Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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OK. I'm the dummy. I use SteamDB regularly, but don't know how to tell whether there are region locks.

Get store id of the game from the link, for example "Tales from borderlands" is "330830"
Add the id to steamdb,
Look at "Billing Type", you only care about "Store or CD Key", then look at the name for the correct package, then click on the suitable subid, here is 53656
You can see "Cross region trading and gifting is disabled for this item."
Update on the GTA V Pulse Elite headset from GS:

Got here today and was brand new.  Not sure if I lucked out or this was just GS unloading old stock by converting it to pre-owned, but this was new with the factory stickers still sealing the box.  Pleasant surprise and can't wait to try it out since I've never had a good headset for my PS3.  

Tonight we're finishing Aliens: Colonial Marines. If you asked me a week ago to list 200 games I might potentially knock off my backlog list in 2017, A:CM would not have been on it.
Does Tebow still have more hours logged into that game/idled into that game than everyone who owns the game on Steam combined altogether?

Update on the GTA V Pulse Elite headset from GS:

Got here today and was brand new. Not sure if I lucked out or this was just GS unloading old stock by converting it to pre-owned, but this was new with the factory stickers still sealing the box. Pleasant surprise and can't wait to try it out since I've never had a good headset for my PS3.
How much was it? How did you find it?

Get store id of the game from the link, for example "Tales from borderlands" is "330830"
Add the id to steamdb,
Look at "Billing Type", you only care about "Store or CD Key", then look at the name for the correct package, then click on the suitable subid, here is 53656
You can see "Cross region trading and gifting is disabled for this item."
Got all that. So how does one know which sub is correct? I'm looking at RE 7 and there are four SUBIDs that are "Store or CD Key." Two of them have little globe icons and don't seem to be region locked; the the two are restricted.

Thanks for clearing this up for me. I feel smarter already.

love zombies killing or be zombies and kick ur ass. Alien killing yes kill the infected or killing other humans in all games or fight andd build army type but dont let the zombies bite u espically the witch muhaha andd i love RTS games and also stop CISPA acto r end of america as we know it. Tebow is always better than bitchway and assning combined. I bring is my heart determanition and never give up attitude. I vote and do from heart and not because of who worst but who better and why this country aint going to stop failing. I love Barbie Blank aka Kellly Kelly and Kaitlyn aka Celeste Bonin, Summer Rae aka Danielle Moinet, AJ Lee aka April Jeanatte Mendez, and Taryn Terrell ! They are hot! RIP THQ. Good no ea gets that the good news. I hate asshole espically war hehe jk ehhe. WWE sucks TNA Rules! Butler Rules! dont even dare block me or karma coming for u it real it damn real!
Never fails to amuse.

OMG @ Tebow having 4091 hours on A:CM.


Looks like we finally have a 4K 60FPS capable video card, even though it's $700 MSRP....

The NVidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti with 11GB of VRAM:

Let's hope this drives some card prices down for the cards beneath it.

And let's hope in the next few years, mid-range cards for a generation/series get this capable of 4K 60FPS w/ running settings through the ceiling.

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There's something really screwed up with his playtime. 4091 hours is almost half a year. And he has freakishly high playtimes on a bunch of other games too. If you just take the top 15 games (sorted by playtime) in his account and add them up, the playtime exceeds the lifespan of his steam account.

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There's something really screwed up with his playtime. 4091 hours is almost half a year. And he has freakishly high playtimes on a bunch of other games too. If you just take the top 15 games (sorted by playtime) in his account and add them up, the playtime exceeds the lifespan of his steam account.
He just runs them concurrently in something like SAM to artificially get his playtimes up. But if he put 4000+ hours into ACM that would partially explain his insanity. Doesnt do it one at a time.

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Well I suppose that would explain how it could be done. As to why though...

But we're talking about Tebow. It's probably best not to delve too deep into the madness.

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Update on the GTA V Pulse Elite headset from GS:

Got here today and was brand new. Not sure if I lucked out or this was just GS unloading old stock by converting it to pre-owned, but this was new with the factory stickers still sealing the box. Pleasant surprise and can't wait to try it out since I've never had a good headset for my PS3.
Makes me feel good about ordering.

I didn't get mine yet, hope it is new too.

EVGA makes some s*itty vid cards... I went through a new one and 2 replacement cards within 2 years....
I think MSI wins that contest for going beyond the design parameters of cards, and then getting salty when people complain that they break(they had a press release, I think, that said (paraphrase in PR speak) "our faulty cards are the most powerful but the same price, so we were giving you free frames to begin with [when they work]" after the 660Ti PE crap.

I have had two PNYs though and they have been flawless. My two EVGAs were good when I had them too, but I had a lot of problems with their motherboards. Then I bent a pin
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Well, look at this....

