Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I wouldn't worry about CAG, I mean who's gonna want your CAG account?


Last night some jerk-offs played Killing Floor 2. What did they do? Who won? I have no idea! Because they're all stupid dumb-faces who are like "duh derp we're full right now derrpity-duh".

OMG, is this drama? Will things explode during tonight's Battlefield One game? Who will take whose side? Will Syntax Error finally tell what he knows? There's only one way to find out!

i was like WTF? that reeked of bundle trash.
Like Bah's mom! And also like Fox's mom. Not your mom though, she's cool. She makes me pancakes afterwards.

Last night some jerk-offs played Killing Floor 2. What did they do? Who won? I have no idea! Because they're all stupid dumb-faces who are like "duh derp we're full right now derrpity-duh".

OMG, is this drama? Will things explode during tonight's Battlefield One game? Who will take whose side? Will Syntax Error finally tell what he knows? There's only one way to find out!

Like Bah's mom! And also like Fox's mom. Not your mom though, she's cool. She makes me pancakes afterwards.
That's what you get for eating!

The night went like this:


Me: I'm eating sunflower seeds.


Me: Click, Click, Click

Us: Played the new map (Zed Landing) on normal and totally kicked ass and got smug like this is so easy.

Us: Tried Paris Burning on Suicidal. Got our asses kicked in 3 rounds.


Me: I'm eating sunflower seeds.

Parallacks: He's not used to Fox's incessant eating during bronights.

Us: Played Extraction Point on Hard. Got to the boss and Hans Volter kicked our ass and then we quit.

Syntax showed up at some point during the last game and then rage quit Discord after we told him we were full.

Last night some jerk-offs played Killing Floor 2. What did they do? Who won? I have no idea! Because they're all stupid dumb-faces who are like "duh derp we're full right now derrpity-duh".
This has been my experience with every bro night for a game I actually want to play. Server full, wait 5, server full, wait 5, server full, load up SP game and forget about bro night.

This has been my experience with every bro night for a game I actually want to play. Server full, wait 5, server full, wait 5, server full, load up SP game and forget about bro night.
In my experience, folks are usually pretty good about rotating in and out but feel free to bitch and I'll make room for ya. Last night, I was actually just tired and not feeling great so I didn't bother to wait for them to finish a game and invite.

It's a balancing act: You schedule a game designed for 4 players and risk it being full for person number five. You schedule a game designed for 8+ players and four people show up and the game is boring because you're running across an empty map. Whatcha gonna do? That said, the best way to guarantee a spot in a game you're actively interested in is to schedule the game yourself.

Yeah, we rotate people in when we can, the issue with some games, like KF2, is that rounds take 30-45 minutes so people understandably don't usually want to wait around that long. It works best with shorter games like Dead by Daylight or Six Siege.
do you honestly think you would be any worse than Syntax or me at the game? I know thats aiming pretty low, but you are bound to be better and get better in quick fashion. no excuse
Syntax is better than me at Siege. Anyway, I wasn't using it as an excuse.. it was more of a joke. I've played it a few times during bronights but haven't felt like playing it since. It's not the only game I've skipped out on, I nearly skipped out on DBD recently but felt bad for Fox cuz he scheduled it to try to get me to play. Probably skipping Scourge Outbreak as well, which is funny cuz I was prepared to play it the first time it was scheduled earlier this month LOL (srsly, I installed it).
Syntax is better than me at Siege. Anyway, I wasn't using it as an excuse.. it was more of a joke. I've played it a few times during bronights but haven't felt like playing it since. It's not the only game I've skipped out on, I nearly skipped out on DBD recently but felt bad for Fox cuz he scheduled it to try to get me to play. Probably skipping Scourge Outbreak as well, which is funny cuz I was prepared to play it the first time it was scheduled earlier this month LOL (srsly, I installed it).
TLDR: Spoder is too busy trying to transfer his consciousness into Dead by Daylight to play other games....

