Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Six Siege has dedicated servers but they're the rarity.  Per Ubi: Gameplay is hosted on dedicated servers, but the team connection and communication is P2P, hence the host migration message

Six Siege has dedicated servers but they're the rarity. Per Ubi: Gameplay is hosted on dedicated servers, but the team connection and communication is P2P, hence the host migration message
Oh yeah the actual matches are on dedicated servers but man when mostly everyone in an fps shooter avg 60-70+ ping at least it's an issue i don't know if it's the Azure servers that cause so many issues

Six Siege has dedicated servers but they're the rarity. Per Ubi: Gameplay is hosted on dedicated servers, but the team connection and communication is P2P, hence the host migration message
This is also changing this season. They said that is one of their goals this year is to move all of sieges functionality on to dedicated servers. Cant wait for that since we inevitably always have some team joining issue due to sieges horrible networking code, you have to disband/rejoin until whoever is the mystical 'host' of your squad that you arent privy to can have everyone join on them

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I'm waiting for the Battle over Macho Grande

I'll third or fourth or whatever the fact Aliens CM sucked.  And I have a high, high tolerance for "bad" games.  I tried soloing it once and quit not even finishing the first mission.  Hanging out with the bros and making sarcastic comments throughout the night was the only thing that made it tolerable.  And goodness the ending.  What a horrible shitty ending.  We played one level where we thought the level had ended after a big boss fight, but nope, the game had you wandering around after that to find something stupid and kill all the excitement of the boss fight.  I thought nothing could top that, but nope, the ending did.  I am happy we powered through a complete game.  Maybe we'll find something else this year to unite us.  Does Duke Nukem Forever have co-op?

AC:M is one of the biggest disappointments in gaming ever. Anyone who says the Division, Destiny, Wildlands, etc is dissapointing needs to be forced to play ACM for 2 hours straight.

The only good part of ACM was seeing Syntax in last place on thE leader boards mission after mission. Except the final boss mission where he was the only one left to pull the kill switch.

Gearbox can suck a dik.
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Now that I think about it, both this and that Lara Croft & the Temple of Osiris game have endings where the players don't actually get to kill the last boss so much as watch an NPC kill the boss for them. Which is a pretty lame way to end the game.

The only good part of ACM was seeing Syntax in last place on thE leader boards mission after mission.
I was only last in the one mission where I died right away and missed half the action. Fox was the one who came in last all the time.

"Fox, you're in last place for kills"

"Yeah, but look at my assists!"

"'re still in last place for assists"

"Yeah, but look at 'em!"

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Also, heads up, read up on the ZGold bonus promo and the bonus ZGold you get expires 30 days after issuance, meaning you have to buy something that cost as much as the bonus ZGold within 30 days or it expires.  The good thing is that purchases using ZGold always use up your bonus ZGold first, but that's something to keep in mind for anyone thinking about taking the plunge.  It's a good deal for anyone wanting to fakeybro something on GG (and basically that's it). 

Now that I think about it, both this and that Lara Croft & the Temple of Osiris game have endings where the players don't actually get to kill the last boss so much as watch an NPC kill the boss for them. Which is a pretty lame way to end the game.

I was only last in the one mission where I died right away and missed half the action. Fox was the one who came in last all the time.

"Fox, you're in last place for kills"

"Yeah, but look at my assists!"

"'re still in last place for assists"

"Yeah, but look at 'em!"
"Its a long story"

$32.39 with zGold!

If I had any interest in buying this, I could have bought $30 in zGold and used my garbage surplus from SE4.

Actually, with the current promo, you get an extra 500 zGold when you buy 3,000 (effectively $35 bucks worth total) so you could get Dead Rising 4 for $30.

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Also, I was considering taking the fakeybro plunge on Wildlands from GG, but the discount went down from 20% to 19%.  

I've noticed this a lot on many of their pre-order/new release discounts.  They seem to randomly jump or drop a few percentage points from day to day.  No rhyme or reason.  

