazy.

And then 4chan started investigating, and finding, government officials into child porn and pedophilia at high levels of government. That's right, 4chan chasing CP in the government.

Then the election hits and we find out literally EVERY SINGLE JOURNALIST, POLLSTER, AND PUNDIT IS WRONG. From Fox News and CNN down to your local station. From RCP down to 538. EVERYONE got it wrong, without fail. Even the Trumpistas were acting like they were going to the gallows that day. If you read a poll even for a second from any of these mouth-breathers without immediately wiping your ass with it, you learned nothing today.

And then today people protest because they lost an election. lol what a fucking embarrassment by a bunch of teenage losers. I lost my last Overwatch game, can I go protest that too? They're staging a "cry-in" too. Most fucking apt name for a protest ever. Sad!

Let's not even count the number of people who turn on a dime from "Whatever happens let's remember, our opponents are still people too after the election. Let's all come together to fix America" to "fuck FASCISTS fuck GOP LITERALLY HITLER WON IM SO MAD fuck ALL OF YOU" Yeah cross-political party unity is dead bros, dead forever. Quit pretending we can resurrect that shit.

Also Martin Shkreli is gonna release that secret Wu Tang album because the Hildebeast lost kids. Get ready.
Yep, this election cycle has been incredible. I also enjoy the fact that the internet has turned into the world's biggest salt mine.

I finished Jedi Knight the other day, it was amazing. I think it's better than both Unreal and Half-Life.

It has a little bit of everything-- corridor shooting, vast open areas, "where the fuck do I go" sections, key-hunting, and something I miss from newer FPS, first-person platforming. It's got delightfully hammy FMV cutscenes. Your run speed is lightning fast and the guns feel and sound satisfying even though they're all lasers and projectile-based, which is a tough thing to get right.

I'm really getting my money's worth out of that 2015 Star Wars Collection.

P.S. Someone please buy something from me so I can turn my Steam Wallet into PayPal and get Dishonored 2.


That was the thing to look at. No bullshit mainstream media polls/headlines that were telling what they wanted (or were paid to tell). You can clearly see how the preference of the same 3000 people changes during pre-election time, especially when the debates happened (from the peaks you can see that Trump 'won' the first and the second, the third tied/lost to Hillary). I'm from the EU and despite having similarily shitty journalism here, the results weren't any surprise for me.

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This was a hilarious election cycle and anyone who isn't laughing has no fun at all.

[long weird rant]
Yeah, the thing about election is, as Rush Limbaugh is fond of saying, they have consequences. Therefore all Americans (and really, the world) will have to live with the consequences of the outcome of that election. Many of those consequences are unlikely to be mirth-filled standup routines.

But this isn't CAG Politics class. He's the president, there are no take-backs. It's over until Podesta drops his new mixtape or whatever he's gonna do. Pence gets it if we kill Trump, and he's Skeletor with the mind of Ted Cruz.

Doctor Strange is a fantastic movie. Haven't checked him out in the game yet.
Actually, I think it would be really cool if Pence were Skeletor. Couldn't you picture that guy with the skull head, purple cloak, and curiously nasally voice presiding over the Senate?

Also, I missed the free Dr. Strange drop. And the free Luke Cage drop. And the free Jessica Jones drop. I'm on the verge of giving up on these altogether.

You are so full of shit. Really dude? Not only does the Internet exist that these claims can easily be check, but come-on. Its wasn't that long that I remember Trump talking how he was "sending investigators" to Hawaii to check on Obama

There is no need to made things up at this point but I get it, you don't like Hillary. Everything is fine now. She didn't win. President-elect Trump did and for the next 4 years the world will be watching with popcorn ready.
To be fair, he doesn't like Trump either. Blade, like many CAGs and evidently many Americans, was not a big fan of either major party candidate this year.

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Sigh. I really though politics was going to stay out of my Steam+1 thread. I guess I should just actually play some games. 

(Started and finished Super Win The Game last night because I was sick of the internet's shit).

Super Win the Game is a fun little game that works so hard to try to be retro.

Though if anyone plays it, turn that emulated CRT filter off right away. Yeah, the dev may be proud of it, but the novelty wore off quickly.