VGA 247 - ME: Andromeda PC version is aiming for 30FPS at 720p at Low settings for Minimum specs + 1080p at High for Recommended Specs.

VG247 is using This Support Page from ME: Andromeda as their source on this information.

I really hope we can be able to unlock the framerate from 30FPS, if we so choose to.

While I have no problem w/ optional in-game locks at different framerates (which I think should be supported in-game - Dishonored 2 + GR WIldlands Open Beta supported it; this can be good for when system's get too powerful and performance can go to the moon), it's just that - it should be optional, not forced. 

I'd certainly be fine w/ dropping some settings to Medium + unlocking the cap from 30FPS just to get some more frames and better performance; especially in a game that's likely going to have some heavy shooting elements.

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Would be better if it were 24fps.



Even better...

Make it 2fps so it plays like a shitty tumblr gif.

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I think it's a typo. The Nvidia page someone posted yesterday had more conversation that made more sense when considering the engine that powers it, especially since Nvidia basically says the "optimize" option in GeForce Experience will be ready day one with the driver update, and unless I missed a change they actually test the game in real PCs with different configs to determine their optimize settings.
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So where are we fakeCAGs preordering this game if we do?

BB with GC, 47.99 with preorder bonus, but physical so no pre load

Dell, $60 with $25 egiftcard, physical (preorder bonus ???)

GMG, $47.99, digital pre load (preorder bonus ????)

And if you want Deluxe, you are paying full price on Origin.

I want Deluxe, so I think I may just wait for a 50% sale by end of year (too wishful?) and then just buy the DLC I want.
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Since we don't have enough weird storefront currency, here's Chrono Coins!

Click once per day, eventually get enough to exchange for bundle trash (assuming bot farmers haven't scooped them all up).

In related news, still exists.

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Last night we finished Aliens: Colonial Marines.  It's still terrible.  Graphics that look older than its release date, lazy map-making (and reuse), guns that aren't any fun to fire, dumb plot, etc.  At one point, they introduce Hicks to the cast of NPCs (A:CM spoiler!) and someone points out that he was supposed to be dead per Aliens3 (A3 spoiler!) to which he helpfully replies "It's a long story".  We bumbled our way through it like the barrel of raccoons we are and eventually killed the Queen (A:CM spoiler!) or rather watched someone else kill the Queen for us (A:CM spoiler!) then were treated to a boring cutscene of Shouty Bandanna yelling at Bishop who also somehow survived being dead in Aliens3 (A3/A:CM double-spoiler!).  Anyway, it's an awful game and deserves all the crap it's gotten.  Shout-out to Georgebot who wasted two evenings with us on this garbage.  Afterward, Fox and I realized that this may be the first Bro-Night game with a campaign that we ever completed.

Tonight we play SurvHive which sounds as though it should be about bees but is actually some Early Access asymmetric monster game where someone gets to be a shape-shifting alien monster and tear everyone else up by pretending to look like them.  But I think a game where you're running from zombies but accidentally kick a tree stump and a swarm of bees come out and mess you up would be cool too.  Stay tuned for my Kickstarter!

Seems like People are still falling over Ubisoft, game trailers make it seem to be something it can be and upon release it is different or plagued with bugs or issues
I don't understand this comment to be honest... I cannot think of a single other AAA publisher that has allowed more access to AAA games before release.

The Division, For Honor, Steep, and Wildlands have all had extended betas both public and closed (with no NDAs attached to it) to play in the last year, or nearly the last year. (The last Division beta was late in February if I remember correctly.) I'm not even sure if that's all the betas that Ubisoft ran... Its just the ones I remember without looking them up.

So if you can play the game, long before release, I don't see how they can "make it seem to be something... etc."

As for For Honor in particular... Amazing game, it just has two really big problem that hold it back.

The lack of dedicated severs, which I would love if it had but I don't really fault Ubisoft for not doing it on an unproven IP when other developers don't do it with proven IPs. (It seems to be a "luxury" saved for incredibly successful IPs.)

The other issues, and the real one in my opinion, is gearing... Your gear has stats, as you level up said gear gets better and better (and you obviously get more and more experienced) and the divide between "have and have nots" becomes more and more. (Honestly, it should all just be cosmetic with a few different versions of each class to play that all can choose.) Leveling should be all about the cosmetics.

I'll give Ubisoft credit for trying to make a AAA melee squad game.  I didn't care for it but it's something different than yet another modern/future military shooter.  And, yeah, there's indie titles that have done it (Chivalry, etc) but it's not as though a game that currently averages around 1,400 players at is a safe bet to pour money into making your own version.