Thanks a lot, incompetent internet companies.  I had to change my passwords here, mmo champion, humble bundle, curse, and nexusmods.  What fun.  Thanks for the heads up.

Thanks a lot, incompetent internet companies. I had to change my passwords here, mmo champion, humble bundle, curse, and nexusmods. What fun. Thanks for the heads up.
Honestly, though, it's not a bad thing to change passwords. Almost everyone should probably do it more often.

I think Cloudflare deserves our thanks here.

damn.. i was eyeing the Gold Edition earlier. I thought the season pass added more stuff and made the game less boring
Remember my thoughts are of someone who has literally done everything the game has to offer... and, done so, many times. I didn't put over 500 hours in it because I disliked the game. I easily got my 73 bucks out of it. (The price I paid for a Gold Version preorder via a steam trader.)

And I do recommend the game, as I said there is fun to be had, more so if you like loot games... but my recommend price is very much a combination of what its cost in the past... and the fact I'm not sure whats going on with it in the future... aka a Year 2 season pass.

Anyhow, the 1.6 patch is coming out next Tuesday... I'm not really feeling it as everything is PVP focused, which I don't mind when its done right but this game does it wrong, and continues to do it wrong. Last Stand, the last part of the season pass, is a dedicated PVP mode... The best part if it, everyone in said mode wants to get shot at and wants to shoot someone else in the face. Which is an improvement over DZ, which is really a PVEVP area, and all its douchebaggery BUT its gated off behind a paywall on a game thats for all purposes nearly dead. This means its going to have a small playerbase and all the issues that comes with it. I've also heard that it plays pretty bad.

Also, this patch sees a new section of the DZ opened up... This part of the update is free and Massive hopes that the bigger DZ with the same number of people in the DZ (24) will help with the douchebaggery that goes on. AKA basically the harassment of those who just want to do the PVE, which is unique to the DZ, or those without a group... Or even small groups. (Lots of 8 man groups just go around and kill everyone with the only intention of killing them.)

Anyhow, the rest of the season pass...

Underground, Its basically greater rifts from Diablo III but unlike DIII it gets stale far sooner... Its just not random enough. Its opening room, first chamber, connection, second chamber, connection, and then final chamber and while its random its not as random as it needs to be. You'll see all the pieces rather quickly, and figure out how they can all connect soon after that but I think the biggest issue is that take cover, seeing the enemies come out from only a handful of locations, and you realize your having the same fights in the same room far too often. Its also stupid grindy and that even if you are good and can do the top tier stuff you have to level up and unlock stuff. (Granted, a recent patch lowered how much XP you need so its gotten better. All in all this is my favorite "expansion" from the season pass.)

Survival, the most original "expansion" from the season pass, is fun... but takes time to play, its not a pick up and spend 5 minutes and feel you've made progress. Also its not random enough, Once you know the map, you know the best way to do everything... It does have a PvP mode which makes it far less random but if your not in a group your better of sticking to the PvE version. (The queue to start these modes is way too long now... I've waited 5 plus minutes and connected. Also in the end you get loot for your character, which is good, but consider this whole game is about getting loot and mode that takes away or your loot is going to be limiting in appeal.

Basically, you run it, hope for good loot, and then turn around and run it again with none of that loot.

Also, if you've been paying attention I've used "expansions" with quotes quite a bit... as they did promise us expansions but gave us new game modes instead... Also, they talked about giving us a new campaign via DLC but that ended up being a lie... Some suspect it will be in Season Pass Year 2 now and that's left allot of people salty as fuck (me included) because the community has routinely voted for PVE content like a new campaign and ask for a better option than the current DZ. Last poll I saw on the official forums had three options. Focus on PVE content, Focus on PVP content, or it doesn't matter I play both. 84% said focus on PVE, 8% said focus on either and 7% said PVP. (Those are insane numbers... Nothing should ever get close to 80% of a vote, it goes against human nature for all to be that agreeable, so you know something has gone wrong. link to the poll)

Its really hard to understand...