It's alright, but I'm really glad I got it as a bundle game. I'd hate to have paid full price on it. 
Apparently a lot of people agree, as in a blog post the dev made, he gets pretty much told "We don't think your game is worth $15, and that's why your sales sucked".

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I played the new Homefront DLC.  It's longer than the previous one (60min vs 30min) and a little less claustrophobic (buildings vs subway tunnels) but they haven't broken out of the "linear map story mission" mold.  It's fun enough in that it's more Homefront but it doesn't really add anything new and doesn't have anything much in replay value.  Worth playing if you own it via season pass, but not worth the $6 asking price to buy it individually for a one hour walkin' & shootin' simulator.

I luv me some old Jedi Knight games....Dark forces..etc....good shit....they really missed the opportunity to have George

Lucas as a boss monster at the end though....

STEEP closed beta is up and running through the weekend.  Invites should have gone out last night.  Hope to see a few more of you shredding the gnar!

Political talk: I prefer a good dictator, myself. YOU ARE ALL WRONG! :shame:

I finished Jedi Knight the other day, it was amazing. I think it's better than both Unreal and Half-Life.

Unreal and Half-Life are two of the greatest singleplayer first person shooters of all time. Plus... if you've never played Unreal co-op you have never played Unreal!

Price glitch -85% instead of -60% if you own any of 4 games.

Eligible Awesome Games:

  • Downwell
  • Hotline Miami
  • Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
  • Xeodrifter
Bundle sacrificed like an idiot. -_-
Thanks, but will wait for bundle as this doesn't sound or look like anything I would enjoy:

RunGunJumpGun is a tough as nails game that puts a gravity-defying weapon in your hands. One button lets you fly, the other blasts obstacles out of the way. With a cast of crazed characters, challenging gameplay, and a pulsing musical score, it delivers twitchy platforming goodness.

Right now is the time to buy any Transformers or Spiderman activision games.  Bundle says buy 5 or more and get them 75% off.  MSRP is still overpriced, but this is Activision.  Deadpool is on that list too.  Only Transformers game doesn't work is the newest one. 


And you get extra humble 10% off and donate to charity wallet thing too.  

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Personally, with Activision I tend to buy their stuff on PS3 when I can because it tends to be cheaper and I can resell if I really wanted to.
Yea I have Deadpool and Turtles on X1 for the same reason. Dunno why but the discs get dirt cheap sometimes while the steam sales just don't happen often. When they do, its 50% off or some shit.

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I'd happily buy 5 old Activision games to get 75% off them... if they weren't mostly $10 after the 75% off.

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Thanks, but will wait for bundle as this doesn't sound or look like anything I would enjoy:

RunGunJumpGun is a tough as nails game that puts a gravity-defying weapon in your hands. One button lets you fly, the other blasts obstacles out of the way. With a cast of crazed characters, challenging gameplay, and a pulsing musical score, it delivers twitchy platforming goodness.
I ragequit the stream of RunGunJumpGun I watched after about 5 minutes.
I've heard good things about squad, that said for a game that boasts 50v50 combat:

playing now
today's peak
all-time peak
Not sure I'll waste a DL to try it this weekend.
According to friends who have it, if I recall, the game had some really shitty optimization for quite awhile. Supposedly last patch helped some though.

I seem to remember Spoder saying that the Spider-Man games are fun. Obvious name jokes aside, am I remembering this correctly?
I didn't say that. All I've posted about is how The Amazing Spider-Man 1 is super buggy and unoptimized on PC. It'll crash frequently, better off playing it on a console. It's an ok game if you like Spider-Man, but there are probably better options. I haven't played any of the others so I don't have experience with those.

I've heard Shattered Dimensions is the best of the PC games, but I'm not sure if there are any issues with the PC version.

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I didn't say that. All I've posted about is how The Amazing Spider-Man 1 is super buggy and unoptimized on PC. It'll crash frequently, better off playing it on a console. It's an ok game if you like Spider-Man, but there are probably better options. I haven't played any of the others so I don't have experience with those.

I've heard Shattered Dimensions is the best of the PC games, but I'm not sure if there are any issues with the PC version.
So you're saying their good then....

bread's done