Last night we finished Aliens: Colonial Marines. It's still terrible.
For the most part I think most things get blown way out of portions in this industry but Colonial Marines and the ending of Mass Effect 3 still always manages to piss me off when I think about it. Maybe its the lost of potential greatness that I perceive? (I just don't know.)

Maybe its the lost of potential greatness that I perceive? (I just don't know.)
Maybe. I mean, it technically works and provides more of an experience than some indie shooters we've played but that's a very low bar. It's probably the worst major release I've played or at least in the top three. It just feels so hollow and often half-assed and there's no part where I could say "But the [...] is cool, though." The aliens are weird and clunky and bullet-spongey which gives a completely different feel than you had when watching the Colonial Marines fight in Aliens. Remember Hicks' shotgun ("for close encounters") and blowing off the alien's head as it tried to force itself into the APC? Well, how about if every alien takes five shotgun blasts to go down? That'd be five times more awesome, right? I joked before about the DLC sucking money out of every line in the film ("Let's make 'sharp sticks' into a real weapon and charge $4.99 for it!") but that does sort of sum up the game. It's soulless and boring.

Luckily, I was never tempted to buy it at launch and only paid a buck for it. But, having played it, I can see what people were bitching about (above and beyond the misleading trailers and convention demos).

Imma git gud at snapping Shovel Knight disks in half, is what imma gonna do.
I told my kid that I was thinking about buying a BF1 weapon pack and he told me to "Get good". I said that I'm good at making money which is why I don't need to waste my time grinding BattleBucks for a better rifle.

In Steam related news, they are no longer counting the review scores from anyone who got the reviewed game for free. In large part, this wouldn't seem to matter much since 3rd party codes no longer counted anyway and that's how you usually get a game for free but I guess this will also ignore your review score if you received the game as a gift, even through Steam.

I told my kid that I was thinking about buying a BF1 weapon pack and he told me to "Get good". I said that I'm good at making money which is why I don't need to waste my time grinding BattleBucks for a better rifle.
Just dont do it. You seriously make piles of cash/credits/whateverthefucktheycallit, that by about level 30-40 you have more than you know what to do with. I think Im at ~75 and Ive unlocked everything and still have hundreds of rupees left over. Besides most guns are garbage anyway, you only really need one of each model as there is usually a best version.

Then again you dont even need all of those either. I basically have one loadout for each class and the only thing I swap around is the extras like mortar vs crossbow, medic bag vs. grenade, etc.

I told my kid that I was thinking about buying a BF1 weapon pack and he told me to "Get good". I said that I'm good at making money which is why I don't need to waste my time grinding BattleBucks for a better rifle.

In Steam related news, they are no longer counting the review scores from anyone who got the reviewed game for free. In large part, this wouldn't seem to matter much since 3rd party codes no longer counted anyway and that's how you usually get a game for free but I guess this will also ignore your review score if you received the game as a gift, even through Steam.
why the fuck would you do this? level 3 medic just doesnt take that long. you have to almost be there. the level 10 medic gun might be the worst gun in the game.

Since we are on the topic of things that are ass (A:cm, shovel knight, lvl 10 medic gun). I played bf1 domination last night to win the stupid domination medal. Damn that mode is ballz. BF1 is shit when it comes to scrambling teams after a match. Since you always join the losing short handed team when you join the server, you proceed to lose match after match every map because you get stuck with the same group of losers every round, who get frustrated and quit. So now you are short handed again, can never switch teams and the pattern of getting your ass handed to you continues.

I don't understand this comment to be honest... I cannot think of a single other AAA publisher that has allowed more access to AAA games before release.

The Division, For Honor, Steep, and Wildlands have all had extended betas both public and closed (with no NDAs attached to it) to play in the last year, or nearly the last year. (The last Division beta was late in February if I remember correctly.) I'm not even sure if that's all the betas that Ubisoft ran... Its just the ones I remember without looking them up.

So if you can play the game, long before release, I don't see how they can "make it seem to be something... etc."

As for For Honor in particular... Amazing game, it just has two really big problem that hold it back.

The lack of dedicated severs, which I would love if it had but I don't really fault Ubisoft for not doing it on an unproven IP when other developers don't do it with proven IPs. (It seems to be a "luxury" saved for incredibly successful IPs.)

The other issues, and the real one in my opinion, is gearing... Your gear has stats, as you level up said gear gets better and better (and you obviously get more and more experienced) and the divide between "have and have nots" becomes more and more. (Honestly, it should all just be cosmetic with a few different versions of each class to play that all can choose.) Leveling should be all about the cosmetics.
Those server issues seem to stretch to every Ubisoft Game Rainbow even the Division has it, I heard For Honor also has it

bread's done