Right, but if one is prepared to take the plunge that small percentage change seems to be rather insignificant to the decision making process if you're otherwise prepared to make the purchase.

But I do get irked at not paying the least for something especially since I know it was $1 cheaper yesterday.

On the one hand, I love the concept/setting of Wildlands. On the other hand, it just wasn't as fun as I wanted it to be during the beta. If I do get it I'd have to take the Gold edition plunge to maximize discount. Plus I have DR4 coming out in a few days as well and I still haven't dived into SE4 fully. I might wait closer to when my promo gold expires. If Steep gets a 50% off sale at GG I might be tempted by that.


But I do get irked at not paying the least for something especially since I know it was $1 cheaper yesterday.

On the one hand, I love the concept/setting of Wildlands. On the other hand, it just wasn't as fun as I wanted it to be during the beta. If I do get it I'd have to take the Gold edition plunge to maximize discount. Plus I have DR4 coming out in a few days as well and I still haven't dived into SE4 fully. I might wait closer to when my promo gold expires. If Steep gets a 50% off sale at GG I might be tempted by that.
LOL you fakey as much as anyone, but I understand the irked part, its not even $1 difference though. The "I'm a CAG" goes out the window at some point.

I was in the same boat as you re: Wildlands beta, but the finished game is a marked improvement to the beta. It's definitely got fun factor, even ordering around the soulless crayon eating AI partners.

It's basically a third person GTA/Far Cry hybrid except you're a "good guy" instead of a criminal. What its not is a Ghost Recon game.

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LOL you fakey as much as anyone, but I understand the irked part, its not even $1 difference though. The "I'm a CAG" goes out the window at some point.

I was in the same boat as you re: Wildlands beta, but the finished game is a marked improvement to the beta. It's definitely got fun factor, even ordering around the soulless crayon eating AI partners.

It's basically a third person GTA/Far Cry hybrid except you're a "good guy" instead of a criminal. What its not is a Ghost Recon game.
You just want someone to play with.

For the most part I think most things get blown way out of portions in this industry but Colonial Marines and the ending of Mass Effect 3 still always manages to piss me off when I think about it. Maybe its the lost of potential greatness that I perceive? (I just don't know.)
Good thing that I never was hyped about Aliens: CM. Even being an Aliens title and even being considered canon - I dunno, I just was never super-stoked for this game. I just caught it in a good old AmazonTony sale, when it was dirt-cheap. [shrug]

About ME3 - yeah, as great as 98% of the base-game was, that last 2% was horrendous. And it just feels like they left it so open purposely so they could sell DLC's, that it really pissed me off. What made matters worse, is that the DLC's are not really on sale, super-duper much or at any worthwhile pricing.

I guess, at least ME3 DLC's were on sale a bit more frequent than the BioWare Points for ME2 + DA2 - but still, ME3 DLC's were never discounted enough + often enough to suit me.

Hell, I'd be happy if they released a ME3: Complete Edition w/ ME3 + ALL DLC's and I'd scoop that up when it got cheap just to get the DLC's. Same goes for DA2 + ME2, while I'm bloody at it.

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LOL you fakey as much as anyone, but I understand the irked part, its not even $1 difference though. The "I'm a CAG" goes out the window at some point.

I was in the same boat as you re: Wildlands beta, but the finished game is a marked improvement to the beta. It's definitely got fun factor, even ordering around the soulless crayon eating AI partners.

It's basically a third person GTA/Far Cry hybrid except you're a "good guy" instead of a criminal.

What its not is a Ghost Recon game.
And your statement that I underlined is my biggest problem w/ GR: Wildlands when I played it in the Open Beta. Yes, GR: Wildlands is good + solid, for what it is: a mixture of how many different games + styles (3rd person shooter/action/stealth/GTA hybrid - but there ain't enough GRAW-PC elements in there.