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Banner Saga 1 is available for free through Twitch Prime until Feb 28; Banner Saga 2 will be available for free near the beginning of March.
I haven't much bothered with Twitch Prime even though I've had Prime subs for the last two years. Does it give you Steam keys or just DRM-free downloads?

Last night some jerk-offs played Killing Floor 2. What did they do? Who won? I have no idea! Because they're all stupid dumb-faces who are like "duh derp we're full right now derrpity-duh".

OMG, is this drama? Will things explode during tonight's Battlefield One game? Who will take whose side? Will Syntax Error finally tell what he knows? There's only one way to find out!

Like Bah's mom! And also like Fox's mom. Not your mom though, she's cool. She makes me pancakes afterwards.
Ill be there tonight so I can join Bah and bitch about syntax not reviving us.

Syntax is better than me at Siege. Anyway, I wasn't using it as an excuse.. it was more of a joke. I've played it a few times during bronights but haven't felt like playing it since. It's not the only game I've skipped out on, I nearly skipped out on DBD recently but felt bad for Fox cuz he scheduled it to try to get me to play. Probably skipping Scourge Outbreak as well, which is funny cuz I was prepared to play it the first time it was scheduled earlier this month LOL (srsly, I installed it).
joking too, syntax and me are usually legendary bad at most of these games.

Banner Saga 1 is available for free through Twitch Prime until Feb 28; Banner Saga 2 will be available for free near the beginning of March.
Awesome! All the free stuff on Twitch has been stuff I almost wanted, but not really. BS2 is pretty much the top of my wishlist.

Remember my thoughts are of someone who has literally done everything the game has to offer... and, done so, many times. I didn't put over 500 hours in it because I disliked the game. I easily got my 73 bucks out of it. (The price I paid for a Gold Version preorder via a steam trader.)

And I do recommend the game, as I said there is fun to be had, more so if you like loot games... but my recommend price is very much a combination of what its cost in the past... and the fact I'm not sure whats going on with it in the future... aka a Year 2 season pass.

Anyhow, the 1.6 patch is coming out next Tuesday... I'm not really feeling it as everything is PVP focused, which I don't mind when its done right but this game does it wrong, and continues to do it wrong. Last Stand, the last part of the season pass, is a dedicated PVP mode... The best part if it, everyone in said mode wants to get shot at and wants to shoot someone else in the face. Which is an improvement over DZ, which is really a PVEVP area, and all its douchebaggery BUT its gated off behind a paywall on a game thats for all purposes nearly dead. This means its going to have a small playerbase and all the issues that comes with it. I've also heard that it plays pretty bad.

Also, this patch sees a new section of the DZ opened up... This part of the update is free and Massive hopes that the bigger DZ with the same number of people in the DZ (24) will help with the douchebaggery that goes on. AKA basically the harassment of those who just want to do the PVE, which is unique to the DZ, or those without a group... Or even small groups. (Lots of 8 man groups just go around and kill everyone with the only intention of killing them.)

Anyhow, the rest of the season pass...

Underground, Its basically greater rifts from Diablo III but unlike DIII it gets stale far sooner... Its just not random enough. Its opening room, first chamber, connection, second chamber, connection, and then final chamber and while its random its not as random as it needs to be. You'll see all the pieces rather quickly, and figure out how they can all connect soon after that but I think the biggest issue is that take cover, seeing the enemies come out from only a handful of locations, and you realize your having the same fights in the same room far too often. Its also stupid grindy and that even if you are good and can do the top tier stuff you have to level up and unlock stuff. (Granted, a recent patch lowered how much XP you need so its gotten better. All in all this is my favorite "expansion" from the season pass.)

Survival, the most original "expansion" from the season pass, is fun... but takes time to play, its not a pick up and spend 5 minutes and feel you've made progress. Also its not random enough, Once you know the map, you know the best way to do everything... It does have a PvP mode which makes it far less random but if your not in a group your better of sticking to the PvE version. (The queue to start these modes is way too long now... I've waited 5 plus minutes and connected. Also in the end you get loot for your character, which is good, but consider this whole game is about getting loot and mode that takes away or your loot is going to be limiting in appeal.

Basically, you run it, hope for good loot, and then turn around and run it again with none of that loot.

Also, if you've been paying attention I've used "expansions" with quotes quite a bit... as they did promise us expansions but gave us new game modes instead... Also, they talked about giving us a new campaign via DLC but that ended up being a lie... Some suspect it will be in Season Pass Year 2 now and that's left allot of people salty as fuck (me included) because the community has routinely voted for PVE content like a new campaign and ask for a better option than the current DZ. Last poll I saw on the official forums had three options. Focus on PVE content, Focus on PVP content, or it doesn't matter I play both. 84% said focus on PVE, 8% said focus on either and 7% said PVP. (Those are insane numbers... Nothing should ever get close to 80% of a vote, it goes against human nature for all to be that agreeable, so you know something has gone wrong. link to the poll)

Its really hard to understand...
The Division is to InmateofArkham as The Secret World/VRAM/DRM is to _____________.

Can you buy STEAM cards at gamestop with trade in credit?
SeasonalCAG Ex Console Broh/PC Exclusive Gaming Snob (PEGS?!) Gamestop Guidance:

Yes you can buy Steam cards at Gamestop with trade credit and after leaving my PS4 and other crap to those vultures I now have billions in trade credit that will turn into GabenBUX for the next sale.

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It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside to know that at least one person is still actively playing The Division.
Yeah some people really like it. I was bored out of my mind before the major overhaul patch came in and just found it too generic. Course I played Diablo games to death so just getting a lot of loot really didn't keep me around.

For those that got beta keys for this game the closed beta is now open eu 

Server times:

You can currently play on the EU server if you're willing to deal with some lag


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Does anyone here play H1Z1: King of the Kill? I'm about 5-6 games in and I've yet to get a kill. Every game I play is filled with Asian players on a North American server and my ping is always above 100ms. It's rough. 

Seum is 4.27$ after 5% code on wingame pretty tempted. its been calling my name for 4 and change hard to resist not like its breaking the bank. any thoughts? good for more then an hour of play?

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Does anyone here play H1Z1: King of the Kill? I'm about 5-6 games in and I've yet to get a kill. Every game I play is filled with Asian players on a North American server and my ping is always above 100ms. It's rough.
NA here

I won at least 20 or 30 matches so far.

The game is better with a group of people with mics.

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Some leftovers from the Make War not Love event.

Total War Rome II: Blood and Gore - 47EGV-TBB6Z-CMT?I  ?= James Bond's gadget maker
Total War Attila: Blood and Burning - 3VD3G-DIR6Q-0B5?2   ?= Every Kiss begins with ...
Shogun 2 Blood Pack - 49AM7-?JK4I-WXPVK ?=Zed for our Brits.
NA here

I won at least 20 or 30 matches so far.

The game is better with a group of people with mics.
Oh for sure. Most games are better with groups and communication. To clarify, I wasn't trying to put the blame for my losses on anything other than my own skill. I'm new to the game, so I'm still trying to learn the ins and outs. I've got the basics down, but bad luck and being outgunned hasn't helped my case so far.

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Well, having played a few hours of Shovel Knight... I just can't make myself like it.

Is the entire game like this? It's just so... boring.

I like it... but I wish it took itself more serious.  I don't like the meme/referential humor.  I wish I would've captured my face when the giant fish did the unskippable dance... the anguish and hatred that was on it.

I also feel I've died a few times due to controls/hit detection (can't jump fast enough after landing or taking a hit while downthrusting an enemy, which made me think you couldn't downthrust that enemy, but next time I could without a problem).

My biggest problem was the praise the game got.  It was hyped up so much that I was expecting a 10/10 GOAT masterpiece.

bread's done