When I see a GR game, I'd expect way more control over my squad-mates. I expect to be able to give very specific and detailed orders to boss my team around, move them around, order them to sit tight, order them to attack, and anything I so chose to.

The drone stuff for surverying the land + tagging enemies; targeting enemies; doing Sync Shots; and even stealth stuff all felt good. But, it needs all of that extra GR commanding squad-mates stuff to make it great, IMHO.

Of course, they (UbiSoft) might expect many players to probably be playing online together in groups of 4, not going solo w/ 3 other AI's.

The depth of ordering squad-mates around is absolutely severely lacking here.

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$32.39 with zGold!

If I had any interest in buying this, I could have bought $30 in zGold and used my garbage surplus from SE4.

Actually, with the current promo, you get an extra 500 zGold when you buy 3,000 (effectively $35 bucks worth total) so you could get Dead Rising 4 for $30.
When you pay 30 dollars for a 35 dollar box of dicks, in the end you still have a box of DICKS.
Also, ZGold up, read up on the ZGold bonus promo and bonus ZGold you get expires 30 ZGold after issuance, meaning you ZGold to buy something that ZGold as much as the bonus ZGold within 30 days or it ZGold. The ZGold thing is that purchases using ZGold always use up your bonus ZGold first, but that's ZGold to keep in mind for anyone ZGold about taking the ZGold. It's a good ZGold for anyone wanting to ZGold something on ZGold (and basically that's ZGold).
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Do you really have a sunflower seed cache, and did bears really pillage it? Please tell this story.
Yes, yes, and what happens during bronight stays on bronight.

Well, except for our obligatory walls of text about whatever shitty game we played.

And jokes about whichever mother is in vogue.

In other news: The Journey Down 1 + 2 Bundle - BQ79F-VQ68D-YY0HI

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I figured the best deal (for me) for Andromeda, maybe. Target B2G1 includes PC DD, so maybe I'll grab physical copies of Kirby and Yoshi on WiiU. That's still $100 so I'm not sure if that's a good idea.
I guess, at least ME3 DLC's were on sale a bit more frequent than the BioWare Points for ME2 + DA2 - but still, ME3 DLC's were never discounted enough + often enough to suit me.

Hell, I'd be happy if they released a ME3: Complete Edition w/ ME3 + ALL DLC's and I'd scoop that up when it got cheap just to get the DLC's. Same goes for DA2 + ME2, while I'm bloody at it.
I think pretty much every semi Mass effect fan with a decent PC would buy a Complete edition of the trilogy for $60. You can STILL find threads across the Internet of people complaining that that hasn't happened yet.
They are just cheaply made. It's obvious just holding it compared to the previous versions.
I'll agree there, when I first got my OneS I literally said "ugh" when I pulled it out of the box, but it has Bluetooth so it's more versatile, and it has better grips, you use to have to buy a special edition to get that.
I figured the best deal (for me) for Andromeda, maybe. Target B2G1 includes PC DD, so maybe I'll grab physical copies of Kirby and Yoshi on WiiU. That's still $100 so I'm not sure if that's a good idea.
If it makes you feel better, my Super Deluxe version of Andromeda cost $96.18 after tax.

And that's not including the $30 i'm spending on Access to get a 10% discount...

If it makes you feel better, my Super Deluxe version of Andromeda cost $96.18 after tax.

And that's not including the $30 i'm spending on Access to get a 10% discount...
It wasn't sitting g out so no go. I'm thinking about getting the Origin Deluxe. But then the bad guys win. But I remember using my pre order armor and special weapon for ME2 for nearly the entire game because it was so good.

2007 was a magical year.   Still one of my favorite pieces of PC video game music.  I would open up the world map and just let it sit there sometimes.

Good sci-fi, done right, is so much better than it actually is.  Same thing with movies. You gotta support those things and consume them wholly because there just isn't much new, quality science fiction media out there.  Interstellar is hands down my favorite movie of the last few years and it's not even close. 

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bread's done